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Geomancer changes?

Geomancer changes?

Oct 6, 2021, 06:2510/06/21
Oct 6, 2021, 06:26(edited)

I started playing raid about 140days ago, having 2 accounts right now. During the guaranteed Geomancer event, I started spending money on the game. I bought 2 shard packs to get Geomancer on boths my accounts. I also started to buy the monthly gem packs and even bought a shard pack to get coldheart. All together I spent £167, 140 days into the game. This nerf will 100% make me think about future investments. I don`t like to be fooled but Plariums course of action makes me feel that way. The way they treat their customers is unacceptable.

Oct 6, 2021, 06:3310/06/21

For me the nerf  is about lifesteal  Geo  isn't getting any healing now from his passive that equates to about losing half his damage in  NM  for me because he does so easily,  really disappointed as it has messed up my  spider boss team too 

Oct 6, 2021, 06:5110/06/21

never experienced any instability with Geomancer.

I suppose Plarium simply don't want an epic champ to allow 2 keys ultra in an unkillable team.

haven't tested it yet, but as far as I understand the nerf should be in the range of a couple of millions over 50 turns. Exactly what it takes to avoid the 2 keys ultra.

This is absolutely disappointing since the nerf is not a rebalance of a champ skills but specifically to avoid mechanics the game does with any other champ

Anyway, In order to have Geomancer works properly, 150 gems are required to reset the masteries. Is Plarium gonna refund those?

Oct 6, 2021, 07:0410/06/21

never experienced any instability with Geomancer.

I suppose Plarium simply don't want an epic champ to allow 2 keys ultra in an unkillable team.

haven't tested it yet, but as far as I understand the nerf should be in the range of a couple of millions over 50 turns. Exactly what it takes to avoid the 2 keys ultra.

This is absolutely disappointing since the nerf is not a rebalance of a champ skills but specifically to avoid mechanics the game does with any other champ

Anyway, In order to have Geomancer works properly, 150 gems are required to reset the masteries. Is Plarium gonna refund those?

I am still able to 2key on force affinity. Void affinity will be the same damage as it was before the change. And hopefully they'll fix the rest soon. 

Oct 6, 2021, 07:1010/06/21

Geomancer nerf is much worse than Urogrim. And I'm only using Geomancer in clan boss team. It's totally unacceptable they bait players with guaranteed champ shard pull and 2 months later they nerf it.

I had to reset my GeoM masteries with 150 gems (from Gaint slayer to War Master) already. If they don't roll this change back to make GeoM work as before, I will not spend any penny on this game anymore for sure!!

Have anyone experienced the game cursh or freeze due to GeoM's passive? I haven't met anything like that since I got him. What Plarium did really hurt all players with GeoM (and urogrim I guess). It's cheating!!!!

Oct 6, 2021, 07:2810/06/21

We will have to agree to disagree on whether or not they lied. From our viewpoint that statement is a lie, with evidence. From their viewpoint, which was posted this morning before the evidence came rolling in, their statement was true as far as they knew. 

Interpret the rest however you wish of course, I'm not here to persuade or argue the point. I just want to help get your feedback to their ears. 

I have no issue with any of the moderators roles, i get it- provide feedback.

I think it is incredible to think they didnt test this change on non void however. So its a case of dishonesty or incompetence.

Oct 6, 2021, 08:0110/06/21
Oct 6, 2021, 08:05(edited)

I am still able to 2key on force affinity. Void affinity will be the same damage as it was before the change. And hopefully they'll fix the rest soon. 

So... it's not quite the same as it was before the change. Geo's damage is now mixed differently between his reflect damage and what I'll call his "Proc" damage. 

In a team where you are going 50 turns, I'll trust that on void his damage comes out similar. I haven't tried it, since I'm never up at reset. But from what I've seen, more of that damage is coming from the boss reflects, not just the procs. The reflect damage goes up as turn count increases.

Stated another way, a player that dies on turn 30 will still think even Void damage is nerfed since the CB damage hasn't ramped high enough for the increased reflect damage to catch up to the loss of "proc" damage. 

Our UNM clan hasn't observed this so much, but the clans in our cluster hitting Brutal and NM have good documentation of this, as many of those members aren't running Unkillable teams and don't usually go 50 or more turns. 

Once again, this speaks to a lack of testing on the part of Plarium.

Oct 6, 2021, 09:5110/06/21

It would be nice if Plarium could explain why usually all nerf/rebalancing are timely announced, while this "fix" on the poor Geomancer's has never been mentioned....

I'm sure this it's not the case, but it sounds like a cheat for community.

Or maybe Plarium is a masochist company?

Oct 6, 2021, 10:0010/06/21

one this bother me is that geo doesn't heal from his passive anymore which is a HUGE problem for my team because he's my stun target .... since he can't heal it means he will eventually dies first and that just f my whole set up 

Oct 6, 2021, 11:4010/06/21

Ha  Ha  Ha  

Another  typical  day  in  the  forums.

