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New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

Sep 7, 2021, 14:1309/07/21

Again, this is pathetic, plarium started new trend, we wont give anything. Monthly 5 stars chickens and  sacred shards removed. Decreased CB shard drops, hoaxed mercy system, decreased drop rate at summoning portal. Buy at least three legendaries , and you can step over the normal DT first floor. 

Sep 7, 2021, 14:3009/07/21

Again, this is pathetic, plarium started new trend, we wont give anything. Monthly 5 stars chickens and  sacred shards removed. Decreased CB shard drops, hoaxed mercy system, decreased drop rate at summoning portal. Buy at least three legendaries , and you can step over the normal DT first floor. 

Crying over daily login rewards in this  And can't beat level 10.  Traits of someone unwilling to put any effort into game.  Shocking...

Sep 7, 2021, 16:4809/07/21
Sep 7, 2021, 16:49(edited)

Again, this is pathetic, plarium started new trend, we wont give anything. Monthly 5 stars chickens and  sacred shards removed. Decreased CB shard drops, hoaxed mercy system, decreased drop rate at summoning portal. Buy at least three legendaries , and you can step over the normal DT first floor. 

Do you have any proof for your claim of decreased CB shard drops and decreased drop rate at summoning portal.

I just ask, because in one of HellHades recent videos he spoke about the conspiracy theory of the decreased CB drops and said, that there was no change in the game code of these drops since February. 

I never heard of the decreased drop rate at summoning portal. What drop rate decreased exactly?

That it's no probelm to step over the first boss in normal was allready shown in this thread. I posted a team of some rares + High Khatun (2 champs only lvl 50) doing it in mediocre gear (a lot of 4* artifacts).

Sep 7, 2021, 22:5409/07/21

I am on my day 57  game play and i understand that DT should be hard for me but at least i could do 1st or 2nd boss on my Normal DT before and helped me to possibly getting advance quest done (spending 5 silver keys).  For now, at least for the moment by glancing my champ roaster and silver amount, plus with my mastery put on TM control , i really dont think i can afford to re-do my team to just beat the 1st boss.  Personally, I think putting a new boss at level 10 really discourage me alot especially when i just beat the 3rd boss on normal an hour before the DT reset.  Anyway forgive me to complain here as i really not knowing whether i should keep on playing as something i could achieve :beating 1st or 2nd dt normal tower / completing advance quest became suddenly unachieveable.  I did spend some money on my progression before and I have the feeling that i wasted it as well as my time.  I guess i may try other games suggested by CC in their utube channel.

Look  i  understand it  seems  hard.  But  this  is  a  very  new  boss  and  with  new  bosses  comes  new  strats.  It  will  get  eaiser  as  we  all  figure  this  out .  Harley  Quinn has  posted  a  f2p  team  taking  down  the  bomb  boss.  Please  view  her  post  for  proof.  You  are  very  very  new  to  this  game.  This  is  a grinding  and  rewarding game.  They  have  done  more  for  players  now  then  they  ever  have.  I  go  way  back  in  this  game  and  trust  me  the  state  of  raid  is  the  highest  its  ever  been.  Plesse  do  not  be  discouraged by  something  new  you  can  get  past  it.  I  am  always  willing  to  help.

Sep 8, 2021, 19:3409/08/21

I also struggle in finishing the first boss of hard haha. Manage to kill it after few tries and different combination of champions, but this is only the first boss haha. Don't know if I will be able to finish higher stages of Bommal

I  made  it  here  on  a  62k  team  but  can't beat the  boss.  Dread  horn  is  impossible for a  newer player.  

I  tried totemic  buff,  shield champs  and  healers .  Can't get  him  to  half  life  without  the  bombs detonating.  Then  it's just  death........

Any  advice ?  

Sep 8, 2021, 19:5009/08/21

I  made  it  here  on  a  62k  team  but  can't beat the  boss.  Dread  horn  is  impossible for a  newer player.  

I  tried totemic  buff,  shield champs  and  healers .  Can't get  him  to  half  life  without  the  bombs detonating.  Then  it's just  death........

Any  advice ?  

You should post a pic of your champion roster. Otherwise it's impossible for us to suggest any teams, as we don't know wich champs you have.

I posted a team of 4 rares + High Khatun on page 7 in this thread doing the fight in 2:57 minutes. I could also suggest my best team for him, containing of Urogrim, Apothecary, Sinesha, Sandlashed Survivor and Ghostborn, doing the whole stage in 44 seconds. But I don't know if you have any of these champs.

Sep 8, 2021, 20:2109/08/21

Heya Marsearth! The grind is tough sometimes. I don't spend money myself (not even on the monthly gems), being F2P. 

