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Current New Start XP Event

Current New Start XP Event

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
12 янв. 2022, 12:2312.01.22
Fortress DBD

It was 150k - and our team was working hard to be top because of the prize that was posted.

Now it is 10k

More changes to tourneys by palarium that are not announced or warned about in any way.

Fortress, How worked compensation on your end? You find it suitable?

BTW, Hapenned the same to me as player :/

12 янв. 2022, 18:2412.01.22
Karl Curston

We are not hiding, Nymeria. We are here. I have to apologize im not being so active right now im on vacations and we have low internet speed here.

I cant tell you more about all this, anyway. Believe me, I didnt like the change of the tournament at the middle of it too. Also I saw a lot of complains about compensation.

But... we dont own the game. Its Plarium game, the company settle all the features. We have been playing a lot of time and, at least in my case, not going to leave for this. 

Its your choice.

As you have said, you are not the owner of the game and it is quite rude of you to tell the players that if they want to leave they can do so, that it is their choice and that you will remain. Sure, the game will survive when you're left alone in it, but it's still annoying that you're constantly saying it.

12 янв. 2022, 18:2612.01.22
Karl Curston

Hello Nymeria, as I told you before, I agree with you. 

Remember that if you played Defensive Positions (both elysians and regular) Defensive troops were reinbursed. 

That's wrong, the defensive troops used in xerxes weren't returned, at least not in my case.

In any case, Plarium's attitude remains unfair and dishonest.

You can see an example above, a player has attacked a capital, has recovered his troops, while the players who were defending the capital have lost everything. What a way to "keep the balance".

12 янв. 2022, 23:2112.01.22
Karl Curston

Fortress, How worked compensation on your end? You find it suitable?

BTW, Hapenned the same to me as player :/

compensation ?????   You jest with us correct ?

Some of our team invested into persian positions doing defense actions - an investment worth literally thousands of dollars, but because we choose defense positions we got nothing returned, where our opponents got 100% of their dead back free of charge.

Our people were attacked by our opponents - i believe because of the tourney rewards we were promised, our opponents got 100% of their dead back for free so they can hit us again, we got 0% back.

How is this fair in ANY WAY AT ALL ?????

I am finished with sparta.

12 янв. 2022, 23:4112.01.22

Crees que es fácil intentar que plarium comprenda y corrija los bug ?

Crees que los moderadores solo estamos para eliminar tonterías del foro ?

Crees que no peleamos por los intereses de los jugadores, son nuestros intereses también ?

Pero claro que solo veis lo "malos" que somos baneandoos cuando os pasáis o eliminando vuestros gritos o groserías.

Si leyeseis todo lo que escribimos, malditos traductores, veríais que somos iguales y pedimos lo mismo.

Do you think it is easy to try to make plarium understand and fix bugs ?

Do you think moderators are only there to remove nonsense from the forum ?

Do you think we don't fight for the players' interests, they are our interests too ?

But of course you only see how "bad" we are by banning you when you go too far or removing your shouting or rudeness.

If you read everything we write, damn translators, you would see that we are the same and we ask for the same.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

13 янв. 2022, 18:1913.01.22

no Elias, no creemos, estamos plenamente convecidos que asi es, sabes por que? porque cada queja, sugerencia, idea o planteamiento que hacemos los jugadores, son contrarrestados por ustdes dos, contrarestan cada cosa que decimos cual perros de caza, y esas actitudes, esos modos, han hecho que la division entre mods y jugadores sea tan notable, y esa es la misma razon por la cual ustedes dos no tienen ninguna legitimidad frente a los juagdores, asi que no te quejes eso se lo han sabido ganar con mucho esmero 🙂

no Elias, we don't believe, we are fully convinced that it is so, do you know why? because every complaint, suggestion, idea or approach that we players make, they are countered by you two, they counter everything we say like hunting dogs, and those attitudes, those modes, have made the division between mods and players so remarkable, and that is the same reason why you two do not have any legitimacy in front of the players, so do not complain that they have known how to earn it with great care 🙂

14 янв. 2022, 12:4814.01.22

To end this matter and draw conclusions, some player friends of Plarium knew that their offense would be revived for free so they had 24 hours to attack and lose offense carelessly, Plarium won drachmas and as always the poor victims lost defense.

