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Geomancer changes?

Geomancer changes?

Oct 6, 2021, 17:0410/06/21

Yep, I think this is where it will end.  I don't even use geo in CB but did on one (maybe 2?) of the DT bosses I think so I put in lifesteal as my clanmate suggested.  

If the next nerf is Seer maxHP damage on DT waves, I hope Q and H are ready to moderate :)

Edited slightly - Harbs 

Yeah, we'll see if I am. Lot of hate round these parts.

Oct 6, 2021, 17:0510/06/21
Oct 6, 2021, 17:13(edited)

I promised to make comparisons. Sorry it took that long for me. 

I include 2 screenshots, 1 pre-nerf some weeks ago (End August with Geo in his frst runs)



 and one from 19hundred today (I waited for the fixes and our CB6 to turn into affinity). Damage now seems to be fine. Yesterday my run on brutal did show reduced damage numbers on Geomancer, now he seems to be okay.

As we can see, the damage from Geomancer is nearly identical. The raise in damage is due to small improvements I made on Visier, one ME and Draco.

At the moment, everything seems to be fine, at least with an UK team.

Addition: It just occured to me to look at the differences. From the screenshots you can clearly see the amount of healing the single champs generate via masteries. You can also see the Geomancer does only do like 10% of his former healing. This will be a problem for non-UK teams.

Oct 6, 2021, 17:5910/06/21

Actually, I think you jump to the occasion to elevate yourself in this thread. 

You describe a fatal error in a skill as a buff and the consequences of this error as proof that it was a buff and not a nerf. 

If you have looked at the other comments, espicially those who deal with the lifesteal/leech problem Geo has now, you would not speak of a buff. If you would have played with the 2nd try Geomancer, you would have noticed the immense decrease in damage at affinity stages and you would recognize that he is nerfed with the 2nd and 3rd versions for anybody not playing UK teams in CB.

Everybody..really everybody else took the error from Geomancer (with his ability to 1-key CB6 in 2 rounds) as a mistake that rightfully would be fixed as soon as possible. Everybody refers to the other changes but this is the second post in which you only take the obvious error as intended buff.

It is my personal impression that the one not being able to differ between buff, nerf and error is you.

Oct 6, 2021, 18:0110/06/21

I promised to make comparisons. Sorry it took that long for me. 

I include 2 screenshots, 1 pre-nerf some weeks ago (End August with Geo in his frst runs)



 and one from 19hundred today (I waited for the fixes and our CB6 to turn into affinity). Damage now seems to be fine. Yesterday my run on brutal did show reduced damage numbers on Geomancer, now he seems to be okay.

As we can see, the damage from Geomancer is nearly identical. The raise in damage is due to small improvements I made on Visier, one ME and Draco.

At the moment, everything seems to be fine, at least with an UK team.

Addition: It just occured to me to look at the differences. From the screenshots you can clearly see the amount of healing the single champs generate via masteries. You can also see the Geomancer does only do like 10% of his former healing. This will be a problem for non-UK teams.

I've got same observation. After the latest fix, the damage from Geomancer back to where it was before but the healing dropped a lot. It's still not as good as before but at least it got fixed to some extent.

Oct 6, 2021, 19:4610/06/21

I think my Geomancer might be bugged. In CB I used to see a reflect animation and damage on the CB due to the Stoneguard passive. Now there is nothing. No animation and no damage. Very frustrating

Oct 6, 2021, 21:1110/06/21

so noticing around 5 mil drop on void cb hit on ultra as shown by below screen shots 



Spirit affinity more like 7 mil drop by the looks of this mornings key - still easy 2 key range but i do like the look of 62-64 mil rng dependant than 55 mil lol 



Oct 7, 2021, 03:4010/07/21

For those looking to decide whether Geomancer was nerfed and if the lifesteal interaction is impactful, please refer to IamIanK's video on the subject.

The Brognimancer team featured in that video was a comfortable 100M UNM team pre Geomancer nerf.

In the same gear as he was in pre-nerf (ie lifesteal), the team does not even 1 key UNM.

Even when moving to more defensive gear for Geomancer (Stalwart with similar defences), the team loses over 12M damage.

So this change affects early, mid-game, and even extremely late-game players. If the intent is not to Nerf Geomancer, without his ability to heal from ALL of his damage, he has most definitely been nerfed.

I'd also love a better explanation of why Geomancer was changed when Brogni seems to have a similar mechanic. Has there been an official statement somewhere that Brogni won't be changing at all? I was about to build him this CvC but am hesitant to.

Oct 7, 2021, 04:5710/07/21

Negative damage should give you top chest, from what was suggested to me. If not, please let me know so we can put in a ticket. :)

I'm sorry HarleQuinn, but those with negative damage got zero chests, as was described in the plarium post this morning, and I still haven't gotten compensation despite putting in a ticket, so thank you for your attention to it!  not sure what the compensation should be other than two transcendent chests with random rewards, which i would have gotten if geo wasn't bugged.  if we just get refunded keys, it is no help since we are two-keying the unmcb anyway...

Oct 7, 2021, 06:0110/07/21

I'm sorry HarleQuinn, but those with negative damage got zero chests, as was described in the plarium post this morning, and I still haven't gotten compensation despite putting in a ticket, so thank you for your attention to it!  not sure what the compensation should be other than two transcendent chests with random rewards, which i would have gotten if geo wasn't bugged.  if we just get refunded keys, it is no help since we are two-keying the unmcb anyway...

