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Arena Changes (From Digest)

Arena Changes (From Digest)

Apr 7, 2022, 15:5904/07/22

I used to be able to stay in G4 and farm medals quite easily (with some selective opponent choice)

Now I'm just about hanging on it G3 and pretty much have to manual all fights (choose opponents very carefully)

The design of the Great Hall and Arena tournaments would seem to indicate that they expect people to (easily) win (farm) a lot of Arena fights

However I still cannot do this whereas I used to be able to

So this still feels broken to me

Although I'm not sure what sort of experience Plarium want/expect me to have with the Arena

it's counterproductive to attack a team lower than you due to the points lost - generally they aren't weaker teams - which is where this falls down

It's not a good advert for a competitive arena where I can attack a team ahead of me three times, lose two, win one and come out ahead on points

Apr 7, 2022, 17:1804/07/22

This might be a solid prediction.

I know Gliseah was meant to be arena focused. And they have done two 10x for her at this point. It is a shame they went with Tatura as the fusion champ rather than her, at least for my account specifically. 

And now a guaranteed Kyoku. Wish I had enough sacreds :/

Apr 7, 2022, 17:4104/07/22

Trips, solo Dragon farmer when?????


Ugh. Decided unless it's a solo 25 farmer I'm not going to build. Dragon 20 gear is not enough... I have 35 5star 🐔 I think so not worried about xp currently lol.

Apr 7, 2022, 17:4504/07/22

And now a guaranteed Kyoku. Wish I had enough sacreds :/

I have had 2 drop over the past two days. Which was equal to the number across the previous two months. 

Suffice it to say I don't have the 15 either.

Apr 7, 2022, 17:5304/07/22

Plarium must consider a little help for these, stucked on GH missions, which are affected a simple "Reset" button...its not so much and will not impact game so much...first time free, then - for diamonds...and will solve many complains about this mission relation with arena problems...

Apr 7, 2022, 18:0904/07/22
Apr 7, 2022, 18:10(edited)

IMO, Plarium is just playing the smoke and mirrors angle right now. Yes, the arbitter changes were needed  and should have been fixed years ago. Lowering the level of Plat and G5 does nothing to fix the issue with arena.  Even the "point differential" change is so minor that it did not help. 

Plarium is trying to point your attention in 1 direction with the Arbitter changes and Plat level change that you dont notice the majority of Mid level players were not helped much at all with thes changes. I am still down over a 100 points since i first logged in this morning after the patch. Yesterday around this same time i was around 120ish points down.   

For the last year i was farming G4 now i am barely holding on to G2. And there is still no way to advance the GH outside of the arena.

The Arena is not fixed, not even close. 

Apr 7, 2022, 18:3304/07/22

Another example in the last 45 minutes i have lost :(  35 points worth of fights. With zero refreshes that contained any teams i can confidently beat.

Apr 7, 2022, 18:3704/07/22

Plarium might say - 'we've made it easier to get Arbiter'

A cynic might say 'yes and just after you start selling Arbiter skins'

Apr 7, 2022, 18:4604/07/22

Well, as a new player, i'll say some degree of hope has been restored for players like me. Most of you end-gamers dont seem to understand, the Arbiter road block was/is not just a roadblock to her, but also to the last 183 missions as well. Thats a lot of resources up for grabs that couldnt be reached, including the gold lizard at the end of it all.

In other words, even if Arbiter were to be nerfed down to smurf power, that roadblock would still be annoying. Making it more accessible was the way to go. I would have preferred Hellhades's suggestion to remove arena requirements entirely from that mission list, but this isnt so bad either

Apr 7, 2022, 18:5304/07/22

hate to break it to you guys, but this will fix nothing.  the power creep in arena is at a ridiculous all time high because you guys keep pushing out gamebreakingly strong new champs.  couple that with the very limited amount of space in the tiers....  no one gets to get to gold anymore but the whales.  i get it, sure, you guys want people to spend more money, but at what cost?  i'm currently working on the arbiter mission to get a great hall to level 7.  i can't get out of silver 3/4.  literally every page is at least half arbiter leads.  so i need to get gold medals to get arbiter, but i can't get out of silver because of literally page after page of arbiter teams...   make this make sense.   about to just quit the game again.  ya'll have already burned me enough i'll no longer spend any money, and you just make things worse.  keep pushing the majority of your players away, free or otherwise, and keep pimping yourselves out to the whales, and watch your game completely die

Apr 7, 2022, 18:5604/07/22

Plarium might say - 'we've made it easier to get Arbiter'

A cynic might say 'yes and just after you start selling Arbiter skins'

they aren't making arbiter that much easier.  there are far more missions involving gold medals that you won't be able to get because silver 3/4 are now filled with arbiter teams.  good luck with that

Apr 7, 2022, 19:1204/07/22
Apr 7, 2022, 19:19(edited)

I  regret  buying  all  of  the  arena  tokens  that  I  purchased  recently.    I  must  have  50  bags.    I  used  to  farm  arena  all  the  time  but  that  doesn't  work  anymore.    Matchmaking  is  broken.    What  purpose  does  it  serve  to  modify  arena  and  make  it  as  difficult  as  it  currently  is?    It  surely  won't  cause  me  to  spend  Anymore.    Just  the  opposite.    Maybe  I  can  put  my  arena  tokens  on  ebay  to  try  to  recoup  some  of  the  $$  I  spent.    

my  clan  mates  have  the  same  complaint.    I  suggested  that  they  voice  their  concerns  to  Plarium  as  well.    they  may  or  may  not  do  that.    Just  letting  you  all  know,  there  are  many  that  are  experiencing  the  arena  issue.....  you  just  never  hear  from  them

Apr 7, 2022, 19:1504/07/22

Well, as a new player, i'll say some degree of hope has been restored for players like me. Most of you end-gamers dont seem to understand, the Arbiter road block was/is not just a roadblock to her, but also to the last 183 missions as well. Thats a lot of resources up for grabs that couldnt be reached, including the gold lizard at the end of it all.

