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New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

Sep 14, 2021, 00:2809/14/21

@trips and who are u to know about my clan to judge prob is not every one has them champs not every one wish to change gear and use silver not every one have champs that can solo not every one has.

Edited  by  moderator.   No  insults  -  H

Feel  free  to  argue  but  do  so  without  the  insults.  

Sep 14, 2021, 05:1609/14/21
Lee Gartside

Very angry that the first boss is so way overpowered and it just shows how nasty the Devs are.

Given that this game has been out so long, the idea that they didn't realise that the boss would be such an issue for general players is unrealistic. Along with the loss of the items on log in, and the two IQ promoters deflecting in the interview, its hard not to vent at the sheer negativity of the direction of this company.

I simply cannot get a team strategy together to get past and so cannot get any items from rooms past this. Stuck with 15 silver keys I cannot use and no way to get items for the forge.

Absolute tank! 

Edited  by  moderator

Yeah, makes me wonder if they were bought out by EA. If not, they are using their playbook for sure. 

Sep 14, 2021, 05:2909/14/21

Beat first boss with this on normal. Maybe it helps someone?


Sep 15, 2021, 05:1609/15/21

Hmm. I suppose with the breadth given in the English language the point is not often the point.

So - I'll put it another way. Stop  being  lazy,  stop  expecting  handouts.  Learn  how  to  play  the  game.  Put  in  the  time  and  effort  to  learn  how  to  build  teams   and  stop  complaining.  

And  finally, Doomtower  is  intended  to  be  end  game,  it's  not  supposed  to  be  easy.  Finding  new  champions and  re-gearing  to  beat new  challenges  are  the  main  parts  of  this  game.

You're a moderator? Stop pandering to the ultra elite players. It can take a LONG time to develop the needed champs, even rare, to deal with the different bosses. and Bommel isn't that hard if you have the right champs but Astranyx, she is absolutely just a nasty joke. Only the top 1% of players will be able to consistantly beat her.

These bosses are insanely hard for the vast majority of players. This will drive a lot of players away. Especially tying the arena and tag arena to missions to be able to unlock the best champs that will allow people to progress. Its not being lazy, its simple math. So the only lazy person here is the one calling everyone else lazy... I.E. YOU! 

If you are going to call people names, you have no right to be a moderator of anything. 

Sep 15, 2021, 05:2009/15/21

Feel  free  to  argue  but  do  so  without  the  insults.  

Dude, you are the one calling people lazy, pretty sure you have no excuse to tell people they can't insult you back. You should have your moderator status revoked.

Sep 15, 2021, 14:5609/15/21
Sep 20, 2021, 15:56(edited)

You're a moderator? Stop pandering to the ultra elite players. It can take a LONG time to develop the needed champs, even rare, to deal with the different bosses. and Bommel isn't that hard if you have the right champs but Astranyx, she is absolutely just a nasty joke. Only the top 1% of players will be able to consistantly beat her.

These bosses are insanely hard for the vast majority of players. This will drive a lot of players away. Especially tying the arena and tag arena to missions to be able to unlock the best champs that will allow people to progress. Its not being lazy, its simple math. So the only lazy person here is the one calling everyone else lazy... I.E. YOU! 

If you are going to call people names, you have no right to be a moderator of anything. 

Hello,  please read  the  following as  it's  the  last  time  I'm  going  to  say  it  in  this  thread.

I  was  not  targetting  everyone  who  is  having  problems  with  the  new  bosses,  I  was  only  talking  to  this  person.

I  and  many  others  here  are  very  much  willing  to  offer  help  to  anyone  struggling,  having  a  hard  time  doesn't  make  you  lazy.

Now  let  me  explain. 

This  person  was  offered  a  lot  of  help  and  advice,  particularly by  my  fellow  mod  Quinn.  She  went  out  of  her  way  to  build  two  f2p  teams  in  easily  obtainable  gear,  one  of  the  teams  is  entirely  made  up  of  log  in  reward  champions.  Some  of  these  champions  are  booked,  some  aren't,  some  have  masteries,  some  don't.  She  offered  to  help  this  person  build  a  team  if  they  would  post  their  roster. Other   users  here  also  tried  to  offer  advice.

This  player  refused  everything  and  just  wanted  to  complain.  They  kept  saying  that  Quinn  was  faking  these  teams  being  f2p  friendly  by  using  end  game  gear  etc.  Refused  all  advice,  refused  to  consider  having  to  rebuild  teams. Was  saying  that  Plarium  had  to  pay  for  him  to  regear  his  teams  instead  of  working  for  it.

And  then  they  essentially  stated  I  was  too  dumb  to  understand  them/the  english  language,  so  I  took  the  first  part  of what  they  said  to  me,  word  for  word,  added  my  own  message  and  turned  it  back  at  them  so  that  he  could  fully  understand  me without  anymore  confusion.  

Sep 15, 2021, 16:2109/15/21

@trips and who are u to know about my clan to judge prob is not every one has them champs not every one wish to change gear and use silver not every one have champs that can solo not every one has.

