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Current New Start XP Event

Current New Start XP Event

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
1 янв. 2022, 14:2801.01.22

Indeed, the game became a click farm, it is no longer a game thinking so that all players enjoy the war, only Persians, guardians, development, avalanche of resources and a thousand other nonsense matter, and war tournaments are completely eliminated, when was the last time there was a pantheon tournament? and pvp tournaments give insulting prizes, so that medium players cannot play, and of course there is no marketing, plarium does not want new players, plarium in recent years wanted to reduce the number of players, perhaps to save money on servers or who can know what will go through their mind.

About the most important problem, which is the cancellation of fun and non-existent or ridiculous war tournaments, the plarium says nothing, please spend money and click on your farms that is the way.


Hello Yaviz:

I agree about the game could use a lot of nice PVP rewards and that indeed its a lot of clicking lately involved. 

Is true that we can choose the way to play the game, also is true that we are looking for profit and the best profit is on the clicking side, not troops involved. 

I hope Plarium is thinking about improving the PVP rewards and tournaments. 

1 янв. 2022, 14:3101.01.22


you think that 22 days of boosts is a "satisfactory" compensation, how much money plarium raised with all this famous "error" ?

Hello Mauro:

22 days of boosters is a nice gift, not satisfactory at all just standing along, but there were a lot of other compensations... the biggest is the return of troops invested the first day of the Tournament.

Im sorry if you don't find this solution suitable, but please don't manipulate my words.

Best regards!


1 янв. 2022, 14:3701.01.22

Plarium's response was horrendous and to see Moderators on this forum backing up the company is shocking. Mods are supposed to be the gobetween for us players and the company.

As I said above. I have killed my account on all three servers. I shall no longer give my hard earned cash to a company that laughs at their customers and spits in their faces when they dare complain. 

I am done.

I forgot to add that I have uninstalled the game and I will not be back any time soon.

Hello Barcode:

I don't see myself backing up the company as you said. In fact, I didn't.

I worked with the community manager to get suitable compensation, since the original rewards were not going to be delivered. I had a lot of feedback regarding the solution and most found it ok. 

I'm sorry you didn't like it and decided to leave the game.

But it's your choice, I decided to stay :)

Have a nice 2022

1 янв. 2022, 15:0601.01.22

Mod,could you please do us a favor and stop responding at anyone post?

your answers are useless and you insist to prove that plarium have goodwill with the last moves.

is your right to be or not a coiner,but you have no right to answer to old members which they spent a lot of money and finally see that they lost them for nothing.

so,if the 22 days are enough for you,keep them, enjoy them,and stop talk to the others who lost thousands of troops and euros..

we are not all at the same page.

1 янв. 2022, 15:2201.01.22
Karl Curston

Hello Mauro:

22 days of boosters is a nice gift, not satisfactory at all just standing along, but there were a lot of other compensations... the biggest is the return of troops invested the first day of the Tournament.

Im sorry if you don't find this solution suitable, but please don't manipulate my words.

Best regards!


Nobody manipulates their words, the handling that all of you have given to this matter has been exaggeratedly bad, it is true that they have never given a gift with 22 boosts, but ... having deceived the players with non-existent rewards, like trying to reassure all with these "gifts"?

I repeat my question, how much money did plarium raise with this misleading advertising, how many players fell into that trap?

The other rewards are disgusting, rather they can be taken as a mockery by plarium, now ... returning the troops was the minimum, right? some decorum they must have

Here what is judged is not only human error (for the vast majority of players it is fraud) but also the general handling of the whole situation, so here nobody misrepresents their words, rather we highlight the incompetence or the decided negligence with the what plarium handle this

How do you explain that even with the paurremimas measures they took, people still do not feel satisfied? you know why? because they feel cheated !!

1 янв. 2022, 16:2801.01.22

Se necesitan moderadores, te apuntas ?

Creo que lo harías bien y hasta manejas el inglés.

Moderators are needed, are you in ?

I think you would do well and even speak English.

1 янв. 2022, 16:4301.01.22

me gusta pensar por mi mismo, forjarme mi propia opinion, no me va estar lamiendo ni acomadando palabras para agradar al jefe, me gusta mas estar al lado de los jugadores, ni buscar beneficios personales,  mis respuestas aunque muchas veces vehementes, no estan diseñadas por alguien mas para ser politicamente correcto, aprecio la oferta, pero creo que carezco del "talento"  para ser mod de este juego

I like to think for myself, forge my own opinion, I will not be licking or adjusting words to please the boss, I like more to be next to the players, or to seek personal benefits, my answers, although often vehement, are not designed For someone else to be politically correct, I appreciate the offer, but I think I lack the "talent" to be a mod for this game, a shame!! 😔 

1 янв. 2022, 17:2501.01.22
1 янв. 2022, 17:30(отредактировано)
Karl Curston

Hello fellow spartans: 

The Plarium team knows that they made a big mistake in the last XP tournament by posting the wrong rewards. Moderators in conjunction with the Community Managers have worked closely with the team in order to safeguard the interests of the players, the balance of the game and make a compensation according to the investment made. 

