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Arena Changes (From Digest)

Arena Changes (From Digest)

Apr 8, 2022, 15:0304/08/22

Yeah we do we need a reset at all? For the rewards?

Just promote me when I get enough points and demote me when I loose them

What am I missing? 

The reset is to theoretically help people break into tiers by forcing accts out of the system if you haven't been playing. Without SOMETHING, everything eventually freezes in place and no one can ascend.

Right now, with points at such a freaking premium, it just presses people down tier by tier. Which is NOT fun. -_-

Apr 8, 2022, 15:1004/08/22

I thought there were other mechanisms in place for forcing out inactive players?

Apr 8, 2022, 15:1404/08/22


some feedback after the adjustments from yesterday (7.4.22)

The Good:

- Silver felt better. I was stuck in Silver 4 for a while but after the changes I managed to get to get to G1 after a few hours of natural refreshes. Teams felt a lot more managable but it didn't feel too easy.

- Changes to Arbiter missions are good. Getting to G1 seems like a good enough challenge considering the state of the game in 2022. Unfortunetly now there's a new gigantic wall and that leads me to...

The Bad:

- After the initial excitement of "wow were finally getting Arbiter" people will realize they need 3400 Gold medals to get past Great Hall missions. I don't mind grind at all but G1 is currently un-farmable, it's loaded with teams that clearly belong in G3-5+ and not in G1. I have no life so I can refresh every 15min and sometimes I need 4-5 refreshes to find *1* team I can beat. I won't even post screenshots because I assume Plarium can see how packed G1 is.

- The point gain/loss ratio still looks like it will cause point deflation. 


- get rid of point loss on attack completely or greatly reduce the cost. Arena tokens are a finite resource so you would still have to pick and choose your battles. 

- add bots again.. I know, I know... they don't exist πŸ˜‰but just add them to introduce more points into the system. Maybe add them up to G4 and remove them in G5 and Plat?

tl:dr a step in right direction but not enough. G1 is a wall.

Apr 8, 2022, 15:2404/08/22
Apr 8, 2022, 15:24(edited)

All defenses are bots. XD XD

But in all seriousness, I am seeing the same stuff at the bottom of G4 right now. 

Falling from 3800+ to 2900 was a precipitous drop for me. I'm sure it happened to MANY PEOPLE a few weeks+ ago, but it was absolutely Brutal to get knocked out of G5 at reset due to being hit every 10-15 minutes by some Plat team, and dropping all the way to 2900 G4 after I had gone to sleep comfortably at the edge of Plat here in North America. 

Based on the teams we are seeing today down here at 2900 Β± 300, we are still seeing the aftermath of those crazy drops, like mine, that started when the G5 matchmaking started and had the crazy wide ranges.  And cause reset is at 2am-5am here, people pushing for top 100 or top 50 Plat could just lay into more than half the player base, and that sinks a HUGE percentage of people to 2900, while their points only go to a very select few. Eventually though, they ran out of people to hit except each other, cause all of us G5 people were back in G4 and G3, and they just beat up each other until they all fell into G5, then G4. All those points lost each week, with opponents like me no longer around to gain them back, cause I, and many others were at 2900.

I am not sure anything fixes Arena totally until we all stop getting reset every week to the bottom of the tier. When I was pushed out of G5, I artifically lost the 550+ points I had remaining in the bank from 3450ish to 2900. I earned those points with tokens and time and building Arena champs, why should I, or anyone, lose them?

I personally think, if they want to stay with this system from 2018-2019, that only Plat should fall back. Even if we could just fall back to the MIDDLE of a tier, or a tier based on the tier we spent the majority of our week in, or SOMETHING to keep everyone from losing so much progress every week.

Changing reset would not hurt at all, but i think there are more fundamental issues with having arena as both competitive and tied to pve progress.

The first thing is for those starting later to the game (for example in the last 6 months) the barrier to breaking into these tiers just gets bigger and bigger- i have watched the old content creator videos and its comical how bad their gear is, yet they are farming medals easily, and did so for some time.

Without spending roughly the GDP of saudi arabia- i dont see how new players can ever catch up

Secondly certain champs (duchess, hedgemon, siphi, rotos etc) are key to top teams, there are now so many champs that again its incredibly unlikely you will pull these top tier champs as a new player, heck my last 7 lego pulls have been vault guardians not even worth building for faction wars.

If arena was just a competitive mode with a nice shop, i am not sure it would matter- but with the set up of pvp on raid, you have to compete with and beat these vet players with years of play in order to progress your non-pvp account effectively.

Apr 8, 2022, 15:4804/08/22
Apr 8, 2022, 15:53(edited)

@Kram, I understand the point.  I look at things this way.  Missions built into the game should be reasonably achievable to all that play, over time of course. If they are not reasonably achievable within a fair amount of time, given proper effort, then it makes for a bad design.  The amount of time this should take is not necessarily the same for all, but one should not be looking at a mission as unachievable or achievable by only a few, this to me constitutes bad game design.

Esepcially when players can look ahead on the mission list and see that they could easily complete, or already have completed, missions way past the one they're stuck on.

