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Geomancer changes?

Geomancer changes?

Oct 5, 2021, 17:2610/05/21

good luck :P i want my clan boss chest but im not gonna get that today haha

Oct 5, 2021, 17:3210/05/21

Will you keep us posted? Like you, I don't know if this will change Geo's damage or not.

From my own run on Brutal: doing some millions less damage

From Plarium discord (tavern) Geomancer on CB6 green does about 15-20mio less damage

Will update that with my own runs on CB5, CB6 tomorrow

Oct 5, 2021, 17:3310/05/21

another champion killed. Now all the f2p or low spenders who relay on him for getting the maxchest 2key or 3key are not able to do it anymore. Shame on you plarium, this is not balancing the game this is forcing low spender and f2p to become whales or quit.

Oct 5, 2021, 17:3310/05/21

From my own run on Brutal: doing some millions less damage

From Plarium discord (tavern) Geomancer on CB6 green does about 15-20mio less damage

Will update that with my own runs on CB5, CB6 tomorrow

Please take screens for us too Matrim. Thanks for the update.

Oct 5, 2021, 17:3610/05/21

i just ran clan boss again, geomancer has lost 7 million in damage. So its a big nerf on the head, also beware of this bug if you run 2 keys and have hit the clear max damage before it puts you into MINUS so prob killing your box for the day 


7 million and thats on unm with the damage to max hp is bigger, its going to affect the lower bosses even more, now for people that have been relying on his damage for their teams this is a huge slap in the face once again.

Do you have pictures from individual runs, or could you get them? Like a before and after set of pics? Thanks.

Oct 5, 2021, 17:4010/05/21

another champion killed. Now all the f2p or low spenders who relay on him for getting the maxchest 2key or 3key are not able to do it anymore. Shame on you plarium, this is not balancing the game this is forcing low spender and f2p to become whales or quit.

The CMs have stated that this is NOT intended to be a nerf, but rather a fix to game crashes, so if it changes Geo's damage significantly, that is unintended, and that they may change the passive skill based on feedback after we use and test him.

If any of you can get me before and after screenshots, please do so!

Oct 5, 2021, 17:4110/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 17:42(edited)

My geo also lost around 7m or more damage on unm, no before and after pics though.

One big issue is that his reflect is no longer healing himself, another is that he would get 10 chances to proc giantslayer on cb during affinity, which my cb was set up to fight.

Oct 5, 2021, 17:4210/05/21

Please take screens for us too Matrim. Thanks for the update.

just some additional screenshots from Tavern, if you need them



and post


Oct 5, 2021, 17:4310/05/21

it wont last its a bug lol

Oct 5, 2021, 17:4410/05/21

it wont last its a bug lol

I reeeally hope so, this would honestly be too much.

Oct 5, 2021, 17:4710/05/21

Do you have pictures from individual runs, or could you get them? Like a before and after set of pics? Thanks.

sorry i dont take pics of every run :) but i have one of the post nerf and prob a slightly older one but its not the same as i only regeared him the other day. but i know it was 7 million less 


i usually get 29-30 with him and usually on around 75-76. I mean it doesnt need me to say his damage has gone to hell, its very clear from everyone posting soon im sure

Oct 5, 2021, 17:5010/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 17:52(edited)

The developers are so "kind" secretly "fixing" those "Problems" with Geomancers Passive ....I could not stand those 100 page long forum threads anymore ....where people complained about their game freezing and crashing when using him ....and had there not been a tiny bug... the people would have never known about this great gift to all of us ... who never ever had any problems with him and relied on him.... 

and in their secrecy they were just concerned about each one of us and our blood pressure after so many of us were enfuriated with the Urogrim nerf....


this is just a maximum deceit .... Nerfing two of the most valueable epics in the game trying to even sneak one nerf by us because had their never been this bug we would have never been told about this adjustment and only wonder why geo just isnt as effective as before....

Oct 5, 2021, 17:5210/05/21





Had to run cb a couple times to get within the 2 key range.

Oct 5, 2021, 17:5510/05/21

Using the new urogrim and geo, my cb damage has dropped almost 14 million, about 10 of that from geo.

Oct 5, 2021, 17:5610/05/21

This is only really hurting the people who don't have some kind of whale clan boss team, for the poor people that were just about sneaking their keys be it one two or even three, that loss of 5-10 million damage is huge for them. As always we will just have to find new ways of building to get around it but honestly it becomes tiring

Oct 5, 2021, 17:5810/05/21

This is only really hurting the people who don't have some kind of whale clan boss team, for the poor people that were just about sneaking their keys be it one two or even three, that loss of 5-10 million damage is huge for them. As always we will just have to find new ways of building to get around it but honestly it becomes tiring

Considering I bought shards for the guaranteed Geo, it's a little more than tiring.

Oct 5, 2021, 18:1910/05/21

So a 30 to 40% drop in damage in clan boss is not a nerf?  What would actually constitute a nerf to Geo in Plariums view, I wonder? 

I also got Geo for 40 ancient shards to use him in clan boss,  and this does feel a little like bait and switch.

Oct 5, 2021, 18:4210/05/21
Oct 6, 2021, 09:17(edited)

Edited by Moderator. Let's not wish harm upon others. If you want to try again, please do.

Oct 5, 2021, 18:4410/05/21

If you're going to nerf something and be guaranteed it'll cause an uproar then its a great time to nerf other things and not even mention it so hopefully nobody will nothice because they're so enraged by the nerf you did mention.

Not for me to tell them how to run their business but having such an antagonistic model isn't a particularly good way to retain customers. I know I know, whales gonna whale so who cares what everybody else complains about as long as we can keep the whales opening their wallets but even they will start to see a pattern of awesome champions being released so everybody buys shards for it....then its nerfed because of game balance (because this game already has great internal balance, I mean look at the variety of builds in the arena) or guaranteed drops after you open X shards....and then nerfed into oblivion.

The thing is this would be an easy fix and probably not be met with as much disgust from the playerbase if they just implimented a refund system so when you click the nerfed hero it gives you the option to reset it and gives you back any scrolls, books and chickens used to max it out. In the case of Urogrim or Geomancer they'd go from 60/60 to 40/40 with no books or scrolls used on them.  It would certainly placate me more than the current method of "Sorry not sorry so screw you. By the way how about chasing the next new champ, they're gonna be super awesome!"

Oct 5, 2021, 18:5910/05/21

Now the Geomancer is fixed and not broken anymore in Clan Boss.

This nerf of Geomancer (no longer proc for Gaint Slayer or War Master) on passive will change my UNM team and can't do 2 key anymore. Please remember Geomancer was a guranteed champion on a shard pull events and he is intended to be good on Clan boss. Now Plarium you want to nerf him and not good to be in clan boss?!!! This is cheating!!!