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New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

Sep 20, 2021, 16:0609/20/21

Hey, when you are wrong, you are wrong and take ownership of the mistake. Moderators who tell players that they are being lazy have no business being moderators. There is no misunderstanding of this fact that he should never have posted, telling people that they were lazy and being a general not cool person to people who have a legit complaint. He needs to check himself first before he starts telling others to not insult others. I was simply point out that fact and now you are threatening me about giving me a timeout for calling out one of the moderators? Please give me a timeout. If this is how moderators are allowed to behave on these forums, you might as well not even have moderators or a forum. I'll go back to not reading these forums like I usually do since the moderators just seem to want to be tyrants who don't want to own their mistakes and are more than happy to act like their stuff doesn't stink.

Moderators should never be telling the people on their forums that they are lazy, plain and simple. Its counter productive to the forums and a poor representation on all the moderators here and the Developers as well since they are willing to allow a moderator on this board who are willing to throw insults at people who are frustrated by what they see are poor game mechanics. And to then have the same moderator tell people they are insulting that they have no right to insult him back? Please. 

And sorry but not really sorry if my post were off topic but you should be looking at your fellow moderator and not attacking those of us who are going to stand up and defend people from the moderators who decide to insult and treat people on here with disrespect. It goes to show the quality of the people that are moderating these forums. 

If someone is treating others poorly on these forums, and you want to defend them, you are also the problem. I thought you were one of the good ones and were trying to be helpful but you obviously do not want any sort of constructive criticism either. Its pretty sad really. These forums are for helping players, which is what I thought you were doing but defending another moderator who is on here insulting and being completely rude to the players who just want help and are frustrated by a game mechanic and do not deserve to be treated like dirt by a moderator, its pretty disappointing to me that you are telling me enough and not Harbby. 

Heya. I have passed on this post and your criticism directly to the Community Managers at Plarium.

Just want you to know that you have been heard, and your feedback is appreciated.

Sep 20, 2021, 16:2909/20/21

People are lazy, I am not a moderator so I can say that lol.  There have been a myriad of solutions posted within two weeks of this new rotation being blasted as impossible by the crybaby posse that dominates the forums.  We have the most helpful, engaged moderators this forum has had in 2 years imo.  But everone ignores the generous help being given and instead whine that everything is too hard and put no effort into trying any of the suggestions.  

Sep 21, 2021, 07:5109/21/21


I  am  and  end  game  player.  I  like  the  new  mechanic  of  the  nosses  but  they  are  just  not  enjoyable  for  most  of  my  clan.  only  3  have  passed  the  dreadhorn  at  level  10. 

this  mean  everyone  is  just  waiting  for  the  rest  of  the  month  to  pass. 

engagement  is  low

and  some  people  feel  forced

Sep 21, 2021, 11:3309/21/21

I will probably be shot down for this but oh well

I dont think people are lazy but i do think they are not used to having to look at boss skill cooldowns and time their buffs / debuffs accordingly. I think people are used to blasting through, it works everywhere else.

It reminded me a bit of ffx content and i really hope the complaints do not get it nerfed since this is the best content they have released in a while. Admittedly they should put griffin on floor ten so everyone can use keys

Its simply not true that you need a team of 'god tier legos' to do the content, they dont even have to be level full 60. I had a level 50 armiger in my floor 100 team and a level 50 alure and level 50 armina in my floor 120 team (they were the right speed and i didnt want to change gear on my 60's)

We are a low tier guild, and over half our active members finished normal.

I am stuck on hard, i cant beat 50- but thats ok! it gives me something to aim for.

One pain is i cant auto the new bosses for mats, im farming 110 griffin on auto instead , but its not big deal.

Sep 22, 2021, 15:2109/22/21

The  thing  is:

If  changing  gear  was  free.  The  challenge  would  be  more  "interesting".  As  it  is  now,  we  are  blocked.  We  can  not  spend  15  million  regearing  everything  for  a  boss  so  that  "puzzle"  is  not  available.

We  can  not  progress  further  in  the  Doom  Tower  so  no  gear  or  sets  from  the  gryphon,  scarab  or  any.

Leveling  weird  champs  is  not  only  annoying  is  unreachable  for  many  people.  

We  spend  (and  I  do)  on  the  games  that  I  enjoy  and  I  like  to  decide  in  what  to  spend.  If  I  feel  forced  to  play  by  other  peoples  rules  I  wont  play  ball  as  I  do  not  need  it

Sep 27, 2021, 17:4209/27/21

Apologies, but I think your arguement is terrible.  Progress in Dragon and IG does not need to have any correlation with Spider or FK.  Just as progress in DT rotation 1 does not need to tie with #2 or #3.  

There are multiple ways to beat spider 20 and FK 20, especially now with the influx of new champs.  I would argue they are almost too easy now with all the new champs, and I struggled mightily in spider.  Though in retrospect, most of progression issues were gear related (solved only thru time or money + knowledge).  If you are stuck at normal 10, you are either 1) VERY new and DT should not even be a concern 2) Not even trying a reasonable strat, just hitting auto expecting 5 champs to win 3) Poor artifacts based on playing the game poorly

Same with this new boss, I cruised (50 was tough) to 90 hard after beating both prior rotations.  Why shouldn't this new boss require a different strategy or different champs or different gear?  It's not a gimmick, it's new content.  It's hard.  And in the past two days my clan has posted multiple videos of CCs beating it in very different ways.  

