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Live arena sucks

Live arena sucks

Apr 30, 2023, 01:0404/30/23

This is a bit hyperbolic. 

I'm seeing plenty of players who are lower level (say in the 70-80s range, perhaps lower but I'd need to go take a gander through the Discord) facing other similar levels. Do they face higher in Bronze at times? Yes. Is matchmaking better now than it was two weeks ago? Yes, markedly so. 

Quinn's advice is legitimate. This is quite analagous to any other situation in the game when we run into a roadblock with a piece of content in that if you are unable to do it then working on your champs, masteries, gear, knowledge so on and so forth is very likely the best option available. 

Lastly, in a PvP environment yes, better players with more established accounts will climb the fastest, beat weaker competition as they move up. I don't think there's anything controversial about that.

i feel like what ur saying is out of context, no where did i say i should be entitled to beat and especially excel at the content, i just said i and most likely others want "fair" content where we can fight people in a realistic level brackets, is it better than 2 weeks ago? not really i get paired against lvl 90-100s frequently.

there is only so far skill/knowledege and masteries can take you if just 1 example, both players use artiber lead role, ones level 70 ones level 100, who gets first turn? 1 example how some fights are instantly 80% against you in unfair fighting free for all conditions.

and yes players with more established accounts should climb and progress faster i could not agree more, so why are so many of thempaired against food? lol

Apr 30, 2023, 01:2004/30/23
Apr 30, 2023, 01:22(edited)

i feel like what ur saying is out of context, no where did i say i should be entitled to beat and especially excel at the content, i just said i and most likely others want "fair" content where we can fight people in a realistic level brackets, is it better than 2 weeks ago? not really i get paired against lvl 90-100s frequently.

there is only so far skill/knowledege and masteries can take you if just 1 example, both players use artiber lead role, ones level 70 ones level 100, who gets first turn? 1 example how some fights are instantly 80% against you in unfair fighting free for all conditions.

and yes players with more established accounts should climb and progress faster i could not agree more, so why are so many of thempaired against food? lol

In essence it functions similarly to Classic/Tag (more so Tag) arena in that as players climb, it gets harder. With everyone starting in the same place it takes time, which tracks from a logic standpoint. I've no idea where you're at in Live right now, but I'm seeing a lot of the earlier game players with much easier to win fights now in Bronze.

To your last two points: this is how PvP works. You bring better teams, make better decisions - in and out of game - or severely hamper your ability to win. If someone is bringing an Arbiter against an Arbiter (and not banning theirs, if the fight is predicated completely upon speed) then they're probably making a mistake there.

If we're trying to run speed headlong into what we know to be better speed then I'm not sure what to tell you other than try to pick better bans, try to develop a slower team or grind out Speed. 

Apr 30, 2023, 03:0804/30/23

In essence it functions similarly to Classic/Tag (more so Tag) arena in that as players climb, it gets harder. With everyone starting in the same place it takes time, which tracks from a logic standpoint. I've no idea where you're at in Live right now, but I'm seeing a lot of the earlier game players with much easier to win fights now in Bronze.

To your last two points: this is how PvP works. You bring better teams, make better decisions - in and out of game - or severely hamper your ability to win. If someone is bringing an Arbiter against an Arbiter (and not banning theirs, if the fight is predicated completely upon speed) then they're probably making a mistake there.

If we're trying to run speed headlong into what we know to be better speed then I'm not sure what to tell you other than try to pick better bans, try to develop a slower team or grind out Speed. 

i mean to say its only just now half tuning its self on bronze is not really an accomplishment as were weeks into this already, they should/still can hasten the speed people fall into rank.

to ur last point im not doing the artiber thing personally its just one of many examples of how higher level players have a clear advantage over someone lower level and why we shouldnt see such dramatic level differences in fights

and i do fully get the way classic arena/tag ranking works, and the idea is good, and im aware live arena works the same way which is fine, but surely they knew lower levels were going to get the short end of the stick for months if they diddnt implement another factor into decision making such as character level or time played, why make such small live arena reills if this is the case? eventually it will even its self out sure, but its also going to leave a sour taste in peoples mouth for the next few months every time they are paired againsted people signicantly higher level. not really the look plarium should want for newly launched content meant to be available for all.

