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New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

Sep 12, 2021, 13:2509/12/21

Seriously 30%, I get to + -50% with a lot of luck. After that I have to rework my team 



Razhin, it was not my first choice but I have a resistance banner and I can always critical damage for def or health 


And finally, no mastery, no banner, no books ...... and just build to test in factions 



As an FTP, it is very complicated to get books and to master them, I do not have an accuracy debuff ready for the fight and if I had to mount them I would have to 1 month.

I have some res equipment. that can put useful. 


We'll see what happens. 

Sep 12, 2021, 13:3309/12/21


Managed to finally kill him on 90 normal this morning with this comp. RIP six staring two champs for this that I didn't even use. At least I have a couple 60 shadowkin now for when fw crypt opens.

Sep 12, 2021, 16:2109/12/21
Sep 12, 2021, 16:21(edited)


Managed to finally kill him on 90 normal this morning with this comp. RIP six staring two champs for this that I didn't even use. At least I have a couple 60 shadowkin now for when fw crypt opens.

id love geomancer!, took me 158 turns! on manual! nearly fell asleep it was so boring


Sep 12, 2021, 16:4409/12/21
Trevor Wilson

id love geomancer!, took me 158 turns! on manual! nearly fell asleep it was so boring


Why u no geomancer! He was free very recently for I think 40 ancients! Grats on getting passed this pita fight!

Sep 12, 2021, 16:5209/12/21

Why u no geomancer! He was free very recently for I think 40 ancients! Grats on getting passed this pita fight!

Im strictly ftp nowadays and didnt have the ancients to get him, i had no idea he would be so awesome either

Thanks by the way :)

Anyway to people struggling- its a crappy fight! but i think it can be done with any 2 good healers (i used shielders) and good block debuffs (i used two and an extender to guarantee i always had block debuffs when needed)

Key to me was

1) make sure your buffs drop off just before the attack that removes buffs and places bombs or your own buffs will kill you.

2) evil eye is - evil try to avoid using champs with it

3) Look at bomb timings carefully and use debuff blocking accordingly.

4) Tormin was the only freezer i had levelled, but he froze enough bombs to help.

Really dont wanna do that champ again, and good luck all.

Sep 12, 2021, 18:4309/12/21

Okay, I succeeded. 


Sep 12, 2021, 20:5609/12/21

Having issues with doom normal rhiono boss 90 only 3 peeps on our clan can beat it and we are a high ranked clan and no i dont have duches i try vergis with resit fail that to and raid needs to rethink what the hell is normal and hard cuz its all mixed up trash on new doom !!!

Sep 13, 2021, 13:3109/13/21

Hmm. I suppose with the breadth given in the English language the point is not often the point.

So - I'll put it another way. Stop  being  lazy,  stop  expecting  handouts.  Learn  how  to  play  the  game.  Put  in  the  time  and  effort  to  learn  how  to  build  teams   and  stop  complaining.  

And  finally, Doomtower  is  intended  to  be  end  game,  it's  not  supposed  to  be  easy.  Finding  new  champions and  re-gearing  to  beat new  challenges  are  the  main  parts  of  this  game.

Ah "get gud", the toxic response of those who tie up a bit too much of their self-esteem in a video game.  It isn't laziness that people are struggling with, it is a boss which isn't tuned correctly.  Doom tower normal 10 shouldn't be significantly harder than "survive 20 turns against the clan boss" or "beat a faction way boss".  In the 2 iterations which have been running for months, it was actually signifcantly easier.  Now, due to a complete lack of testing, we have a boss which breaks the expectations which had been set with precedent.  Pointing out that this is a problem is a normal and constructive human response to people changing expectations suddenly.  Unfortunately, the "get gud" response from those who are emotionally invested in their own progress being a validation of themselves is out in force from some folks.  Just to let you know as a moderator though, that sort of extremely negative attitude is highly inappropriate.

