I think you (and I) might be running up against our own gear check.
The best Candys and Hephs from my Live Arena matches against Plat players from IPR and MAD and SP chew through my tankiest champs. While my nukers can't usually put down their Nek protected teams before I get smacked.
And I think my tank teams are mostly okay, mostly. I looked back on an auto Tag match yesterday to find one of my teams had taken 3 million damage from a Baron before Mortu finally woke up and peril'd. lmao
I think if you're building ANYONE, that Candy is the best option. His A1 hits so hard that lockouts don't matter. I would be running one with 7.5k+ attack and 300% CD in Savage with protection from Bolster Pythion, Ukko, UDK. Rotos would be my 5th pick. That's a tough lineup to deal with.
If you have Warlord or Yume, I'd use those instead of UDK... lockout better than UDK, imo.