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Geomancer changes?

Geomancer changes?

Oct 5, 2021, 15:5610/05/21

It remains to be seen after they hotfixed their patch. But it does seem like a very big nerf. 

If Geomancer is losing damage on the CB, many ClanBoss teams, many investments in this champ (like spending money to get a 40 shard guaranteed champ with a certain set of abilities, Potions, masteries) will just be taken away. 

For me personally, this would mean that no offer of Plarium can be trusted anymore, especially regarding good champs. If I am losing this trust...why should I spend in this game? 

It is a shady move from Plarium in my opinion...and how they will deal with this and how Geomancer will turn out to be will define my spending behavior and even playing behavior with RAID.

I will test Geomancer after the hotfix..and if the damage level is NOT equal to the pre-nerf state...I will take the consequences. 

Btw...the explanation for the change was that it caused game instabilities. I never experienced any instabilities while using Geomancer. Can anyone confirm he had game crashes?

Will you keep us posted? Like you, I don't know if this will change Geo's damage or not.

Oct 5, 2021, 15:5910/05/21

Geomancer now does not heal with lifesteal gear when his passive activates

Oct 5, 2021, 16:0510/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 16:05(edited)

Oh, it was giant slayer? Well then, 5 hits with giant slayer compared to what seems to be 1 hit with warmaster. If I understand how the passive used to work and how it works now correctly, that should be roughly half the damage output, 4.5% vs 2.4% of the target max HP.

Oct 5, 2021, 16:1210/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 16:15(edited)

Oh, it was giant slayer? Well then, 5 hits with giant slayer compared to what seems to be 1 hit with warmaster. If I understand how the passive used to work and how it works now correctly, that should be roughly half the damage output, 4.5% vs 2.4% of the target max HP.

Not so fast, my friend. 

My thoughts were, since the new change seems to mimic Warmaster, over three CB turns, wouldn't you get three 60% chances at Warmaster procs rather than 11 30% chances at Giantslayer procs? (An extended debuff should get AoE1, 2 and Stun; meaning three triggers now versus 11 before)

Factoring in 60% versus 30% triggering, this tells me 3.3ish Giantslayer procs versus 1.8ish Warmaster over each three CB turn cycle. 

But with ignore defense and weaken, those 3.3 procs may be A LOT better than 1.8 procs, due to the way defense down abilities work. I honestly don't know yet. 

I hope you guys with him can test this out, see what the actual number is, if it has changed, for both void and affinities.

Oct 5, 2021, 16:1310/05/21

Oh, it was giant slayer? Well then, 5 hits with giant slayer compared to what seems to be 1 hit with warmaster. If I understand how the passive used to work and how it works now correctly, that should be roughly half the damage output, 4.5% vs 2.4% of the target max HP.

10 hits for affinity CB

Oct 5, 2021, 16:2310/05/21

Not so fast, my friend. 

My thoughts were, since the new change seems to mimic Warmaster, over three CB turns, wouldn't you get three 60% chances at Warmaster procs rather than 11 30% chances at Giantslayer procs? (An extended debuff should get AoE1, 2 and Stun; meaning three triggers now versus 11 before)

Factoring in 60% versus 30% triggering, this tells me 3.3ish Giantslayer procs versus 1.8ish Warmaster over each three CB turn cycle. 

But with ignore defense and weaken, those 3.3 procs may be A LOT better than 1.8 procs, due to the way defense down abilities work. I honestly don't know yet. 

I hope you guys with him can test this out, see what the actual number is, if it has changed, for both void and affinities.

True, I did not factor in the single-target attack cycle, which would make it 3.3% vs 4.5%. I'm not so sure ignoring defense will be enough to compensate though, unless it does something really weird like a -100% defense that stacks with a regular def down debuff or something. Or if you don't use def down, I suppose.

Oct 5, 2021, 16:2510/05/21

10 hits for affinity CB

Oh, it triggers per instance? Well, that would make quite a bit of difference.

Oct 5, 2021, 16:2510/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 16:26(edited)

Update for y'all:

The CMs have stated that this is NOT intended to be a nerf, but rather a fix to game crashes, so if it changes Geo's damage significantly, that is unintended, and that they may change the passive skill based on feedback after you guys use him.

They also state that the numbers going around discord are not accurate. 

Oct 5, 2021, 16:2710/05/21

Will you keep us posted? Like you, I don't know if this will change Geo's damage or not.