Sep 13, 2021, 13:3909/13/21

Having issues with doom normal rhiono boss 90 only 3 peeps on our clan can beat it and we are a high ranked clan and no i dont have duches i try vergis with resit fail that to and raid needs to rethink what the hell is normal and hard cuz its all mixed up trash on new doom !!!

High ranked clans are beating hard, if you are stuck on normal then you are not a high ranked clan...

Sep 13, 2021, 13:4809/13/21

I would not use Scyl in this fight. Her A1 has a 30% chance (50% when booked) to reduce turnmeter, so to many Dread Bombs appear.

I would try the following:

  • Fang Cleric: spd aura, spirit affinity, revive, heal and allready lvl 60
  • Basileus: hits hard, neutral afiinity, block buffs debuff (can block the atk buff the boss wants to set), lvl 60
  • Ninja: hits hard, decrease def, hp burn, can freeze the bombs. Use his hp burn only, when no Dread Bombs are active, as this skill hits randomly and you definetly don't want hp-burn on the Bombs
  • Taya: decrease acc on the A1, neutral affinity, insane damage.
  • Godseeker: heal, revive, neutral affinity

I guess Taya needs to be lvl 60 before she is able to help. I would lvl this champ anyway, poison explosion is great. It's only single target for Taya, but that is still very strong vs. bosses. Maybe you have some good poisoners among your rares, you could pair with Taya (Frozen Banshee?).

Just a note on Basileus - He doesn't hit hard.  I wish that he did, he was my first legendary and only legendary for a while (I got Gurptuk right before or during the Brogni fusion and I started in January).  That being said, he is a good champ but he has a turn meter reduction on his AOE which you would't want to use if you were going up against this boss.  His A1 would be very useful for this fight but he'll get some bombs.

Sep 13, 2021, 14:0009/13/21

You don't get what I said. It does not matter whether you are f2p or not. I will try to make an analogy, if you can beat Dragon 20 with your current roster, it does not mean you can also beat Golem 20 with the same roster and gear. Both bosses have different skill set that you need to deal with.

Just like in doom tower. We have different set of bosses and/or affinity in each rotation. You have to deal with affinity change that may or may not require you to change comps. And with the new bosses you have to deal with new mechanics. 

I know you are salty because you can not pass floor 10 that happen to be the new boss that you are not familiar with. But it does not mean that it should not happen to any players.

Here's the issue with game design though: you shouldn't be gated based on not having specific champions.  Spider and Fireknight are extremely poorly designed opponents who require a set of characters with specific skills OR ludicrously endgame gear/great hall.  If someone can beat Dragon 20 but cannot beat spider 13... there is a chance it is because the person is ignorant and there is a chance it is because you have a poorly designed boss which requires a specific key to unlock it which is entirely RNG dependent.  That's bad design.  Bommell triples down on that bad design.  Looking at my own account, I was farming IG and Dragon 20 fairly early but was really struggling with the other 2.  Then around day 110, I got Apothecary and Cold Heart almost back to back.  I jumped up 3-6 levels in both of them immediately.  That is a flawed game design.  There should be multiple ways you can beat something if you put in the time, the thought, and the effort to slowly improve your team.  This game falls back on gimmicky bosses far too frequently as opposed to interesting mechanics and interactions.  I find the waves to be far more interesting (even when I cannot beat them yet) in faction wars and doom tower than I do the new doom tower bosses.  Actually, the faction wars bosses are a great example of unique bosses which get progressively more difficult but who can be beat in the normal course of account progression.  Wonderful job there!  Poor job on Bommell.

Sep 13, 2021, 14:1109/13/21
Trevor Wilson

Struggling with room 90 (only normal) i can get down to about 30 percent but no further

Just pulled vizier, no idea if this will help.

It took me a few days and a lot of different combinations.  What I used to get past 50 didn't work and I ended up just quadrupling down on revivers.  I ended up running Brogni/Duchess/Arbiter who are properly built out, Melga/Cybele at 50.  I easily tried over 30 times after taking 15-20 times on 50. 