Hey there. In today's News post, our Community Managers stated that people affected by the negative clan boss damage thing will be compensated properly in game.

"Last but not least, all players who received negative results on CB after hitting them with the Geomancer in the team will get compensation. It will be delivered to all accounts who suffered from the bug."

See here:

Oct 7, 2021, 10:5410/07/21

I think my Geomancer might be bugged. In CB I used to see a reflect animation and damage on the CB due to the Stoneguard passive. Now there is nothing. No animation and no damage. Very frustrating

Same here. Not just in CB. Geomancer passive triggering but no damage and no animation and I use him in CB and arena. Tested in every aspect of the game and his passive is not working at all

Oct 7, 2021, 11:5110/07/21

For those looking to decide whether Geomancer was nerfed and if the lifesteal interaction is impactful, please refer to IamIanK's video on the subject.

The Brognimancer team featured in that video was a comfortable 100M UNM team pre Geomancer nerf.

In the same gear as he was in pre-nerf (ie lifesteal), the team does not even 1 key UNM.

Even when moving to more defensive gear for Geomancer (Stalwart with similar defences), the team loses over 12M damage.

So this change affects early, mid-game, and even extremely late-game players. If the intent is not to Nerf Geomancer, without his ability to heal from ALL of his damage, he has most definitely been nerfed.

I'd also love a better explanation of why Geomancer was changed when Brogni seems to have a similar mechanic. Has there been an official statement somewhere that Brogni won't be changing at all? I was about to build him this CvC but am hesitant to.

MurderInc basically confirmed in a video after the Geo rework that Brogni will stay as is, having asked Plarium about the matter.

Oct 7, 2021, 12:5110/07/21


/bāt and,(ə)n(d) swiCH/


1.  the action (generally illegal) of advertising goods which are an apparent bargain, with the intention of substituting inferior or more expensive goods.

"a bait-and-switch scheme" 

Guarenteed champion with specific abilities, after you get it they change it.  Kind of ticks all the boxes of a classic bait and switch.

OracleCommunity Manager
Oct 7, 2021, 15:4210/07/21

Yes, that's true - there are no plans to nerf Brogni in any way for the time being

Oct 7, 2021, 16:1010/07/21

Yes, that's true - there are no plans to nerf Brogni in any way for the time being

"... for the time being"  


Oct 8, 2021, 19:4610/08/21

Stealth nerfs shouldn't happen period.

Nerfs are sometimes warranted, but there needs to be a mechanism to recycle unwanted champs, ESPECIALLY when they are the target of a nerf.  I got Geo as a lucky pull recently, and managed to 6* and book him out only days before this nerf.  Talk about wind out of your sails.

Oct 8, 2021, 21:5610/08/21

Stealth nerfs shouldn't happen period.

Nerfs are sometimes warranted, but there needs to be a mechanism to recycle unwanted champs, ESPECIALLY when they are the target of a nerf.  I got Geo as a lucky pull recently, and managed to 6* and book him out only days before this nerf.  Talk about wind out of your sails.

This guy felt so strongly about this he had to find the forums and make his first post.

Wow!  This really seems to have cause a massive ripple in the fabric of Raid customer dissatisfaction.

Oct 9, 2021, 09:1010/09/21

Why are they labeling it as a 'fix' and not a nerf?

Oct 10, 2021, 01:1610/10/21

As explained in discord, if I read it correctly, Geomancer's change is their FIX to the freezes and crashing of the game when his passive procs. They can't fix the server to adapt to Geomancer's passive so they change Geomancer's passive as their FIX to this current problem. 

I don't have Geomancer, so if your damage is lower after the FIX, it is an unintentional nerf in order to FIX the current issues with his passive. 

Oct 10, 2021, 08:2610/10/21

A fix for something in which no one complained about?Im new to the game and dropped a decent amount of money to the game, not complaining but just wondering if this is how they treat their players?if yes ill just rather spend my money somewhere else cos base on what I have read with urogrim and geomancer, this is a typical case of bait and switch.

Forum mods keep on saying theu are relaying feedback from players to the devs but so far I havnt seen any 'real' feedback. They just dropped the changes and let the player suffer from it

Oct 10, 2021, 10:1810/10/21
Oct 10, 2021, 10:24(edited)

A fix for something in which no one complained about?Im new to the game and dropped a decent amount of money to the game, not complaining but just wondering if this is how they treat their players?if yes ill just rather spend my money somewhere else cos base on what I have read with urogrim and geomancer, this is a typical case of bait and switch.

Forum mods keep on saying theu are relaying feedback from players to the devs but so far I havnt seen any 'real' feedback. They just dropped the changes and let the player suffer from it


Before his nerf he was on par with legendaries, after the nerf he's still an exceptional epic champion.


Just because you or I haven't seen people complain about the issue doesn't mean there aren't complaints. We get maybe a couple hundred users on the forums, and some other relatively small number of people on Discord which means the majority of complaints come from in-game tickets. 

Please note that when your game crashes during a fight you can submit a bug report by just tapping yes, and this is likely how they were made aware of the issue.

They fixed the issue of the decreased damage to different affinity clan boss based on player feedback relayed by the Mod teams. 

As of right now, my geo unkillable team actually does slightly more damage than it used too. But non unkillable teams have suffered.