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Harvester Jack fusion

Harvester Jack fusion

30 окт. 2019, 10:2530.10.19

Are they gunna fix harvest Jack's modifiers so hes on par with other hp champs? . Going through all the trouble to fuse and stew drops a video showing him In Premo gear hits like a limp noodle and st. Nick on the same team with crap gear on hits way way harder ?? I kinda dont want to keep going in the fusion for a champ I wont use cause hes way off base.

30 окт. 2019, 18:5030.10.19

I spend thousand point of energy in the fire Knight and still no Runic Warden, he is the only one miss for Jack and I am starting to getting desperate to have him. 

Is he really droppable in the dungeon ? 

31 окт. 2019, 00:1031.10.19
Finally got my dwarf on spider.. Only missing piece now is on fk... The pumpkin would make fk so much easier... But I need an overdose of fk to get the pumpkin first... I doubt I'll go back in this Dungeon after I get the pumpkin. 
31 окт. 2019, 07:1731.10.19
Plarium, I did spend real dollars, please give me the ingredient from the spider!
31 окт. 2019, 17:1231.10.19
31 окт. 2019, 19:35(отредактировано)

1000 energy on the fk alone last night...

I got silver, stuff to sell and like 70 shards. 

I am very concerned about my training event which is not advancing at all because the dwarf won't fall. I still need 12000points for my firstborn, the energy I use on the fk would be more than welcomed. 

So far I used over 5k energy on spider and fk, got the spider one... And now I am thinking even if I get the fk dwarf, I might not have enough time or resources for the firstborn. 

I think I am toasted for the fusion. 

I now farm on auto fk9, because I can't stand it anymore, I just hope the droprate isn't 0% under fk10... I would be so pissed. 

Plarium need to put the droprate out in the open like they did for minotaur... Because it just raise suspicion and untrust in the mind of the people farming blindly. 

31 окт. 2019, 17:4831.10.19

devin said:

I hear ya Chebz.  Sad thing for me is that I've had that damn dwarf multiple times and earlier last week I was again completely out of room so I started thinning out the Rare champs I had as the last few fusions Plarium has made all the champs necessary for the fusion available.  I haven't been playing that long, so I wasn't around for the Foli fusion and from reading it sounds like this fusion is similar in the fact that some of the pieces are so difficult to get dropped that it is very difficult/impossible to finish the fusion.

I purchased a lot of energy for this fusion ($50-60 worth), so I will play it all out.  If after that many more runs I don't have the dwarf, then I'll just walk away.  This game is fun and I am a collector by nature, but if you can't collect (i.e. you play a LOT and don't ever get new champs - just the same ones you've gotten multiple times before) then I'm not really collecting.

Plarium - publish the drop rates for the various champs by level.  Let us see for ourselves how likely/impossible you've made it.
Hello, I grinded FK for 3 days trying to get runic, unfortunately raid events seem to all be energy expensive. Good Luck
31 окт. 2019, 18:3231.10.19
Same.  Around a thousand energy and still tying
2 нояб. 2019, 07:3102.11.19
2 нояб. 2019, 07:31(отредактировано)
The fishing in dungeons just kills the excitement really. I got a dragon one in a couple runs it was completely fine but this is the 3rd day grinding fk all day and still nothing, really sad
2 нояб. 2019, 09:2402.11.19
2 нояб. 2019, 09:24(отредактировано)

Finally got the last dwarf from fk.

I hope if they do an event like that they will think about ice golem or minotaur to put the champion... 

Fk is way too time consuming. As it is a long fight it is as costly mentally, timely and in energy. 

I don't want to hear about that F(u)k Dungeon anymore. It was simply an overdose and it compromise the life  expectancy of the game by cutting down part of its contents away from the general game itself. 

4 нояб. 2019, 15:5004.11.19
5 нояб. 2019, 14:38(отредактировано)

160 Spider runs and obtained the Beast Wrestler.  Then proceeded to pull another from an ancient shard. Then as if that wasn't a slap in the face, pulled a Maeve on a void shard so I wouldn't need the Beast Wrestler anyway.  

400 Fire Knight runs so far and no Runic Warder.  Getting a bit frustrated at this point.

Update - Finally got the last Dwarf.  Took about 440 FK runs though.  
5 нояб. 2019, 17:2605.11.19
All this complaining about drop rates....I fused jack and I'm a noob. I think his skills are a bit nuanced but potentially God tier if used right. It appears the experienced top players don't rate him that much, but hey ho, I think devs will make sure heroes this hard to obtain will be worth it.
5 нояб. 2019, 18:2505.11.19
rusjay12 said:

I'm already 2000+ energy into Spider without a Beast Wrestler drop. These drop rates seem a bit abysmal, and at this rate, I can see people missing the fusion because they can't get the champion drops from dungeon.
Absolutely agree, I am in the same predicament :). Thousands of energy and no drop. Which level are you fighting? 
6 нояб. 2019, 01:1406.11.19
I been trying to get runic warder for the last 5 days and nothing I don't think event tune should be this hard to get
6 нояб. 2019, 09:4106.11.19
6 нояб. 2019, 09:41(отредактировано)
Since I already had all champs that were available from dungeons and didn't have to farm for them, I actually think that may be affecting the drop rates. And if it isn't just owning the champion, it might be having him at a certain level/rank/ascension already.
7 нояб. 2019, 20:2007.11.19
i'm only missing the beast wrestler for the fusion and i have spent over 2500 energy on the spider den and still nothing is there a stage that have more chance to drop it than other or i'm just unlucky i don't know i also made over 200 green shard and 50 blue shard invocation and still no luck . i'm pretty desperate now.
7 нояб. 2019, 21:1507.11.19

crgy1972 said:

All this complaining about drop rates....I fused jack and I'm a noob. I think his skills are a bit nuanced but potentially God tier if used right. It appears the experienced top players don't rate him that much, but hey ho, I think devs will make sure heroes this hard to obtain will be worth it.

Lmao, you can definitely tell from your post here that you are new.  No offense, just to clarify some things though:

1)  Drop rates are horrid.  It is quite legitimate for people to complain about it costing at least $35-50 of in-game purchases (energy, bonus xp, etc.) just for one single legendary champion.

2)  His skills are nowhere near god-tier.  Not even remotely.  I guarantee he will not be ranked higher than A on Reddit.  Wouldn't be surprised if he gets an overall rank of B.

3)  His A3 is risky.  Might be great, or 50% chance it will do nothing to the enemy and they come at you full force.  It's unreliable.

4)  His A2 block buff rarely ever happens unless you have him paired with another fear champion.  And since you don't see inc atk and continuous heal on enemies either, his A2 usually does nothing more than a little damage.  Speaking of damage...

5)  His damage scales horribly.  Yes, he has good survivability because of being an HP champion, but a waste of space in end-game content if you have even a handful of modest legendaries already.

6)  He is great for f2p players or those who lack any really good legendaries, but he's far from god-tier.

7)  He is amazing for Faction Wars.  I'll give him that.  However, with how weak the rewards are from Faction Wars, no vets tend to really care anyway.  Not worth the effort sadly.

8)  You thinking developers will make sure to do anything shows how new you are.  The only thing they make sure of is to find new and innovative ways to charge us for in-game purchases.  They never listen to player feedback.  In the rare cases they do, they add some twist to charge us more for it (like charging the monthly fee for a fair amount of auto-runs).  Developers not listening to customer feedback is the number one issue that chases players away more than anything else.  We keep telling them this, but they just don't seem to listen.  Such a shame too with a game with so much potential.