Sep 13, 2021, 14:1609/13/21

Why u no geomancer! He was free very recently for I think 40 ancients! Grats on getting passed this pita fight!

I didn't have 40 ancients.  I really wanted him, but even if I used my gems to get 2 blue packs, I was still only at 38.  I was pretty bummed about it.

Sep 13, 2021, 15:1609/13/21

Here's the issue with game design though: you shouldn't be gated based on not having specific champions.  Spider and Fireknight are extremely poorly designed opponents who require a set of characters with specific skills OR ludicrously endgame gear/great hall.  If someone can beat Dragon 20 but cannot beat spider 13... there is a chance it is because the person is ignorant and there is a chance it is because you have a poorly designed boss which requires a specific key to unlock it which is entirely RNG dependent.  That's bad design.  Bommell triples down on that bad design.  Looking at my own account, I was farming IG and Dragon 20 fairly early but was really struggling with the other 2.  Then around day 110, I got Apothecary and Cold Heart almost back to back.  I jumped up 3-6 levels in both of them immediately.  That is a flawed game design.  There should be multiple ways you can beat something if you put in the time, the thought, and the effort to slowly improve your team.  This game falls back on gimmicky bosses far too frequently as opposed to interesting mechanics and interactions.  I find the waves to be far more interesting (even when I cannot beat them yet) in faction wars and doom tower than I do the new doom tower bosses.  Actually, the faction wars bosses are a great example of unique bosses which get progressively more difficult but who can be beat in the normal course of account progression.  Wonderful job there!  Poor job on Bommell.

Apologies, but I think your arguement is terrible.  Progress in Dragon and IG does not need to have any correlation with Spider or FK.  Just as progress in DT rotation 1 does not need to tie with #2 or #3.  

There are multiple ways to beat spider 20 and FK 20, especially now with the influx of new champs.  I would argue they are almost too easy now with all the new champs, and I struggled mightily in spider.  Though in retrospect, most of progression issues were gear related (solved only thru time or money + knowledge).  If you are stuck at normal 10, you are either 1) VERY new and DT should not even be a concern 2) Not even trying a reasonable strat, just hitting auto expecting 5 champs to win 3) Poor artifacts based on playing the game poorly

Same with this new boss, I cruised (50 was tough) to 90 hard after beating both prior rotations.  Why shouldn't this new boss require a different strategy or different champs or different gear?  It's not a gimmick, it's new content.  It's hard.  And in the past two days my clan has posted multiple videos of CCs beating it in very different ways.  

Lastly, I find the FW waves more gimmicky and annoying! 3 Valks no thank you, stupid paragon screwing up auto run in endless loop... no thank you

Sep 13, 2021, 17:0109/13/21
Sep 13, 2021, 17:24(edited)

Ah "get gud", the toxic response of those who tie up a bit too much of their self-esteem in a video game.  It isn't laziness that people are struggling with, it is a boss which isn't tuned correctly.  Doom tower normal 10 shouldn't be significantly harder than "survive 20 turns against the clan boss" or "beat a faction way boss".  In the 2 iterations which have been running for months, it was actually signifcantly easier.  Now, due to a complete lack of testing, we have a boss which breaks the expectations which had been set with precedent.  Pointing out that this is a problem is a normal and constructive human response to people changing expectations suddenly.  Unfortunately, the "get gud" response from those who are emotionally invested in their own progress being a validation of themselves is out in force from some folks.  Just to let you know as a moderator though, that sort of extremely negative attitude is highly inappropriate.

I'm  going  to be  lazy  myself and  stop  reading  after  you  said  people  aren't  being  lazy. 

A  majority  of  the  complaints  in  here  are  from new  players  who  don't  want  to  take  the  time  and  effort  to  change  their  teams  to  defeat  the  boss,  however  that  specific  comment  from  me  was  not  a  general  statement  to  everyone  who  is  struggling.  It  was  directed  at  that  player  only  because  he  was  refusing  all  advice  and  refused  to change  anything  about  his  teams,  that  is  laziness.  That  strategy  is  the  entire  point  if  this  game.  Normal  10  is  not  hard  by  any  means,  as  our  other  moderator  Quinn  has  pointed  out  with  her  f2p  teams  in  5  star  gear.  Some  with  masteries  some  without,  some  booked  some  without.  