If you wanna post your roster maybe we can figure something out to beat Bommal.  I think a starter champ and Ninja would be viable too, when done on manual, but I wanted to use a full auto team of Rares and Uncommons. I tried Shieldguard but his AoE was blowing up the bombs on me. So he got through the waves better but I couldn't survive Bommal. Armiger is my best built uncommon, but his Turn Meter reduction meant I couldn't survive the bombs even though he just wrecked the waves and hit Bommal like a truck. I was hoping Armiger would outdamage him, but it wasn't to be. I definitely had to try a few different combos of the "rares or below" team.

Anyways, I'm sure we can help ya figure something out.

Maybe  I can  get  some  of  that  help?!  If  at  all  possible ?  I  Have  marked  (50)  elhane  (60)  ,  ninja (50)  warmaiden  (60)  grappler (40)  mother  superior (50)  and  bloat  wraith  (50).

I  get  him  to  half  life  but  then  nuke!  I  have  used  all  my  glimmer swapping sets  (defence ,  life  steal  and  resist  sets)  and stuck at  around 500k  silver left.  

Sep 8, 2021, 20:2209/08/21

Maybe  I can  get  some  of  that  help?!  If  at  all  possible ?  I  Have  marked  (50)  elhane  (60)  ,  ninja (50)  warmaiden  (60)  grappler (40)  mother  superior (50)  and  bloat  wraith  (50).

I  get  him  to  half  life  but  then  nuke!  I  have  used  all  my  glimmer swapping sets  (defence ,  life  steal  and  resist  sets)  and stuck at  around 500k  silver left.  

Post your champ list and a screenshot of the builds for Elhaine, Ninja, Warmaiden and Marked and we'll take a look.

Sep 8, 2021, 20:4709/08/21

Anyone  help!?  I  have  these  bods  to  beat  the  boss  (dreadhorn)  rhino  thingy  thing.  I  tried  grapplers  (shield  buff)  marked  (totemic  remover)  and  a  lot  of  other  strats.  I  get  him  half  life  and  get  nuked.  

I'm fairly new  with about  a months  play  time.  My  60's  are  folding like  wet  paper  bags  slapped  with  tons  of  wet  soggy  noodles  


Sep 8, 2021, 20:5509/08/21

Anyone  help!?  I  have  these  bods  to  beat  the  boss  (dreadhorn)  rhino  thingy  thing.  I  tried  grapplers  (shield  buff)  marked  (totemic  remover)  and  a  lot  of  other  strats.  I  get  him  half  life  and  get  nuked.  

I'm fairly new  with about  a months  play  time.  My  60's  are  folding like  wet  paper  bags  slapped  with  tons  of  wet  soggy  noodles  


Can you post Elhain's build as well please?

Sep 8, 2021, 21:0609/08/21
Sep 8, 2021, 21:13(edited)

Shields are the wrong strategy. They don't work against bomb or Dreadbomb damage and can only prevent damage from the hit the boss does himself. Reflect damage doesn't do anything as well. Bomb damage can't be reflected, only the normal hit damage from the boss. Grappler is pretty useless in this fight, first candidate to be removed from this team.

The bombs can't be removed or blocked. And for increased def the same is true as for shields, it doesn't work against bombs. So the A3 skill of Marked has little benefit. Her A2 indeed has, as the bombs can be resisted and decrease accuracy helps to do that.

I suggest to use the following champs:

Elhain. Not really good at this fight, but lvl 60, so her base stats will result in the best damage of your champs.

Ninja. Hits hard, can freeze the Dreadbombs.

Warmaiden. Decrease def and lvl 60.

Mother superior. Heal and decrease atk.

Marked. Decrease accuracy.

Be aware that the boss will remove all debuffs from himself on his first move. This skill from Bommal is on a 3 or 4 turn (I don't remember exactly) cooldown, so after he used it, you can place your debuffs. Maybe it's a good strategy to hold back some debuffs and don't use the debuffs from Marked and Warmaiden in turn 1 of the fight.

If it doesn't work right now, go and make Ninja lvl 60. He is the champ in your roster that should be maxed out next, followed by High Khatun and Tayrel. Don't invest any further in Marked and Mother Superior. They may help in the actual fight, but you will get much better champs with similar abilities while playing the game. Decrease accuracy (Marked has only the small version of this debuff) and healing are both pretty common in the game.

Sep 8, 2021, 21:3409/08/21
Sep 10, 2021, 05:14(edited)

I figure there are loads of games online, if RSL doesn't please us, we have options. The pandemic gave games a boost. Now people are home less, revenues are reduced, they will push to grab all they can, while they can. My other turn based game I lead a guild in (5 years)  made similar changes, no doubt for the same reasons. The mmorpg I have played for 8 years announced an expansion release date a few months away.  So, plenty of options. No sense crying I can just move on. And FWIW I'm not f2p, I have a budget and spend about the same as a large pizza each month (+/- $20.00). Hardly noteworthy, but for those thinking "another f2p crybaby.. " Nope lol

Sep 9, 2021, 16:3709/09/21

The floor 50 Bommal (normal) was much tougher than the floor 10 version.

