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Harvester Jack fusion

Harvester Jack fusion

26 окт. 2019, 02:3926.10.19

glizdazla said:

Harvester is a monster! Match him with Hegemon and you literally control the game. A3, A2, A1. You opponent will be using a1 all game. ;-) 
I agree completely with Hegemon being a monster, at least in arena.  As far as the rest:

1)  No, Jack isn't by any means impressive.  Interesting, yes, but impressive, no.

2)  True fear only has a 50% chance to lock them down.  That also means a 50% chance it does absolutely nothing to the enemy player.  It's a risky gamble, whereas plenty of legendaries aren't that risky.

3)  This is assuming the true fear was even placed to begin with.  Yes, you can max him out to make it a 100% chance to place it, but we all know how costly legendary tomes are.  That's a huge investment into a champion that, even when maxed, only has a 50% chance to lock the enemy down with true fear.

4)  Unless his A2 gets triggered from both fear AND true fear, it severely depreciates his value for arena. 

5)  For Faction Wars, sure, he will be great.  For arena?  Too risky for end-game gold IV players.  Obviously not for clan boss.  Too risky for stage 20 dungeons.  Again 50% chance to lock them down, 50% chance it does nothing to them. 

6)  Why would you be trying to "control" your opponent in arena anyway?  Gold IV is 95% about who goes first.  No need to lock them down if you have enough damage to kill them. ;)

I feel he could be fun to play with since he has a kit unlike we have ever seen before.  However, for whales and semi-whales with a handful of legendaries, he just isn't anything spectacular. 

26 окт. 2019, 02:4426.10.19
AscendantGod said:

glizdazla said:

Harvester is a monster! Match him with Hegemon and you literally control the game. A3, A2, A1. You opponent will be using a1 all game. ;-) 
I agree completely with Hegemon being a monster, at least in arena.  As far as the rest:

1)  No, Jack isn't by any means impressive.  Interesting, yes, but impressive, no.

2)  True fear only has a 50% chance to lock them down.  That also means a 50% chance it does absolutely nothing to the enemy player.  It's a risky gamble, whereas plenty of legendaries aren't that risky.

3)  This is assuming the true fear was even placed to begin with.  Yes, you can max him out to make it a 100% chance to place it, but we all know how costly legendary tomes are.  That's a huge investment into a champion that, even when maxed, only has a 50% chance to lock the enemy down with true fear.

4)  Unless his A2 gets triggered from both fear AND true fear, it severely depreciates his value for arena. 

5)  For Faction Wars, sure, he will be great.  For arena?  Too risky for end-game gold IV players.  Obviously not for clan boss.  Too risky for stage 20 dungeons.  Again 50% chance to lock them down, 50% chance it does nothing to them. 

6)  Why would you be trying to "control" your opponent in arena anyway?  Gold IV is 95% about who goes first.  No need to lock them down if you have enough damage to kill them. ;)

I feel he could be fun to play with since he has a kit unlike we have ever seen before.  However, for whales and semi-whales with a handful of legendaries, he just isn't anything spectacular. 

I disagree.  Jack is very impressive and, at minimum, very good tier.  Most importantly he is a fun champion.
26 окт. 2019, 04:0226.10.19

I rarely defend Plarium, but I think this event is set up pretty fair so far.  You have a lot of time to get those rare drops from dungeons, and to make it better you are farming gear that you would be farming anyways, working towards a legendary tome and a good legendary at the same time?  I had gems saved up for something like that, took around 2000 points on the event to get 2 rares that I needed.  Sure wasted a lot of resources (about 500 gems), but I got gear/silver, closer to fusion and closer to legendary tome.

I also think his skill set looks really good.  He is hit points based, so depending on his multi, he might be hitting as hard as santa with tons of hp.  Of course depending on his multi.  But yeah, Im building him.

26 окт. 2019, 13:1126.10.19

i only needed one of the dungeon champions and got the dwarf after about 40 runs in FK17. I even got the one from the Dragon after just a few runs (D20) so the probability for the champions to drop seems pretty decent. What I like most about the fusion is that the required champions are not all new and lots of people already have some of them in their vault.

The only thing is i´m not sure how hard he is going to hit. HP based can be awesome but if he hits like a wet noodle then id be disappointed to get him after all that grinding necessary.

