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I disagree with the content creators again

I disagree with the content creators again

Sep 6, 2021, 04:4109/06/21

 "4 months of login for 1 garunteed Leggo.  Fine I guess, but that's 1 champ in 4 months.  The shard was 4 champs, even if it was 4 epics or dupes."

Exactly.  They took away 4 champs to get the 1. 

Sep 6, 2021, 09:0509/06/21

You know all the people arguing against the ones who don't like the change are missing the point IMO.

Shards we can use for EVENTS, Frags we can't.

Sep 6, 2021, 15:3409/06/21

You know all the people arguing against the ones who don't like the change are missing the point IMO.

Shards we can use for EVENTS, Frags we can't.

False. Frags will give u guaranteed chase pts.  In November for me :) lol

The sacred this month would have been used this weekend for 2x by 99pct and not saved for fusion points :)

Sep 6, 2021, 15:3609/06/21

False. Frags will give u guaranteed chase pts.  In November for me :) lol

The sacred this month would have been used this weekend for 2x by 99pct and not saved for fusion points :)

But that is your choice, by removing it they remove the choice.

Sep 9, 2021, 11:3609/09/21

how you can agree when this leggo you get aftert alsmost a year every day log in  and more if you miss days.  but statistic you  have more chance drop mroe legedaries  and also some better epics so  this daily reward chnage  is BS . 

Sep 9, 2021, 21:0709/09/21
Sep 9, 2021, 21:08(edited)

I might be wrong about this, but dont you need 100 fragments for that lego? Thats 50 month of collecting fragments against 50 sacred shards. I think your rng chance to get multiple legos is much better then waiting for so long to get a single one.

Sep 9, 2021, 21:1109/09/21

No, it's not 50 months. You get 25 fragments per month, 10 and 15 at once at two different days in the reward cycle.

Sep 9, 2021, 21:2809/09/21
Sep 9, 2021, 21:31(edited)

No, it's not 50 months. You get 25 fragments per month, 10 and 15 at once at two different days in the reward cycle.

Oho, you're right about that one. Still, thats 4 champions against one, but i guess the chance of a lego is lower then 4, so its more a: 'certain lego after 4 month' against '4 champions with chance of lego'

Personaly, id prefere if the had put a lego book into the rewards, instead of the chicken. On the other im rather undecided.

Sep 10, 2021, 10:1209/10/21

Meh, like I said if a player has a decent NM or UNM CB team they are rolling  in sacreds every month. At least I am

And if we don't have a decent NM or UNM CB team?

Sep 10, 2021, 11:1809/10/21

And if we don't have a decent NM or UNM CB team?

Then that needs  to  be  your main goal,  so that you   can start getting all of those shards.  

Sep 10, 2021, 11:3709/10/21

Then that needs  to  be  your main goal,  so that you   can start getting all of those shards.  

Is this not a catch 22?

to get to NM and UNM you need champs.

to get champs you need shards

once you have champs you need to level them up, the chicken helped and the shard helped with this process.

Now 2 tools that used to be there have been taken away to be able to get that NM and UNM team.

Also the choice on when to use the shards is gone also.

Please understand I know P wants to make Money and I am ok with that, there just seems like there could have been alot better ways to go about it.

Sep 10, 2021, 12:3309/10/21

Is this not a catch 22?

to get to NM and UNM you need champs.

to get champs you need shards

once you have champs you need to level them up, the chicken helped and the shard helped with this process.

Now 2 tools that used to be there have been taken away to be able to get that NM and UNM team.

Also the choice on when to use the shards is gone also.

Please understand I know P wants to make Money and I am ok with that, there just seems like there could have been alot better ways to go about it.

This, I have been playing for more than a year (ftp) and have now had several rotations of the 270+ rewards. About a month and a half ago I FINALLY got to where I could 4 key UNM, and before that NM almost never gave me sacred or any shards really, mostly just books. Today, due too extreamly lucky pulls on back to back weekends x2 void and sacred shards managed to pull of Maneater and Roshcard, I finally managed to 2 key UNM. Roshcard came from a monthly login shard as UNM seemed to have the shard rate drops lowered, again this is after SEVERAL 270+ reward rotations. My friend can 3 key UNM and we got to UNM at about the same time and he has been plaing a month longer than me.

Then there is the added point that I think people overhype legends. Sure they are great to get to drop but there are a lot of very good epics also. The shard is a GARUNTEED epic, even if it is a bad epic that is at the bare minimum a 4* chicken, and if it is a dupe it can be used as a book. Getting either of those 4 times outweighs a legend champ, even a good (cleopterix is good) legend champ especially when she needs books to be used properly.