Naturally, I will run CB tomorrow and will post my results. In the last months with Geomancer, I was between 50 and 67 million damage per key (NM, UNM) depending on affinity. I will post the results tomorrow

Oct 5, 2021, 16:2910/05/21

Update for y'all:

The CMs have stated that this is NOT intended to be a nerf, but rather a fix to game crashes, so if it changes Geo's damage significantly, that is unintended, and that they may change the passive skill based on feedback after you guys use him.

They also state that the numbers going around discord are not accurate. 

Well that is encouraging.  I think the whole thing is a scam TBH.  They are breaking Geo in a last minute addition to the rebalance, then going to return to as was before.  We will all be happy and the Uro nerf is burried in this "kind gesture" by Plarium.

Oct 5, 2021, 16:3210/05/21

Update for y'all:

The CMs have stated that this is NOT intended to be a nerf, but rather a fix to game crashes, so if it changes Geo's damage significantly, that is unintended, and that they may change the passive skill based on feedback after you guys use him.

They also state that the numbers going around discord are not accurate. 

Let's hope the following:

So far I have not heard of any game crashes because of Geomancer. Let's hope that those who experienced that will not have them anymore.

I hope that the feedback will be worked into the game as quickly as the changes to Geomancer for us (that is almost instantly.) If we look at the usual response time of Plarium, I hope this feedback will not be worked into Geomancer in 2024 but immediately. We all know how to rate promises of Palrium by now.

Oct 5, 2021, 16:3310/05/21

Well that is encouraging.  I think the whole thing is a scam TBH.  They are breaking Geo in a last minute addition to the rebalance, then going to return to as was before.  We will all be happy and the Uro nerf is burried in this "kind gesture" by Plarium.

Not too unrealistic...🤓

Oct 5, 2021, 16:3310/05/21

Well that is encouraging.  I think the whole thing is a scam TBH.  They are breaking Geo in a last minute addition to the rebalance, then going to return to as was before.  We will all be happy and the Uro nerf is burried in this "kind gesture" by Plarium.

That's certainly conspiratorial. :D

I wouldn't think so, but I tend to believe that people don't put that much effort into some elaborate scheme when they could just relax and let things eventually even out anyways.

Oct 5, 2021, 16:3710/05/21

Well that is encouraging.  I think the whole thing is a scam TBH.  They are breaking Geo in a last minute addition to the rebalance, then going to return to as was before.  We will all be happy and the Uro nerf is burried in this "kind gesture" by Plarium.

I would like to say that I have more faith in people than to think they'd fall for something like that. I would like to, but I won't. Because I don't. Is it too early to start drinking?

Oct 5, 2021, 17:0710/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 17:08(edited)

i just ran clan boss again, geomancer has lost 7 million in damage. So its a big nerf on the head, also beware of this bug if you run 2 keys and have hit the clear max damage before it puts you into MINUS so prob killing your box for the day 


7 million and thats on unm with the damage to max hp is bigger, its going to affect the lower bosses even more, now for people that have been relying on his damage for their teams this is a huge slap in the face once again.

Oct 5, 2021, 17:1110/05/21

This is a huge nerf to geo, changed my 2 key unm to a 3 key. There was a guaranteed summon for geo where myself and others spent money on getting him for clan boss. This is ludicrous. Not to mention uro was also on my cb team, so... Thanks Plarium.

Oct 5, 2021, 17:1610/05/21

Geo still does 2.5 mill damage on brutal over 15 rounds against even affinity (red), which is in line with what geo did before for me.

Oct 5, 2021, 17:1810/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 17:18(edited)

trust me mate, i literally just ran a key yesterday and today on same affinity, geo lost 7 million damage on ultranm magic. Its a clear nerf that im sure will translate, it may not be as noticable on lower levels but for people who were relying on his big procs for their unkillable teams its horrible

Oct 5, 2021, 17:2010/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 17:28(edited)

Soo i waited and tried him in cb, yes he does less dmg (much less dmg) so do we get back his old passiv or are you just gonna screw us over (plarium, i know you mods have nothing to do with them)?

+ I had geo since my early game (my 2nd/3rd epic) and never experienced any game crashes  bc of geo so i dont know what to think bout it...

Oct 5, 2021, 17:2510/05/21

this is unacceptable behaviour by Plarium, all the money and items invested in this champ wasted I want a refund.