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Current New Start XP Event

Current New Start XP Event

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
29 дек. 2021, 17:4029.12.21

The fact that indignation grows does not give you the right to post images of collective lynching, to take refuge in a group to be able to attack is cowardly.

Que la indignación crezca no te da derecho a poner imágenes de linchamiento colectivo, ampararse en un grupo para poder agredir es de cobardes. 

29 дек. 2021, 17:5229.12.21
29 дек. 2021, 17:58(отредактировано)

Elias Elias... no tengo culpa yo de que tengas la cabeza pequeña y no sepas entender ni un meme, tal vez si haces algun curso lo puedas discernir

cobarde? recuerda que voy a tu ciudad cada vez que me apetece, cobarde tu, que gustas de acosar mujeres en el juego 


29 дек. 2021, 18:0029.12.21

 Mauro el que no me importe me robes recursos no quiere decir no te de alguna vez un susto, mejor dicho a tus caballos lol

29 дек. 2021, 18:0829.12.21
29 дек. 2021, 18:19(отредактировано)

 Mauro el que no me importe me robes recursos no quiere decir no te de alguna vez un susto, mejor dicho a tus caballos lol

mira no voy a convertir una queja general del juego, en una discusion personal, solo dire que me gustaria ver el tal susto que llevas prometiendo hace meses, y si vas a tratarme de cobarde, asegurate de no tener cola que pisarte ( por que la tienes ) por lo demas y con el asunto que compete a este hilo es a lo que debemos ceñirnos

en cuanto al meme, hombre busca en google, al menos debe haber algun manual del que puedas sacar provecho, por lo pronto al menos trata, pon empeño en guardar compostura y poca la credibilida que tienes como mod,  hablemos del tema que nos atañe... abrazos crack🤘

29 дек. 2021, 18:2429.12.21
29 дек. 2021, 18:45(отредактировано)

mauro  and elias  

we are here not to understand each other

elias modrator you got it from the plarium  .

and you are a player.

we all know why we're here and I honestly hate what plarium does .

AlinaCOMMUNITY MANAGER  I want to hear something smart from him . 

whether all that has now been said has not solved the problem

mauro he has a right to be angry with the plarium

and I think he can write the wrong messages and show anger

always plarium makes mistakes and nothing and players make mistakes get penalties

it was enough!!!!!!!!!!

29 дек. 2021, 18:4929.12.21

Here we are talking about the prize that was announced for the "new start XP event" and that suddenly practically disappeared, all players agree that the compensation offered by Plarium ( note that I say Plarium and not Alina or Elias ) is ridiculous considering what some players invested.

It is about our voice, that's why I insisted that if possible Usgu should speak out, to reach Plarium and correct it by giving at least what was lost. Alina is doing her best.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Aquí se trata del premio que se anunció para "nuevo evento start XP" y que de repente prácticamente desapareció, todos los jugadores estamos de acuerdo que la compensación que ofreció Plarium ( daros cuenta que digo Plarium y no Alina o Elías ) es ridícula teniendo en cuenta lo que invirtieron algunos jugadores.

Se trata de que nuestra voz, por eso yo insistí en que a ser posible se pronuncie Usgu, llegue a Plarium y corrijan dando mínimo lo perdido. Alina hace lo posible.

29 дек. 2021, 18:5629.12.21

Hello, everyone!

Archons, we understand this mistake was a serious one. However, leaving the rewards as they were would have had a considerable impact on the game balance. We cannot risk it and jeopardize the game. We hope you'll understand it in the long run.

In the meantime, we're looking into another solution. I'll keep you updated.

Alina, please explain to us how a good tournament where the players were finally motivated and excited about the rewards (which are not exorbitant either), can cause imbalance in the game?

The imbalance has been caused by Plarium with its bad decisions a long time ago.

29 дек. 2021, 19:4429.12.21

Here we are talking about the prize that was announced for the "new start XP event" and that suddenly practically disappeared, all players agree that the compensation offered by Plarium ( note that I say Plarium and not Alina or Elias ) is ridiculous considering what some players invested.

