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New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

Sep 6, 2021, 07:3909/06/21

Last DT went to 100 floor, now can't kill first floor 10 boss on normal. Due this can't complete the advanced quest minimal requirement. Thank you for making new content without testing it. 

Sep 6, 2021, 09:0309/06/21

Last DT went to 100 floor, now can't kill first floor 10 boss on normal. Due this can't complete the advanced quest minimal requirement. Thank you for making new content without testing it. 

I got to 80ish last DT and had NP with Bommal, If you got to 100, you should have a team to be able to beat him IMO.

Sep 6, 2021, 09:2509/06/21

Last DT went to 100 floor, now can't kill first floor 10 boss on normal. Due this can't complete the advanced quest minimal requirement. Thank you for making new content without testing it. 

your progression on previous doom tower rotation will not mean that you can do equally the same progression on other rotations. 

Same for me, I have cleared all secret rooms in the first rotation, but I can only do 8 or 9 in the second. Looking at this rotation, I am expecting I can clear up to 10. 

As for the regular floors and boss floors, I can not say I can clear all in this rotation. I will know when I get there. 

And for Bommal, I expected it to be hard (on hard mode). I am slowly building a team that can clear floor 90 of hard mode.

Sep 6, 2021, 12:3409/06/21

I got to 80ish last DT and had NP with Bommal, If you got to 100, you should have a team to be able to beat him IMO.

that means i could achieve better results with a limited f2p units.  

Sep 6, 2021, 12:4409/06/21

your progression on previous doom tower rotation will not mean that you can do equally the same progression on other rotations. 

Same for me, I have cleared all secret rooms in the first rotation, but I can only do 8 or 9 in the second. Looking at this rotation, I am expecting I can clear up to 10. 

As for the regular floors and boss floors, I can not say I can clear all in this rotation. I will know when I get there. 

And for Bommal, I expected it to be hard (on hard mode). I am slowly building a team that can clear floor 90 of hard mode.

You actually don't see here an issue that f2p can't beat 1 boss on normal while having got to floor 100 normal last time ? That's means that the plarium testing team and developer team can't set proper stats/abilities for first boss so that everyone can beat him to complete daily quests. If you would have info on amount of players who stuck on floor 9 you would about 80% player base. 

Moderators - Can you have a poll in dicord or stats on amount of players stuck at floor 9 DT to see if this is an issue for new/mid game players. To show it to dev team. I mean it's not user friendly game if first DT normal boss can't be beaten without having specific champs and gear. 

Sep 6, 2021, 13:5109/06/21

If you could manage to go to stage 100 last DT, you should be able to build a team beating this boss. Just for testing, a made a team consisting of 4 rares and High Khatun (every player gets that epic at day 30):


Most of the champs are not even good for this fight, I just wanted to show that it works.

The most important thing to beat this boss at stage 10 normal: ignore the debuff-bombs! They deal only 1.5k damage each. The Dread Bombs are dangerous, not the debuff bombs. Don't try any stupid "I can't place debuffs on him, because I get bombs in return" strategy. Debuff him like he deserves it (decrease def and weaken help a lot) and make the fight quick, so that you get as less Dread Bomb explosions as possible. If you don't put decrease def and/or weaken on the boss, the fight takes longer, the Dread Bombs will explode, you will die.

And this team did not win because of overpowered artifacts. The total number of 6* artifacts of the whole team is 6, the number of 4* artifacts is 15. They are not my best champs, so they don't get the best equip.

Sep 6, 2021, 14:1409/06/21
Sep 6, 2021, 14:15(edited)

You actually don't see here an issue that f2p can't beat 1 boss on normal while having got to floor 100 normal last time ? That's means that the plarium testing team and developer team can't set proper stats/abilities for first boss so that everyone can beat him to complete daily quests. If you would have info on amount of players who stuck on floor 9 you would about 80% player base. 

Moderators - Can you have a poll in dicord or stats on amount of players stuck at floor 9 DT to see if this is an issue for new/mid game players. To show it to dev team. I mean it's not user friendly game if first DT normal boss can't be beaten without having specific champs and gear. 

You don't get what I said. It does not matter whether you are f2p or not. I will try to make an analogy, if you can beat Dragon 20 with your current roster, it does not mean you can also beat Golem 20 with the same roster and gear. Both bosses have different skill set that you need to deal with.

Just like in doom tower. We have different set of bosses and/or affinity in each rotation. You have to deal with affinity change that may or may not require you to change comps. And with the new bosses you have to deal with new mechanics. 

