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Geomancer changes?

Geomancer changes?

Oct 5, 2021, 21:4110/05/21

I was about to dump my fantasy baseball winnings into Raid, but now I'm hesitant. I had some cushion on my 2 key UNM / 1 key NM, so I wasn't badly affected (He lost about 20% damage, but I still did enough to not affect my keys). That being said, it's tough to justify spending money when the characters take so many resources and are nerfed in such a manner. The other thing that makes me hesitant is the hacking problems that have been going on. From what I've read, Plarium doesn't seem to be very helpful in restoring accounts. 

Oct 5, 2021, 21:4610/05/21

I can only assume that its been shown on some analytics somewhere that since they gave out so many free geomancers the amount of shards being bought has gone down as everyone has been getting better clan boss teams. Someone high up doesn't like it :P

Oct 5, 2021, 21:5410/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 21:55(edited)

This whole sneaky tweaking of champs is not helping in the trust department. Raid already feels like its been heading in the wrong direction with bombardment of daily activities, cvc and on , new champ implementation, non stop fusions..just too much. AND...Why would you even mess with a champion thats not even over powered?? Why oh why mess with something that works and now thousands of players are upset and who knows how many players absolutely just gave up and quit raid permanently because of this backstreet shady business. I personal have been playing since the game started, have 3 accounts thousands of dollars invested and yet i am seriously thinking its just about time to quit raid and go back to console, PC games. At least i can trust it wont be nerfed every time a dev gets bored or marketing needs more quarterly projections to show a steady rise.

Sad days

P.S. just put Geomancer back the way he was before the sneaking.

Oct 5, 2021, 22:1010/05/21

This is the final straw. I have no choice after this but to not spend any money on this game in future.

The company just can't be trusted with sneaky nerfs like this.  I am scared to invest in any champions at the moment.

I don't get where they are going with all this. At least if we had a way  to get our resources back that might soften the blow but those 40 ancient shards won't be coming back.

Oct 5, 2021, 22:4510/05/21
Oct 6, 2021, 01:02(edited)

Quoting @harleQuinn  from another, closed thread

I think waiting to food your Geomancer might be prudent. 

The CMs have stated that this is NOT intended to be a nerf, rather a
fix to game crashes, so if it changes Geo's damage significantly, that
is unintended, and that they may change the passive skill based on
feedback after testing.

They also state that the numbers going around discord are not accurate.

I'm closing this since I already pinned a thread. 

First of all, why would you fix the game crashes by changing the character skill set instead of inspecting the code executing the skills to find out what's wrong?

Second, because of the way you decided to solve the problem (mind you, I have experienced zero crashes using Geo, but I guess some people apparently did?), now anyone using Geo is forced to respec masteries, because using Giant Slayer makes no sense at all anymore.

The very least you could do is giving the 150 gems for the respec?

Third, just hours after release ther are plenty of screenshots from Plarium discord and those forums showing significant damage nerf.

5 x 30% chance to proc is roughly 79% chance vs the "in-built" that is not a nerf, how comes your QA did not do simple tests like these and neither they even realized they forgot to cap the reworked skill damage? And after all that you want us to believe what CM and their devs are telling how this is not supposed to be nerf?

And that comes just after Urogrim mess and not so recent monthly sacred shard and chicken replacaments which of course was not nerfs either..Why do you keep treating your playerbase like we are idiots?

I think you need to take a second and breathe, relax, and actually read what it is Quinn wrote. 

Quinn is not a Plarium employee and all she's trying to do is help the players who are frustrated by providing the feedback from these posts to the community managers. While trying to keep the situation calm by letting you know the nerf is unintentional and may be fixed based off of said feedback. 

Oct 5, 2021, 22:4810/05/21

"Geomancer has been neither buffed nor nerfed. "

This is a lie. This is a flat out, straight up, bald-faced lie. 

Geomancer was known as a CB god. You had a VERY successful "guaranteed to get Geomancer" promotion two months ago. I'm sure you sold lots of packs on the backs of every Content Creator out there saying that he is a Clan Boss God so go get him! 

This change is a SIGNIFICANT nerf for Clan Boss damage. I've run him across multiple affinities and difficulties. His CB damage has gone down by 33%. Stated another way, his CB damage would need to be buffed from where it is by FIFTY PERCENT, to bring it back to where it was.

"Geomancer has been neither buffed nor nerfed"... What complete and utter BS. 