It is about our voice, that's why I insisted that if possible Usgu should speak out, to reach Plarium and correct it by giving at least what was lost. Alina is doing her best.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Aquí se trata del premio que se anunció para "nuevo evento start XP" y que de repente prácticamente desapareció, todos los jugadores estamos de acuerdo que la compensación que ofreció Plarium ( daros cuenta que digo Plarium y no Alina o Elías ) es ridícula teniendo en cuenta lo que invirtieron algunos jugadores.

Se trata de que nuestra voz, por eso yo insistí en que a ser posible se pronuncie Usgu, llegue a Plarium y corrijan dando mínimo lo perdido. Alina hace lo posible.

you banned usgu - so stop asking for a message from someone you know can or will not post

29 дек. 2021, 19:5029.12.21
29 дек. 2021, 20:40(отредактировано)

24m gold earned a coalition that would be 1 .

10386$  there is so much damage in money

all over $ 100k in total it's your fault 

Come on, pay us 80% off

$70 to each player first place

second place $ 65 etc ..... it is a huge mistake

see how much damage you have done now 

it is a criminal offense in European countries 

that tournament was worth $ 100k and now it's worth $ 1k  you damaged the players

but it's not just Sparta but other games  it's a damage over $ 500K  Come on, tell me something

it's your fault in the value of money that the lecturer asks for -80% 

without 80% is $ 2.5m damage  

and I have not yet calculated the severity lol  the greater the damage  "and gratis " 13125

error 10m $ to conclude

29 дек. 2021, 20:3029.12.21

Plarium, not only are you shameful you are also shameless. I have just binned my acct on server 1 lvl 110, that tells you that I have spent and played for a day or two. I am in the process of killing my other accts on svr 2 and 3. Why? because you people that run plarium think that we are just idiots that send money all the time whilst you rape us financially.

I am done and all companies like yourselves always kill themselves with greed, Evony etc.

I am done with Plarium. When the Israelis ran it it was better, but hey they were bought ought by a casino and gambling company.

You have lost my custom as a customer.

Bon Voyage.


29 дек. 2021, 22:4029.12.21
29 дек. 2021, 22:41(отредактировано)


30 дек. 2021, 02:0530.12.21

Od 2017 , kad vas je platila gamblerska kuca zvana Aristocrat usrali ste sve situacije .... znaci u prevodu op prev. baci im kost zagrist ce gladan pas ... mi nismo psi , vec vasi klijenti od kojih zivite  ... nikakva isprika osim povrat drachma se ne racuna, a to cu ja ko i svi Spartanci dozivjet nikada u ovoj igrici ... sretna vam nova .... moze vas biti sramota koliko god da vas ima zaposlenih od ceo pa do cistacice 

This mind is tired of war
Of misery and pain
A spirit wasting away
Like rivers to the sea

A spirit wasting away

In this agony
Unable to breathe
Calm rivals fear
On this earth beneath

A spirit wasting away

In this misery
The weariness of days
A life turned relict
Nothing else remains

A spirit wasting away

These bones have been burned
And hatred shall not last
The tools of sorrow cast
Have become the past

A spirit wasting away
A spirit wasting away
A spirit wasting away

Prevedi na hrvatski

30 дек. 2021, 02:2430.12.21

greed could be your new name in this game .... Leonidas lies ashamed 

O ye men who dwell in the streets of broad Lacedaemon!
Either your glorious town shall be sacked by the children of Perseus,
Or, in exchange, must all through the whole Laconian country

Mourn for the loss of a king, descendant of great Heracles

For you, inhabitants of wide-wayed Sparta,
Either your great and glorious city must be wasted by Persian men,
Or if not that, then the bound of Lacedaemon must mourn a dead king, from Heracles' line.
The might of bulls or lions will not restrain him with opposing strength; for he has the might of Zeus.
I declare that he will not be restrained until he utterly tears apart one of these.