For example, "Clear Stage 15 of the Minotaur's Labyrinth 10 times on auto" comes after "Reach Gold III", suggesting to the player that these are supposed to be tasks of approximately equal difficulty, if not that the earlier task is actually supposed to be easier than the later one.

Apart from the children of billionaires who can afford to buy gems in unlimited quantities, there's probably nobody in Gold II right now who's beaten Minotaur 15 less than sixty thousand times.

Apr 8, 2022, 16:0404/08/22

I think changing reset to middle of tier makes too much sense. 

And of course adding the bots back that never existed... this clearly isn't in the plans unfortunately or they wouldn't have completely nerfed the arbiter missions. 

So we are stuck with arena being a time suck grind for all levels still... I will go back to doing just what I need for forge materials every 2 weeks in cvc

Apr 8, 2022, 16:3704/08/22

My opinion, I think the arena should have a ranking based on the total players in the game and your arena points. 

So, let’s say, there is 850.000 total players, the tiers should be something like this (just an example): 

top 1% of total players = 8500 players. 

Gold V:
next top 4% of total players = 34000 players. 

Gold IV:
next top 3% of total players = 25500 players. 

Gold III:
next top 3% of total players = 25500 players. 

Gold II:
next top 2% of total players = 17000 players. 

Gold I:
next top 2% of total players = 17000 players. 

Silver IV:
next top 3% of total players = 25500 players. 

Silver III:
next top 3% of total players = 25500 players. 

Silver II:
next top 2% of total players = 17000 players. 

Silver I:
next top 2% of total players = 17000 players. 

Bronze IV:
next top 15% of total players = 127500 players. 

Bronze III:
next top 20% of total players = 170000 players. 

Bronze II:
next top 20% of total players = 170000 players. 

Bronze I:
last 20% of total players = 170000 players. 

So, the player with the highest total points will be the first place (highest position in Platinum), while the player with the lowest points will be at bottom in Bronze I. 

Then, if the game gets more players, that % will be the same, just that if the total players grew to 920.000, the total players that can be Platinum will be 9200 and so on so forth, so the numbers will be dynamic instead of static.  

Apr 8, 2022, 18:0104/08/22
Shiisaa Tera

My opinion, I think the arena should have a ranking based on the total players in the game and your arena points. 

So, let’s say, there is 850.000 total players, the tiers should be something like this (just an example): 

top 1% of total players = 8500 players. 

Gold V:
next top 4% of total players = 34000 players. 

Gold IV:
next top 3% of total players = 25500 players. 

Gold III:
next top 3% of total players = 25500 players. 

Gold II:
next top 2% of total players = 17000 players. 

Gold I:
next top 2% of total players = 17000 players. 

Silver IV:
next top 3% of total players = 25500 players. 

Silver III:
next top 3% of total players = 25500 players. 

Silver II:
next top 2% of total players = 17000 players. 

Silver I:
next top 2% of total players = 17000 players. 

Bronze IV:
next top 15% of total players = 127500 players. 

Bronze III:
next top 20% of total players = 170000 players. 

Bronze II:
next top 20% of total players = 170000 players. 

Bronze I:
last 20% of total players = 170000 players. 

So, the player with the highest total points will be the first place (highest position in Platinum), while the player with the lowest points will be at bottom in Bronze I. 

Then, if the game gets more players, that % will be the same, just that if the total players grew to 920.000, the total players that can be Platinum will be 9200 and so on so forth, so the numbers will be dynamic instead of static.  

I think this is the best you could do to change the arena to an even worse status. 

Imagine that of all players, only 8 % can get the boni of Gold IV+ which massively also influences your PvE progress. With your system, none of the people starting right now would have a chance to advance even into silver. 

If you do not believe me, have a look at the current Tag Team Arena. People in my clan playing for more than 2 years (daily and having good champs and gear) have trouble getting into Silver of Tag Team. 

Your system would only work, if PvP and PvE would not be connected by the Great Hall. 

Think about it...

Apr 8, 2022, 19:2804/08/22
Shiisaa Tera

My opinion, I think the arena should have a ranking based on the total players in the game and your arena points. 

So, let’s say, there is 850.000 total players, the tiers should be something like this (just an example): 

top 1% of total players = 8500 players. 

Gold V:
next top 4% of total players = 34000 players. 

Gold IV:
next top 3% of total players = 25500 players. 

Gold III:
next top 3% of total players = 25500 players. 

Gold II:
next top 2% of total players = 17000 players. 

Gold I:
next top 2% of total players = 17000 players. 

Silver IV:
next top 3% of total players = 25500 players. 

Silver III:
next top 3% of total players = 25500 players. 

Silver II:
next top 2% of total players = 17000 players. 

Silver I:
next top 2% of total players = 17000 players. 

Bronze IV:
next top 15% of total players = 127500 players. 

Bronze III:
next top 20% of total players = 170000 players. 

Bronze II:
next top 20% of total players = 170000 players. 

Bronze I:
last 20% of total players = 170000 players. 

So, the player with the highest total points will be the first place (highest position in Platinum), while the player with the lowest points will be at bottom in Bronze I. 