If you're going to nerf him, then tell us. But to do it as a surprise and then tell us it's NOT a nerf... I've never met a company that disrespects it's player-base more than this one.

This isn't a lie. They never intended for the damage to be decreased. Unfortunately, it seems as if testing was only done on void affinity. So you'll notice void damage is the same, the other affinities were an accident that they are willing to fix based on the various examples of decreased damage. 

Oct 5, 2021, 23:2910/05/21

'This isn't a lie. They never intended for the damage to be decreased. '

I appreciate you're just an employee mate but I'm sorry this reeks of absolutely circus levels of development. I appreciate this is just a game, but it's a game that I deliberately spent money on for a specific champion and now that he's been nerfed, that product has been changed after purchase.

Plarium needs to either

  • Revert the changes back to Geomancer


  • Offer a refund for players who purchased packs during the Geomancer event.

Just look at other online games that have made changes to their products (cough wargaming cough) and the legal fallout from those events. 

Oct 6, 2021, 00:0610/06/21
Oct 6, 2021, 00:06(edited)

'This isn't a lie. They never intended for the damage to be decreased. '

I appreciate you're just an employee mate but I'm sorry this reeks of absolutely circus levels of development. I appreciate this is just a game, but it's a game that I deliberately spent money on for a specific champion and now that he's been nerfed, that product has been changed after purchase.

Plarium needs to either

  • Revert the changes back to Geomancer


  • Offer a refund for players who purchased packs during the Geomancer event.

Just look at other online games that have made changes to their products (cough wargaming cough) and the legal fallout from those events. 

My dude. The only thing he has said was that "This is not what was intended, no nerf was meant to happen, and this should be fixed." I would reiterate that I was told the same thing. No need to riot just yet.

But our Plarium peeps are at home, seen as how it's like 3:05am for them as I make this post.

And Harbby nor I are employees. I am in education, and Harbby does whatever crazy whales do to make a living.

Oct 6, 2021, 00:2510/06/21

murderinc has a vid up sounds like theres hope geo may get reverted - fingers crossed that happens and he returns to prior to update

Oct 6, 2021, 00:5510/06/21

Since  they  have  fixed  the  bug  i  can  definitely  say  he  was  nerfed  he  use  to  heal  with  his  reflect  damage  i  actaully  was  able  to  use  him  as  a  tank  for  spider  now  hes  pretty  much  useless.    This  is  total  garbage  as  they  are  getting  pretty  good  at  ruining  my  teams  with  there  nerfs.    Honestly  for  a  paid  game  this  is  starting  to  feel  like  a  rip  off  theres  plenty  of  other  expensive  games  i  can  play  and  not  feel  totally  robbed  every  other  month.  

Oct 6, 2021, 01:1510/06/21

My dude. The only thing he has said was that "This is not what was intended, no nerf was meant to happen, and this should be fixed." I would reiterate that I was told the same thing. No need to riot just yet.

But our Plarium peeps are at home, seen as how it's like 3:05am for them as I make this post.

And Harbby nor I are employees. I am in education, and Harbby does whatever crazy whales do to make a living.

"I would reiterate that I was told the same thing. No need to riot just yet. "

Again, respectfully have you passed this messaging on to the Community Contributers? Because MurderInc in his video agrees that this is 100% a reason to riot.

Look at the dozens of people who have already posted showing the Before/After of their CB teams following the Geomancer Nerf. I don't know why we're talking about 'intentions' when this change was snuck in, before it was ready and without community consultation. People are upset & rightfully so. It's a poor look fullstop and Plarium needs to made aware 

Oct 6, 2021, 01:4110/06/21

i am a low spender player, and unfortunatelly i have both urogrim and geomancer. i rely a lot on them since tnx to urogrim i was able to do ice golem 25 and dragon 25, after nerf i can only do 21 dragon and 20 golem. then they nerfed geo who was the key champ for my clanboss team, i use to 3key it. now with an average 20m per run i can't get a 3key max chest. so basically from a day to another my account have been KILLED by plarium. i feel burned out, i'm really thinking of quit the game

Oct 6, 2021, 01:4110/06/21

Well. its hard to understand how they didn't know he got double procs on affinity, bizzare to think they know so little about their own champions or that they would take such slack approach to testing. 

