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New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

Sep 3, 2021, 21:3209/03/21
Sep 6, 2021, 14:08(edited)

Here's a potential F2P Team that got me past level 10 while playing around with Normal today. Hard tomorrow might be a different story, but I just wanted to show that it is possible to get through stage 10 with a team of only rares and uncommons. The avg star rating for their equipment is 4.95, so it isn't crazy gear, I just focused soley on burning down the boss, not deceasing his turn meter so I only had two dreadbombs on the field.


Sep 3, 2021, 21:3409/03/21

Here's a potential F2P Team that got me past level 10 while playing around with Normal today. Hard tomorrow might be a different story, but I just wanted to show that it is possible to get through stage 10 with a team of only rares and uncommons. The avg star rating for their equipment is 4.95, so it isn't crazy gear, I just focused soley on burning down the boss, not deceasing his turn meter so I only had two dreadbombs on the field.


Ignore  her,  this  is  the  f2p  team.


Sep 3, 2021, 21:3809/03/21

to be honest, I'm disappointed.

until this day I have always passed the boss on the first level

sometimes it was possible to pass the boss on the second level

but such that I would not even see the opportunity to pass the first level boss with my own selection of heroes for the first time

it seems to me not right to put the boss of such power so low and deprive players of the opportunity to carry out missions

yes, the boss goes through but requires personally for me or the selection of heroes that I do not have

or a very large qualitative jump in equipment for heroes for which I simply do not have resources

Sep 3, 2021, 22:0109/03/21

Trips all I can say is that boss the way it is should never have been put on normal 10, heck even 20 would do, but     10 is a slap to the face of quite a few players. Sure God tier gear can do it, but normal 10 should not require end game gear.

Sep 3, 2021, 22:4109/03/21
Sep 4, 2021, 02:37(edited)

Very angry that the first boss is so way overpowered and it just shows how nasty the Devs are.

Given that this game has been out so long, the idea that they didn't realise that the boss would be such an issue for general players is unrealistic. Along with the loss of the items on log in, and the two IQ promoters deflecting in the interview, its hard not to vent at the sheer negativity of the direction of this company.

I simply cannot get a team strategy together to get past and so cannot get any items from rooms past this. Stuck with 15 silver keys I cannot use and no way to get items for the forge.

Absolute tank! 

Edited  by  moderator

Sep 3, 2021, 22:4609/03/21
Sep 3, 2021, 22:46(edited)

Plarium need learn form drug dealer first is allways free.

Sep 3, 2021, 23:0109/03/21

And - and I'd just like to point out to the Moderator - I dont have 3 of those 5 champs in your post. 

So I assume im going to get them for free because this boss was introduced? I dont think so.

So its not a solution. A solution is where you have an ability to make a change or find an alternative. 

This isnt an alternative if you dont have those particluar champs. Ever tried to drive a car with no wheels and then suggest it is afterall, still a car? Good luck.

Does anybody here have a credible solution using everyday commons/uncommons that anyone can use get to get past this boss?

Sep 3, 2021, 23:0309/03/21
Sep 3, 2021, 23:05(edited)

Let see how manu rage quit will be.

Past a few bosses and now 0 hurt like hell.

And the good harbby say you cant you will not have reward. (Unfortunately that  is  why  they  are  called  Advanced  Quests.  You  won't  be  able  to  complete  them  all  for  some  time.)  

Sometimes is better dont say anything mr. harbby

Sep 3, 2021, 23:1609/03/21

Maybe help a little if you survive the first explotion (from adds) and recover You have a chance.

You can attack the bombs whit basic attacks (if they put debuff) and use you stronger attacks on boss. 

Is a lot longer but maybe help a few people.

Sep 4, 2021, 00:3109/04/21
Sep 4, 2021, 00:34(edited)
Lee Gartside

And - and I'd just like to point out to the Moderator - I dont have 3 of those 5 champs in your post. 

So I assume im going to get them for free because this boss was introduced? I dont think so.

So its not a solution. A solution is where you have an ability to make a change or find an alternative. 

This isnt an alternative if you dont have those particluar champs. Ever tried to drive a car with no wheels and then suggest it is afterall, still a car? Good luck.