Also some players were lucky and without knowing anything they recovered their offense.

17 янв. 2022, 07:1817.01.22

That's wrong, the defensive troops used in xerxes weren't returned, at least not in my case.

In any case, Plarium's attitude remains unfair and dishonest.

You can see an example above, a player has attacked a capital, has recovered his troops, while the players who were defending the capital have lost everything. What a way to "keep the balance".

Hello Nymeria, turns up that this weekend another wave of troops were returned. Players told me most was in defense, did your defensive troops returned in that wave?

And for the other topic yes, I do believe that playing is our choice, leaving is our choice, purchase is our choice... you can do it or not, no need to constantly say it. 

17 янв. 2022, 07:2117.01.22
Karl Curston

Hello Nymeria, turns up that this weekend another wave of troops were returned. Players told me most was in defense, did your defensive troops returned in that wave?

And for the other topic yes, I do believe that playing is our choice, leaving is our choice, purchase is our choice... you can do it or not, no need to constantly say it. 

Correction to my message above: players informed me that the troops reinbursted in last wave was defensive lost in positions. 


17 янв. 2022, 21:4217.01.22


they returned the deff due to the pressure made by the players themselves, which evidenced plarium's lack of respect and honesty, since of their own free will before wanting to solve the "error" they wanted to make the scam even bigger, returning the troops was what At least what they should do, because... in the end, how much money did plarium raise with that tactic?

Vanesa, perhaps it is annoying for you that the players are complaining, we know that you like to serve and please plarium, but in case we can choose whether or not to read what you say, that is not a choice right? so even your arrogant and haughty words have a place, because I remind you that you yourself were celebrating that plarium gave a "compensation" of 20 days of boosters, in exchange for having scammed everyone, so yes, even even your unpleasant postures and nods to plarium have a place here, because we still live in a mostly democratic world, that's why I'm convinced that nymeria has every right to complain, she was one of the many scammed players whom you tried to make happy with small miseries considering them "great" prizes" players who, if they had remained silent, would not have their troops back today, and happy plarium, with their pockets full and celebrating their move, I can understand your annoyance, in the end the boss could not keep all the money. .. as you wanted!!

18 янв. 2022, 16:5418.01.22

Every day plarium return a few units, for a company this is something ridiculous, it has made the biggest fool of the world, every day making mistakes and scams, also the game has 1 million bugs and they never fix anything.

Actually it doesn't matter anymore, everything has a limit for people and players, we had a very fun game but the greedy casino owners destroyed it, nothing matters anymore, we have made suggestions to find solutions and they are all ignored and also xp scams, but as I say it doesn't matter anymore if we are scammed, the real problem is that it is a monotonous and boring game where the war has disappeared and there are only stupid tournaments of tasks, I think it is time to abandon 95%, we seem like slaves every week with tasks , worst CC every weekend, all tasks and never war game fun.

I surrender plarium, enjoy your greed and incompetence the months or years of life that the game has left.

25 янв. 2022, 11:4825.01.22

Every day plarium return a few units, for a company this is something ridiculous, it has made the biggest fool of the world, every day making mistakes and scams, also the game has 1 million bugs and they never fix anything.

Actually it doesn't matter anymore, everything has a limit for people and players, we had a very fun game but the greedy casino owners destroyed it, nothing matters anymore, we have made suggestions to find solutions and they are all ignored and also xp scams, but as I say it doesn't matter anymore if we are scammed, the real problem is that it is a monotonous and boring game where the war has disappeared and there are only stupid tournaments of tasks, I think it is time to abandon 95%, we seem like slaves every week with tasks , worst CC every weekend, all tasks and never war game fun.

I surrender plarium, enjoy your greed and incompetence the months or years of life that the game has left.

We are enemies, but we feel the same. both we are very active players, that we are in the limit of leaving game.

when is plarium going to see that there is less and less real players (not accounts, i mean less ips playing...) BECAUSE ITS BORING to be all day CLICKING.

I DID NOT JOIN SPRTA TO CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK and if vanesamei says that she enjoys the click click maybe its because she was not here 7-8 years ago, when there was a chance in a real unbalanced game, to fight and have fun----

i guess i will get ban again without notice for expressing my opinion

25 янв. 2022, 12:5225.01.22

A ban and probably have your post erased.  

