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Geomancer changes?

Geomancer changes?

Oct 5, 2021, 19:0310/05/21

Geomancer got a massive nerf is what happened. My team lost over 10 million damage on UNM clan boss because of this and all from Geo. 

I think this nerf truly disgusting and here is why,

1. They recently had a guaranteed champion event about geomancer. That's right 40 ancients and you get him no matter what. That means THOUSANDS of ppl got him, got books for him, and were using him. 

2. Plarium already knew about Giantslayer interaction. They knew this was happening many months ago and even addressed that this was working as intended when Brogni was released. If Giantslayer was not intended why not change it right away instead of baiting your whole player base to buy him.

3. Why make it a secret nerf?!?!?! I have some of the best gear on my account on my CB team and it usually does 80 million Dmg on UNM. Now it won't one key... If I had known in advance at least I could prepare a new strategy. Now I am going to lose CB rewards and have to completely rework my team.

This nerf is completely savage by plarium and after urogrim getting gutted, just after I fully booked mastered and glyphed him I am really considering quitting.


Oct 5, 2021, 19:0510/05/21

Now the Geomancer is fixed and not broken anymore in Clan Boss.

This nerf of Geomancer (no longer proc for Gaint Slayer or War Master) on passive will change my UNM team and can't do 2 key anymore. Please remember Geomancer was a guranteed champion on a shard pull events and he is intended to be good on Clan boss. Now Plarium you want to nerf him and not good to be in clan boss?!!! This is cheating!!!

Its a bait and switch. 

Something that should seriously influence future spending on the game. After all if theres something highly desireable today theres no guarantee they wont just screw you over tomorrow.

I'm just waiting for the maneater "rebalancing thats totally not a nerf" where they increase his cooldowns.

Oct 5, 2021, 19:1610/05/21

No more 1 Euro for this game!

Plarium shame on you!!!

Oct 5, 2021, 19:2410/05/21

It does look like a nerf, whether it was intended depends on how trustworthy you consider plarium.

My own instinct is they want you chasing the new legos and spending accordingly...but i could be wrong.

Oct 5, 2021, 19:3110/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 19:33(edited)

Quoting @harleQuinn  from another, closed thread

I think waiting to food your Geomancer might be prudent. 

The CMs have stated that this is NOT intended to be a nerf, rather a
fix to game crashes, so if it changes Geo's damage significantly, that
is unintended, and that they may change the passive skill based on
feedback after testing.

They also state that the numbers going around discord are not accurate.

I'm closing this since I already pinned a thread. 

First of all, why would you fix the game crashes by changing the character skill set instead of inspecting the code executing the skills to find out what's wrong?

Second, because of the way you decided to solve the problem (mind you, I have experienced zero crashes using Geo, but I guess some people apparently did?), now anyone using Geo is forced to respec masteries, because using Giant Slayer makes no sense at all anymore.

The very least you could do is giving the 150 gems for the respec?

Third, just hours after release ther are plenty of screenshots from Plarium discord and those forums showing significant damage nerf.

5 x 30% chance to proc is roughly 79% chance vs the "in-built" that is not a nerf, how comes your QA did not do simple tests like these and neither they even realized they forgot to cap the reworked skill damage? And after all that you want us to believe what CM and their devs are telling how this is not supposed to be nerf?

And that comes just after Urogrim mess and not so recent monthly sacred shard and chicken replacaments which of course was not nerfs either..Why do you keep treating your playerbase like we are idiots?

Oct 5, 2021, 19:3710/05/21
Teyrn Loghain

If you're going to nerf something and be guaranteed it'll cause an uproar then its a great time to nerf other things and not even mention it so hopefully nobody will nothice because they're so enraged by the nerf you did mention.

Not for me to tell them how to run their business but having such an antagonistic model isn't a particularly good way to retain customers. I know I know, whales gonna whale so who cares what everybody else complains about as long as we can keep the whales opening their wallets but even they will start to see a pattern of awesome champions being released so everybody buys shards for it....then its nerfed because of game balance (because this game already has great internal balance, I mean look at the variety of builds in the arena) or guaranteed drops after you open X shards....and then nerfed into oblivion.

The thing is this would be an easy fix and probably not be met with as much disgust from the playerbase if they just implimented a refund system so when you click the nerfed hero it gives you the option to reset it and gives you back any scrolls, books and chickens used to max it out. In the case of Urogrim or Geomancer they'd go from 60/60 to 40/40 with no books or scrolls used on them.  It would certainly placate me more than the current method of "Sorry not sorry so screw you. By the way how about chasing the next new champ, they're gonna be super awesome!"

If they did a refund, I'd want the adequate number of brews as well.  Takes a lot of TIME to level these champs from 4* to 6* lvl 60.

Time is money my friend!

Oct 5, 2021, 19:4410/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 19:45(edited)

"Geomancer has been neither buffed nor nerfed. "

This is a lie. This is a flat out, straight up, bald-faced lie. 