Does anybody here have a credible solution using everyday commons/uncommons that anyone can use get to get past this boss?

Which  moderator?  Mine  was  a  joke,  and  harleQuinn  was  just  providing  an  easy  to  get  f2p  team.  Which  is  one  of  many  teams  that  can  handle  easy  10.  

I  don't  know  exactly  how  she  built  her  team  but  if  we  ask  nice  enough  she  might  make  a  post  about  it.  What  I  do  know  is  that  she  utilized  immortal  and  lifesteal  sets.

Sep 4, 2021, 00:4009/04/21

So if 1 person can eveyrone can?

Sep 4, 2021, 00:4209/04/21
Sep 4, 2021, 00:45(edited)

So if 1 person can eveyrone can?

Yes  actually,  all it  takes is  time,  effort,  and game knowledge.  Nothing is  going  to be handed to you.  Learn  how to beat  the boss,  listen to advice from more experienced players  or watch guides  on YouTube  If you have too.

Sep 4, 2021, 00:5509/04/21

Hmm. I suppose with the breadth given in the English language the point is not often the point. 

So - I'll put it another way. Am I going to get free money to change my sets over and upgrade them just to beat the new boss?

Or am I getting some specific free champions plus the money to change over to those sets?

Its very confusing - or perhaps it is simply the fact that the new boss is just, well, crap.

And as moderators you might want to say to those above - " Hey Penarium - have you seen these annoyed posts from players from this change you made?"

And wthout wishing to be rude; if you have pointed out these types of post - thank you.

Sep 4, 2021, 00:5909/04/21
Sep 4, 2021, 01:42(edited)
Lee Gartside

Hmm. I suppose with the breadth given in the English language the point is not often the point. 

So - I'll put it another way. Am I going to get free money to change my sets over and upgrade them just to beat the new boss?

Or am I getting some specific free champions plus the money to change over to those sets?

Its very confusing - or perhaps it is simply the fact that the new boss is just, well, crap.

And as moderators you might want to say to those above - " Hey Penarium - have you seen these annoyed posts from players from this change you made?"

And wthout wishing to be rude; if you have pointed out these types of post - thank you.

Hmm. I suppose with the breadth given in the English language the point is not often the point.

So - I'll put it another way. Stop  being  lazy,  stop  expecting  handouts.  Learn  how  to  play  the  game.  Put  in  the  time  and  effort  to  learn  how  to  build  teams   and  stop  complaining.  

And  finally, Doomtower  is  intended  to  be  end  game,  it's  not  supposed  to  be  easy.  Finding  new  champions and  re-gearing  to  beat new  challenges  are  the  main  parts  of  this  game.

Sep 4, 2021, 01:0209/04/21

if you dont have the champ. open shard until you get?

lvl up if you dont have a good gear what?, go to gradon to get? buy key for boss to get one?

I dont have any of those champ, i dont farm dragon a lot (i use more forge items perseption).

to change i need time or money.

most people who cant kill the first boss only have 2-4 months. 

If you really think they can get everything fast  you need help.

Sep 4, 2021, 01:0409/04/21

if you dont have the champ. open shard until you get?

lvl up if you dont have a good gear what?, go to gradon to get? buy key for boss to get one?

I dont have any of those champ, i dont farm dragon a lot (i use more forge items perseption).

to change i need time or money.

most people who cant kill the first boss only have 2-4 months. 

If you really think they can get everything fast  you need help.

The  team  she  showed  is  just  one  possible  team.  This  whole  game  revolves  around  collecting  champions with  specific  skill  sets.  Doomtower  isn't  intended  for  new  players,  it's  for  mid-end  game  players.  You  can't  expect  to  climb  through  it  without  putting  in  time  and  effort.

Sep 4, 2021, 01:0909/04/21
Sep 4, 2021, 01:43(edited)

I  suggest  anyone  who  is  struggling  with  the  boss  take  some  time  to  think  about  different  strategies.  

For  easy  Doomtower,  a  very  minor  amount  of  resistance  paired with  accuracy  down debuffs  with champions in lifesteal  or  immortal  sets  is  a good  start,  but  by  no  means  is  it  the  only  way  to  beat  this  boss.  

