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Update Highlights 4.50

Update Highlights 4.50

Hey, everyone!

A new Raid Update is nearing release, so here we have a recap of the things that will be included. Most importantly, the first batch of new Clan Features will go live, including Clan Levels, Clan Quests, Clan Benefits, and even a Clan Shop! We know that’s something you guys wanted for a while, and we’re happy to deliver. Read on to find out more!

Clan Improvements

As of Update 4.50, every Clan in Raid: Shadow Legends will have a Clan Level. These Clan Levels can go from 1 to 20 and will be essential in determining Clan Benefits and some other bonuses available to the Clan in question.

Increasing Clan Levels requires Clan Experience (or Clan XP), which in turn can be earned by:

  • Completing Clan Quests
  • Completing Clan Achievements
  • Participating in Clan vs Clan Tournaments

Other means of earning Clan XP will appear in the future, but that’s what we have for 4.50! 

Clan Quests

Clan Quests are special missions that the Clan gets every week. Each player can only take 3 Clan Quests per week, but there is no specific order in which they have to be completed. It’s important to remember that once a Clan Member has claimed one of the Quests, it will be assigned to them, and no one else will be able to take it until the reset - so be sure only to take Clan Quests you know you can and will complete. Ideally, talk with your Clan to coordinate to achieve the best results.

The number of available Clan Quests depends on the Clan Level, but they will always be broken down evenly into three difficulties: Basic, Expert, Elite (available from Clan Level 5). This way, even new players will be able to help their Clan grow. Just be sure to complete your chosen Quests before the weekly reset because progress doesn’t carry over.

Each player will receive Clan Gold for completing their quests, which they’ll need to purchase items in the Clan Shop. Furthermore, once 30 Clan Quests are completed (counted across the entire Clan), the Clan will get a certain amount of Clan Experience. 

Clan Benefits

All Benefits are tied to the Clan Level - the higher it is, the more bonuses you and your Clanmates get to enjoy. Here’s a list of Clan Benefits that will be available:

  • The number of available Clan Quests will increase with the Clan Level
  • More Silver obtained by completing Campaign Stages (stacks with the Raid Card bonus)
  • More Multi-Battle Attempts (also stacks with those granted by the Raid Card)
  • Additional slots in the Clan Shop

Clan Shop

Clan Shop will feature several slots with various valuable items that you’ll be able to purchase for Clan Gold. As mentioned above, your Clan will unlock more slots as it levels up, which in turn will give you access to even better items. 

Each slot in the Clan Shop will have a pool of items that can appear there - you’ll be able to view that pool at a tap. The Shop resets once per week, simultaneously with the Clan Quests, and the items will cycle at random. Keep in mind that all Clans will get the same set of Clan Shop items after the reset so that no one will get a luck-based advantage.

Each item in the Clan Shop will have a purchase limit, meaning that you can only buy it a set number of times before the Clan Shop resets. This limit is individual to each player and carries over even if that player changes Clans. 

We’ll release a dedicated video to explain this new feature, so keep an eye out for in-game news when that happens if you want to see a more detailed breakdown! 

Daily Login Rewards Changes

We’ll be making changes to the 271+ Days section of the Daily Login Rewards and include guaranteed Champions to the mix. Namely, the Rank 5 Chicken and the Sacred Shard will be replaced with Champion Fragments. The first Champion you’ll see is Cleopterix - a Skinwalkers Legendary - who will make a great addition to your collection. It will take 4 months to gather enough Fragments for the Summon, and once you’ve done that, another Champion will take Cleopterix’s place in the Daily Login Rewards.

Balance and Miscellaneous

Several Arena-related Progress Missions will be adjusted and made a bit easier

  1. [Decrease Crit DMG] debuff will be adjusted. Instead of a flat decrease, it will lower the target’s Stat by 25% (a quarter). For example, Champions with a 200% Crit DMG will be lowered to 150% Crit DMG instead of 175% as it was before
  2. Additional 100 slots in the Champion Collection will be available to be unlocked
  3. Inbox will get 100 additional slots as well
  4. We’ll add an option to sell Artifacts in the Multi-Battle result window

That's it for now! Have a good day and happy raiding!

29 июль 2021, 12:0929.07.21
30 июль 2021, 16:1330.07.21

Hey, guys! Thank you for the feedback, and I'm grateful for such a passionate attitude to the game! Though our points may sometimes diverge, it is encouraging to know that there are so many people out there who are genuinely concerned about the gameplay and the in-game economy.

I will make sure your feedback reaches the developers.

I understand your disappointment. But we really want to know your opinion on other features we're about to introduce to the game, namely - Clan improvements. What do you think of those?

1) Removing the two best log in rewards, as previously stated 10k times, is dumb.

2) Clan quests NEED clan leadership control! A simple "Approve" button would work.

30 июль 2021, 16:2230.07.21


30 июль 2021, 16:2530.07.21

Congratulations on always finding a way to screw over your playerbase. Taking away the rank 5 chicken and the sacred shard will surely benefit everyone. By the way, still nothing about the duplicate legendaries?

30 июль 2021, 16:4530.07.21

Unfortunately the daily logins were such an atrocious move that people can't comment on the other aspects.

-Champ storage is not big enough. 100 is not a lot for an endgame player (at all) especially with no dupe system in sight.

-Clan stuff LOOKS great, however rewards in clan shop and how much of that currency we get remains to be seen. Optimistic, but plarium tends to trample their own good ideas.

-Daily logins.... Refraining from cursing.... This is one of their worst decisions in recent memory (been here so long it starts to blur together). This also proves any good idea they DO have they can and will take away for something of lesser value (like the new daily login). So unfortunately it sets a really concerning precedent.