Edited  by  moderator.   No  insults  -  H

If you don't wish to use silver to regear, then do not expect to finish all the new content. 

This is a champ collection and champ building game. It is what the game is about. Every boss requires different champs in different gear if you want your teams to be effective and efficient.

Also, I further edited your post, removing an insult Harbby missed. Stop making them or take a break from the forums.

Sep 15, 2021, 16:2809/15/21
Sep 15, 2021, 16:35(edited)

Dude, you are the one calling people lazy, pretty sure you have no excuse to tell people they can't insult you back. You should have your moderator status revoked.

Coming on to chat about your teams and the boss is one thing, and you are allowed to disagree with what he said, but posting comments on Harbby's moderating is yet another.

That is enough. Thank you. 

And, due to you misunderstanding Harbby, you may not feel he has the "moral high ground" to be able to tell someone to stop insulting others, but I do, and I will. Any more comments about him as a moderator, rather than the subject of the threads, will earn you a timeout.

Sep 15, 2021, 19:1109/15/21

One of my fellow mods, Ophelia, posted this DT Hard 90 solo build with Crimson Helm:


the concept of this comp is as follows: the bomb speed is 75, the boss speed is 250, we want to go after the boss and before the bomb to use her a2 block dmg skill.

How to play it Mechanically

- use a1 until just before the bombs go off- use a2 before the bombs go off (always use this skill at this moment and never any other moment)- repeat this until boss is down

- WHEN the boss uses the buff removal skill after you have used her a2 and both bombs land, use her a3, always use her a3 in this condition, when she dies and revives she will STILL be in tune. If the boss weak hits and no bomb is placed, dont use a3, if one bomb is resisted by the 3% don't use a3 



Check out a video here:

And here it is with a full team, although you can do it solo:


Sep 15, 2021, 20:3009/15/21

You're a moderator? Stop pandering to the ultra elite players. It can take a LONG time to develop the needed champs, even rare, to deal with the different bosses. and Bommel isn't that hard if you have the right champs but Astranyx, she is absolutely just a nasty joke. Only the top 1% of players will be able to consistantly beat her.

These bosses are insanely hard for the vast majority of players. This will drive a lot of players away. Especially tying the arena and tag arena to missions to be able to unlock the best champs that will allow people to progress. Its not being lazy, its simple math. So the only lazy person here is the one calling everyone else lazy... I.E. YOU! 

If you are going to call people names, you have no right to be a moderator of anything. 

I really thought about liking your comment - even I don't really like it and think you are totally wrong. But you declared me to the 1% top players of Raid, my vanity makes me liking that part. 😎

Sep 16, 2021, 01:2209/16/21

Could all be solved by merely making it possible to at LEAST cleanse bombs... if not also block them.

I have no issue with any of it.... but the 6+ bomb stack that can't be cleared just means that champ will die when they fire off.

FWIW high reist +300 even on room 10 hard will prevent bombs as well. I had no issue at all with Dreadhorn in all the Normal floors. But the 10th floor of "hard" is well... hard :) Perhaps a bit harder than it should be. Room 10 hard feels like it should be maybe room 40 hard.

Sep 16, 2021, 03:4109/16/21

Could all be solved by merely making it possible to at LEAST cleanse bombs... if not also block them.

I have no issue with any of it.... but the 6+ bomb stack that can't be cleared just means that champ will die when they fire off.

FWIW high reist +300 even on room 10 hard will prevent bombs as well. I had no issue at all with Dreadhorn in all the Normal floors. But the 10th floor of "hard" is well... hard :) Perhaps a bit harder than it should be. Room 10 hard feels like it should be maybe room 40 hard.


Sep 16, 2021, 12:3709/16/21
Sep 16, 2021, 12:37(edited)

Could all be solved by merely making it possible to at LEAST cleanse bombs... if not also block them.

I have no issue with any of it.... but the 6+ bomb stack that can't be cleared just means that champ will die when they fire off.

FWIW high reist +300 even on room 10 hard will prevent bombs as well. I had no issue at all with Dreadhorn in all the Normal floors. But the 10th floor of "hard" is well... hard :) Perhaps a bit harder than it should be. Room 10 hard feels like it should be maybe room 40 hard.

I agree, 10th floor of Hard IS very difficult, yeah. Normal isn't too bad though. Didn't help me that Ally Attack is still wonky though.

Sep 17, 2021, 06:1009/17/21

its been tough have 7 heroes on lvl 50 and still cant make a dent on the tower

Sep 18, 2021, 16:4509/18/21

LOL, only a couple hours after release and its too hard... Shouldn't we expect each new rotation to be more difficult?  There are 3 areas of end-game content imo:

1. Hard DT (beat 1st two rotations, not expecting to beat this one 1st time through)

2. Tag Arena (brutally competitive)

3. Plat classic (not for me, whales only lol)

I expect each of these to be difficult, not click auto and win.