And  full  disclosure,  I'm  dumb  and  fully  expect  to  get  destroyed  by  this  boss  eventually because  it  IS  tough.  But  it  IS  beatable.   

Sep 4, 2021, 02:0809/04/21

Hmm. I suppose with the breadth given in the English language the point is not often the point.

So - I'll put it another way. Stop  being  lazy,  stop  expecting  handouts.  Learn  how  to  play  the  game.  Put  in  the  time  and  effort  to  learn  how  to  build  teams   and  stop  complaining.  

And  finally, Doomtower  is  intended  to  be  end  game,  it's  not  supposed  to  be  easy.  Finding  new  champions and  re-gearing  to  beat new  challenges  are  the  main  parts  of  this  game.

I did make a post here about my complain of the new DT boss.  According to what u said, I am also just Lazy, Only expecting handouts, Not learning to play the game , Not putting time and effort to learn right?

Furthermore, as u said DT is intended to be end game (well normal DT for me), getting new champ and regear are the main parts of this game.  Then, with the attributes of me you implied, you are also suggesting this game is not suitable for me right? Thank you for clearing my mind on whether i should continue to play this game or not.  I feel regret of the money and time i have spend.

Sep 4, 2021, 02:1209/04/21
Sep 4, 2021, 02:15(edited)

I did make a post here about my complain of the new DT boss.  According to what u said, I am also just Lazy, Only expecting handouts, Not learning to play the game , Not putting time and effort to learn right?

Furthermore, as u said DT is intended to be end game (well normal DT for me), getting new champ and regear are the main parts of this game.  Then, with the attributes of me you implied, you are also suggesting this game is not suitable for me right? Thank you for clearing my mind on whether i should continue to play this game or not.  I feel regret of the money and time i have spend.

You took a lot of what I said to someone else and falsely applied it to yourself. Having complaints about aspects of the game is OK, and I encourage everyone to voice their opinions. The people I was calling lazy were ignoring advice and opting to just complain more. Not you.

Anyone can play this game, but it does require time and effort. I want you, and everyone else to keep playing and enjoy yourselves. But you do have to realize how this game is designed. Re-gearing, pulling champions, finding new straregies for new bosses. This IS the game. 

Sep 4, 2021, 02:1609/04/21
Sep 4, 2021, 02:18(edited)
Lee Gartside

And - and I'd just like to point out to the Moderator - I dont have 3 of those 5 champs in your post. 

So I assume im going to get them for free because this boss was introduced? I dont think so.

So its not a solution. A solution is where you have an ability to make a change or find an alternative. 

This isnt an alternative if you dont have those particluar champs. Ever tried to drive a car with no wheels and then suggest it is afterall, still a car? Good luck.

Does anybody here have a credible solution using everyday commons/uncommons that anyone can use get to get past this boss?

That's me! I'm "the moderator". And I don't get anything in the game handed to me. The fact I have Outlaw Monk leveled up tells you just how terrible my poisoners were for a long time.

I posted a set of Rares that a lot of people would have. With an uncommon even! I would hope this illustrates that most people can at least complete the first Bommal level. Do I need to only use farmable champs before it's a "free to play" team? Just starters? 

Here's the thing. When you build your own team, you can use everyone on your roster. All your epics, Ninja, etc... If you post your team, there are people on the forum that will help you. I purposely spent 3 million silver upgrading some 5 star gear to 12 and readying the team. I did it SOLELY so I could get on the forums and on discord and say "Yes, you can do it, let's figure out a team" and know it wasn't becuase I worked to get Brogni or was lucky enough to pull Duchess. Instead we did it with champs *a lot* of people would have.

Yes, sometimes the answer is you need to farm gear or rank up champs. Doom Tower is meant to be challenging, meant to require thought, and meant to be a bit of a power check. And advanced quests are just that, optional content. Many days I don't have the time to do them all. :(

Also, harleQuinn or Quinn is fine. I'm not "the moderator", I'm just a player who tries to make sure everyone is mostly polite to each other on the forums and discord.