Also does anyone know if a TRUE FEAR debuff counts as a FEAR debuff for his A2 ?

Has anyone already tested him? His Ratings seem to be not that great but its only based on 11 rewiews so far

26 окт. 2019, 13:1126.10.19
26 окт. 2019, 13:20(отредактировано)

AscendantGod said:

glizdazla said:

Harvester is a monster! Match him with Hegemon and you literally control the game. A3, A2, A1. You opponent will be using a1 all game. ;-) 
I agree completely with Hegemon being a monster, at least in arena.  As far as the rest:

1)  No, Jack isn't by any means impressive.  Interesting, yes, but impressive, no.

2)  True fear only has a 50% chance to lock them down.  That also means a 50% chance it does absolutely nothing to the enemy player.  It's a risky gamble, whereas plenty of legendaries aren't that risky.

3)  This is assuming the true fear was even placed to begin with.  Yes, you can max him out to make it a 100% chance to place it, but we all know how costly legendary tomes are.  That's a huge investment into a champion that, even when maxed, only has a 50% chance to lock the enemy down with true fear.

4)  Unless his A2 gets triggered from both fear AND true fear, it severely depreciates his value for arena. 

5)  For Faction Wars, sure, he will be great.  For arena?  Too risky for end-game gold IV players.  Obviously not for clan boss.  Too risky for stage 20 dungeons.  Again 50% chance to lock them down, 50% chance it does nothing to them. 

6)  Why would you be trying to "control" your opponent in arena anyway?  Gold IV is 95% about who goes first.  No need to lock them down if you have enough damage to kill them. ;)

I feel he could be fun to play with since he has a kit unlike we have ever seen before.  However, for whales and semi-whales with a handful of legendaries, he just isn't anything spectacular. 

No need to bring up the cost of booking him. It cost the same to book everyone, so its irrelevant. 

Think of him in terms how he will improve  synergy with other heros. His based speed is fast. Huge base hp, dmg hp based. 


- you either sleep everyone or apply true fear and have a chance to decrease speed and reduce turn meter, so they either lose a turn or have 50% to lose a turn, and possibly will get further debuffed speed and turn meter

A2 if you go again you lock them, or debuff them massively reversing all opponent buffs

A1 is great 

He also has one of the best passives in the game. 

Put on him immunity set for 2 turns and he may really well counter speed builds. 

Now imagine having 2 of this guy. 

You go A3 on 1, A2 on 2, then A3, A2, two passives remove all buffs. I think he is interesting. 

He has bad reviews though, so smth may be off and not working as intended. 

26 окт. 2019, 14:0726.10.19

glizdazla said:

AscendantGod said:

glizdazla said:

Harvester is a monster! Match him with Hegemon and you literally control the game. A3, A2, A1. You opponent will be using a1 all game. ;-) 
I agree completely with Hegemon being a monster, at least in arena.  As far as the rest:

1)  No, Jack isn't by any means impressive.  Interesting, yes, but impressive, no.

2)  True fear only has a 50% chance to lock them down.  That also means a 50% chance it does absolutely nothing to the enemy player.  It's a risky gamble, whereas plenty of legendaries aren't that risky.

3)  This is assuming the true fear was even placed to begin with.  Yes, you can max him out to make it a 100% chance to place it, but we all know how costly legendary tomes are.  That's a huge investment into a champion that, even when maxed, only has a 50% chance to lock the enemy down with true fear.

4)  Unless his A2 gets triggered from both fear AND true fear, it severely depreciates his value for arena. 

5)  For Faction Wars, sure, he will be great.  For arena?  Too risky for end-game gold IV players.  Obviously not for clan boss.  Too risky for stage 20 dungeons.  Again 50% chance to lock them down, 50% chance it does nothing to them. 

6)  Why would you be trying to "control" your opponent in arena anyway?  Gold IV is 95% about who goes first.  No need to lock them down if you have enough damage to kill them. ;)

I feel he could be fun to play with since he has a kit unlike we have ever seen before.  However, for whales and semi-whales with a handful of legendaries, he just isn't anything spectacular. 

No need to bring up the cost of booking him. It cost the same to book everyone, so its irrelevant. 

Think of him in terms how he will improve  synergy with other heros. His based speed is fast. Huge base hp, dmg hp based. 


