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New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

New DoomTowerBoss way overpowered.

Sep 4, 2021, 02:3009/04/21

You took a lot of what I said to someone else and falsely applied it to yourself. Having complaints about aspects of the game is OK, and I encourage everyone to voice their opinions. The people I was calling lazy were ignoring advice and opting to just complain more. Not you.

Anyone can play this game, but it does require time and effort. I want you, and everyone else to keep playing and enjoy yourselves. But you do have to realize how this game is designed. Re-gearing, pulling champions, finding new straregies for new bosses. This IS the game. 

No worry, I have to thank you to make up my mind.  The reason i posted here was hoping to raise my concern or some other players' concerns to Plarium about putting new/harder/(aka you need more $ and time and NOT lazy, Not learning) at level 10 may cause some issues as the same may happen in future again which is making something previously accessible suddenly become unacessible.  I will still play the game till i used up all my saved resources and for sure, i do enjoy the game at some point.  But definitely, i wont further spend any $ on supporting tho i didnt spend alot anyway.  I never expect my 1st post on this forum would end up like this.

Sep 4, 2021, 02:4809/04/21
Sep 4, 2021, 02:55(edited)

No worry, I have to thank you to make up my mind.  The reason i posted here was hoping to raise my concern or some other players' concerns to Plarium about putting new/harder/(aka you need more $ and time and NOT lazy, Not learning) at level 10 may cause some issues as the same may happen in future again which is making something previously accessible suddenly become unacessible.  I will still play the game till i used up all my saved resources and for sure, i do enjoy the game at some point.  But definitely, i wont further spend any $ on supporting tho i didnt spend alot anyway.  I never expect my 1st post on this forum would end up like this.

Heya Marsearth! The grind is tough sometimes. I don't spend money myself (not even on the monthly gems), being F2P. 

If you wanna post your roster maybe we can figure something out to beat Bommal.  I think a starter champ and Ninja would be viable too, when done on manual, but I wanted to use a full auto team of Rares and Uncommons. I tried Shieldguard but his AoE was blowing up the bombs on me. So he got through the waves better but I couldn't survive Bommal. Armiger is my best built uncommon, but his Turn Meter reduction meant I couldn't survive the bombs even though he just wrecked the waves and hit Bommal like a truck. I was hoping Armiger would outdamage him, but it wasn't to be. I definitely had to try a few different combos of the "rares or below" team.

Anyways, I'm sure we can help ya figure something out.

Sep 4, 2021, 03:4609/04/21


guess I'm out of the DT content and 30 energy refills plus the extra brews from the advanced quests this month.  I've tried dozens of champ combos over about a hundred tries and can't take out floor 10 of normal DT.  lol

Resist auras, whatever, not working.

Evil Eye is the big problem because all of the champs I have built up have it.  I don't have the resources to spend over 1,000 gems just to re-master my champs for one boss then re-master them again for everything else.

I mean, thanks for posting a potential team, but the resources and time it would take me to level up champs just for this one purpose is a bridge too far for where my account is as a (mostly) f2p.

I understand Plarium is excited about and wants to show off their new boss, but making it to where MANY early-ish game players can't spend their silver keys is a bit of a problem in my eyes.

For what it's worth, here is my roster.  Like I said, I'm early on so don't have many champs levelled, but I could at least expect to get to floors 30-50 each month.  I'm honestly looking for anything that might help at this point.


Sep 4, 2021, 03:5209/04/21
Sep 4, 2021, 03:54(edited)


guess I'm out of the DT content and 30 energy refills plus the extra brews from the advanced quests this month.  I've tried dozens of champ combos over about a hundred tries and can't take out floor 10 of normal DT.  lol

Resist auras, whatever, not working.

Evil Eye is the big problem because all of the champs I have built up have it.  I don't have the resources to spend over 1,000 gems just to re-master my champs for one boss then re-master them again for everything else.

I mean, thanks for posting a potential team, but the resources and time it would take me to level up champs just for this one purpose is a bridge too far for where my account is as a (mostly) f2p.

I understand Plarium is excited about and wants to show off their new boss, but making it to where MANY early-ish game players can't spend their silver keys is a bit of a problem in my eyes.