I really hope that the latest penitence gift, the new code, as well as the return of the troops invested during the tournament period when the rewards were wrong, is an acceptable compensation. Also, today a 2022 free gift was released today, with a nice amount of 1 day boosters between other items- 

Of course, we all hope this kind of mistake will never appear again.

Have a happy New Year!  

I hope you haven't gotten too tired and burned a lot of brain cells thinking about this "solution". Returning the troops is a part, but the troops weren't the only thing invested in this event and after the deception they can't hope it will be enough.

Your answers, in addition to being generic and repetitive, are not concise, they do not clearly inform how or when this return will be made.

Thanks Plarium for boring us more.

4 янв. 2022, 07:4404.01.22

The tournament is over, but the troops I employed in the Persian positions and to conquer the emporiums did not automatically return to the acropolis or even to the infirmary.
I believe at this point that Plarium has not kept his word. 

Il torneo è finito, ma le truppe che io ho impiegato nelle posizioni persiane e per conquistare gli empori non sono tornate automaticamente in acropoli e neanche in infermeria.

Credo a questo punto che Plarium non abbia mantenuto la parola data.

4 янв. 2022, 11:5504.01.22
4 янв. 2022, 12:09(отредактировано)

let's give back to the players the army you promised

plarium shit

the future is very near that the army will return to us plarium ?

or I have to write for your games on the forums that games only exploit players 

they take the money and the game I have a million mistakes . they don't fix mistakes only in these mistakes do they see their benefit.  I have several examples of this . and eat shit plarium

I see that the plarium is not doing its job properly

4 янв. 2022, 12:2704.01.22

Every day the same boring and repetitive tournaments.

Will Sparta never be a war game again? what depress.

4 янв. 2022, 15:2104.01.22

Every day the same boring and repetitive tournaments.

Will Sparta never be a war game again? what depress.

I agree that the same tournaments are increasingly looking for points for a little prize

give pvp + pvp coalition + pantheon pvp

+ emporia pvp every Friday to Saturday+ coalition tournament.+ xp tounament 

persia tournament+ Persian coalition .

connect tournaments and let me know when I need to be active to have some fun 

and this the city and the city army from Monday to Friday .

and let's reduce those points you are looking for for those tournaments as they were 7 years ago and return the prizes if it was better then than now

you are looking for pvp points and we know that in pvp he and I will lose a lot of army and gain 100 soldiers in the tournament and both will lose 10k soldiers example.

that means you want the players to stop playing and you have no problem 

and I will not stop players to put 100m points for 1 soldier in the tournament

and you could do that?

you are looking at your own benefit 

you ask for a lot of points and you reward me and we use resources more than we get 1:10 there is such a difference

4 янв. 2022, 17:3304.01.22
4 янв. 2022, 17:34(отредактировано)


Monday and Tuesday, does anyone have fun ???

There is no pantheon tournament ever, only 1 pvp during the week with insulting prizes, there is no fun new tournament, it's all boring bullshit that has nothing to do with playing and having fun.

An old monkey would have more intelligence to create fun tournaments, but plarium just wants us to develop nonsense, another day without playing, you enter the game you see that there are no tournaments, and you say tomorrow we will try again.

And the only tournament we have had this year that caused players to be interested in it ... it was a mistake that caused imbalance in the game ...

5 янв. 2022, 12:0405.01.22


hahah:P  you’re just ridiculous for those tournaments

5 янв. 2022, 12:3505.01.22
5 янв. 2022, 12:37(отредактировано)

Today Plarium has returned some troops to the acropolis. I can't verify how many, but he certainly returned them (in the acropolis and not in the infirmary). He kept his word.

5 янв. 2022, 12:4105.01.22

Troops returned successfully.

Thanks, Plarium  

5 янв. 2022, 13:0305.01.22

Yes thank you very much plarium I just entered the game and I see the new tournaments and more fun tournaments, more and more development races, acolytes, persian eliseos and in CC days.

Closing the game and tomorrow we will try again like every day of the year. Yesterday I played my sister's sims and there was more action and fun.

5 янв. 2022, 13:0505.01.22

Sorry I forgot we also have guardians xp, how exciting !!

5 янв. 2022, 13:1805.01.22

Madre mía, cuánto  lamento


5 янв. 2022, 13:4805.01.22

Hello zipi, regrets that you never listen to plarium, it is difficult for me to believe the tournaments we have can amuse you, it only causes that every day there are fewer players, when a player ends with the regrets in the forum maybe it is because he has left the game how boring it is.

I understand that coiners players ignore tournaments because they revive, but for non-coiner players these tournaments where war and rewards are eliminated, eliminates the fun of the game, but is plarium, nothing will change xD