- you either sleep everyone or apply true fear and have a chance to decrease speed and reduce turn meter, so they either lose a turn or have 50% to lose a turn, and possibly will get further debuffed speed and turn meter

A2 if you go again you lock them, or debuff them massively reversing all opponent buffs

A1 is great 

He also has one of the best passives in the game. 

Put on him immunity set for 2 turns and he may really well counter speed builds. 

Now imagine having 2 of this guy. 

You go A3 on 1, A2 on 2, then A3, A2, two passives remove all buffs. I think he is interesting. 

He has bad reviews though, so smth may be off and not working as intended. 

I get what you're saying, and like I said, I think he could be fun to play with.  But top tier legendary?  No way, I just don't see it.

Here are a ton of problems I have already brought up:

1)  True fear only has a 50% chance to do something.  That means a 50% chance to be completely worthless and do nothing.  That's not good odds when you have some legendaries who have debuffs that literally cannot be resisted (aka 100% and guaranteed).

2)  TM reduction is indeed nice, I am well aware of that.  Not nice enough in and of itself to make a champion viable though.

3)  A2 might be fairly worthless, and I think it is.  From the tooltip of the A2, it seems to only be triggered from [fear], not from [true fear].  This means that it would only be valuable in long encounters where he *might* have applied a fear or two with his A1.  But, it doesn't seem like his A2 benefits at all from the A3.  This severely depreciates his value in arena regretfully, which is where I felt he could be the most fun to play with.

4)  *IF* his A2 triggers from true fear as well, then yes, he is a pretty solid champion altogether.  Still not a top tier, but a decent champion.

5)  His passive relies on the enemy actually having buffs on themselves, so I beg to differ.  In many encounters, the enemies will not have any buffs on themselves at all.  And besides, if the buff was only for one turn (which many are), his passive doesn't help.

Again, I do get where you see him as someone potentially great, but I feel his skills are way too situational and will only end up being powerful in a select few encounters.  On bosses in Faction Wars?  Absolutely.  In arena?  If A2 doesn't trigger off true fear, unless he scales amazing off HP, then no.

And it is rare that a champion ever works as intended these days, LOL.  They are so preoccupied with pumping out new stuff to sell that they rarely ever bother to fix the old stuff, and oftentimes what they consider "fixing" is a complete disregard of feedback from the players, as well as a complete disregard for any logic or reason (example the Tomb Lord changes made a couple months back).  I take all in-game reviews with a grain of salt though, and even if reviews are bad, that doesn't mean you can't find a solid composition for him to work with.  There is a VERY slim chance he might make it into a dungeon or two with me, and I will certainly use him off and on in arena just to play with.  As far as Faction Wars though, until they make it worthwhile, he won't be doing anything more than auto while I walk away and let it do its thing, which is a sad way to "play."
26 окт. 2019, 19:0526.10.19
AscendantGod said:

glizdazla said:

AscendantGod said:

glizdazla said:

Harvester is a monster! Match him with Hegemon and you literally control the game. A3, A2, A1. You opponent will be using a1 all game. ;-) 
I agree completely with Hegemon being a monster, at least in arena.  As far as the rest:

1)  No, Jack isn't by any means impressive.  Interesting, yes, but impressive, no.

2)  True fear only has a 50% chance to lock them down.  That also means a 50% chance it does absolutely nothing to the enemy player.  It's a risky gamble, whereas plenty of legendaries aren't that risky.

3)  This is assuming the true fear was even placed to begin with.  Yes, you can max him out to make it a 100% chance to place it, but we all know how costly legendary tomes are.  That's a huge investment into a champion that, even when maxed, only has a 50% chance to lock the enemy down with true fear.

4)  Unless his A2 gets triggered from both fear AND true fear, it severely depreciates his value for arena. 

5)  For Faction Wars, sure, he will be great.  For arena?  Too risky for end-game gold IV players.  Obviously not for clan boss.  Too risky for stage 20 dungeons.  Again 50% chance to lock them down, 50% chance it does nothing to them. 

6)  Why would you be trying to "control" your opponent in arena anyway?  Gold IV is 95% about who goes first.  No need to lock them down if you have enough damage to kill them. ;)

I feel he could be fun to play with since he has a kit unlike we have ever seen before.  However, for whales and semi-whales with a handful of legendaries, he just isn't anything spectacular. 