Apr 30, 2023, 07:2104/30/23
Apr 30, 2023, 07:45(edited)

Just wait until you get to the top of Bronze and into Silver.  Not sure they can knock you out as my last fight was not a negative.  Now to get pounded.  Pretty much didn't get a turn in these ones.

One of the matching algorithms is supposed to be your Live Arena points.  They do need to work on their algorithms.  I did send Plarium screen shots of the match ups and results and they did concur that they aren't good.  They do need to work the algorithms better so it doesn't end up like TT Arena or what Classic was like a year ago.  That was brutal and that affected the build of the GH so you played for a long time and were stuck in bronze and were up against teams and teams of Arbitor who you couldn't get because you couldn't progress in missions.  It will take time so I suppose it's just be frustrated and lets see.  If Live Arena affected the Arena like Classic does with the GH then I would be really annoyed but it only affects PVE.  That does play out with Hydra, etc so people get better kit to bring back in but it isn't an instant kick in the guts.

I pretty much have to put up the same team as I don't have the depth of roster.  Rule of thumb in my matchups seem to be if they have a lower PP I usually win.  If I beat them in the speed race and they don't have enough Stone Skin I can win.  Which is if they ban Warlord my Shaz has enough attack that the bombs work if I live long enough and they don't get a chance to cleanse.  If they drop Arbitor my Card/Warlord have enough speed with Shaz as the lead to fire first.  However if they don't I'm usually toast.  Don't really have good go second champs.  Don't have the siphi, rotos, leo, nek, card, dutchess, etc....  My stone skin gear is also trash and haven't had much luck there either.

Pretty much stuck with 2 x speed lead, 2 x support, 1 x nuke.  Can't drop a speed lead in case they ban one and can't really run two nukes as I don't have the nukage to burn through the quality and amounts of Stone Skin I see.


Apr 30, 2023, 16:1904/30/23

This answer may be around somewhere, but I understand there is a 30 min time limit on a battle? What happens after the 30 min is up, do both players lose, or something else? 

For myself I give it 5 minutes, then I bail.

Apr 30, 2023, 16:4204/30/23
End Is Near

This answer may be around somewhere, but I understand there is a 30 min time limit on a battle? What happens after the 30 min is up, do both players lose, or something else? 

For myself I give it 5 minutes, then I bail.

as far as i know you both lose

May 1, 2023, 00:3705/01/23

Yep once you poke your head into Silver

My Classic Arena Defence (Yes it's offensive as I haven't got good enough go second or kit to support go second)

Remember PP equates to GH/Artifacts/Roster


Last 3 matches





May 1, 2023, 02:0405/01/23

Pitiful Level85 here.  Started only a year ago.  95% of the time, if I have more Levels, I win, otherwise I lose.

Lost count of all the times I faced a level100 with ten times the player power of me, or active arena team power of 300k, or both.

If you show up as a level100 and have prime leggoes, I just bail before the match even starts anymore.  Then I pray for someone below level 90 for a hope of a decent match.  It's a pointless waste of time otherwise.

I'm seriously just here to enhance my damage for Clan Boss.  Then when the points get too onerous to enhance Clan Boss, I try to make life easier in Hydra (which I loathe, despise and hate with a burning passion).

May 1, 2023, 02:0605/01/23
May 1, 2023, 02:07(edited)

as far as i know you both lose

Having endured a rare staredown with someone actually within a level of me, which went the distance (and you could tell they put it on auto and went out for lunch), I can categorically assure you both people lose after the 30 minute time limit is reached.  In fact, they both lose more than one way.

May 1, 2023, 03:0205/01/23

it cant sort itself out because if it stays like this, nobody will get quintus but 5-50 people. and everybody will be stuck where he is.  going 5 points up, and 5 points down.

