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New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

Sep 4, 2021, 19:0509/04/21

If you have them, Duchess and BGE - resist and speed (Duchess you should be doing that anyways)

If you have block damage ie Roshcard - that works too.  I haven't tried Maneater - but assume that would work.

Sep 4, 2021, 19:1209/04/21
Sep 4, 2021, 19:14(edited)

Okay. Straight question then, back at you. 

Since these numbers are all arbitrary, and our individual progress depends on a lot of RNG, would you prefer Doom Tower not be presented to anyone until they hit 60, even those who can complete it at 40? Because with luck or purchases, some people who play will not have any problem with Bommal (especially those with Burangiri). There are people I've run into who have spent a great deal on shard packs and gear packs just in their first month, and have a good chance of climbing up a long ways through Normal. 

So, in your opinion, what level should the advanced quests be presented? Should you only get a few at 40? More at 50? Get all of them at 60? None until 60? What level should the Doom Tower open? 50? 60?

(Also, ofc I will be chatting with our Community Managers about all the stuff I read on here, it's what I do. It goes without saying or asking.)

I think developers will have their own statistics concerning how many players at level 40-50 are not able to complete this "5 silver keys" quest with current Doom Tower rotation. I think there are many. Probalbly, using "pareto rule", 80% of such players or more.

From other side, it doesn't hurt to notify devs early - so they could look into it and investigate asap.

Concerning Doom Tower itself - I'm F2P, and on my day 12 and level 40 could beat 1st room (mostly due to Kael and Warmaiden). But it is still a long-long way to use of at least 1 silver key.

Well, if somebody spends much money for shards, energy and 5* chickens - maybe such person could beat even Boss being "level 40 player". But how many such spenders?

Ok, Doom Tower itself could be legit from level 40 (though only for big spenders). But "use 5 silver keys" quest definitely doesn't belong for level 40 players (with current Doom Tower complexity). Probably from level 50, or maybe even later.

Sep 4, 2021, 21:1909/04/21

For new players it may be difficult to beat that boss. But if you enter a new game, you can't beat every content from the start. That is not typical Raid, that's the same in similar games. Making a problem out of this fact just shows a thinking in terms of demand. I want it all and I want it now. Sorry, you just cant beat a Doomtower boss (endgame content) at day 12. The relating quest is entitled as advanced quest, in demarcation to the more easy daily quests.

If you have any 5 lvl 60 champs, the boss is no problem. I just did him right now, and reading all this threads before, I was afraid if I could beat him. But the bombs (debuff, not the bomb-minions) on normal stage 10 do only something about 1.5k damage each - and that with atk-buff on the boss. To lvl 60 champs, that have a base health above 10k, that is no problem. I can see why early accounts with champs at lvl 40 struggle here, 1.5k damage per bomb is a lot against them. But a team of lvl 60 champs should do it. You can basically ignore the bombs on your champs if you have any healing mechanic.

In addition to that, the boss doesn't have a big hp pool, compared to DT-bosses of previous rotations. Don't bother with resitance or reskilling evil eye masterie or stuff like that. For stage 10 normal, just bring some damage dealers and a healer (or even 5 damage dealers in life steal gear).

Sep 4, 2021, 21:2809/04/21

Skadi, the issue I (and I assume many others) have, is the Evil Eye mastery.  I have 6 lvl 60 (one is level 54) champs and all but one have Evil Eye.  I am doing roughly level 15 in every dungeon, and fluctuate between Gold III and Gold IV arena on a daily basis.  But Evil Eye makes the boss a no go.  It is an absolute showstopper.  I don't have any other champs that will survive the waves.  And I don't have the resources to re-master my champs for this one boss.

Sep 4, 2021, 21:4609/04/21

The first masterie reskill on every champ is for free. Maybe you could post wich champs you have and let us take a look if really all of them need evil eye (or even the support tree at all).

Sep 4, 2021, 21:4909/04/21

Curious as to why evil eye is the problem? What champs are you using? 

If you can't beat first boss, you likely have bigger problems like poor gearing across the board.

Also, you get 1 free mastery reset for each champ. 

Sep 4, 2021, 21:5509/04/21
Sep 4, 2021, 22:16(edited)

Curious as to why evil eye is the problem? What champs are you using? 

If you can't beat first boss, you likely have bigger problems like poor gearing across the board.

Also, you get 1 free mastery reset for each champ. 

Evil eye is probably a problem, if it is on every champ, as the boss summons one Dread Bomb every time his turnmeter is reduced. If every champ has evil eye, that are probably to many Dread Bombs at once.

Bye the way, is there a max number for them? I can't imagine a screen full of Dread Bombs if you bring Armiger and Visix or champs like that. I allready used all keys for today and can't test.

Sep 4, 2021, 21:5809/04/21
Sep 4, 2021, 22:00(edited)

Skadi wrote:

Sorry, you just cant beat a Doomtower boss (endgame content) at day 12. The relating quest is entitled as advanced quest, in demarcation to the more easy daily quests. 

Still, endgame content  or not, it is pointless to give "level 40" players a daily quest - which cannot be completed by 90% (probably even more) of "level 40" players during next 3-6 monthes.

Sep 4, 2021, 22:0209/04/21

Evil Eye = turn meter reduction = bomb minions = death

My 6 stars are Kael (EE), Miscreated (just remastered to get rid of EE), Countess Lix (EE), Warmaiden (EE), Stag Knight (EE), Apothecary (no EE).  (blue affinity for most of these is also not good for Dreadhorn, but that's the hand I have been dealt)

As I mentioned above, I am level 15 on all dungeons, and hovering between gold III/IV in arena.  About halfway through Nightmare campaign (although if I push can be much farther).

my son decided to do some masteries for my account without me knowing which burned most of my free resets.