Then, if the game gets more players, that % will be the same, just that if the total players grew to 920.000, the total players that can be Platinum will be 9200 and so on so forth, so the numbers will be dynamic instead of static.  

Great hall is a vital part of the game, mine is nowhere near finished, but i have accuracy maxxed on all affinities and crit damage and res maxxed on about half of them.

It makes a huge difference.

Using your system the vast majority of players would take a decade or so to get even their accuracy and crit damage done as the medals rewarded in lower ranks are awful.

Apr 8, 2022, 20:5104/08/22
Apr 8, 2022, 20:54(edited)

Arena is design to force players use tons of tokens which they don't have... lol

ur Arena Tiers Thresholds from gold1 to gold5 ask 300 pts per tier,


while ur 10 battle wins dont give more than 30pts...


+2-4pts is shameless comparing with required points (300) for progress to next tier?? lol unreal...

while our loses pts from defense take more than 10pts in case of lose....

so how to make progress when ur system downgrade players shamelessly ???

not to mention those low amount for gold medals given from wins.... 

so how many tokens bags and wins need to make 300pts during arena week ???


Apr 8, 2022, 23:0804/08/22

Arena is design to force players use tons of tokens which they don't have... lol

ur Arena Tiers Thresholds from gold1 to gold5 ask 300 pts per tier,


while ur 10 battle wins dont give more than 30pts...


+2-4pts is shameless comparing with required points (300) for progress to next tier?? lol unreal...

while our loses pts from defense take more than 10pts in case of lose....

so how to make progress when ur system downgrade players shamelessly ???

not to mention those low amount for gold medals given from wins.... 

so how many tokens bags and wins need to make 300pts during arena week ???


I think you're a bit confused. The middle row represents points gained or lost, and in this case looks to be about 81 points gained, by my estimation. The bottom row is Magisteel, the top row is medals. hope that helps. 

Apr 9, 2022, 01:2204/09/22


I think you're a bit confused. The middle row represents points gained or lost, and in this case looks to be about 81 points gained, by my estimation. The bottom row is Magisteel, the top row is medals. hope that helps.  

oh i see, u r right... 

my apologies...

Apr 9, 2022, 04:4904/09/22

so it appears that arena losses have been severaly capped with the maintenance update that took place today.  If so, this is HUGE and will pump points into the system.  Time to shout it from the mountaintops: EVERYONE PUT UP YOUR ONE MAN DEFENSES

Apr 9, 2022, 11:0804/09/22

So arena fixes still seem to have negative effects a couple days on.

My defense keeps a unusually high winrate while my offensive winrate has plummeted.

I don't know why in almost 1.5 years of playing this game arena has been a consistent mess.

This constant algorithm adjustment bs is nothing but anyalitics to see how mad they can keep people to entice them to spend the most money. I'm about done spending on this game.

Apr 9, 2022, 11:3704/09/22

They have changed it so that you only register 5 losses a day, then they do not show- it will work

I have put a one man defence in to help people and others seem to be doing the same, i am up to 3.1k now

The more people that put in 1 man defences the easier farming will be (although there is a risk they will tweak as a reaction to that i guess)

It means i can try the siphi rotos duchess teams for fun now to see if i can beat them so i am ok with the fiddle i guess.

Apr 9, 2022, 15:0504/09/22

So arena fixes still seem to have negative effects a couple days on.

My defense keeps a unusually high winrate while my offensive winrate has plummeted.

I don't know why in almost 1.5 years of playing this game arena has been a consistent mess.

This constant algorithm adjustment bs is nothing but anyalitics to see how mad they can keep people to entice them to spend the most money. I'm about done spending on this game.

You can only register 5 defensive losses a day in the Gold tiers now. So that is a huge change that, like I was mentioning above, will take a few days to filter through the system.

No one can just detonate your point gain anymore. Only the reset does that, which I believe still needs to be change to only drop you to the middle of the Tier you finished in. Only Plat should drop you farther.

Apr 9, 2022, 15:3804/09/22

Silver defense is still broken. I'm being attacked by accounts with 50% more power than I have and losing way more points than I gain in offense. Offense is easier, but only because I'm stronger than everyone on the list. Seems like they focused on fixing offense matchmaking without thinking how it Impacts the defenders.

Apr 9, 2022, 15:5204/09/22
Apr 9, 2022, 15:54(edited)

You can only register 5 defensive losses a day in the Gold tiers now. So that is a huge change that, like I was mentioning above, will take a few days to filter through the system.

No one can just detonate your point gain anymore. Only the reset does that, which I believe still needs to be change to only drop you to the middle of the Tier you finished in. Only Plat should drop you farther.

This seems like a solution that makes a lot of sense. I'm assuming it's tied into this part from the Digest: 

"Furthermore, an additional alteration is introduced into the system to prevent players from dropping through Tiers too fast in case they get attacked too frequently."

The way this was written, it wasn't clear that Gold would be included but now that we're here I wonder how long it will last. 

Also, it is confirmed there's no cap on Plat defenses. 

Apr 9, 2022, 17:1104/09/22

This is crap, still stuck on an arena mission for well over 6 months.

You didnt fix anything. Time to drop this turd of a game.  Bye!