No need to bring up the cost of booking him. It cost the same to book everyone, so its irrelevant. 

Think of him in terms how he will improve  synergy with other heros. His based speed is fast. Huge base hp, dmg hp based. 


- you either sleep everyone or apply true fear and have a chance to decrease speed and reduce turn meter, so they either lose a turn or have 50% to lose a turn, and possibly will get further debuffed speed and turn meter

A2 if you go again you lock them, or debuff them massively reversing all opponent buffs

A1 is great 

He also has one of the best passives in the game. 

Put on him immunity set for 2 turns and he may really well counter speed builds. 

Now imagine having 2 of this guy. 

You go A3 on 1, A2 on 2, then A3, A2, two passives remove all buffs. I think he is interesting. 

He has bad reviews though, so smth may be off and not working as intended. 

I get what you're saying, and like I said, I think he could be fun to play with.  But top tier legendary?  No way, I just don't see it.

Here are a ton of problems I have already brought up:

1)  True fear only has a 50% chance to do something.  That means a 50% chance to be completely worthless and do nothing.  That's not good odds when you have some legendaries who have debuffs that literally cannot be resisted (aka 100% and guaranteed).

2)  TM reduction is indeed nice, I am well aware of that.  Not nice enough in and of itself to make a champion viable though.

3)  A2 might be fairly worthless, and I think it is.  From the tooltip of the A2, it seems to only be triggered from [fear], not from [true fear].  This means that it would only be valuable in long encounters where he *might* have applied a fear or two with his A1.  But, it doesn't seem like his A2 benefits at all from the A3.  This severely depreciates his value in arena regretfully, which is where I felt he could be the most fun to play with.

4)  *IF* his A2 triggers from true fear as well, then yes, he is a pretty solid champion altogether.  Still not a top tier, but a decent champion.

5)  His passive relies on the enemy actually having buffs on themselves, so I beg to differ.  In many encounters, the enemies will not have any buffs on themselves at all.  And besides, if the buff was only for one turn (which many are), his passive doesn't help.

Again, I do get where you see him as someone potentially great, but I feel his skills are way too situational and will only end up being powerful in a select few encounters.  On bosses in Faction Wars?  Absolutely.  In arena?  If A2 doesn't trigger off true fear, unless he scales amazing off HP, then no.

And it is rare that a champion ever works as intended these days, LOL.  They are so preoccupied with pumping out new stuff to sell that they rarely ever bother to fix the old stuff, and oftentimes what they consider "fixing" is a complete disregard of feedback from the players, as well as a complete disregard for any logic or reason (example the Tomb Lord changes made a couple months back).  I take all in-game reviews with a grain of salt though, and even if reviews are bad, that doesn't mean you can't find a solid composition for him to work with.  There is a VERY slim chance he might make it into a dungeon or two with me, and I will certainly use him off and on in arena just to play with.  As far as Faction Wars though, until they make it worthwhile, he won't be doing anything more than auto while I walk away and let it do its thing, which is a sad way to "play."
If you are right on point 3 it would be tragic and make him useless. 
26 окт. 2019, 19:4826.10.19

glizdazla said:

If you are right on point 3 it would be tragic and make him useless. 

As much as I hate to say it, looking at his in-game reviews combined with the tooltip, it looks like I most likely am.  His reviews so far are horrible.  Not sure exactly why yet, but I'm thinking the A2 is one culprit. 

I do hope I am wrong though, as I am only 3 champions away from getting him at this point, so I figure I might as well get him.  Won't take that much more for me to do so.  However, I have a feeling he is going to end up just collecting dust in my vault just like Maulie, getting used once a week or so in Faction Wars on auto and that's it.  Time will tell at this point...
26 окт. 2019, 20:3526.10.19

"As much as I hate to say it, looking at his in-game reviews combined with the tooltip, it looks like I most likely am."

is mini-van a vehicle?  Yes

is true-fear a fear?      Yes

26 окт. 2019, 20:4526.10.19

AscendantGod said:

As much as I hate to say it, looking at his in-game reviews combined with the tooltip, it looks like I most likely am.  His reviews so far are horrible.  Not sure exactly why yet, but I'm thinking the A2 is one culprit.  