For what it's worth, here is my roster.  Like I said, I'm early on so don't have many champs levelled, but I could at least expect to get to floors 30-50 each month.  I'm honestly looking for anything that might help at this point.


Let me see if anyone has tested out Ally Protect on this guy yet. I think there's a good chance we could figure this out. 

You've got double ally protect in MM and Kaiden and that can defray a ton of damage. Ninja puts out a BOATLOAD of damage, just go with his AoE before the bomb drops and his A1 should only hit the boss I think. You have a reviver that you build with as much resistance as you can in Rector Drath, and Kaiden gives you a second. The fifth might be Apothecary. He worked well in my Rares/Uncommons team.

It's pretty late where I'm at though! I will take a better look tomorrow. I think you'll be stuck at least ranking up Rector to 50 and likely Kaiden. 

Sep 4, 2021, 05:0609/04/21

Heya Marsearth! The grind is tough sometimes. I don't spend money myself (not even on the monthly gems), being F2P. 

If you wanna post your roster maybe we can figure something out to beat Bommal.  I think a starter champ and Ninja would be viable too, when done on manual, but I wanted to use a full auto team of Rares and Uncommons. I tried Shieldguard but his AoE was blowing up the bombs on me. So he got through the waves better but I couldn't survive Bommal. Armiger is my best built uncommon, but his Turn Meter reduction meant I couldn't survive the bombs even though he just wrecked the waves and hit Bommal like a truck. I was hoping Armiger would outdamage him, but it wasn't to be. I definitely had to try a few different combos of the "rares or below" team.

Anyways, I'm sure we can help ya figure something out.

Thank you for your response and your trying to enlighten me abit.  As i said, introducing new thing that prohibate previous accessable content is always not a welcome move, even in real life.  Imagine being blocked from your favourite resturant after a door renovation and being callled lazy, not learning , not understanding , not pulling champ(not ordering more drinks).  Its such an unpleasant experience.  Even we can solve the problem this time doesnt mean it wont happen next if Plarium do the same in future.  I was hoping my thought stated in my 1st post  cant be conveyed to Plarium thru here from a causal player point of view.  As a courtesy reply on your invitation to post my poster, i am attaching it for your kind reference.  One point to note tho is that i always spec Evil eyes on mastery which i dont think i have gems to redo them.  Afterall i am not in rush to clear Normal Bommal as i spend over 1.5month to kill the previous 1st 10/F boss and 30/F one just before this new reset.  Its the feeling that at 57th day of game play brought me back to day 1 game experience hurts the most.


Sep 4, 2021, 08:2809/04/21
Sep 4, 2021, 08:54(edited)

I'll copy it here, because last thread where i put it - was rage-closed by Harbby:

"I'm on day 12 and got advanced quest "Use 5 silver Keys in the Doom Tower". Looks like a joke for me, who has only Kael at 60. 

Well, i even could overcome room 1 on Normal (where mostly Magic and Spirit affinities). But already room 2 (Force affinity) - will be a stopper for me at least whole next week. 

And "Use 5 silver Keys " ??"

The question is: where is the point to give such "advanced quests" to newer players - if they are effectively blocking players from getting all quests done (and thus from getting energy-refill)? And blocking for how long? 3 months? Or maybe half year?

If doom-tower now is that difficult - maybe it is time to remove this ridiculous quest at all?

P.S. If Doom Tower is supposed to be "End Game" - where is the point to offer it (and connected quests) for players at level 40? Maybe shift it altogather to players level 60 if not further...

P.P.S. Or another possibility: offer different rotations of Doom Tower to players at different lavels. Say, Doom Tower "rotation 1" (which i think, was significantly easier) for players at level 40, "rotation 2" for players at 50, "rotation 3" for players at 60.

Sep 4, 2021, 09:2309/04/21

I'll copy it here, because last thread where i put it - was rage-closed by Harbby:

"I'm on day 12 and got advanced quest "Use 5 silver Keys in the Doom Tower". Looks like a joke for me, who has only Kael at 60. 