May 1, 2023, 03:2305/01/23

Except you don't go 5 points down. You go 4 points down. So ... you're wrong :)

May 1, 2023, 07:5305/01/23
May 1, 2023, 07:56(edited)

There is a pattern in my wins and losses and I have been doing screenshots to track. (As you have seen)

Very rarely do I even come across anyone with a PP lower than mine.  If I do I have a win ratio of around 80%.  Around 60% of my battles are with players of lvl 100.  Of those the lowest will have a PP that is from 50% of mine but far the majority or closer to 90-100% of mine or more.

If they have a PP that is more than 100% of mine my win rate is running about 10%.  That is usually I win the speed race and hit them with my full team first.  They haven't counted on Shaz bringing bombs.  Usually I have to ban their Arbitor.  I have to win the race so I pretty much have to ban their speed lead.  This means they can run their go second team and I have to take out that speed lead so their nuker doesn't one shot me.  If I don't take the speed lead then most likely they will go first and if they have left me Warlod take him which breaks most of my stategy or take Arbitor so I have no revive.

Now with the non 100's I am running about 60% win rates.

Been using all my tokens and the refill.  I find better if I either play close to the very begining or toward the very end of the time.  Also find it better to not use the refill in the same time event.

I have been sending the match screenshots to Plarium support that show there is pretty much no way I can win the battles so it's burning tokens.  Response is don't play Live Arena and focus on other aspects of the game.  It doesn't impact your account.

But then it does doesn't it.

Area bonuses in PVE used in Hydra means better Stone Skin, means Dragon Hard and better Speed Gear, means Fire Knight Hard and better Savage, better kit and higher points in CvC, etc.  

I'm stuck in Silver II TT Arena (in Progress Missions the only ones I can't do are the Silver III & IV) because and when you've got all that SS you're trying to break through. Then it will filter back into Classic and that GH gave me grief as I joined right in that period at the beginning where Arena was so bad that progression was impossible

How many of us are also on the receiving ends of clans in CvC where the week of no personal rewards the matches can be even and you might win.  Even a loss in those weeks don't really matter and then when it's personal reward week you get matched with a clan that usually has more wins and is usually a lvl or two above, maybe because they may have dropped their win in the previous week.

I do like the concept of the Live Arena but at the moment most of us are just the fodder to make the 100's progress faster and get better gear.  What's it going to be like for the newer coming in. I am not Free to Play, as I did spend and my opinion it that it's fair enough to at least "pay for a game", "buy the odd coffee" but I gave up spending awhile ago and things like this mean I don't get tempted to grab the odd thing here or there as it doesn't really help my account.  I know the difference between long and short term gains but it's hard to even see the long term value.

May 1, 2023, 08:0805/01/23
May 1, 2023, 08:10(edited)

Now when we talk about teams.  I just don't have the real goto's in my roster and haven't gotten them.  The two great ones I have in Cardiel and Warlord have carried my entire account.  Another reason why I got stuck in that period when Classic Arena was bad and my GH isn't so flash.

The pulls are random. I have never pulled the 10X champion on offer. Whenever I have pulled the double Legendary I have always pulled 2 x Legendaries that do nothing for my account and I never see people using them. The Nek, Duchess, Siphi, Rotos, Lady Kimi, Lysa, Kymar, Baron, Leoand the rest I constantly come up against.  Good thing for me would be I wouldn't miss out when it comes to not using the same champs as the other team.

In saying that I have recently pulled some (none in the list above) and now in the grind of building them, trying to get gear to equip them and the silver I need to upgrade it with those random rolls you get on the kit and I am yet to have a good roll on the base stats for the Ascend.  None will help me in the Live Arena but maybe TT Arena and PVE.

So even with the teams themselves if you just don't have those champs for the Arena you just don't.

May 1, 2023, 10:3705/01/23

They should do match-ups based on your recent matches win/loss streak

So if you've lost the last 3 matches in a row, you'll only match with other players who have lost their last 3 in a row; If you've won 5 in a row you'll only face someone else who has won 5 in a row, etc

May 1, 2023, 11:2705/01/23

They should do match-ups based on your recent matches win/loss streak

So if you've lost the last 3 matches in a row, you'll only match with other players who have lost their last 3 in a row; If you've won 5 in a row you'll only face someone else who has won 5 in a row, etc

That doesn't really work as then one of the 3 losers becomes 4 and so on.  That would be math :)

That doesn't fix the balance where you just get smashed.