A  bunch  of  noobs  complaining about  a  hero  being  nerfed  to  ground.

Than  I  go  to  my  team  Clan  Boss  Page.

I  see  Veteran players  doing  2  Billion  Damage on  Clan  Boss  with  the  "Nerfed"  Hero.


Lets  look  with  our  eyes  to  see  the  Damage  of  the  teams  with  out  Geomancer.

Than  compare to  teams  who  are  using  Geomancer.


What  an  amazing revelation we  will  discover.

We  can  conclude Geo  Mancer  wasn't  Nerfed.

Geo  Mancer  was  infact  Buffed  to  insane  Game  Breaking  proportion.

We  should  expect a  Hot  Fix  coming  soon.

And  that  is  all.

Oct 6, 2021, 12:0910/06/21
Player J

Ha  Ha  Ha  

Another  typical  day  in  the  forums.

A  bunch  of  noobs  complaining about  a  hero  being  nerfed  to  ground.

Than  I  go  to  my  team  Clan  Boss  Page.

I  see  Veteran players  doing  2  Billion  Damage on  Clan  Boss  with  the  "Nerfed"  Hero.


Lets  look  with  our  eyes  to  see  the  Damage  of  the  teams  with  out  Geomancer.

Than  compare to  teams  who  are  using  Geomancer.


What  an  amazing revelation we  will  discover.

We  can  conclude Geo  Mancer  wasn't  Nerfed.

Geo  Mancer  was  infact  Buffed  to  insane  Game  Breaking  proportion.

We  should  expect a  Hot  Fix  coming  soon.

And  that  is  all.

The billion damage geo was hotfixed last night already.

Oct 6, 2021, 12:1910/06/21
Player J

Ha  Ha  Ha  

Another  typical  day  in  the  forums.

A  bunch  of  noobs  complaining about  a  hero  being  nerfed  to  ground.

Than  I  go  to  my  team  Clan  Boss  Page.

I  see  Veteran players  doing  2  Billion  Damage on  Clan  Boss  with  the  "Nerfed"  Hero.


Lets  look  with  our  eyes  to  see  the  Damage  of  the  teams  with  out  Geomancer.

Than  compare to  teams  who  are  using  Geomancer.


What  an  amazing revelation we  will  discover.

We  can  conclude Geo  Mancer  wasn't  Nerfed.

Geo  Mancer  was  infact  Buffed  to  insane  Game  Breaking  proportion.

We  should  expect a  Hot  Fix  coming  soon.

And  that  is  all.

This  is  a  bit  of  a  fail.

Oct 6, 2021, 13:2610/06/21

This is Geomancer now


Geomancer before


Big Difference here guys. I would like a refund thanks. Its against the law to change something you paid money for and geomancer cost me 40 Ancient shards.

Oct 6, 2021, 13:4210/06/21

He has been hotfixed once again,  hopefully returns him to around the same as before.  Might need to change to warmaster 

OracleCommunity Manager
Oct 6, 2021, 13:4210/06/21

Hey, guys! Yes, Geomancer's Passive Skill has changed, but it was not a rebalance but a fix of a problem that caused the game to crash sometimes. This fix was supposed to change the inner mechanics of the Skill but not its performance.

However, things went not exactly as we planned. That's why we've made another fix to get Geomancer back on track. You can find out more about our position and details on the fix here: 

Oct 6, 2021, 13:5510/06/21

Geomancer not heal himself anymore from the reflected hits (if leech is applied or he uses lifesteal gear) this is still a massive nerf.

Oct 6, 2021, 14:1510/06/21

Just ran unm, his damage is now slightly better than it was before the "nerf" so it at least it semi makes up for the healing.  I know it's a big deal for some but small victories 

Oct 6, 2021, 14:3610/06/21
Oct 6, 2021, 15:31(edited)

Just ran unm, his damage is now slightly better than it was before the "nerf" so it at least it semi makes up for the healing.  I know it's a big deal for some but small victories 

Yep, I think this is where it will end.  I don't even use geo in CB but did on one (maybe 2?) of the DT bosses I think so I put in lifesteal as my clanmate suggested.  

If the next nerf is Seer maxHP damage on DT waves, I hope Q and H are ready to moderate :)

Edited slightly - Harbs 

Oct 6, 2021, 15:3110/06/21

I think Geomancer is fixed by now. I have tested with my NM clanboss team on force affinity, his damage is back to normal now. That's really good and I can breath again.


Oct 6, 2021, 15:4910/06/21

I'm very happy that geomancer's damage seems to be fixed, that really would have been a blow many people couldn't have taken. But, as I'm sure Plarium is now aware of, Geomancer no longer heals from his reflect damage. This does impact my and many others' CB teams for his general survivability or his ability to tank the stun. The fix is much appreciated, but wanted to express that Geo isn't quite where he was pre-change. Thanks!