If somebody is interested: I could beat that one with Rector Drath (lead for her resistance Aura), Vogoth, Sandlashed, Ghostborn and Yoshi.

Sep 9, 2021, 16:4409/09/21

The floor 50 Bommal (normal) was much tougher than the floor 10 version.

If somebody is interested: I could beat that one with Rector Drath (lead for her resistance Aura), Vogoth, Sandlashed, Ghostborn and Yoshi.

Can you show us the builds?

Sep 9, 2021, 22:3909/09/21

I'm  enjoying  this  doom  tower  rotation.  Bosses  are  challenging.

Sep 9, 2021, 22:5509/09/21

I'm  enjoying  this  doom  tower  rotation.  Bosses  are  challenging.

Me too! :D

Sep 10, 2021, 05:1509/10/21
Sep 10, 2021, 05:15(edited)

It's the gamers lament, "if we are winning the game is fine, if not it isn't. " LOL

Sep 10, 2021, 06:0709/10/21

The problem how I perceive it might be the following.

Bommal on easy mode is beatable, multiple teams have been shown by moderators, players and CCs. He can be fairly easily beaten by pure damage on level 10 easy or by healing teams. For this, you need kind of a midgame team. The rewards (Forge materials) you are getting for this are earliest level material. You can forge 3-4* items which most players do not use once they are beyond early game. So you need higer developed gear than you can possibly gain from beating stage 10. But this is a general problem of DoomTower which is only amplfied by Bommal.

The real problem is on hard mode, where you need godlike gear or very specific champs to even beat stage 10. The Forge material you can gain here can actually be used in end game...but the effort and ressources to get those forge material is blown out of line if compared with the former DT setups.

Add to this the shady x10 for exactly those champs you need...and you can get why at least I am very upset with this tactics. Yes, they are trying to make money...but in my opinion the way they are doing it is more a reason to never spend money again in this game than trying to solve/work on the problem of Bommal at hard DT.

Sep 10, 2021, 08:1609/10/21

I would not use Scyl in this fight. Her A1 has a 30% chance (50% when booked) to reduce turnmeter, so to many Dread Bombs appear.

I would try the following:

  • Fang Cleric: spd aura, spirit affinity, revive, heal and allready lvl 60
  • Basileus: hits hard, neutral afiinity, block buffs debuff (can block the atk buff the boss wants to set), lvl 60
  • Ninja: hits hard, decrease def, hp burn, can freeze the bombs. Use his hp burn only, when no Dread Bombs are active, as this skill hits randomly and you definetly don't want hp-burn on the Bombs
  • Taya: decrease acc on the A1, neutral affinity, insane damage.
  • Godseeker: heal, revive, neutral affinity

I guess Taya needs to be lvl 60 before she is able to help. I would lvl this champ anyway, poison explosion is great. It's only single target for Taya, but that is still very strong vs. bosses. Maybe you have some good poisoners among your rares, you could pair with Taya (Frozen Banshee?).

Sorry, Tayrel, not Taya.

Thanks all for the help but I've tried with mutliple combinations now with no luck.

It looks like I'm not going to be completing advanced quests for the next 3 and a bit weeks.

Sep 10, 2021, 12:0509/10/21
Sep 10, 2021, 12:09(edited)

Can you show us the builds?








It was a very difficult fight, because my Rector Drath is only lvl 50. But I couldn't do that stage without reviver, and her Aura is so good in this fight, that I think she has more value than Scyl or Reliquary Tender here. Unlike the fight vs. stage 10 Dreadhorn, you can't ignore the debuff bombs anymore, they hurt. The resitance of my champs is quite low (~ 100 for everybody), without Rector's Aura they got to many bombs.

On the other hand, as you can see my gear is only mediocre for most champs (Sandlashed has a 3* weapon), and it still works. You don't need a whale account to beat that stage. For new players it may be a big roadblock, I guess a lot of players can't go that far in DT as in the last rotations. But for developed accounts, even f2p, it's definetly doable.

Rector: decr. attack, heal, revive, resistance aura, additional resistance increase with her healing skill

Vogoth: passive heal when attacked

Sandlashed: ally protection

Ghostborn: damage

Yoshi: incr. acc, incr. atk, decr. acc debuff (probably not the ideal champ, as the decr. acc skill hits random and lands hp burn at the same time, speeds up the Dreadbombs 🔥).