30 дек. 2021, 02:3130.12.21

I hear the distant cry of human evolution
Driven to vanquish to no disillusion
I am the one you despise
The one who brings great change

The equivalent of fear...
Of all that is strange
To a simple mind in a complicated time

You see... I don't fear the things you fear
As life is a lost battle that you hold dear
All that is old turns to rust
The same way your flesh will turn to dust

Can you feel the shivers going down your spine?

Til the next seed of life
That will bring resurrection
The same way your ancestors
Kept the fire burning

I will bring revolution
The sun will rise again
And I will make you feel
The shivers of a new world

Shivers..."feel the change"...
Of..."its all thesame"...
New World!

The quest for eternity continues...
The quest for eternity is here... 

30 дек. 2021, 02:3930.12.21

Happy New 22 

so what shall you do , leave your shields on the ground  .... or drag your xiphos out ahouuuuuuuuuuu !!!

30 дек. 2021, 07:4430.12.21
30 дек. 2021, 08:08(отредактировано)

Il pacchetto offerto a Mauro (postato da Mauro) e il pacchetto offerto a me.  Pago il doppio per 6000 dracme in più- Naturalmente sono stato più sfortunato (Mauro ha l'80% di sconto io il 60%). Il costo originario dei due pacchetti è comunque 49,5.


30 дек. 2021, 08:3430.12.21
16 фев. 2022, 18:28(отредактировано)

Hello, everyone!

Archons, we understand this mistake was a serious one. However, leaving the rewards as they were would have had a considerable impact on the game balance. We cannot risk it and jeopardize the game. We hope you'll understand it in the long run.

In the meantime, we're looking into another solution. I'll keep you updated.

Alina facci capire quale gravissimo impatto e squilibrio avrebbe portato nel gioco......questa tua risposta mi fa veramente ridere e arrabbiare ancora di piu......

Te lo dico io cosa avrebbe portato invece mantenere le ricompense....che tutti i giocatori avrebbero solo recuperato una parte delle unità che hanno perso nel torneo.....sai benissimo quanto costa rianimare le unità...io questa settimana ho rianimato 700 dimaco e ho speso quella cifra...quindi di cosa stiamo parlando....

Per favore non continuateci a prendere in giro...non ce lo meritiamo...

gli stipendi di plarium sono pagati con i nostri acquisti...che sicuramente non faremo a questo punto

Alina make us understand what impact and imbalance would have brought in the game ......this answer of yours makes me laugh and angry even more ......

I'll tell you what it would have brought instead of keeping the rewards....that all players would have only recovered part of the units they lost in the tournament.....you know very well how much it costs to revive units ... I this week I have reanimated 700 dimaco and I spent that amount ... so what are we talking about....

Please don't keep teasing us...we don't deserve it....

excuse my english

30 дек. 2021, 12:0030.12.21

Exactly, let's analyze this week's tournaments.

War tournaments = 0

And when at the end of the week we have a war tournament, the prizes are so miserable that nobody has an interest in the game.

Plarium on these occasions will contract with better offers and ars, it is their way of always winning, for my part even then they will not get any money, what does it matter to have ars if the game dies and all tournaments are stupidly boring.

30 дек. 2021, 12:1330.12.21


If I mentioned it before ... to end the year well, and after rip us off the xp, now we have a more insulting pvp.

Let's take a close look at the awards:

80k points for 3 champions.

390k points more for 4 champions.

30k points for 10 promacos.

It really is a very tempting pvp, a whole week waiting to have a war tournament and now we have this garbage in which no one is interested in participating because its prizes are demoralizing.

Happy Plarium 2022 every day you are more miserable, every day I play less and of course I am not spending any money.

Maybe 2022 will be a good year to start looking for other games, and spend less time on plarium, I am very sorry I am a player for 6 years and the game was great before being destroyed by the new casino owners and their incompetence and greed.

30 дек. 2021, 12:4230.12.21
30 дек. 2021, 12:52(отредактировано)

shame plarium 50 points is 1 ageman to destroy a player

ask for more points and less rewards each year . 

the pvp tournament is now hilarious .

you are obviously laughing at us plarium and you are doing it carelessly