I know you are salty because you can not pass floor 10 that happen to be the new boss that you are not familiar with. But it does not mean that it should not happen to any players.

Sep 6, 2021, 17:2309/06/21
Sep 6, 2021, 17:27(edited)

Dark Fae. One word: PATHETIC

In another mobile game I lead a guild in, we call this type of event a "fundraiser".  Lol The logic being, if you won't spend to build better teams they make nothing off you. So they push those that will and focus on them.  Or in short "pay to play or go away". 

Don't sweat it, just do something else in game. Those that spend keep the game free for the rest of us. Darn nice of them too !

Sep 6, 2021, 17:4109/06/21

I wasn't impressed with my first Dark Fae encounter. Sure, I won't be auto-farming that one, but I just put a Seeker into my regular team for the speed boost to ensure I got to go first, saved all my skills on round 2 so that they'd be available for the boss, and then just did exactly what I wouldn't want the enemy to do to me. Hit a bit of a snag when she put my damage dealer into stasis, but by that time the clones were mostly dead anyway. I'm sure it will get worse at higher levels though.

I think what bothers me about the new bosses is that they are becoming increasingly gimmicky. They require very particular strategies, and not just in terms of team composition but in behavior as well. It makes farming DT much more tedious as I can't trust the AI to follow those strategies and what can be customized in regards to the AI behavior is far too blunt to be useful. I think it might be time to reduce the number of silver keys and increase the rewards to match. If you're going to insist on making it impossible to auto the DT bosses when their only purpose for being there past the initial climb is to be farmed, there's no reason to have people to do it 15 times per day. 5 would be more than enough. Just once would be as well, but Plarium seems to simply love wasting people's time. You can at least keep it somewhat reasonable though.

Sep 6, 2021, 21:0609/06/21

Well, to gauge my account, I obtained Lydia several weeks back...but I do not have many champs with Resistence 450+. I would have to reequip like 4 champs and for that I do not have the silver or artefacts with high resistence, speed and accuracy. 

Even my 450 resistence Lillitu gets some bombs while Bommel is under decrease accuracy...and with the added dreadbombs it is just over before i reduce Bommel to less than 70% of his hitpoints. 

I admit, that some of my champs have masteries to reduce turnmeter which is contraproductive with Bommel...but that would be several hundred gems to remaster them additionally...and making them less useful for the content they are built for.

It is also not giving up after 1 day...imagine that many CCs are streaming what they try on the test server...and if they come up with a single solution after three days (and those accounts are much more develped than my own)...I somehow do not think the problem is on the players is on the Boss side.

That  means  you're  not  really  in  end  game  yet.  450  res  is  a  basic  norm  

Sep 6, 2021, 21:1209/06/21

I got to 80ish last DT and had NP with Bommal, If you got to 100, you should have a team to be able to beat him IMO.

Maybe  you  got  the  right  heroes  or  you're  talking  about  normal  mode  which  is  full  auto  

Sep 7, 2021, 02:1509/07/21


Sep 7, 2021, 02:5009/07/21


Can I see the stats on your Vogoth? I am looking if I can squeeze him in my team too. I finished floor 50 of hard but barely made it 😂

Sep 7, 2021, 02:5509/07/21
Sep 7, 2021, 02:57(edited)

 Hard 50 is 100x harder than 10 (full auto with same team). This is all manual, going into boss with skills ready. Though warlord and duchess a1 1st round. Vogoth a2 to avoid eagle eye temporarily. Then it took about 5 tries to get good rng on extending debuffs. 


Sep 7, 2021, 08:1009/07/21
Sep 15, 2021, 16:15(edited)

That Dreanhorn floor 50 normal is kinda too hard. Why they dont create Brutal skill for high-end players and let normal DT be playable for people who dont have good legendaries. 

Edited by your friendly Moderator. No Cursing Please.

Sep 7, 2021, 09:4109/07/21

 Hard 50 is 100x harder than 10 (full auto with same team). This is all manual, going into boss with skills ready. Though warlord and duchess a1 1st round. Vogoth a2 to avoid eagle eye temporarily. Then it took about 5 tries to get good rng on extending debuffs. 


I must have got lucky to be honest, i ran melga, brogni, sandlashed, royal guard, mountain king and it went through ok first time.

Prob wouldnt work if i tried it again!