Lets hope that there is some light at the end of this 

Oct 6, 2021, 02:0810/06/21

murderinc latest vid has some hope that plarium understands and maybe just maybe they will revert geo to prior to patch and leave him alone 

as you say guaranteed champ then everyone builds him out boom nerf him quick, honestly hes only decent for cb and if hes busted for good he will be a vault guardian like my 2 cillians

Oct 6, 2021, 02:2110/06/21

Geomancer damage is definetely lower than before when his passive no longer trigger Giant Slayer and War Master.

See my screenshot for NM Clanboss - Force (red) affinity. Before nerf (Screenshot at Nov 4):


and after nerf (Screenshot today Nov 6):


Clearly before nerf Geomancer was doing much higher damage than Brogni and after nerf they are doing same level of damage. 

I don't think I can do 2 key UNM anymore with exactly same team. I spent money on Geomancer guranteed shard pull to build my UNM clanboss team. Now the key champ got nerfed without any notice?!!

To be honest, Geomancer was never OP and he is only good at clanboss. Plarium I want my money and resources back! 

Oct 6, 2021, 02:3710/06/21

I can also confirm that me and a clanmate got negative damage on clanboss after running two keys with geomancer this morning.  

First run:


Second run:


Aaaaand this is where i stand for the day: negative damage, no ability to make it positive again, wasted keys and weakened champ:


Oct 6, 2021, 03:0710/06/21

I can also confirm that me and a clanmate got negative damage on clanboss after running two keys with geomancer this morning.  

First run:


Second run:


Aaaaand this is where i stand for the day: negative damage, no ability to make it positive again, wasted keys and weakened champ:


Negative damage should give you top chest, from what was suggested to me. If not, please let me know so we can put in a ticket. :)

Oct 6, 2021, 04:2810/06/21

i also have negative damage, so i hope this is the case

Oct 6, 2021, 04:3710/06/21
Oct 6, 2021, 04:39(edited)

This isn't a lie. They never intended for the damage to be decreased. Unfortunately, it seems as if testing was only done on void affinity. So you'll notice void damage is the same, the other affinities were an accident that they are willing to fix based on the various examples of decreased damage. 

With respect, is your argument that the devs don't know their game or champions well enough to realize that a double hit on CB affinity will proc giant-slayer more often? That Plarium was unaware that testing a character re-balance needs to do more than just compare damage numbers, but also check the interaction with other mechanics to validate everything still works as expected?

The quote I used was from their announcement. "Geomancer has been neither buffed nor nerfed. " That statement, as written, is absolutely a lie. 

The statement you are attributing to them is "We do not intend for Geomancer to be buffed or nerfed." Which would make the statement absurd and idiotic given how quickly EVERY geomancer user discovered that this change was a nerf.

As others have stated, damage against affinity CB has decreased drastically. Interactions with lifesteal/life drinker no longer function as before. Interactions with several of the new accessories no longer function... 

What is the more generous interpretation of this fiasco? To believe that they lied about this nerf and did proper testing? Or to believe they didn't intend for this to be a nerf, and have an incompentent testing and/or product management team that decided to release something that was CLEARLY not ready?

I'm honestly not sure which of the above is worse.

Oct 6, 2021, 05:1910/06/21

With respect, is your argument that the devs don't know their game or champions well enough to realize that a double hit on CB affinity will proc giant-slayer more often? That Plarium was unaware that testing a character re-balance needs to do more than just compare damage numbers, but also check the interaction with other mechanics to validate everything still works as expected?

The quote I used was from their announcement. "Geomancer has been neither buffed nor nerfed. " That statement, as written, is absolutely a lie. 

The statement you are attributing to them is "We do not intend for Geomancer to be buffed or nerfed." Which would make the statement absurd and idiotic given how quickly EVERY geomancer user discovered that this change was a nerf.

As others have stated, damage against affinity CB has decreased drastically. Interactions with lifesteal/life drinker no longer function as before. Interactions with several of the new accessories no longer function... 

What is the more generous interpretation of this fiasco? To believe that they lied about this nerf and did proper testing? Or to believe they didn't intend for this to be a nerf, and have an incompentent testing and/or product management team that decided to release something that was CLEARLY not ready?

I'm honestly not sure which of the above is worse.

We will have to agree to disagree on whether or not they lied. From our viewpoint that statement is a lie, with evidence. From their viewpoint, which was posted this morning before the evidence came rolling in, their statement was true as far as they knew. 

Interpret the rest however you wish of course, I'm not here to persuade or argue the point. I just want to help get your feedback to their ears.