Geomancer was known as a CB god. You had a VERY successful "guaranteed to get Geomancer" promotion two months ago. I'm sure you sold lots of packs on the backs of every Content Creator out there saying that he is a Clan Boss God so go get him! 

This change is a SIGNIFICANT nerf for Clan Boss damage. I've run him across multiple affinities and difficulties. His CB damage has gone down by 33%. Stated another way, his CB damage would need to be buffed from where it is by FIFTY PERCENT, to bring it back to where it was.

"Geomancer has been neither buffed nor nerfed"... What complete and utter BS. 

If you're going to nerf him, then tell us. But to do it as a surprise and then tell us it's NOT a nerf... I've never met a company that disrespects it's player-base more than this one.

Oct 5, 2021, 19:5410/05/21

To nerf champions you go very fast but to fix the legendary garbage you go in a wheelchair.

Just as they did a guaranteed champion event for a Geomancer that is not the same as now, I demand that they remove it from my account and return the resources invested in it and my 40 fragments. What you do is steal our resources from us and then damage the champions.

It seems that the company is in the hands of the government of Nicolas Maduro. How much incompetent! They do 1 good thing and a lot of bad things.

I want my resources returned.

Oct 5, 2021, 19:5510/05/21

I Will Quit This Game If no Compensation enough Is Enough..makesme so Angry. Bs. I Spend 40 blues 

Oct 5, 2021, 19:5710/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 19:58(edited)

I just had a Nightmare run and my end damage was generally the same. I 1 keyed nightmare and still 1 keyed him. Unsure if UNM will be the same. I usually 3 key him with my team.  However, no matter what happens I'll always have my 1.6 billion hit.


Oct 5, 2021, 20:0310/05/21

Each hit triggered Giantslayer, but yes, it could be a lot of triggers.

Now Giantslayer seems like it won't be necessary, better to just put Warmaster on Geomancer since his ability tiggers on its own *once*? it seems like.

nice of plarium and now we fork out gems to re master yep another thank you plarium 

while your at it may aswell nerf man eater, brogni, mashalled, duchess, rotos again, bek and so on 

this company omg 

Oct 5, 2021, 20:1710/05/21

As a lot of people, Geomancer help me to progress in CB.

Making him a garantee champion, increasing sales of shards, books, etc. then make a sneaky nerf a few time after is especialy deceitful and dishonest.

"Changing" a champion's skills (resulting in an "unintended" weaker performance) to avoid a bug? Like cleaning the code isn't possible? Did the programmers work with mittens?

Balancing the game is a thing. Being greedy and dishonest is another: this is a scam!

Oct 5, 2021, 20:3410/05/21

not intended to be a nerf yeah righto - people dropping from 2 key to 3 or 4 not a nerf yeah again righto 

sorry but that big a change is a NERF no matter how you look at it 

Oct 5, 2021, 20:3710/05/21

the direction of this company is truly based at losing players with the current approach its taking and as the content creators keep passing on to deaf ears will only be a matter of time before the numbers exit and go find another game more worthy of our time 

Oct 5, 2021, 20:4110/05/21

Geomancer nerf changes my UNM team 3 keys INSTEAD OF 2

 Geomancer was a guaranteed champion on a pull shard event, it cost me time, shards, books and resources. 

for nothing now...

I will not put another euro into the game ( good timing I wanted to take my monthly gem pack )

you have to stop taking people for idiots  

1 : you have test servers so you knew the consequences

2: strangely nobody knew about this change 

So I "nerf" my expenses ..and if it lasts too long to resolve it .. I'll go to another game are turning my moment of relaxation into a moment of annoyance's not what I'm looking for in a game 

Oct 5, 2021, 20:5310/05/21


Oct 5, 2021, 20:5710/05/21

This was 100% an intended nerf, they just didn't expect so many people to be upset.  If Plarium is going to continue to nerf champs then the only fair solution is to offer anyone who has the champ their resources to pull/win that champ and build them back.  That means brews, gems, shards, books & silver.

We aren't stupid, quit treating us as though we are, there was no crashing issue with Geo, I've run him through hundreds of CB runs and there has never been an issue.  Offering us anecdotal evidence that someone somewhere had an issue is garbage.

Oct 5, 2021, 21:1210/05/21

Well  I quit everquest and ruins of magic due to constant nerfing like Urogrim and now Geomancer.  Plarium heres my response:  I will nerf my spending down to zero.  The only way to make my voice heard is to hit your bottom line. Your nerf takes me from a 3 ky UNm to probally down to brutal.

Oct 5, 2021, 21:2110/05/21

So you idiots hold an event to get people to spend money to buy shards and guarantee Geomancer. Then nerf him.. sneakily  behind another idiotic decision to nerf Urogrim. 

 Your decision making execs need to be fired. You're a pack of cowards who didnt even tell us you were going to do it. 

Oct 5, 2021, 21:2910/05/21

I thought the removal of the chicken and the sacred shard was already mean-spirited but now they've reached the ultimate