Then, you also have the loss of 4x 5* chickens which, if you have seen one of my earlier posts is equivalent to a lot of energy.

This is a bad change for ftp, and low spenders that haven't been playing for a very long time and haven't been particularly lucky. If they had just taken the shard and kept the chicken then fine. It would have been better for them to add the ability to get her shards from somewhere else. The problem with taking those 2 (shard and chicken) away is that there is no new somewhat easy way to obtain them. You can get them from DT hard but I can't even get to the first boss yet being a year + in and you have to be able to make it to at least level 90 to get a sacred (not sure what floor has 5* chicken). You can get a 5* chicken in the clan shop but again, your clan has to be lvl 17 and unless you are in a really good clan (which usually has restrictions on how well you perform and contribute) it will take a very long time to get to lvl 17. The clan I'm in hasn't even gotten to level 5 yet.

I know I reiterated some of the things that was said in one of my previous comments but as things develope some points may be added or changed slightly.

Sep 10, 2021, 13:0509/10/21

All the crybabies seem to be:

1.  Not even close to 270+ days, unaffected and focused on shards being most important for progression

2. F2P (I am too), thinking the game should be geared more towards them....

3. Ignoring all the free items added every month, focusing on the one handout which was slightly "nerfed" (this is debatable).  I think the daily login changes (b4 and after) need to be compared as before (shard & chicken) vs after (cleo + clan quest rewards).  I am taking the latter.  Clearly these were intertwined.

4. Degenerate gamblers :) 

5. Poor at math :) 

1. I am on probably the 5th rotation of 270+

2. I am FTP and have a friend that is a very low spender and both of us agree. I think, unless you have been in the game for 2+ year's, are very very lucky or are a medium spender this change is ok, otherwise it's bad.

3. The problem with this comment is that most of the free items we get were already given to us from before this change. The only things new now is Cleo in 4 months and the clan quest rewards. However we can't even get the 5* chicken from clan quest yet as your clan needs to be level 17 which no one has reached yet, the highest is level 7. This means it will take several months for top tier clans to get to level 17 and probably a much longer time for mid-lower tier clans. As ftp who is active every day but not extreamly so I could maybe just barely enter a mid tier clan which will likely take nearly a full year to get to level 17 clan. But that would require logging in a playing a fair amount every day as most mid+ higher clans require you to be pretty heavily active. So for roughtly the next year the clan quest rewards are largely pretty bad. Also, I have yet to see a sacred shard in the clan shop. This comment is however ignoring the recent changes to clan quests, this may speed up the process but i'm not sure.

4. this could be true to some point haha. Still, there is also the fact that the shard is a garunteed epic, even if the epic is bad it is still free fuse material or a book is it's a dupe. If all 4 pulls are bad non dupe epics that is still somewhere around 350 energy loss worth of fuse material. (please read my comment on page 10 if you haven't already as I go more into detail about all of this)

5. Poor at math? Not sure what math has to do with it unless your talking about the chances at a legend. Which I explained slightly in my response to your 4th comment.

I notice that pretty close to everyone who talks about this change only mentions the shard a completely ignores the 5* chicken. I don't understand that as, at least to me, the 5* chicken is more important. I currently have around 15 champs I want to get to 6* and that's not including the mid/lower tier epics that I would only use in faction wars. I have 24 6* champs now (a few are rares). a 5* chicken is roughly around 1500 energy if you take a 3* champ to 5 star and now we lose 4 of those for 1 legend champ, which equals a 6k energy loss. (again please read my comment on page 10 for further explination).

I understand the want of a garunteed legend but I think people are overvalueing legends and undervaluing other rewards such as chickens (that aren't as clear as to how valuable they are) and what a shard gives you even if a bad pull. 

Sep 10, 2021, 13:5209/10/21

It would be just a normal thing if dupe system was made over year ago. guys simply do nothing and laugh about players. you should have started thank them from this point

Sep 10, 2021, 22:1109/10/21

I used a few sacred shards already and got nothing. At least with a duplicate I can use it to ungrade my skills for that champion. However only one legendary doesn't seem like a fare trade. should give some more even trade.

Sep 10, 2021, 23:1209/10/21

People  are  just talking  in  circles,  re-using  the  same  complaints  or  validations.  Time  to say  nighty  night  to  this  post.

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