Well, i even could overcome room 1 on Normal (where mostly Magic and Spirit affinities). But already room 2 (Force affinity) - will be a stopper for me at least whole next week. 

And "Use 5 silver Keys " ??"

The question is: where is the point to give such "advanced quests" to newer players - if they are effectively blocking players from getting all quests done (and thus from getting energy-refill)? And blocking for how long? 3 months? Or maybe half year?

If doom-tower now is that difficult - maybe it is time to remove this ridiculous quest at all?

P.S. If Doom Tower is supposed to be "End Game" - where is the point to offer it (and connected quests) for players at level 40? Maybe shift it altogather to players level 60 if not further...

P.P.S. Or another possibility: offer different rotations of Doom Tower to players at different lavels. Say, Doom Tower "rotation 1" (which i think, was significantly easier) for players at level 40, "rotation 2" for players at 50, "rotation 3" for players at 60.

I will agree that they give you  the advance quests way to early as when you get them I think level 15, there is no way for you to complete alot of them.

Now some will come and say they give them that early so you have an idea of what is ahead of you as a player.

Me being the cynic I have come from Gaming way to long, I beleive they put them there that early to make you spend $$$$, but what they do not understand IMO is if they put them later at say 25 or 30 people would spend more money becuase being at 15 your account is too new and most just get fustrated and fustrated players quit.

PS I am not new and today I can not complete kill a faction warboss  as I have almost zero heros from the 2 factions I have today 😍

Sep 4, 2021, 09:2709/04/21
Sep 4, 2021, 09:29(edited)

I will agree that they give you  the advance quests way to early as when you get them I think level 15, there is no way for you to complete alot of them.

Now some will come and say they give them that early so you have an idea of what is ahead of you as a player.

Me being the cynic I have come from Gaming way to long, I beleive they put them there that early to make you spend $$$$, but what they do not understand IMO is if they put them later at say 25 or 30 people would spend more money becuase being at 15 your account is too new and most just get fustrated and fustrated players quit.

PS I am not new and today I can not complete kill a faction warboss  as I have almost zero heros from the 2 factions I have today 😍

I think Advanced Quests appeared at level 35 (when Tag Arena got available). And they were more-less doable, before Doom Tower was open (at level 40) - and now there is always this "Use 5 silver keys" quest.

Spending $$ at day 12 (and Level 40) - probably will not help anyway. Maybe spending $$$ (or even better $$$$) will help - but it is clueless to expect this from some average player. 

Thus, where is the point in such a quest (and actually Doom Tower of this difficulty) that early?

Sep 4, 2021, 10:0309/04/21
Sep 4, 2021, 15:52(edited)

You can understand why people rarely come onto Forums like this and express a point with the standard of these responses. Absolutley vaccuous.

Three pages of nothing to legitimate points, except a few pointers pushed out by the usual metaphoric banal suggestions of "get better" or "git gud" whilst calling people lazy. Oh dear. 

And the solution was.............................................errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

And close.

Edited by your neighborhood moderator. Criticism is fine but.... Lets not encourage spamming the support team. It does not help people who have their accounts hacked and need it recovered, or people with payment issues or anything else legitimate. That is all.

Sep 4, 2021, 10:1609/04/21

My point was that game companys seem to always want to fustrate people into spending money, and I think people would spend more money if they were happy.

The company that find the middle ground between fustration and happy is going to make ALOT of money 😀

Sep 4, 2021, 12:2409/04/21

I used my best nukers


Sep 4, 2021, 13:2009/04/21

Heya Marsearth! The grind is tough sometimes. I don't spend money myself (not even on the monthly gems), being F2P. 

If you wanna post your roster maybe we can figure something out to beat Bommal.  I think a starter champ and Ninja would be viable too, when done on manual, but I wanted to use a full auto team of Rares and Uncommons. I tried Shieldguard but his AoE was blowing up the bombs on me. So he got through the waves better but I couldn't survive Bommal. Armiger is my best built uncommon, but his Turn Meter reduction meant I couldn't survive the bombs even though he just wrecked the waves and hit Bommal like a truck. I was hoping Armiger would outdamage him, but it wasn't to be. I definitely had to try a few different combos of the "rares or below" team.