In other words, even if Arbiter were to be nerfed down to smurf power, that roadblock would still be annoying. Making it more accessible was the way to go. I would have preferred Hellhades's suggestion to remove arena requirements entirely from that mission list, but this isnt so bad either

@Swiftblade, I was about to post the exact same thing - almost word for word.  Well put.  Until this week, I felt I had no shot to move my mission progress forward anytime soon.  That's just not fun.  I'm very excited with the progress mission changes.

Apr 7, 2022, 19:2804/07/22


Point deflation. I rage fought til I won 😆 

We both end up with net loss :)

Brilliant strategy..;-)

Apr 7, 2022, 19:3404/07/22

I'm supportive--particularly of the retroactive change to the "Reach Gold III" mission, on which I've been stuck since the middle Triassic.  I'm still not paying $70 CAD for that Jake the Snake skin, though.  Who do you guys think I am, the Sultan of Brunei?

I remain unclear, that said, why the tiers are "gated" at all.  Hell Hades discussed that this morning, e.g. why can't it just be that the top 500 players are assigned to Platinum, the  next x# of players to Gold V, the next y# of players to Gold IV, etc.? Tier size could be changed periodically to reflect the total number of accounts playing.  Wouldn't that largely do away with the deflation problem? 

...I'm inattentive enough to have thought, for about my first year in the game, that that's how it already worked.  

This would only be applicable for the top Tiers like Platinum...or can you imagine to fight your way past all the present accounts in arena with a new account? that would be impossible if all tiers would be filled up according to players playing. At least up to Gold IV it should remain somewaht point based and not tied to the number of players. 

Apr 7, 2022, 19:4104/07/22

Well, as a new player, i'll say some degree of hope has been restored for players like me. Most of you end-gamers dont seem to understand, the Arbiter road block was/is not just a roadblock to her, but also to the last 183 missions as well. Thats a lot of resources up for grabs that couldnt be reached, including the gold lizard at the end of it all.

In other words, even if Arbiter were to be nerfed down to smurf power, that roadblock would still be annoying. Making it more accessible was the way to go. I would have preferred Hellhades's suggestion to remove arena requirements entirely from that mission list, but this isnt so bad either

Hate to tell you...but compared to the Ramantu progress missions, the road to Arbiter is based on milk and honey dropping in your mouth. You think about the difficulties of advancing 1 Hall element to Gold 10 for Arbiter? You have to advance 10 of those for Ramantu. You think reaching Gold IV in classic was hard for Arbiter? Try to reach Gold in Tag Team....Arbiter by itself is not a roadblock for the missions to was just one step into the direction and it gets increasingly more difficult.

Apr 7, 2022, 20:2304/07/22

Hate to tell you...but compared to the Ramantu progress missions, the road to Arbiter is based on milk and honey dropping in your mouth. You think about the difficulties of advancing 1 Hall element to Gold 10 for Arbiter? You have to advance 10 of those for Ramantu. You think reaching Gold IV in classic was hard for Arbiter? Try to reach Gold in Tag Team....Arbiter by itself is not a roadblock for the missions to was just one step into the direction and it gets increasingly more difficult.

Matrim, no one that can't get to Arbiter should be concerned about Ramantu.  Not sure why you brought this up as it is not currently part of the changes and may never be.  I will re-iterate, based on how arena is structured and how the progress missions work, unless you get really lucky with champions or you spend a ton of dough, it is not feasible within a reasonable amount of time, which I believe should be 6-8 months of playtime.  With the new changes, Arbiter is feasibly attainable within 6-8 months of standard game plan. Which to me is fair ball.

Apr 7, 2022, 21:2204/07/22

So how are people finding arena since patch?.

I just dropped into G3 for the first time in about 4 months, i am definitely getting less fights i can win and seem to be getting hit more, so for me it is worse.

Looking at clan mates, this time yesterday we had 9 members in G4, now we have 7 (a month ago it was most of them).. so a bit early to tell if it is just me, hence i am curious

Apr 7, 2022, 21:3304/07/22

Matrim, no one that can't get to Arbiter should be concerned about Ramantu.  Not sure why you brought this up as it is not currently part of the changes and may never be.  I will re-iterate, based on how arena is structured and how the progress missions work, unless you get really lucky with champions or you spend a ton of dough, it is not feasible within a reasonable amount of time, which I believe should be 6-8 months of playtime.  With the new changes, Arbiter is feasibly attainable within 6-8 months of standard game plan. Which to me is fair ball.

I think his point is that the changes may assuage the complaints right now, but you'll doubtless be hearing the same people in a few months when they are blocked on the subsequent progress missions.

Apr 7, 2022, 22:0704/07/22

@Kram, I understand the point.  I look at things this way.  Missions built into the game should be reasonably achievable to all that play, over time of course. If they are not reasonably achievable within a fair amount of time, given proper effort, then it makes for a bad design.  The amount of time this should take is not necessarily the same for all, but one should not be looking at a mission as unachievable or achievable by only a few, this to me constitutes bad game design.