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Current New Start XP Event

Current New Start XP Event

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
6 янв. 2022, 20:3806.01.22
6 янв. 2022, 20:43(отредактировано)

Just for the sake of interest, I'm interested in how many of you moderators are from the Ros  Union just to know who we're complaining to here 

if the enemy had known he would have used it and attacked the capital and the army would have returned to him

 and they would not return the def units to us

6 янв. 2022, 20:5706.01.22
6 янв. 2022, 21:17(отредактировано)

make a big mistake out of a small mistake.

why didn't you leave the prizes as they were in the tournament now you have made an imbalance in the game

restore the deff units of the unit and all the units that the players lost in the same draw or first def then off the unit

aren't you obviously looking at what the attacking unit players could have spent and giving them another chance to succeed.

for example the destruction of capital  .

for example that the players failed to destroy the capital of 100b def

you have now enabled them .

and that on the day when there was an xp tournament someone iso attacked the capital and failed but now he has obviously better opportunities if you returned his attacking unit and def units you did not returned.

this damage is over $ 100m  all in all 125m $ damage done 

is there to sue plarium?  this is unfair to the players 2 your mistakes

the first you remove from the tournament prize the second you return the attacking unit and not the defensive unit.

there is an imbalance to the game you have just made. and tournaments are your disaster . there used to be better tournaments

6 янв. 2022, 22:1206.01.22

Imagine that they destroy your capital and then plarium returns the offensive to the attackers :-)

Well  done plarium, it's a great balance haha.

6 янв. 2022, 22:5006.01.22
6 янв. 2022, 22:54(отредактировано)

Imagine that they destroy your capital and then plarium returns the offensive to the attackers :-)

Well  done plarium, it's a great balance haha.


A mi me devolvió las que perdí atacando con éxito una capital, la de "Minoans Hellas",  donde hice 1.3M de PVP y 3M de Xp, así que no es correcto eso de "solo ciudades". 

Supongo que a los jugadores de "Minoans", Plarium les habrá dado también  una alegría más grande que la mía al ver sus tropas de regreso.


Ójala se equivoquen más veces como esta.

Y nada de privados, Yaviz. Tenemos prohibido mandarte privados, recursos, refuerzos, etc, etc...



here is the destroyed capital   and it is not fair to those players

6 янв. 2022, 23:5006.01.22

Exactly an injustice, they lose the cap and now they must read that the attacker recovers the offense for free haha.

Plarium this is a scam ... let's hope they make no mistakes in more tournaments and some coa sends all their off against a cap and then they return the off which was a mistake while the destroyed cap does not recover anything.

This can even be seen as a manipulation of the game where some players knew that the troops would be returned.

PS: I don't mean zipi.

8 янв. 2022, 10:3008.01.22

If I understand the situation, plarium only returned the offensive troops lost in pvp and pve, but not defensive and elisias.
If so, not only did plarium fool us again, but it did considerable damage to the players who were attacked and to those who used defense and elisias for Persian positions and Elysias positions.
I ask the moderators to clarify. I can think that someone may have taken advantage of the mistake by knowing in advance what was happening.
Plarium just has to keep his word. Return of troops (all troops): this is the only way to balance the game. It is now biased in favor of those who constantly use offensive troops. Sparta is a war game: it attacks and defends itself. Now the game is unbalanced in favor of the attacker. 

9 янв. 2022, 00:3509.01.22

That is exactly what they have done, instead of fixing the mistake they have made, they have given offensive troops to certain players. Which is totally unfair to those who spent defensive troops in that event, so the attacker recovers the troops but not the defender. Where is the balance in such an uneven action?

And the worst part is that this time it was not a supposed error, it was a fully conscious action on the part of Plarium.

With this I even doubt that placing those rewards was a mistake, it is a total SCAM

9 янв. 2022, 10:0809.01.22

Ma i moderatori non rispondono?

9 янв. 2022, 19:0009.01.22

Ma i moderatori non rispondono?

They cannot answer anything, there is no excuse for this action.

Does anyone remember that day that for a few hours they sold packages with lots of legendary chests for the general?

plarium reported  to Some players and they achieved tens or hundreds of legendary chests, a few hours later they removed the package and said it is a mistake.

then the game was totally unbalanced, plarium is a scam.

