Hello all.
I am russian and first of all i am sorry for my english in this post.
Please make difference between accounts. GUEST and REGISTER. Why for?
1) You made fast leveling up and supporting troops in beginning. Yes, that s good but some bad peoples(i call them rediska) use this for cheating.
I will try to describe.
Example! I am 30 lv (i made plarium ID and i connected facebook to get bonuses) and i ve been atacked by 20lv.. He loose!
Then just in 10 minutes he makes army on other and teleport to me again. He loose. Another 10 minutes,teleport and this time i have been defeated.
I understand what there is no total defeat in the game but my bonuses(very powerful aircrafts) destroyed and i dont want to play this account anymore.So i made onother one.
2) Teleport. I was in alliance and we destoyed few bases. After that one of them,as i think,decided to make his revenge. In next one and half hours someone teleported into alliance s territory about 50 bases. Very nice so we have no free nearby space for recruits. Supporting far members takes more time.
Next one.Multiaccounts
Yes,yes! i am sure you know how many mults there are in game.
there are only in my alliance about 7 peoples with 2-5 multi. great!!!!
For example http://prntscr.com/erzw83 this in only 1\4 part of farm. and i now many areas like.
In the nearest future alliance [RRR] i will have nice resurce farm.
Quest to destroy 50 pts army! Done!
Quest to atack! DoNE! and so on.
Request to Your technical support? when i tryed to make request you ask me.....please give us violator' s coordinats.....are you kidding me? may be from THIS coords to THAT coods.
In preveus alliance when i declined offer to make farm for alliance i was kicked in few seconds later..
--Please make
1) report system more freindly...add in menu item somethink ....multipleMultiaccont...or somethink like that. Yoy are smart team. You will find solution.
2)To prevent multiacc please send warn to player what he is trying to use 2nd or 3rd account from same IP.
2.1) You can to make "logout time" 5 minutes or ever 10.
When user click "quit game" he can t start other or log in into other account from same IP. He will be tired to wait to check all multi.
Also warn him "Another account was lunched from same IP". Or something like this. Anyway your game has acces to my call, foto and so on.
Aslo there are many people make survilanse by multi in enemy aliances
Alliances HQ protected by multiacc forces. After they are desrtoyed all start to use main accounts
Please make low lv base "base death".
Unregister by mail Base lower than 10lv dies in 24 hours without activity.Too many low 1-10 lv dead bases.Reach 10 too easy.
So you can do for 20 lv 30lv and 39.
Make "freeze mode" or "auto sheld" or "i am not feedeing-rack".
Also we have high lv dead bases. If you do nt want erase them than make them freeze.base stop geting resurses and conseal oadditional building.
Auto enable in time depens on lv of base.
add freeze menu . i am busy all next week and do not want feed other. i freeze base.no atack,no res mining, no researching.
I hope I make myself clear for understanding!
Thank you for reading!