I just tried again with MM, Apoth, Stag, Spirithost (lvl 50), and Ninja (also 50).  I got his HP meter down to about 40%, but the bomb minions (from Stag's Evil Eye) eventually killed me.

Furiously trying to level up Rector Drath so she can survive the waves, to see if her resist aura will do any good.  I guess she replaces Stag Knight.

Sep 4, 2021, 22:1109/04/21
Sep 4, 2021, 22:14(edited)

Skadi wrote:

Sorry, you just cant beat a Doomtower boss (endgame content) at day 12. The relating quest is entitled as advanced quest, in demarcation to the more easy daily quests. 

Still, endgame content  or not, it is pointless to give "level 40" players a daily quest - which cannot be completed by 90% (probably even more) of "level 40" players during next 3-6 monthes.

They show you the advanced quests early to give you a goal to reach in the future. 

If you want to, you can pay out (buy shards, buy chickens). If not, you have to take the long run, as I and many others did. The game is allready so much easier today than it was in the past. Arena was a mess, a thread about the bad arena per day here in the forum, and Plarium's solution was to gift free victories to everybody with the non-bot accounts. The highest stage of potion keep was lvl 15 with it's ugly drop rate, making champion ascension such a terrible grind... The bad old times.


Either I see ghotsts or the post to wich I replied was gone while I wrote mine. 👻

Sep 4, 2021, 22:1409/04/21

You know i know DT is mid to end game but this has got to be the cheesiest DT yet Bomal floor 10 Scarab King Floor 20 .

First time i have gotten by SK but wow just wow is all i have.

Sep 4, 2021, 22:1509/04/21

They show you the advanced quests early to give you a goal to reach in the future. 

The problem is, this quest blocks completing all advanced quests and getting energy-refill for such a completing. And all it on daily basis during next 3-6 monthes. 

Not the best way to attract new players...

Sep 4, 2021, 22:2009/04/21

They show you the advanced quests early to give you a goal to reach in the future. 

The problem is, this quest blocks completing all advanced quests and getting energy-refill for such a completing. And all it on daily basis during next 3-6 monthes. 

Not the best way to attract new players...

That doesn't make any sense. If they would remove advanced quests for new players (let's say below account level 60) and only activate them for players with the needed account level, you still wouldn't get the energy refill from advanced quests, you just wouldn't recognize. And you couldn't do the advanced quests you can beat right now.

Sep 4, 2021, 22:2609/04/21
Sep 4, 2021, 22:27(edited)

And you couldn't do the advanced quests you can beat right now. 

Advanced quests appeared at level 35. And there were no problems with beating them all. 

Well, sometimes there were quests like "survive 19 turns against CB" (i at level 40, can survive max 13-14) or "use champs of all affinities" (i still don't have "void"). But they appeared not every day and without them everything worked fine.

Now seems like this particular "use 5 silver keys" quest is appearing daily - and blocks completing. All other advanced quests seems to be ok.

Sep 4, 2021, 23:3109/04/21

Evil eye is probably a problem, if it is on every champ, as the boss summons one Dread Bomb every time his turnmeter is reduced. If every champ has evil eye, that are probably to many Dread Bombs at once.

Bye the way, is there a max number for them? I can't imagine a screen full of Dread Bombs if you bring Armiger and Visix or champs like that. I allready used all keys for today and can't test.

EE only activates once per champ. If u manual fight to go into boss with all cooldowns good to go, seems like it wouldn't be a problem. 

Sep 5, 2021, 00:0209/05/21

Once per champ equals many bomb minions.  Each one is a 40% HP hit (20% if frozen I believe).  No surviving that.  I've tried this hundreds of times with dozens of champs.  Unfortunately my weaker champs without EE usually can't even get through the waves.

Sep 5, 2021, 00:3909/05/21

Once per champ equals many bomb minions.  Each one is a 40% HP hit (20% if frozen I believe).  No surviving that.  I've tried this hundreds of times with dozens of champs.  Unfortunately my weaker champs without EE usually can't even get through the waves.

It is really hard to survive the explosion of bomb minions. But if you have to tank the damage, give you champions very high hp since bombs and explosion of bomb minions ignore defense, giving your champions high defense is useless against these. 

As for the boss, try to have a shield buff to absorb damage from the boss' attack. 

My strategy that I am trying to perfect, is to use Roshcard's block damage buff when the minions are about to explode. So far it works in level 10 of hard. 

If you don't have any of the champions that give shield and / or block damage, it will be hard tanking damage at this boss stage. If you are on normal mode and you don't have these skills in any of your champions, try to kill the boss as fast as possible. 

Sep 5, 2021, 00:5109/05/21

won't shield buffs turn into bomb debuffs?

Sep 5, 2021, 01:4209/05/21

I was thinking you put shield after it places bomb. 

Sep 5, 2021, 02:3909/05/21
Sep 5, 2021, 02:40(edited)

Ok, I tested a little bit with Armiger and Visix: the maximum number of Dread Bombs is 6. After that, turnmeter decrease has no negative effect anymore, as long as all bombs are at their place. This is a strange number for Raid, used nowhere else in the game. The dungeon Spider can summon 10 Spiderlings, everywhere else the teamsize is 4 (campaign) or 5.

To be clear: I definetly don't recommend turnmeter reduce, I just wanted to examine what the max number of Dread Bombs is. 

The Dread Bombs on stage 10 normal are extremely slow. The boss himself, even affected by the turnmeter reduce, got 2 turns before the Dread Bomb that was placed first got a turn.