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Harvester Jack fusion

Harvester Jack fusion

27 окт. 2019, 02:0027.10.19

I think that the fact that we were not informed of the drop rates of champs needed for the fusion and that the chances are better as you ascend in the levels is complete trash. If i am willing to make the decision to spend money on your game, I feel like I should be able to make an informed decision on if i should participate based on the CRUCIAL details like these... Now I am 3000+ energy into it and still looking for ONE of the champs to drop. If I had known that the odds were against me because of the level of the dungeon i can complete I may have reconsidered spending the ammount I have on energy.... I hate that you all at Plarium overlook these things because I love your game but you make it so verry difficult to.

27 окт. 2019, 02:0927.10.19

BADSAD, your turn! The owner of the account featured on screenshot is most likely an idiot, right? If not, and "maybe there's a bug", then Plarium wants us to throw a ton of resources on a buggy champ 

27 окт. 2019, 02:1427.10.19
steampunksamurai87 said:

I hate that you all at Plarium overlook these things because I love your game but you make it so verry difficult to.

They don't overlook, but deliberately hide such details. Back on Foli fusion, I got tired of farming one of the fusion champs on highest level dungeon and went for a low level instead - to waste energy but do runs faster. I got the champ eventually, but guess what - when I did not need it anymore, they started to pour like a f**king rain. Which can still be dismissed as "RNG can be tricky"...
27 окт. 2019, 03:3227.10.19
Wow... i am new to this type of game. I never knew a delveloper could be so predatory towards the very people who hold them up...
27 окт. 2019, 03:3327.10.19
I agree, I've spent over 1,000 energy and still no drop.
27 окт. 2019, 04:5027.10.19

Can we please get the drop rates? I know a dev answered here but it's a non answer to be honest. 

Yes we have 17 days to fuse, but if we spend all our energy just trying to get a champion from the dungeons then we won't have enough to do anything else. Just give us a solid and transparent % so we know we're not wasting energy. It's been 3 days of nothing. I could have just spent that energy on Minotaur.

27 окт. 2019, 06:0227.10.19

Also, I use to farm Stage 10, that went on for a week before I had gear good enough to do Stage 12. I would literally use Muckstalker as a food champ because it dropped a fair amount of time. In fact, I got him at least 2 or 3 times a day at the very least. Now 10 refills worth of energy I have yet to see a Muckstalker. That's quite an "RNG coincidence". The problem is, Plarium is the only one who really knows the drop rates. Even if you said, "double drop rate" we only really have Plarium's word for it and a text saying it's doubled in the tool tip.

I hope Plarium remembers that the only thing that protects the player base is their ethics. Bad enough they nerf champions after people fully upgraded him and they never offer refunds.

As for me, if there are too much of these so called "coincidences", I have no problems shifting to another game. I did it with the game I played before I got here. 

27 окт. 2019, 06:4827.10.19
27 окт. 2019, 07:20(отредактировано)
Hi, Cirilla, i don't know, where Is the problem? if drop rates of shards Is known And transparent, why not drop rates for champs in dungeons? Yeah, if drop rate Is nearby 0, many players resign to spend real money for energy refilling. So no money for Plarium and maybe this is the reason why devs, CM, moderators are inactive about requests for information drop rates tables.
27 окт. 2019, 09:2727.10.19
took me 160 runs on level 14 fire knight to get 1 champ , my saving of energy and resources may not have been enough lol :) i would say it scales from 0.4% to 2% through dungeons
27 окт. 2019, 10:0527.10.19
I am so ashamed and appalled by how ignorant all of you criers are.  The drop chance is around 1% that means average 100 runs, TAKE A NOTE HERE! average does not mean guarantee! for every player who got it in 300 runs there is always one or two who got it in 10-15 runs, but do these players come here and bragging about how fast they did it?  Please dont act like a spoiled rat, I am sure some of you cry babies had beat RNG like pulled a lego out of 10 shards or upped a 16 piece with 900k silver, RNG just being RNG, sometimes u beat it sometimes u got beat, but, if you take a larger sample size it shall reflect the indicated %.  Please do everyone a favor by stfu and keep playing, there is unlimited opportunity of getting the drop u want, be glad they dont limit how much gem you can buy from the shop, with all those gems available to you the drop will eventually be yours. 
27 окт. 2019, 12:3027.10.19
badsad said:

I am so ashamed and appalled by how ignorant all of you criers are.  The drop chance is around 1% that means average 100 runs, TAKE A NOTE HERE! average does not mean guarantee! for every player who got it in 300 runs there is always one or two who got it in 10-15 runs, but do these players come here and bragging about how fast they did it?  Please dont act like a spoiled rat, I am sure some of you cry babies had beat RNG like pulled a lego out of 10 shards or upped a 16 piece with 900k silver, RNG just being RNG, sometimes u beat it sometimes u got beat, but, if you take a larger sample size it shall reflect the indicated %.  Please do everyone a favor by stfu and keep playing, there is unlimited opportunity of getting the drop u want, be glad they dont limit how much gem you can buy from the shop, with all those gems available to you the drop will eventually be yours. 
LOL, thanks.  I agree entirely.  If these whiners only understood statistics they might understand.
27 окт. 2019, 12:5127.10.19
I can confirm its all rng, I have by now dropped 2 beast wrestlers from spider 20. I dont even need him as I am pretty much set for fusion, I was just farming artifacts at random. Ive spent less than 1k energy. 
27 окт. 2019, 13:1427.10.19
badsad said:

I am so ashamed and appalled by how ignorant all of you criers are.  The drop chance is around 1% that means average 100 runs, TAKE A NOTE HERE! average does not mean guarantee! for every player who got it in 300 runs there is always one or two who got it in 10-15 runs, but do these players come here and bragging about how fast they did it?  Please dont act like a spoiled rat, I am sure some of you cry babies had beat RNG like pulled a lego out of 10 shards or upped a 16 piece with 900k silver, RNG just being RNG, sometimes u beat it sometimes u got beat, but, if you take a larger sample size it shall reflect the indicated %.  Please do everyone a favor by stfu and keep playing, there is unlimited opportunity of getting the drop u want, be glad they dont limit how much gem you can buy from the shop, with all those gems available to you the drop will eventually be yours. 
though i agree with the moaning u pulled the 1% out your a$$, the percentage is changed dependant on the difficulty of the level as already stated by cirilla , it could be only level 20 is 1%, as we never know the actual stats you cannot state that, also i have seen on here and reddit that if you are doing level 15 or below its nearly always over 100 runs, and also not everybody has gems to buy more energy so it is not unlimited, it is limited by what you get daily. i am not personally attacking you badsad but you are just giving ammunition to others with incorrect statements
27 окт. 2019, 13:1827.10.19

AscendantGod said:

glizdazla said:

So apparently the lantern legendary hits like a wet noodle. 

Ppl are reporting 20-29k crits with 70khp and very decent gear

Yea, everything I'm hearing is that his hits are a joke, and if anything, the A2 is bugged.  Most people can't even test it since true fear only lasts 1 turn, so a lot of them lose it before they can use A2.  Check SIN discord for yourselves if you guys want.  We all collaborate on things like this to help each other out.

Dude has this gear on him and said best crits he has seen so far as under 30k.  Another player with gear not as solid as this reported best crit at 23k.

He is a waste of time in his current state.  That's not to say he may not get buffed later on, but I'm just saying if you guys plan to spend tons of energy and time farming the champions for him, might not be worth your trouble.  Just food for thought.

Do you even know how gear sets work?

27 окт. 2019, 14:3027.10.19
Rasputin said:

badsad said:

I am so ashamed and appalled by how ignorant all of you criers are.  The drop chance is around 1% that means average 100 runs, TAKE A NOTE HERE! average does not mean guarantee! for every player who got it in 300 runs there is always one or two who got it in 10-15 runs, but do these players come here and bragging about how fast they did it?  Please dont act like a spoiled rat, I am sure some of you cry babies had beat RNG like pulled a lego out of 10 shards or upped a 16 piece with 900k silver, RNG just being RNG, sometimes u beat it sometimes u got beat, but, if you take a larger sample size it shall reflect the indicated %.  Please do everyone a favor by stfu and keep playing, there is unlimited opportunity of getting the drop u want, be glad they dont limit how much gem you can buy from the shop, with all those gems available to you the drop will eventually be yours. 
though i agree with the moaning u pulled the 1% out your a$$, the percentage is changed dependant on the difficulty of the level as already stated by cirilla , it could be only level 20 is 1%, as we never know the actual stats you cannot state that, also i have seen on here and reddit that if you are doing level 15 or below its nearly always over 100 runs, and also not everybody has gems to buy more energy so it is not unlimited, it is limited by what you get daily. i am not personally attacking you badsad but you are just giving ammunition to others with incorrect statements
He was only giving you an approximate number, not a definitive one. It is probably based on his own experience, so he has toseed this here. He said 1.6k energy on average, this is consistent with my drops too. Then again people may fall outside of average. It may be 1.6k for him and me and 20k+ for someone else. 
27 окт. 2019, 16:5127.10.19

aresiusmajere said:

AscendantGod said:

glizdazla said:

So apparently the lantern legendary hits like a wet noodle. 

Ppl are reporting 20-29k crits with 70khp and very decent gear

Yea, everything I'm hearing is that his hits are a joke, and if anything, the A2 is bugged.  Most people can't even test it since true fear only lasts 1 turn, so a lot of them lose it before they can use A2.  Check SIN discord for yourselves if you guys want.  We all collaborate on things like this to help each other out.