Though putting the new boss at 10 and not 30 or 40 was a kick in the nuts :)

This is not a normal complaint being driven by those that don't want to be challenged.  I'm a F2P that can beat Doom Tower normal and get to level 50-70 on Hard, typically.  I'm currently stuck on Normal 50 and Hard 10...the freaking Rhino.  His dmg scales WAY too high on normal.  I'm fine with getting wiped on Hard because I'm a casual player, but I'm literally being DESTROYED by this guy on 50 Normal.  DESTROYED.

So, yeah, the guy needs a nerf.  The rewards in normal tower runs are not even close to being worth trying to reconfigure half your account with resources just to beat Bommel.  It's a little bit ridiculous.

Sep 18, 2021, 19:0609/18/21
Sep 18, 2021, 19:07(edited)

I agree, 10th floor of Hard IS very difficult, yeah. Normal isn't too bad though. Didn't help me that Ally Attack is still wonky though.

I finally did floor ten on hard but it was a real struggle

Those saying 'i usually finish doom tower and get to 90 hard, but cant beat 50 normal' the only conclusion i can make is you are used to blasting through with universal teams that power through by brute force.

You have to deal with mechanics in these fights, and honestly? its the only area in the whole game where you have to deal with actual mechanics so i hope it is not turned into another area where you dont have to think.

I have enjoyed doom more than any other area of the game this rotation because for once there has been a challenge.

Oh im ftp and mid game myself....for 50 normal i took in two shielders, a buff extender and 2 dps... and timed my buffs carefully

I was slow and took 45 turns, but clan mates were much quicker, taking 20-30 turns - and used block damage champs with dps.

Again we are a tier 1 clan, but more and more of us gradually finished doom (normal) this rotation, we shared ideas/solutions- as you do.

Sep 18, 2021, 23:1509/18/21
Luis J Laboy Ortiz

its been tough have 7 heroes on lvl 50 and still cant make a dent on the tower

You really need multiple teams of 60s for DT, even on normal.

Sep 19, 2021, 14:3709/19/21

This is not a normal complaint being driven by those that don't want to be challenged.  I'm a F2P that can beat Doom Tower normal and get to level 50-70 on Hard, typically.  I'm currently stuck on Normal 50 and Hard 10...the freaking Rhino.  His dmg scales WAY too high on normal.  I'm fine with getting wiped on Hard because I'm a casual player, but I'm literally being DESTROYED by this guy on 50 Normal.  DESTROYED.

So, yeah, the guy needs a nerf.  The rewards in normal tower runs are not even close to being worth trying to reconfigure half your account with resources just to beat Bommel.  It's a little bit ridiculous.

Its not need nerfing, because they said 2 years old players can completed, because they have god tier legos. 3=4 maybe enough at normal 50, nevermind. LOL 😂

Sep 20, 2021, 05:0609/20/21

Its not need nerfing, because they said 2 years old players can completed, because they have god tier legos. 3=4 maybe enough at normal 50, nevermind. LOL 😂

god tier legos?

I cleared floor 90 hard with epics and in full auto. There are videos in youtube that it can be cleared with Crimson Helm but I believe it needs to manual the whole run.


Sep 20, 2021, 15:2509/20/21

Coming on to chat about your teams and the boss is one thing, and you are allowed to disagree with what he said, but posting comments on Harbby's moderating is yet another.

That is enough. Thank you. 

And, due to you misunderstanding Harbby, you may not feel he has the "moral high ground" to be able to tell someone to stop insulting others, but I do, and I will. Any more comments about him as a moderator, rather than the subject of the threads, will earn you a timeout.

Hey, when you are wrong, you are wrong and take ownership of the mistake. Moderators who tell players that they are being lazy have no business being moderators. There is no misunderstanding of this fact that he should never have posted, telling people that they were lazy and being a general not cool person to people who have a legit complaint. He needs to check himself first before he starts telling others to not insult others. I was simply point out that fact and now you are threatening me about giving me a timeout for calling out one of the moderators? Please give me a timeout. If this is how moderators are allowed to behave on these forums, you might as well not even have moderators or a forum. I'll go back to not reading these forums like I usually do since the moderators just seem to want to be tyrants who don't want to own their mistakes and are more than happy to act like their stuff doesn't stink.

Moderators should never be telling the people on their forums that they are lazy, plain and simple. Its counter productive to the forums and a poor representation on all the moderators here and the Developers as well since they are willing to allow a moderator on this board who are willing to throw insults at people who are frustrated by what they see are poor game mechanics. And to then have the same moderator tell people they are insulting that they have no right to insult him back? Please. 

And sorry but not really sorry if my post were off topic but you should be looking at your fellow moderator and not attacking those of us who are going to stand up and defend people from the moderators who decide to insult and treat people on here with disrespect. It goes to show the quality of the people that are moderating these forums. 

If someone is treating others poorly on these forums, and you want to defend them, you are also the problem. I thought you were one of the good ones and were trying to be helpful but you obviously do not want any sort of constructive criticism either. Its pretty sad really. These forums are for helping players, which is what I thought you were doing but defending another moderator who is on here insulting and being completely rude to the players who just want help and are frustrated by a game mechanic and do not deserve to be treated like dirt by a moderator, its pretty disappointing to me that you are telling me enough and not Harbby.