Lastly, I find the FW waves more gimmicky and annoying! 3 Valks no thank you, stupid paragon screwing up auto run in endless loop... no thank you

What are the multiple ways to be Spider 20 and Fireknight 20 without beyond the end-game gear?  Please let me know.  Poison explosion and AOE Hp burn for spider perhaps with a few specific turn meter control champs?  How about fireknight?  Multihitters with turn meter reduction?  How long is the list of champions which need to fill up half of your team?   It is a very small list and if you don't have the characters you cannot complete the dungeon with excellent gear which can handle far harder content on non-champion skill gated content.  You are not being honest if you claim it isn't champion gated prior to having beyond the end-game gear.

Sep 27, 2021, 17:4809/27/21

I'm  going  to be  lazy  myself and  stop  reading  after  you  said  people  aren't  being  lazy. 

A  majority  of  the  complaints  in  here  are  from new  players  who  don't  want  to  take  the  time  and  effort  to  change  their  teams  to  defeat  the  boss,  however  that  specific  comment  from  me  was  not  a  general  statement  to  everyone  who  is  struggling.  It  was  directed  at  that  player  only  because  he  was  refusing  all  advice  and  refused  to change  anything  about  his  teams,  that  is  laziness.  That  strategy  is  the  entire  point  if  this  game.  Normal  10  is  not  hard  by  any  means,  as  our  other  moderator  Quinn  has  pointed  out  with  her  f2p  teams  in  5  star  gear.  Some  with  masteries  some  without,  some  booked  some  without.  

And  if  you  read  some  of  my  other  responses  you  would  see  that  I  agree with  most  people,  the  boss  is  overtuned,  and  I  fully  expect  it  to  stop  me  before  I  even  finish  Normal  myself.  But  level  10  can  be  done,  very,  very  easily.  

It is fine if you don't want to read my response.  Let me distill the core reason I was responding to you: please stop being toxic.  You are a moderator and "git gud" is a defensive response of those who are emotionally invested in a game and lash out at those who threaten the worth derived from accomplishments in the game.  You are a moderator and can certainly determine what you want on this forum, but they've done research on the toxicity of the "git gud" response.  There are constructive way of telling players that the content won't change without insulting them (calling someone lazy is an insult in case there was any confusion).  Heck, Microsoft of all places finally stepped in to comment on the issue.

Sep 27, 2021, 17:5109/27/21
Trevor Wilson

To be fair i think on normal (not hard) its more about thinking up a working plan and having champs to carry that plan out than being geared to the eyeballs.

My floor 100 (scarab) took 500 turns 😀 , but it is full auto and uses 3 level 50's two of them uncommons and in poorish gear.

I agree with trips about FW waves, nothing more annoying than coming back to your device to find two hours later you are still fighting a paragon.

I have enjoyed this doom tower for the challenge, but i really do think they should have another champ on floor ten so that people can do their keys.

My point was the wave content forces you to use different team comps in an intelligent way to beat it (unless you have a seer).  Some of the bosses force you to have specific characters to beat it.  There are farmable champs you can get to deal with a paragon.  

Sep 29, 2021, 00:5009/29/21
Sep 29, 2021, 00:54(edited)

It is fine if you don't want to read my response.  Let me distill the core reason I was responding to you: please stop being toxic.  You are a moderator and "git gud" is a defensive response of those who are emotionally invested in a game and lash out at those who threaten the worth derived from accomplishments in the game.  You are a moderator and can certainly determine what you want on this forum, but they've done research on the toxicity of the "git gud" response.  There are constructive way of telling players that the content won't change without insulting them (calling someone lazy is an insult in case there was any confusion).  Heck, Microsoft of all places finally stepped in to comment on the issue.

Hey Quintinar! As you can see above from before this post, your feeback and the feedback of other posters has been heard, and is in fact referred to our CMs. I hope you're having a good day!

Sep 29, 2021, 01:0209/29/21
Sep 29, 2021, 01:04(edited)

What are the multiple ways to be Spider 20 and Fireknight 20 without beyond the end-game gear?  Please let me know.  Poison explosion and AOE Hp burn for spider perhaps with a few specific turn meter control champs?  How about fireknight?  Multihitters with turn meter reduction?  How long is the list of champions which need to fill up half of your team?   It is a very small list and if you don't have the characters you cannot complete the dungeon with excellent gear which can handle far harder content on non-champion skill gated content.  You are not being honest if you claim it isn't champion gated prior to having beyond the end-game gear.

I love this video from Hellhades about beatng all the level 20 dungeons with only F2P champs. See if that gives you any ideas. Scyl, Warmaiden, Armiger, Ghrush and High Khatun.

Then he did it with a different roster right here with Doompriest, Ultimate Galek, Apothecary, Armiger and Stag Knight.

And here he is again doing it with no accesories to show it isn't only total endgame gear that lets you complete all the level 20 dungeons, just good strategies when team building.

What I like about all these videos is he shows you the builds and talks about the whys of each champ selection, what they are doing, and he walks you through each of the level 20 dungeons and how they are completed.

Sep 29, 2021, 03:0709/29/21

I love this video from Hellhades about beatng all the level 20 dungeons with only F2P champs. See if that gives you any ideas. Scyl, Warmaiden, Armiger, Ghrush and High Khatun.

Then he did it with a different roster right here with Doompriest, Ultimate Galek, Apothecary, Armiger and Stag Knight.

And here he is again doing it with no accesories to show it isn't only total endgame gear that lets you complete all the level 20 dungeons, just good strategies when team building.

What I like about all these videos is he shows you the builds and talks about the whys of each champ selection, what they are doing, and he walks you through each of the level 20 dungeons and how they are completed.

Thank you for answering for me :)