I do hope I am wrong though, as I am only 3 champions away from getting him at this point, so I figure I might as well get him.  Won't take that much more for me to do so.  However, I have a feeling he is going to end up just collecting dust in my vault just like Maulie, getting used once a week or so in Faction Wars on auto and that's it.  Time will tell at this point...

I'm concerned about what early review say too. His kit looks almost too good. He removes, steals and replaces buffs and has a ton of HP e_e. Aaaand occasionally spooks enemies too. All skills are based of HP, so he also hits hard. Imagine combining him with Maulie?

Could it be that early reviewers somehow didn't figure out how to build him? Or didn't find the right synergy? Or is it as what we usually see here - something is broken or works not as expected?

26 окт. 2019, 20:4826.10.19

Maulie had good early reviews, so I fused her and assigned a very important role of guarding my vault, along with Mountain King and Ma'Shaled.

This one has bad reviews from the beginning e_e
26 окт. 2019, 21:5426.10.19
26 окт. 2019, 21:55(отредактировано)

glizdazla said:

zigisk said:

i am doing Fire Castle 8 stage, i cant beat stage 9 so does it mean i have even lower chance than higher lvl player so i practicaly dont have chance to get this hero? i already spent approx 500+ energy and did not even got 5***** item, despite it says 3-5* drop.

Yes, it means that you are still not ready for the fusion and should focus on obtaining lesser heroes. Don't waste too much  energy on this, focus first on development and new, better heroes will come along the way. Besides, better heroes will be added to the game in the future, so you are not losing out too much. 

Fusions are usually directed at end game players, and although they are not that difficult for most they are very time consuming and money hungry. 

well i already have few decent heroes, even one legend on 60

anyway my only concern is that if i have less chance on 8lvl to get RARE hero from fire knight castle than on higher lvl, then is not fair for me to spend like 2000 energy when more power player spent 1000 to get him.. its only RARE hero not an EPIC...

would be nice to get numbers behind the chance.. also something like guaranteed drop after 1000 energy spent would be really fair for RARE hero.
26 окт. 2019, 22:1126.10.19

badsad said:

"As much as I hate to say it, looking at his in-game reviews combined with the tooltip, it looks like I most likely am."

is mini-van a vehicle?  Yes

is true-fear a fear?      Yes

Like always, you're wrong yet again. 

I just got confirmation from someone who got him last night that his A2 does NOT trigger from true fear, only fear

They are NOT the same debuff, and your analogy is completely inaccurate and unrelated.  Yet again, another swing and a miss on your part BadTroll.  Anything else you want to whine about or complain about, or want to crawl back into your cave now?

Anyway, for the rest of you, if you haven't started working on him yet and already have halfway decent champions, don't waste your time.  That A2 not triggering with true fear makes him garbage.  Seems like he doesn't scale well at all either from what I've been told.  Just another trash legendary Plarium spouted out for a buck.  Such a shame.

26 окт. 2019, 22:5126.10.19

AscendantGod said:

badsad said:

"As much as I hate to say it, looking at his in-game reviews combined with the tooltip, it looks like I most likely am."

is mini-van a vehicle?  Yes

is true-fear a fear?      Yes

Like always, you're wrong yet again. 

I just got confirmation from someone who got him last night that his A2 does NOT trigger from true fear, only fear

They are NOT the same debuff, and your analogy is completely inaccurate and unrelated.  Yet again, another swing and a miss on your part BadTroll.  Anything else you want to whine about or complain about, or want to crawl back into your cave now?

Anyway, for the rest of you, if you haven't started working on him yet and already have halfway decent champions, don't waste your time.  That A2 not triggering with true fear makes him garbage.  Seems like he doesn't scale well at all either from what I've been told.  Just another trash legendary Plarium spouted out for a buck.  Such a shame.

sry to inform you just got CONFIRMATION from official discord his A2 shall work on all fears!  maybe the person who did the test was idiot or maybe there is a bug, anyway if you guys got him be happy and enjoy
26 окт. 2019, 23:4826.10.19

badsad said:

AscendantGod said:

badsad said:

"As much as I hate to say it, looking at his in-game reviews combined with the tooltip, it looks like I most likely am."

is mini-van a vehicle?  Yes

is true-fear a fear?      Yes

Like always, you're wrong yet again. 

