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Geomancer changes?

Geomancer changes?

Oct 5, 2021, 13:4510/05/21

Geomancer changes?

It seems like Geomancer was edited with the intention of nerfing him as well. But it was nowhere announced that his skills should be changed by this patch. 

Only by totally failing in the update, it was visible that there were changes in Geomancer.

Would anyone care to explain why the changes have not been announced before?

Oct 5, 2021, 13:5010/05/21

I just came on to the forum to ask about this, its a significant nerf from first read through.

Oct 5, 2021, 13:5210/05/21

In practice it's a big buff and not a nerf. 


Oct 5, 2021, 13:5810/05/21

Cant test it as i am at work but that sounds reassuring

Oct 5, 2021, 14:0110/05/21
Trevor Wilson

Cant test it as i am at work but that sounds reassuring

I'm pretty sure it's not an intended buff, but a bug. I don't think they want Geomacer to deal 800 million vs. Ultra Nightmare CB with 1 key.

But players being able to destroy UNM with 1 key is a nice instant karma for Plarium trying to do a hidden nerf that fails. 😎

Oct 5, 2021, 14:0310/05/21

I hadnt even noticed it was 800 million :)

I bet that is hot fixed pretty sharpish!

Oct 5, 2021, 14:2310/05/21

Yes, the actual nerf should lead to more outrage than Urogrim.  

Oct 5, 2021, 14:2410/05/21

So, another champion nerfed after ppl invested in him and again after there was event with guaranteed summon for Geomancer. 

How is that not a scam? 

How can I be sure that next hero I"ll max won't be nerfed to the ground because he's "too strong" for Plarium? This is next level BS.

Oct 5, 2021, 14:2610/05/21

They forgot to cap the skill. 

It does 4% of the CB's health as damage. No restraints.

This is what you would see if HP burn wasnt capped. 

So likely we will see a similair cap on this skill, and that would really nerf Geomancer into the ground. And as far as I am concerned, this epic fail is exactly what Plarium deserves for trying to sneak that by.

Oct 5, 2021, 14:3210/05/21

realistically I dont think anyone can complain about this one - three turns and my UNM damage is more than 50m

Oct 5, 2021, 14:4110/05/21

At least I got to 1 key kill the UNM boss before they kill Geomancer (and I have to rework my CB team).


Oct 5, 2021, 14:4310/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 14:43(edited)


Good job killing a huge amount of clan boss teams.  Also nice putting it in the patch notes 

Oct 5, 2021, 14:4410/05/21

realistically I dont think anyone can complain about this one - three turns and my UNM damage is more than 50m

Actually I stumbled across this as I was doing my normal run...setup unkillable and let it run...when I looked at the results, I billion damage...there is something wrong.

Than I looked into the damage and saw it was Geomancer's responsibility. 

I would have expected a notification before the change. This IS a big change in Geomancers abilities...and I got the impression that they hid it and did not announce it to evade some well earned negative feedback.

Oct 5, 2021, 14:5010/05/21

They've essentially removed the giantslayer interaction, and instead have given you a free warmaster. All things considered, that's a pretty sizable nerf, but not really surprising either. The base interaction between his passive and giantslayer was pretty broken.

Oct 5, 2021, 14:5910/05/21

And again they should allow/provide for an extra free mastery reset at the very least for anyone with a geomancer. 

They're certainly doing a lot to improve their customer relations in the last week or two!!


Oct 5, 2021, 15:1810/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 15:20(edited)


Good job killing a huge amount of clan boss teams.  Also nice putting it in the patch notes 

Where did you find the exact patch notes? I looked in here in the forum and in-game and couldn't find any.

/edit: Ok, now they are in the forum.

Oct 5, 2021, 15:2110/05/21

Where did you find the exact patch notes? I looked in here in the forum and in-game and couldn't find any.

/edit: Ok, now they are in the forum.

Its not on the forum, its in the in-game news.

A bit scummy tbh.

Oct 5, 2021, 15:3110/05/21

In discord they claim it's not a nerf, but... Could someone clarify for me how his passive worked before? If your entire team got hit, it reflected some damage. Could each instance also trigger warmaster, for a potential 5 warmaster procs? If I'm reading the wording right, the skill now will only proc a warmaster equivalent effect once. If so, I'm not sure how they can claim that it's not a nerf, because that sounds like a pretty massive difference in damage output against high HP enemies (i.e. the CB). The only upside would be that you don't need warmaster any more, but that's a pretty slim comfort. Am I getting this right?

Oct 5, 2021, 15:3710/05/21

In discord they claim it's not a nerf, but... Could someone clarify for me how his passive worked before? If your entire team got hit, it reflected some damage. Could each instance also trigger warmaster, for a potential 5 warmaster procs? If I'm reading the wording right, the skill now will only proc a warmaster equivalent effect once. If so, I'm not sure how they can claim that it's not a nerf, because that sounds like a pretty massive difference in damage output against high HP enemies (i.e. the CB). The only upside would be that you don't need warmaster any more, but that's a pretty slim comfort. Am I getting this right?

Each hit triggered Giantslayer, but yes, it could be a lot of triggers.

Now Giantslayer seems like it won't be necessary, better to just put Warmaster on Geomancer since his ability tiggers on its own *once*? it seems like.

Oct 5, 2021, 15:4510/05/21

Each hit triggered Giantslayer, but yes, it could be a lot of triggers.

Now Giantslayer seems like it won't be necessary, better to just put Warmaster on Geomancer since his ability tiggers on its own *once*? it seems like.

It remains to be seen after they hotfixed their patch. But it does seem like a very big nerf. 

If Geomancer is losing damage on the CB, many ClanBoss teams, many investments in this champ (like spending money to get a 40 shard guaranteed champ with a certain set of abilities, Potions, masteries) will just be taken away. 

For me personally, this would mean that no offer of Plarium can be trusted anymore, especially regarding good champs. If I am losing this trust...why should I spend in this game? 

It is a shady move from Plarium in my opinion...and how they will deal with this and how Geomancer will turn out to be will define my spending behavior and even playing behavior with RAID.

I will test Geomancer after the hotfix..and if the damage level is NOT equal to the pre-nerf state...I will take the consequences. 

Btw...the explanation for the change was that it caused game instabilities. I never experienced any instabilities while using Geomancer. Can anyone confirm he had game crashes?

Oct 5, 2021, 15:5010/05/21
Oct 5, 2021, 15:53(edited)

Utterly  disgraceful behaviour by  Plarium.

And  no  the  game  was  as  stabke  while  using  him  as  with  anyone  else.