-For clarification. Clan Quest gives us clan gold. Is that individual? Like i did said quest so I receive the gold only? Or does everyone get them? Because if they have different gold totals. That can cause infighting.


Overall one of the more exciting updates until I read the Login rewards update. If there is one positive Is i get to update my 1 star review and never spend again :). Thank you plarium for making this financial decision easy.

30 июль 2021, 16:5230.07.21

rather have 5 chicken and a sacred than 4 months for 1 champ. Bad idea and a kick in the teeth for F2P and low spend players.

30 июль 2021, 17:2030.07.21
31 июль 2021, 02:06(отредактировано)

Yeah not only lego books drive me crazy,all my legos are unbooked,now this,im not f2p. But game must be fun righteven if u not put tons of money,otherwise,i will looking somewhere else,im 8 days away from scyla, and thinking about leaving game this is not a good sign, greed is real.

30 июль 2021, 17:5430.07.21

Boooooooo!!!  Revert  the  daily  log  in  reward  change.  Higher  level  accounts  don't  need  sub-par/just  OK  lego  fragment.  Give  us  back  our  5star  chicken  and  sacred  shard.  Add  the  fragments  if  you  want  by  removing  something  else.  

30 июль 2021, 18:1630.07.21

I'm not f2p but I'm not a whale either, and I expect alot of folks fit this category.  And, as everyone has commented so far, I rely on the shard and five star chicken.  This is a horrible decision to remove these rewards.  

I normally purchase one or two packages a month, depending on the deal and what I want.  If these rewards are removed, I'm going f2p all the way.  I already have what I need to enjoy most content of the game and Plarium will not receive another cent from me.  I think this is the only way Plarium will respond to us if we quit paying and impact their profit.

30 июль 2021, 18:4630.07.21

Does  someone  know  how  long  can  we  play  without  updating?

30 июль 2021, 19:1830.07.21

Hey, guys! Thank you for the feedback, and I'm grateful for such a passionate attitude to the game! Though our points may sometimes diverge, it is encouraging to know that there are so many people out there who are genuinely concerned about the gameplay and the in-game economy.

I will make sure your feedback reaches the developers.

I understand your disappointment. But we really want to know your opinion on other features we're about to introduce to the game, namely - Clan improvements. What do you think of those?

Dear Oracle

You could create a tons of cool features but if in parallel you take out the 2 best login rewards then your efforts will be shaded by this move. Because it is hard to get a sacred shard, and the most frustrating thing is to grind food in campaign. And as a low spender (in my country there is no chance to spend a tons of money because we don't have "western" salary) it is a deep pain to miss a 5* chicken (in most of the cases I get common epics and mediocre legos from sacred). And as you can see from the feedbacks Cleopterix will be a vault guardian from the mid to endgame accounts.

The clan features could be cool if we will get valuable reward (because the effort/challenge is just one factor in the formula).

30 июль 2021, 19:4930.07.21


Everyone crying about losing a freebie and threatening to quit.  Except you PG!  How are you doing, enjoying the game again?

I don't see it as an improvement in the daily login rewards, but I think the crying is a bit much.

I do see the daily logins as an improvement

The Champions I can now get frags for thru login is awesome :)

30 июль 2021, 20:1130.07.21

I suspect people would be way more interested in giving feedback about the clan changes if you told them the other change isn't going to happen first. Sorry if the devs aren't getting feedback on what they want feedback on, but ... *shrug*

30 июль 2021, 20:5330.07.21

Do not replace the 5* chicken and sacred shard for champion fragments. Outright imbecile! Don't even bother adding that to the patch

30 июль 2021, 21:1230.07.21

WOW, your an expensive and interesting game to play but when you take HOPE away from players that don't have a lot of money to play by taking out Sacred Shards and 5 star chicks for mediocre legendary characters you'll get " THE GREAT EXODUS" and only your greed will be to blame. Oh i hope you realize there are a lot of games out there with other gaming companies and if you lose them for one game you might lose them playing in all your games.

30 июль 2021, 21:2830.07.21
31 июль 2021, 02:08(отредактировано)

Dont remove the 5 star chicken or the sacred shard the what is wrong with you.


30 июль 2021, 21:4430.07.21

Hey, guys! Thank you for the feedback, and I'm grateful for such a passionate attitude to the game! Though our points may sometimes diverge, it is encouraging to know that there are so many people out there who are genuinely concerned about the gameplay and the in-game economy.

I will make sure your feedback reaches the developers.

I understand your disappointment. But we really want to know your opinion on other features we're about to introduce to the game, namely - Clan improvements. What do you think of those?

We are so used being screwed with almost every update that anything that doesn't screw us seems good even if it is not.

30 июль 2021, 22:0630.07.21

very much anticipated update, will make clans bond together, seems to be great on paper, will have to wait and see how it does once active.

a great update for which you should get all the praises, but you just messed it up with changing up the login rewards. You should get a service owner for each update or if you have him now fire him, because this just made a mess and thats just not good bussiness.

30 июль 2021, 22:1830.07.21

i wanna my chiken and my sacred shard all comunity wanna and likes this rewards don't take it off.

If you say listen to the community, really listen to us and don't do that. You can just remove the worst rewards and do both, but don't take the best rewards, remove the accessories for example.

30 июль 2021, 22:2130.07.21

There is an echo in these comments, Plarium.


Oh there it is again.

30 июль 2021, 23:3830.07.21

Please don't take the sacred shard & 5-star chicken from the login rewards.  It is not a good look.  I think that there is enough room in the game for all that added stuff in the upcoming update AND the shard & chicken.