And  if  you  read  some  of  my  other  responses  you  would  see  that  I  agree with  most  people,  the  boss  is  overtuned,  and  I  fully  expect  it  to  stop  me  before  I  even  finish  Normal  myself.  But  level  10  can  be  done,  very,  very  easily.  

Sep 13, 2021, 17:2609/13/21

To be fair i think on normal (not hard) its more about thinking up a working plan and having champs to carry that plan out than being geared to the eyeballs.

My floor 100 (scarab) took 500 turns 😀 , but it is full auto and uses 3 level 50's two of them uncommons and in poorish gear.

I agree with trips about FW waves, nothing more annoying than coming back to your device to find two hours later you are still fighting a paragon.

I have enjoyed this doom tower for the challenge, but i really do think they should have another champ on floor ten so that people can do their keys.

Sep 13, 2021, 17:3109/13/21

Apologies, but I think your arguement is terrible.  Progress in Dragon and IG does not need to have any correlation with Spider or FK.  Just as progress in DT rotation 1 does not need to tie with #2 or #3.  

There are multiple ways to beat spider 20 and FK 20, especially now with the influx of new champs.  I would argue they are almost too easy now with all the new champs, and I struggled mightily in spider.  Though in retrospect, most of progression issues were gear related (solved only thru time or money + knowledge).  If you are stuck at normal 10, you are either 1) VERY new and DT should not even be a concern 2) Not even trying a reasonable strat, just hitting auto expecting 5 champs to win 3) Poor artifacts based on playing the game poorly

Same with this new boss, I cruised (50 was tough) to 90 hard after beating both prior rotations.  Why shouldn't this new boss require a different strategy or different champs or different gear?  It's not a gimmick, it's new content.  It's hard.  And in the past two days my clan has posted multiple videos of CCs beating it in very different ways.  

Lastly, I find the FW waves more gimmicky and annoying! 3 Valks no thank you, stupid paragon screwing up auto run in endless loop... no thank you

Very well said Trips. I couldn't agree more.

Sep 13, 2021, 19:2109/13/21
Trevor Wilson

To be fair i think on normal (not hard) its more about thinking up a working plan and having champs to carry that plan out than being geared to the eyeballs.

My floor 100 (scarab) took 500 turns 😀 , but it is full auto and uses 3 level 50's two of them uncommons and in poorish gear.

I agree with trips about FW waves, nothing more annoying than coming back to your device to find two hours later you are still fighting a paragon.

I have enjoyed this doom tower for the challenge, but i really do think they should have another champ on floor ten so that people can do their keys.

The problem with the Paragon is because of the laziness of the developers, that only show us wave 3 of the fight before it starts. If we could see a Paragon in wave 2 before the fight beginns, we could change the team for that, put in block buffs, or buff removing. 

Why are the enmies we will meet during the fight not shown? QoL improvements seem to have very low priority.

Sep 13, 2021, 23:0209/13/21
Sep 15, 2021, 16:17(edited)

High ranked clans are beating hard, if you are stuck on normal then you are not a high ranked clan...

@trips and who are u to know about my clan to judge prob is not every one has them champs not every one wish to change gear and use silver not every one have champs that can solo not every one has.

Edited  by  moderator.   No  insults  -  H

Sep 13, 2021, 23:1609/13/21

@trips and who are u to know about my clan to judge prob is not every one has them champs not every one wish to change gear and use silver not every one have champs that can solo not every one has.

Edited  by  moderator.   No  insults  -  H

I don't need to know anything about your clan other than what you stated yourself to know it is not high ranking.   I don't consider my clan to be high ranking, we were just inside top 1000 last week and in the second highest CvC grouping.  We are not struggling on normal, hard yes it is tough.  We are working on it though, keep you updated lol