Sep 7, 2021, 09:4409/07/21
Sep 7, 2021, 09:48(edited)

I wasn't impressed with my first Dark Fae encounter. Sure, I won't be auto-farming that one, but I just put a Seeker into my regular team for the speed boost to ensure I got to go first, saved all my skills on round 2 so that they'd be available for the boss, and then just did exactly what I wouldn't want the enemy to do to me. Hit a bit of a snag when she put my damage dealer into stasis, but by that time the clones were mostly dead anyway. I'm sure it will get worse at higher levels though.

I think what bothers me about the new bosses is that they are becoming increasingly gimmicky. They require very particular strategies, and not just in terms of team composition but in behavior as well. It makes farming DT much more tedious as I can't trust the AI to follow those strategies and what can be customized in regards to the AI behavior is far too blunt to be useful. I think it might be time to reduce the number of silver keys and increase the rewards to match. If you're going to insist on making it impossible to auto the DT bosses when their only purpose for being there past the initial climb is to be farmed, there's no reason to have people to do it 15 times per day. 5 would be more than enough. Just once would be as well, but Plarium seems to simply love wasting people's time. You can at least keep it somewhat reasonable though.

Got to be honest, its the only part of the game i kind of enjoy right now - because i have to think about how to beat them.

Of course when i hit a boss i dont have the champs to beat i will no doubt get annoyed.

Your point about auto is very valid though, i couldnt auto many of these at all.

Sep 7, 2021, 10:3409/07/21
Trevor Wilson

Got to be honest, its the only part of the game i kind of enjoy right now - because i have to think about how to beat them.

Of course when i hit a boss i dont have the champs to beat i will no doubt get annoyed.

Your point about auto is very valid though, i couldnt auto many of these at all.

Oh don't get me wrong, I'd love to see content that requires you to give it some thought, the problem is that the game doesn't really have the depth required to do that without resorting to aforementioned gimmicks. That in itself is not necessarily a problem if done well, but it also doesn't mesh very well (or at all) with the design philosophy of having the game rely on many unmonitored repetitions. You can have one or the other, but if you try to do both you're just annoying players for the sake of it (or perhaps to "encourage" them to spend money just so they can be annoyed less). It would be less of a problem if they had a proper AI scripting engine so that you could tailor the behavior of your team to the situation, but that's just not possible and so being able to complete content that requires more picky choices on auto is precarious at best.

Another problem of this I touched on earlier. There comes a point when you're just being too restrictive. The Dreadhorn boss for example punishes you for basically everything. Fine, if you want to make it immune or resistant to certain things you can do that, but that's not what it does. It's not so much a matter of having to think up a strategy as just having the right champions. I mean, it's not rocket science to avoid placing debuffs on the boss or doing TM reductions. It just relies on you having champions built that don't do those things. You either do or you don't. This becomes especially annoying when you can't really control it, short of crippling your accuracy and hoping the boss resistance is high enough, I suppose. The other alternative seems to be to stack resistance and having a single decrease accuracy debuff.

The same goes for e.g. the frost spider although in a slightly different way, where you're just outright screwed if you don't have a HP burn champion. You can beat it with or without freeze-resistant champions (e.g. Dark Elhain), which may help but are not necessary, but you literally can't beat it if you're missing that one critical skill.

The fae in contrast, I actually find a bit interesting as a concept. I'm not sure about the execution yet in that the clones are seemingly a perfect copy of your own team which makes me think you might be able to cheese it a little bit too much (it's basically an arena battle with a support boss). You might consider that to be the strategic part of it though, and I'm not aware of any must-haves to beat it. A TM booster for your own team seems to be the only real gamechanger as far as I can tell, but even there you have alternatives (such as a good CC champion instead).

I guess my point is that I'd prefer content that is perhaps harder in general and easier with the right strategy, but never a total deadlock if you're missing some arbitrary component. There's a difference between getting beaten because you are bad and because the game is bad, and personally I think having situations where the player literally can't win no matter what is an example of the latter.

Sep 7, 2021, 13:2809/07/21
Trevor Wilson

I must have got lucky to be honest, i ran melga, brogni, sandlashed, royal guard, mountain king and it went through ok first time.

Prob wouldnt work if i tried it again!

That team worked on hard 50? Full auto? Impressive.

Sep 7, 2021, 13:4409/07/21
Sep 7, 2021, 13:46(edited)

That team worked on hard 50? Full auto? Impressive.

ahhh NO! that was normal 50 :)

I tend to finish normal first then do hard as far as i can.

I didnt realise you were discussing hard- and will shut up :)

And ive just re-read your post and seen you did say hard, sorry!