Dude has this gear on him and said best crits he has seen so far as under 30k.  Another player with gear not as solid as this reported best crit at 23k.

He is a waste of time in his current state.  That's not to say he may not get buffed later on, but I'm just saying if you guys plan to spend tons of energy and time farming the champions for him, might not be worth your trouble.  Just food for thought.

Do you even know how gear sets work?

1)  Learn to play before you make cynical remarks towards others.

2)  The fact that you seem to think that sets are more important than the stats on those sets just shows how inexperienced you are.

3)  Since you are clearly new, the more respectful way to bring up your confusion would have been "why did that person use artifacts that weren't complete sets?" instead of the snide way you did that did not call him out on being stupid, but yourself.

4)  Not only did you show your ignorance by overlooking the overall stats on Jack there, but by attacking the messenger.  He clearly stated in his post that it was from someone else, not himself.  Additionally, he is in one of the clusters of top clans that exist, SIN.  You'd best pay attention and learn rather than criticize and alienate yourself from such a useful resource as them.

5)  To answer the question in #3, set bonuses are not always the most advantageous way to go.  Sometimes, specific artifacts have such amazing stats and sub-stats on them that those choices are more viable.  Look at his HP, crit rate, and crit damage there. Almost 75% crit rate, 235% crit damage, and over 71k HP.  Until you learn that the stats are more important than matching sets, you will never come close to stats like that.

6)  Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and try to be a little more considerate of those trying to help you. ;)

27 окт. 2019, 16:5627.10.19

badsad said:

I am so ashamed and appalled by how ignorant all of you criers are.  The drop chance is around 1% that means average 100 runs, TAKE A NOTE HERE! average does not mean guarantee! for every player who got it in 300 runs there is always one or two who got it in 10-15 runs, but do these players come here and bragging about how fast they did it?  Please dont act like a spoiled rat, I am sure some of you cry babies had beat RNG like pulled a lego out of 10 shards or upped a 16 piece with 900k silver, RNG just being RNG, sometimes u beat it sometimes u got beat, but, if you take a larger sample size it shall reflect the indicated %.  Please do everyone a favor by stfu and keep playing, there is unlimited opportunity of getting the drop u want, be glad they dont limit how much gem you can buy from the shop, with all those gems available to you the drop will eventually be yours. 

The only thing to be ashamed of is your ignorance, arrogance, and desperate need for attention.  All you do is come on here to troll about how other players can get the same things as you, despite you supposedly spending thousands on the game.  You expect entitlement because mommy and daddy seem like they're wealthy.  This is assuming anything you have ever said was even truthful, which I doubt it is.

Funny how much you project your own issues by calling others the "spoiled brat" when on a subconscious level, you know very well you should be looking in a mirror when making that statement.

I'd suggest you take your own advice on that stfu comment.  No one cares to hear you criticizing others for being upset about the current state of the game.  

You like the game in its current state, then fine, you are certainly entitled to feel that way.  However, you have NO place to tell others they are not allowed to feel a certain way, or that they should not state their own opinions.  

Their agenda is to offer Plarium suggestions on what to improve that they're unhappy about.  Your agenda seems to be to attack others for self-aggrandizement.  You have a lot of growing up to do kid.  I'd suggest focus more on that and less on berating others.

28 окт. 2019, 01:3028.10.19

At least shills get paid. It's embarrassing to white knight not only for free, but you're the one paying. Don't be one of those "The government wouldn't lie to us" people. Life's too short to be a schmuck.

The request is simple:  Transparency.

There's a tool tip in the fusions area that has a graph that shows the odds of getting certain rarities.  THAT is what people are requesting except for the dungeon rare drops. It's as simple as that. To make an INFORMED CHOICE on where to spend their resources. Not only is that a simple enough request, it's a very reasonable one because we're spending real money. Even casinos and bookmakers show you the odds.

If the question is asking for a definitive answer, and you answer "Around 1%". Then that's code for talking out of your a**. Not only does this make your "ignorant" comment ironic, it's also bewildering as to what exactly are you going against the community about?  You don't want more helpful features added, is that what you want?

"Boo! hide more things from us!!!" LOL

What benefit does it give you to be against more features?

28 окт. 2019, 03:2528.10.19
I have looted 5 beast wrestlers now from spider 20. I used about 2-3k energy i think. I have pics to back this up. Tomorrow ill be farming dragon, ill keep you updated guys about drops. 
28 окт. 2019, 06:5728.10.19

Cirilla said:

Hello all! Guys, the higher Dungeons levels you farm the higher your chances are to receive the needed champion as a reward. The Fusion is going to last for 17 days, there is plenty of time for you to find the needed recipe ingredients and craft the champion. I wish you the best of luck!

Sorry, but this is not correct. The next event is starting today and it will take all our efforts to solve this one. So I can't farm any longer the dungeons.

We need the random dropping "dungeon-champs" as a second chance in other events.