Worse still ... our moderator that was trying to fix the permenant bans issued to hedges of clans, and people that contributed to the forum on a regular basis for complaining about the forced migration of some accounts to the "new" servers that had such lag issues players quit sparta ... has quit this gong show of a forum.

25 янв. 2022, 13:1625.01.22

And bans issued for students or military staff that shared computers.

Bans for re-posting questions or concerns that were ignored by staff, and had their thread closed without answers.

Bans for questioning palarium employee behaviour.

25 янв. 2022, 13:2025.01.22

Palarium have proven they will continue to disbalance the game - they forced the migration of half of sparta to a server that was unplayable (against their will)

In this issue of rewards promised and then not given, they compensated half of sparta in a mighty big way giving back 100% of their dead troops, and gave the other half zero % because they used defense troops.

Now they post new generals gear that "has arrived" tricking us into doing positions chasing yet more rewards we have no chance of winning.

And they will do all this claiming they are trying not to dis-balance the game. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Palarium are such a joke.

25 янв. 2022, 13:3125.01.22

A ban and probably have your post erased.  

Worse still ... our moderator that was trying to fix the permenant bans issued to hedges of clans, and people that contributed to the forum on a regular basis for complaining about the forced migration of some accounts to the "new" servers that had such lag issues players quit sparta ... has quit this gong show of a forum.

moortee always tried her best, even if i did not agree with her in everything, i know that at least she tried. she is missed

25 янв. 2022, 13:5225.01.22

mortee did things to help - not just offer empty words 

We need players like mortee back in the forums - but we banned them all or made them quit sparta outright.

I can understand why the forums are so dead now.  This used to be a place we could go for answers to questions, advice, ask a dev, or expect assistance from mods and managers.

25 янв. 2022, 20:0025.01.22
Fortuna Ω

We are enemies, but we feel the same. both we are very active players, that we are in the limit of leaving game.

when is plarium going to see that there is less and less real players (not accounts, i mean less ips playing...) BECAUSE ITS BORING to be all day CLICKING.

I DID NOT JOIN SPRTA TO CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK and if vanesamei says that she enjoys the click click maybe its because she was not here 7-8 years ago, when there was a chance in a real unbalanced game, to fight and have fun----

i guess i will get ban again without notice for expressing my opinion

Joven amiga las buenas ideas y los comentarios sobre como le gusta a uno jugar no son motivo para banear a nadie. 

Sorry por mi español pero es como mejor se me entiende, alguno no me entendería ni en inglés 😎

25 янв. 2022, 20:0425.01.22

A ban and probably have your post erased.  

Worse still ... our moderator that was trying to fix the permenant bans issued to hedges of clans, and people that contributed to the forum on a regular basis for complaining about the forced migration of some accounts to the "new" servers that had such lag issues players quit sparta ... has quit this gong show of a forum.

No se de ningún baneo permanente.

Usgu me aseguraron que puede entrar y publicar cuando quiera.

I do not know of any permanent bans.

Usgu assured me that he can come in and post whenever he wants.

25 янв. 2022, 20:1225.01.22
Fortress DBD

Palarium have proven they will continue to disbalance the game - they forced the migration of half of sparta to a server that was unplayable (against their will)

In this issue of rewards promised and then not given, they compensated half of sparta in a mighty big way giving back 100% of their dead troops, and gave the other half zero % because they used defense troops.

Now they post new generals gear that "has arrived" tricking us into doing positions chasing yet more rewards we have no chance of winning.

And they will do all this claiming they are trying not to dis-balance the game. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Palarium are such a joke.

A Plarium se le puede acusar de muchas cosas

Pero el que hizo posiciones intentando ganar nuevo equipo es que no se leyó lo que publica sobre como obtener ese equipo en este foro, que me confunda yo que el inglés lo manejo mal pase pero ustedes ...... Solo en cofres ganados en torneos que ya saldrán y que se abren con llaves de esas que casi nadie tiene ... Esperen más noticias

Plarium can be accused of many things

But the one who made positions trying to win new equipment is that he did not read what he publishes about how to get that equipment in this forum, that confuses me because I do not know English but you ...... Only in chests won in tournaments that will come out and that are opened with keys of those that almost nobody has ... Wait for more news