Sorry for the follow-up, few extra things I wanted to say:
I wanted to elaborate on the problem I described above in my previous post, and pull it through to a more general / wider issue, and also explain what may work better for you as Plarium in my opinion.
You realise that many players repeatedly throw Swordsman (arguably the worst overall unit to use in PPs) at the Persians, and then they take their Agema/Macedonians that they obtained from the PP and go and throw those at PvP tournaments? Besides someone attacking with defense units and defending with offense units, I'm not sure I know of many other, worse, strategies. Yet, it feels like the best thing to do to many players and I don't blame them (which is the issue) because they are giving a crappy unit away, getting a stronger one and then they go fight their real enemy with the stronger units (this sounds and looks very logical !).
It is true that people have different objectives with PPs, and may wish to trade Swordsman up for certain reasons, but this is certainly not the way to improve total offense/defense and those two numbers are ultimately more important and relevant than anything else.
The problem now is this: Because this is such a long-term game, the power gap between players following an okayish and a bad strategy becomes so massive that it resembles an elephant versus an ant after some time has passed, even though both players started at the same time and bought the same drachma. Players can hurt their game and competitive advantage a lot by playing PPs and not actually realise that and believe what they are doing is a good thing (and again, I really do not blame players for this!). In my opinion, 80% of people who play PPs fall into that category actually (not all to the same extent though). Yes, some of them are in coalitions like Lost Souls, HoB, Terminators, but those guys can coin their way out of the problem.
A key result of the above is the guy who ended up on the weaker side is now so much more likely to jump on the wagon of:
"coiners, coiners, can't play this damn game because of all the coiners, coiners, damn you plarium and your coiners, coiners, I am leaving, because of the coiners, coiners, etc, etc" .. type of rants.
It will not cross the mind that a big chunk of the reason for perceived disadvantage is having played a sub-optimal strategy for long time and your opponent may not even have spent a cent ... AND MY POINT IS, that is in my opinion the fault of Plarium because optimal strategy in certain parts of your game is counter-intuitive and misleading to too many
players. The PPs is the biggest example of this type of issue as far as I know, but there are others as well.
So take this chance and reduce the amount of annoying rants people have about others spending money, whinning on forums and chat channels about it, and spreading negative attitude, and create a bit more balance in the game at the same time which can only benefit you money wise. I'm NOT saying remove strategy from the game, I'm saying don't make the WRONG strategy look so appealing.