Anyways, I'm sure we can help ya figure something out.

After losing my previous account (and not getting any plarium reaction on my mails) i restarted 31 days ago.  I went to lvl 30 in doom tower last week.  Now I'm stuck at 9.

I cannot understand why you would make the game so player unfriendly.  Having an unbeatable boss (with only Ninja and non-legs) is NOT amusing or challenging.  It just makes players quit the game.

Sep 4, 2021, 16:0209/04/21

I'll copy it here, because last thread where i put it - was rage-closed by Harbby:

"I'm on day 12 and got advanced quest "Use 5 silver Keys in the Doom Tower". Looks like a joke for me, who has only Kael at 60. 

Well, i even could overcome room 1 on Normal (where mostly Magic and Spirit affinities). But already room 2 (Force affinity) - will be a stopper for me at least whole next week. 

And "Use 5 silver Keys " ??"

The question is: where is the point to give such "advanced quests" to newer players - if they are effectively blocking players from getting all quests done (and thus from getting energy-refill)? And blocking for how long? 3 months? Or maybe half year?

If doom-tower now is that difficult - maybe it is time to remove this ridiculous quest at all?

P.S. If Doom Tower is supposed to be "End Game" - where is the point to offer it (and connected quests) for players at level 40? Maybe shift it altogather to players level 60 if not further...

P.P.S. Or another possibility: offer different rotations of Doom Tower to players at different lavels. Say, Doom Tower "rotation 1" (which i think, was significantly easier) for players at level 40, "rotation 2" for players at 50, "rotation 3" for players at 60.

It is certainly endgame content, at least hard doom tower. The easy one is midgame. This is just my opinion. Some people may be able to get through the first handful of levels right at 40. 

My advice, if you're right at two weeks in, is to work on getting a team of 5 to 60 and work on three starring Nightmare campaign and focus on moving up in Clan Boss until you are 2 keying NM and can 1 key Brutal and Hard for the extra chests. Things like this are what helped me progress to finally finishing Doom Tower for the first time.

At 12 days, you are still very early game, and it's okay to focus on ranking up champs right now. :)

Sep 4, 2021, 16:1809/04/21
Sep 4, 2021, 17:43(edited)
Lee Gartside

You can understand why people rarely come onto Forums like this and express a point with the standard of these responses. Absolutley vaccuous.

Three pages of nothing to legitimate points, except a few pointers pushed out by the usual metaphoric banal suggestions of "get better" or "git gud" whilst calling people lazy. Oh dear. 

And the solution was.............................................errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

And close.

Edited by your neighborhood moderator. Criticism is fine but.... Lets not encourage spamming the support team. It does not help people who have their accounts hacked and need it recovered, or people with payment issues or anything else legitimate. That is all.

Vacuous isn't called for and is insulting for no reason. I know I am trying to help folks. I spent 3 mil silver upgrading 5 star gear to equip rare and uncommon champs just to see if Bommal was doable, and give at least a template for people to try. I didn't need to do that, I had already beaten him with Brogni.

Lots of people are trying to figure out lots of ways to kill Bommal. Scratch did it with a single Epic on Hard Doom Tower.  There will be more videos to come out over the next days too. I look forward to seeing all of HellHades advice, personally.

Also, I edited your post. Please do not encourage spamming employees with fake support tickets when their job is to help people recover their accounts or deal with bugs or payment issues.

Sep 4, 2021, 16:3909/04/21

harleQuinn wrote:

My advice, if you're right at two weeks in, is to work on getting a team of 5 to 60 and work on three starring Nightmare campaign and focus on moving up in Clan Boss until you are 2 keying NM and can 1 key Brutal and Hard for the extra chests. Things like this are what helped me progress to finally finishing Doom Tower for the first time. 

If i am very active - raisng a worthwhile champ to level 60, takes 2 weeks (if not longer). It means raising 4 more champs to 60 = 2 months. And it is not a guarantee, that i will be able to use a "silver key" even after that.

Thus is the question: what is the point in giving such a powerful Doom Tower (and related quests) for players at level 40? Why not at say level 60?

