This is a bit hyperbolic.
I'm seeing plenty of players who are lower level (say in the 70-80s range, perhaps lower but I'd need to go take a gander through the Discord) facing other similar levels. Do they face higher in Bronze at times? Yes. Is matchmaking better now than it was two weeks ago? Yes, markedly so.
Quinn's advice is legitimate. This is quite analagous to any other situation in the game when we run into a roadblock with a piece of content in that if you are unable to do it then working on your champs, masteries, gear, knowledge so on and so forth is very likely the best option available.
Lastly, in a PvP environment yes, better players with more established accounts will climb the fastest, beat weaker competition as they move up. I don't think there's anything controversial about that.
i feel like what ur saying is out of context, no where did i say i should be entitled to beat and especially excel at the content, i just said i and most likely others want "fair" content where we can fight people in a realistic level brackets, is it better than 2 weeks ago? not really i get paired against lvl 90-100s frequently.
there is only so far skill/knowledege and masteries can take you if just 1 example, both players use artiber lead role, ones level 70 ones level 100, who gets first turn? 1 example how some fights are instantly 80% against you in unfair fighting free for all conditions.
and yes players with more established accounts should climb and progress faster i could not agree more, so why are so many of thempaired against food? lol