9 янв. 2022, 19:0109.01.22

penso che non sappiano dove nascondersi

e questo sarebbe la soluzione che non sbilancia il gioco...  ahah

I think they don't know where to hide

and this would be the solution that does not unbalance the game ... haha

9 янв. 2022, 23:3109.01.22

They do not respond because there is no excuse for what they have done. They just hope that we forget what happened.

Having come out to proudly say that they had found a solution to the error now they are just hiding, what a shame.

10 янв. 2022, 01:0510.01.22

And we continue to swallow ... more and more convinced that our main enemy in this game is none other than Plarium, and it will be the one that will make us leave the game, but there are any enemies we may have ...

The question is, can we do something or do we want to do it ???

I think there are ways to do something or to try ... but we would have to be united, which is difficult to achieve.

10 янв. 2022, 06:2710.01.22

And we continue to swallow ... more and more convinced that our main enemy in this game is none other than Plarium, and it will be the one that will make us leave the game, but there are any enemies we may have ...

The question is, can we do something or do we want to do it ???

I think there are ways to do something or to try ... but we would have to be united, which is difficult to achieve.

That is the right question

And you give the answer yourself

Esa es la pregunta correcta

Y tu mismo le das la respuesta

10 янв. 2022, 16:4010.01.22



      when the thief taunts his victims....!!



12 янв. 2022, 11:4612.01.22
12 янв. 2022, 11:56(отредактировано)

and the only one creating unfairness in game, is you, plarium, daily.... with actions like this.

Hello Banshee:

You are not talking to a wall, Im reading.

But I dont have a word on top of your sayings. 

I also believe that woul be very best for all (Plarium and players) to leave the original rewards. As a player, I was also angry and dissapointed (but not now, compensation worked fine for me, I got my XP from persians and have a nice payment reinversting the troops)

The only thing I can say is that I understand you and share your feelings... but Sparta is Plariums feature and its their call. 

If the compensation didnt work for you, please contact support to explain your case. 

12 янв. 2022, 11:5612.01.22



      when the thief taunts his victims....!!



Hello Mauro, didnt you get back your troops?

Remeber, the reinbursment of troops was

*offensive troops in Pvp

*Offensive and defensive on Persian and elysian positions. 

If you didnt get yours, please submit a ticket to support. Support is the only one that can check your end and give you a solution.

12 янв. 2022, 12:0212.01.22

They do not respond because there is no excuse for what they have done. They just hope that we forget what happened.

Having come out to proudly say that they had found a solution to the error now they are just hiding, what a shame.

We are not hiding, Nymeria. We are here. I have to apologize im not being so active right now im on vacations and we have low internet speed here.

I cant tell you more about all this, anyway. Believe me, I didnt like the change of the tournament at the middle of it too. Also I saw a lot of complains about compensation.

But... we dont own the game. Its Plarium game, the company settle all the features. We have been playing a lot of time and, at least in my case, not going to leave for this. 

Its your choice.

12 янв. 2022, 12:0712.01.22

In the end, this false solution of returning the troops became an even worse fraud than the previous one, because in addition to the fact that not only troops were invested in the event, they only decided to return the offensive troops. So those of us who invested defensive troops in the event were left with nothing and those who used offensive troops were rewarded.

I find it disgusting, totally unfair and selective. Plarium decides who cheated and who did not, who deserves to get their investment back and who does not.

That selection seems even more aberrant to me than having cheated on the rewards at xp. Plarium are scoundrels.

Hello Nymeria, as I told you before, I agree with you. 

Remember that if you played Defensive Positions (both elysians and regular) Defensive troops were reinbursed. 

12 янв. 2022, 12:0812.01.22
-|-AKT -|- RTG

Mod,could you please do us a favor and stop responding at anyone post?

your answers are useless and you insist to prove that plarium have goodwill with the last moves.

is your right to be or not a coiner,but you have no right to answer to old members which they spent a lot of money and finally see that they lost them for nothing.

so,if the 22 days are enough for you,keep them, enjoy them,and stop talk to the others who lost thousands of troops and euros..

we are not all at the same page.

No, I wont stop answering here :)

12 янв. 2022, 12:1512.01.22

Alina, please explain to us how a good tournament where the players were finally motivated and excited about the rewards (which are not exorbitant either), can cause imbalance in the game?

The imbalance has been caused by Plarium with its bad decisions a long time ago.

Hello Themis.

Plarium didnt explain about how the balance could be affected... but we (players and mods from all Sparta) gave them a lot of feedback about how their compensation desition is also affecting balance.