slighkat said:
Not sure if any one has asked this yet, when people join a alliance how come it doesn't show up.
and would this be some that will be fixed soon or is there a reason for this
Like when someone randomly joins and shows up as a trainee does won't show up cause they are not fully joined into the alliance. Privates and up will show up when invited but sometimes depending on positions open it will just go to rank private. But for the trainees since they are not fully in the alliance they don't give out notifications.
For example: an alliance will start off with 50 members cap and 20 spots for trainees. If you have 50/50 members and get people to join by being trainee the are not full members yet. So don't get as much access or privilege as an actual member would.
I don't know if that helped a bit. But I hope it explained a few factors.