This "silver key" quest, effectively blocks Advanced Quests completing for new players, during next  several monthes - and it is kinda discouraging.

Sep 4, 2021, 17:3009/04/21

harleQuinn wrote:

My advice, if you're right at two weeks in, is to work on getting a team of 5 to 60 and work on three starring Nightmare campaign and focus on moving up in Clan Boss until you are 2 keying NM and can 1 key Brutal and Hard for the extra chests. Things like this are what helped me progress to finally finishing Doom Tower for the first time. 

If i am very active - raisng a worthwhile champ to level 60, takes 2 weeks (if not longer). It means raising 4 more champs to 60 = 2 months. And it is not a guarantee, that i will be able to use a "silver key" even after that.

Thus is the question: what is the point in giving such a powerful Doom Tower (and related quests) for players at level 40? Why not at say level 60?

This "silver key" quest, effectively blocks Advanced Quests completing for new players, during next  several monthes - and it is kinda discouraging.

I STILL don't have the time usually to complete all the advanced quests. So I don't, and that's okay. I just try and get as many done as I can so I can collect my leggo books. :)

Sep 4, 2021, 17:3109/04/21

harleQuinn wrote:

My advice, if you're right at two weeks in, is to work on getting a team of 5 to 60 and work on three starring Nightmare campaign and focus on moving up in Clan Boss until you are 2 keying NM and can 1 key Brutal and Hard for the extra chests. Things like this are what helped me progress to finally finishing Doom Tower for the first time. 

If i am very active - raisng a worthwhile champ to level 60, takes 2 weeks (if not longer). It means raising 4 more champs to 60 = 2 months. And it is not a guarantee, that i will be able to use a "silver key" even after that.

Thus is the question: what is the point in giving such a powerful Doom Tower (and related quests) for players at level 40? Why not at say level 60?

This "silver key" quest, effectively blocks Advanced Quests completing for new players, during next  several monthes - and it is kinda discouraging.

And also, you are right, it does take quite a bit to raise 5 champs to 60. But it's worth it. Especially if you get a half decent Clan Boss team out of it. That's where the big rewards are.

Keep at it! Don't stress about the advanced quests you can't do and do all the ones you can. 

Sep 4, 2021, 17:3909/04/21

My two cents - overall I think the boss is fine. The big problem, especially for newer players, is that it's on the 1st floor, which blocks advanced quest completion. That's a serious roadblock. Moving it to 20 would be a good, quick hotfix.

Sep 4, 2021, 18:3509/04/21
Sep 4, 2021, 18:38(edited)

And also, you are right, it does take quite a bit to raise 5 champs to 60. But it's worth it. Especially if you get a half decent Clan Boss team out of it. That's where the big rewards are.

Keep at it! Don't stress about the advanced quests you can't do and do all the ones you can. 

Ok, i'll put it straight. Could you (or some other mod) please let developers know, that Doom Tower in current difficulty - doesn't belong to be presented for players at level 40. And "5 silver keys" Advanced quest - doesn't belong anyway, probably up to player's level 50 or even 60.

Thank you!

Sep 4, 2021, 18:5209/04/21
Sep 4, 2021, 19:06(edited)

Ok, i'll put it straight. Could you (or some other mod) please let developers know, that Doom Tower in current difficulty - doesn't belong to be presented for players at level 40. And "5 silver keys" Advanced quest - doesn't belong anyway, probably up to player's level 50 or even 60.

Thank you!

Okay. Straight question then, back at you. 

Since these numbers are all arbitrary, and our individual progress depends on a lot of RNG, would you prefer Doom Tower not be presented to anyone until they hit 60, even those who can complete it at 40? Because with luck or purchases, some people who play will not have any problem with Bommal (especially those with Burangiri). There are people I've run into who have spent a great deal on shard packs and gear packs just in their first month, and have a good chance of climbing up a long ways through Normal. 

So, in your opinion, what level should the advanced quests be presented? Should you only get a few at 40? More at 50? Get all of them at 60? None until 60? What level should the Doom Tower open? 50? 60?

(Also, ofc I will be chatting with our Community Managers about all the stuff I read on here, it's what I do. It goes without saying or asking.)