May 1, 2023, 12:2005/01/23

Now when we talk about teams.  I just don't have the real goto's in my roster and haven't gotten them.  The two great ones I have in Cardiel and Warlord have carried my entire account.  Another reason why I got stuck in that period when Classic Arena was bad and my GH isn't so flash.

The pulls are random. I have never pulled the 10X champion on offer. Whenever I have pulled the double Legendary I have always pulled 2 x Legendaries that do nothing for my account and I never see people using them. The Nek, Duchess, Siphi, Rotos, Lady Kimi, Lysa, Kymar, Baron, Leoand the rest I constantly come up against.  Good thing for me would be I wouldn't miss out when it comes to not using the same champs as the other team.

In saying that I have recently pulled some (none in the list above) and now in the grind of building them, trying to get gear to equip them and the silver I need to upgrade it with those random rolls you get on the kit and I am yet to have a good roll on the base stats for the Ascend.  None will help me in the Live Arena but maybe TT Arena and PVE.

So even with the teams themselves if you just don't have those champs for the Arena you just don't.

Tbh if you have Cardiel and Warlord you have absolutely zero room to complain. You literally have two of the absolute best arena champs in the game. If you can't find a way to make teams work, it either means you're not good enough at arena to understand how to build teams, or you aren't properly able to gear your champs.

May 1, 2023, 12:4005/01/23

That doesn't really work as then one of the 3 losers becomes 4 and so on.  That would be math :)

That doesn't fix the balance where you just get smashed.

But it also means that in every battle one of the 2 players is going to break their streak.

I mean, you'd have to put a cap on how far a streak can extend for matching purposes. I figured last 10 fights, but it's arbitrary.

If you're just getting smashed, then you're very quickly only be matched up against another player who has also been just getting smashed, and one of you is bound to win (barring running out the clock, thats a different thread :) )

May 1, 2023, 12:4605/01/23
May 1, 2023, 13:00(edited)

Tbh if you have Cardiel and Warlord you have absolutely zero room to complain. You literally have two of the absolute best arena champs in the game. If you can't find a way to make teams work, it either means you're not good enough at arena to understand how to build teams, or you aren't properly able to gear your champs.

A team is 4 so 2 don't maketh a team and bans mean that not always do they get in.

Remeber the 2 x speed leads in case one gets banned + a DPS to take out the other DPS.

In Classic Arena I sit in Gold IV but then I get to pick the teams I go against and the champs I use.  Bringing in Dark E for Tormin etc.  Cardinel in Immunity so I can go against Hege, Warlord with speed to bring him around to keep the enemy skills on cooldown if it goes longer.  Especially important with the Stone Skin.

Not sure if your not getting it that I don't have a great roster and am really only a one trick pony with the roster I have.  I need to be fast and hit first.

Then you also don't have the opportunity to regear so I have them geared to run them based on a fast team.  I have gear but then I don't have a lot of great gear.  Never had the Ascend give me good stats for the gear I do have. Did the whole of Dragon at 3 x Speed and picked up 3 pieces worth keeping.  This game is also about luck of the roll.  If I didn't have Warlord and Card I probably would have quit long ago they completely carry my account.

May 1, 2023, 13:1205/01/23

All you're really saying is "I don't understand how to build proper teams".

You don't need 350 speed to win. You need to build your team properly, and you need to ban properly.

May 1, 2023, 21:1805/01/23

All you're really saying is "I don't understand how to build proper teams".

You don't need 350 speed to win. You need to build your team properly, and you need to ban properly.

Whatever not really interested in you comments as they don't say anything.

Not really sure you understand that a team isn't one chamnpion and while I might have the top two when they get banned I'm left with 1 and I can ban.  If I lose the speed race with some of the nukers they are strong enough to wipe what I do have.

Not sure you understand how to build teams with a limited champion pool.

Like I said come up agains a few teams and I do not have the champs all the others are using.