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Current New Start XP Event

Current New Start XP Event

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
28 дек. 2021, 16:2528.12.21

I think we are all old players here, I wonder how many of us would go back to a store if we were TREATED like this or for those players who have their own company, how long would they last if they do like that with their clients.Then why do we allow them to treat us like this here a lot of us spent a lot of money on this game it's a shame how they  treat us  

28 дек. 2021, 16:5728.12.21
28 дек. 2021, 16:57(отредактировано)

Octa aunque estemos de acuerdo en lo poco ético que puede ser la corrección en el premio una vez que los jugadores ya gastaron tropa y recursos para conseguirlo entrar en improperios y gritos no es el camino.

Amigo te ruego corrijas ese comentario

Octa although we agree on how unethical it can be to correct the award once the players already spent troops and resources to get it to enter into expletives and shouting is not the way.

Friend I beg you to correct that comment

28 дек. 2021, 17:2828.12.21

Plarium has to rectify asap. No way! As time go on Plarium loses credibility. A fast reaction is needed. Come on !

28 дек. 2021, 17:3928.12.21

Amazing.  You guys are never wrong. You never take responsibility for your own mistakes. It always falls on Players when you screw up.   You should have just let the tournament play out. What would it have actually cost you..?  Nothing!   Instead you just tell us to suck it up and move on. 

You have no more good will left with us.   

28 дек. 2021, 18:0228.12.21

If I had mistakenly purchased a $100 package thinking it was only $10, I wonder if Plarium would be understanding enough to give me a refund 24hrs later? I think we all know the answer to that.

that reminds me the many times players had to write support because they get charged twice for one package.... and many months later several give up talking to a wall/support .....

i have lost players due to that.

28 дек. 2021, 18:0828.12.21

Palarium have done this in the past - it is not a mistake and it will happen again.

They change the required points for guardian duel tourneys without notice to trick players into investing more and more resources.  They changed rewards in a pvp tournament last year after it started. this is not new.

28 дек. 2021, 18:1028.12.21

Do their customers in their online gamboling sites know of this policy of palarium?

Do the bloggers and game steamers that are pushing raids shadow ledgends or the customers that play these games know of the company policies of palarium?

We are being insulted again and again by the staff and moderators of this fool company.

28 дек. 2021, 18:1228.12.21

The ONLY moderator we have left that forwards our concerns to the people that can do something about it had resigned as a moderator, leving us with the incompetant mods that will push palarium agenda without remorse and will not do their jobs to let anyone know what our concerns here in the forums are.

I am finished with the palarium sparta forum.  This place is a waist of my time.

28 дек. 2021, 19:0028.12.21

Again shows Plarium their meaning of "fair game". In Germany we call it: "verarsche". On court, they would be punished. Changing the prices, when game ist started, is breaking ethic and sportic laws all over the world.

28 дек. 2021, 19:1028.12.21

Hello Spartans

I am talking here as a Player and as a Mod.

As a player, I totally understand you and believe me, my coalitions mates and I were playing a lot for the reward as well, so, this change was a shock also for me.

As a mod, we have been forwarding to the team all the legitimate disappointment, anger and frustration you are expressing here. You are right, this was a huge mistake.

Yet, Plarium made an announcement and explain why this mistake happened: it was a human mistake and because of festivities, it wasn't spotted fast by the team.

Please note that I am not justifying, just explaining facts. And the fact is that the mistake was made, Plarium corrected it and gave a compensation gift for all players.  

I liked the 150 k drachmas coalition tournament, but Plarium explained that it is not possible for the game balance.

I hope you had a nice Xmas with your affections and wish you all a happy new year. Make all your wishes come true!

28 дек. 2021, 19:2228.12.21
28 дек. 2021, 19:27(отредактировано)

Fortuna una pregunta para ti:

Podrías, tu o Guerrero, conseguir que Usgu o Agim se pronuncien sobre esto ? A poder ser aquí en el foro

28 дек. 2021, 19:2928.12.21
16 фев. 2022, 18:19(отредактировано)

A small prize when compared with what was promised and above all with what was lost to Serse to score tournament points. I'm sorry, plarium can't come up with so many excuses and alms. Now he has unbalanced the game and many players no longer have Plarium in his esteem. 

28 дек. 2021, 19:4228.12.21

Pero siguen jugando y tienen peso en la comunidad

28 дек. 2021, 19:4828.12.21

And does it not break the balance in the game that some players have lost a lot of troops and money to score and now for nothing?

As they have mentioned it is illegal, even in a store if there is a price for a product and it is a mistake they are required by law to maintain that price.

If plarium has an error, it is their problem and not the players' problem, the saddest thing is that at last with a good tournament the players had activated and were playing and the game seemed fun, but plarium never understands, nterest in playing if  the prizes and tournaments  motivate and entertain.

28 дек. 2021, 19:5628.12.21

buonasera, plarium sta peggiorando: sempre + bug, meno divertimento in game. sono utente dal 2015 e sempre meno soddisfatto. questa volta la presa in giro o il raggiro, non ha giustificazione. approfitto per fare a tutti buon anno.


28 дек. 2021, 19:5728.12.21

plarium you are not correct, you can not change prizes of a tournament in progress and if you do, return all the lost troops to all players.

in this way you are destroing the game it is possible that a lot of players leave the game 

I was surprised to see an interesting tournament that could motivate all Sparta players and have fun.

this situation could bring  many many players not spending nothing for a long long time


28 дек. 2021, 20:0728.12.21

I wouldn't mess with Agim even if he was on vacation, some time ago I did lol

28 дек. 2021, 20:1728.12.21
Karl Curston

Hello Spartans

I am talking here as a Player and as a Mod.

As a player, I totally understand you and believe me, my coalitions mates and I were playing a lot for the reward as well, so, this change was a shock also for me.

As a mod, we have been forwarding to the team all the legitimate disappointment, anger and frustration you are expressing here. You are right, this was a huge mistake.

Yet, Plarium made an announcement and explain why this mistake happened: it was a human mistake and because of festivities, it wasn't spotted fast by the team.

Please note that I am not justifying, just explaining facts. And the fact is that the mistake was made, Plarium corrected it and gave a compensation gift for all players.  

I liked the 150 k drachmas coalition tournament, but Plarium explained that it is not possible for the game balance.

I hope you had a nice Xmas with your affections and wish you all a happy new year. Make all your wishes come true!

The statement on the part of Plarium was published on Facebook.

As an explanation, the following statement was made :

"We had to revert the numbers to the intended state because leaving them as they were would have had a considerable impact on the game balance."

The term "game balance" is chosen in a very general way and I don't think anyone can do anything with it.

How about an explanation why the old prices "would have had a considerable impact on the game balance"?

Such a phrase is quickly written, but unfortunately meaningless.

A transparent example from Plarium would certainly be helpful.

28 дек. 2021, 20:2428.12.21


28 дек. 2021, 20:3328.12.21

That Mistakes happen is okay, but when you want to fix a mistake you should follow the right way with the players. First step communicate the Mistake and what you wanna do. The Quest runs 7 Days so its enough time to get the meanings of our players. Then find a way that is accepted from all parts of the game. 

For me it should be a fine Move if Plarium reduces the Mistake about 50% then i think all are fine and it helps to revive armies or that coals grow and can fight a bit bigger.

Other Way is to max out the free revive to all armys you lost on 60-75% then the players wont get the Drachs but they get Back some Troops they sended for the Mistake done from Plarium. 

I think its a bit time to fix the Problem better then in Moment and that the Players that pay the workers of Plarium also get more happy then in moment.