I just got confirmation from someone who got him last night that his A2 does NOT trigger from true fear, only fear

They are NOT the same debuff, and your analogy is completely inaccurate and unrelated.  Yet again, another swing and a miss on your part BadTroll.  Anything else you want to whine about or complain about, or want to crawl back into your cave now?

Anyway, for the rest of you, if you haven't started working on him yet and already have halfway decent champions, don't waste your time.  That A2 not triggering with true fear makes him garbage.  Seems like he doesn't scale well at all either from what I've been told.  Just another trash legendary Plarium spouted out for a buck.  Such a shame.

sry to inform you just got CONFIRMATION from official discord his A2 shall work on all fears!  maybe the person who did the test was idiot or maybe there is a bug, anyway if you guys got him be happy and enjoy


I dont think that many people have booked him and maxed him out, so that may explain trashy reviews. He needs specific heroes for synergy to utilise his potential and may not scale well from hp. We will see soon when more folks get him. 

26 окт. 2019, 23:5726.10.19
I'm already 2000+ energy into Spider without a Beast Wrestler drop. These drop rates seem a bit abysmal, and at this rate, I can see people missing the fusion because they can't get the champion drops from dungeon.
26 окт. 2019, 23:5926.10.19

zigisk said:

glizdazla said:

zigisk said:

i am doing Fire Castle 8 stage, i cant beat stage 9 so does it mean i have even lower chance than higher lvl player so i practicaly dont have chance to get this hero? i already spent approx 500+ energy and did not even got 5***** item, despite it says 3-5* drop.

Yes, it means that you are still not ready for the fusion and should focus on obtaining lesser heroes. Don't waste too much  energy on this, focus first on development and new, better heroes will come along the way. Besides, better heroes will be added to the game in the future, so you are not losing out too much. 

Fusions are usually directed at end game players, and although they are not that difficult for most they are very time consuming and money hungry. 

well i already have few decent heroes, even one legend on 60

anyway my only concern is that if i have less chance on 8lvl to get RARE hero from fire knight castle than on higher lvl, then is not fair for me to spend like 2000 energy when more power player spent 1000 to get him.. its only RARE hero not an EPIC...

would be nice to get numbers behind the chance.. also something like guaranteed drop after 1000 energy spent would be really fair for RARE hero.

This is the main reason why I was trying to discourage you from trying. The drops are lower at lower lvl as confirmed by Cirilla, so it may cost you much more in terms of energy then folks at the top. Was this Sit Nicolas available for fusing, I would have never try to dissuade you, but this current hero will need a specific team to play well. 

I would get stronger and ready for the winter fusion where mr Santa may come back. Must have in my books. So, please be ready. 

27 окт. 2019, 00:1727.10.19

So apparently the lantern legendary hits like a wet noodle. 

Ppl are reporting 20-29k crits with 70khp and very decent gear

27 окт. 2019, 00:2427.10.19

glizdazla said:

So apparently the lantern legendary hits like a wet noodle. 

Ppl are reporting 20-29k crits with 70khp and very decent gear

Yea, everything I'm hearing is that his hits are a joke, and if anything, the A2 is bugged.  Most people can't even test it since true fear only lasts 1 turn, so a lot of them lose it before they can use A2.  Check SIN discord for yourselves if you guys want.  We all collaborate on things like this to help each other out.

Dude has this gear on him and said best crits he has seen so far as under 30k.  Another player with gear not as solid as this reported best crit at 23k.

He is a waste of time in his current state.  That's not to say he may not get buffed later on, but I'm just saying if you guys plan to spend tons of energy and time farming the champions for him, might not be worth your trouble.  Just food for thought.
27 окт. 2019, 00:4227.10.19
rusjay12 said:

I'm already 2000+ energy into Spider without a Beast Wrestler drop.
Ugh. I've budgeted $40 for this event. That's how much I'm willing to spend to complete the fusion. I've already dropped $15 just on energy refreshes trying to get Beast Wrestler. Still no sight of him. It's intensely frustrating to grind the same content over-and-over again without making any progress toward the fusion event. If I don't get him by the time the Champion Training Event starts, I'm going to pass on this fusion.