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Update Highlights 4.50

Update Highlights 4.50

Hey, everyone!

A new Raid Update is nearing release, so here we have a recap of the things that will be included. Most importantly, the first batch of new Clan Features will go live, including Clan Levels, Clan Quests, Clan Benefits, and even a Clan Shop! We know that’s something you guys wanted for a while, and we’re happy to deliver. Read on to find out more!

Clan Improvements

As of Update 4.50, every Clan in Raid: Shadow Legends will have a Clan Level. These Clan Levels can go from 1 to 20 and will be essential in determining Clan Benefits and some other bonuses available to the Clan in question.

Increasing Clan Levels requires Clan Experience (or Clan XP), which in turn can be earned by:

  • Completing Clan Quests
  • Completing Clan Achievements
  • Participating in Clan vs Clan Tournaments

Other means of earning Clan XP will appear in the future, but that’s what we have for 4.50! 

Clan Quests

Clan Quests are special missions that the Clan gets every week. Each player can only take 3 Clan Quests per week, but there is no specific order in which they have to be completed. It’s important to remember that once a Clan Member has claimed one of the Quests, it will be assigned to them, and no one else will be able to take it until the reset - so be sure only to take Clan Quests you know you can and will complete. Ideally, talk with your Clan to coordinate to achieve the best results.

The number of available Clan Quests depends on the Clan Level, but they will always be broken down evenly into three difficulties: Basic, Expert, Elite (available from Clan Level 5). This way, even new players will be able to help their Clan grow. Just be sure to complete your chosen Quests before the weekly reset because progress doesn’t carry over.

Each player will receive Clan Gold for completing their quests, which they’ll need to purchase items in the Clan Shop. Furthermore, once 30 Clan Quests are completed (counted across the entire Clan), the Clan will get a certain amount of Clan Experience. 

Clan Benefits

All Benefits are tied to the Clan Level - the higher it is, the more bonuses you and your Clanmates get to enjoy. Here’s a list of Clan Benefits that will be available:

  • The number of available Clan Quests will increase with the Clan Level
  • More Silver obtained by completing Campaign Stages (stacks with the Raid Card bonus)
  • More Multi-Battle Attempts (also stacks with those granted by the Raid Card)
  • Additional slots in the Clan Shop

Clan Shop

Clan Shop will feature several slots with various valuable items that you’ll be able to purchase for Clan Gold. As mentioned above, your Clan will unlock more slots as it levels up, which in turn will give you access to even better items. 

Each slot in the Clan Shop will have a pool of items that can appear there - you’ll be able to view that pool at a tap. The Shop resets once per week, simultaneously with the Clan Quests, and the items will cycle at random. Keep in mind that all Clans will get the same set of Clan Shop items after the reset so that no one will get a luck-based advantage.

Each item in the Clan Shop will have a purchase limit, meaning that you can only buy it a set number of times before the Clan Shop resets. This limit is individual to each player and carries over even if that player changes Clans. 

We’ll release a dedicated video to explain this new feature, so keep an eye out for in-game news when that happens if you want to see a more detailed breakdown! 

Daily Login Rewards Changes

We’ll be making changes to the 271+ Days section of the Daily Login Rewards and include guaranteed Champions to the mix. Namely, the Rank 5 Chicken and the Sacred Shard will be replaced with Champion Fragments. The first Champion you’ll see is Cleopterix - a Skinwalkers Legendary - who will make a great addition to your collection. It will take 4 months to gather enough Fragments for the Summon, and once you’ve done that, another Champion will take Cleopterix’s place in the Daily Login Rewards.

Balance and Miscellaneous

Several Arena-related Progress Missions will be adjusted and made a bit easier

  1. [Decrease Crit DMG] debuff will be adjusted. Instead of a flat decrease, it will lower the target’s Stat by 25% (a quarter). For example, Champions with a 200% Crit DMG will be lowered to 150% Crit DMG instead of 175% as it was before
  2. Additional 100 slots in the Champion Collection will be available to be unlocked
  3. Inbox will get 100 additional slots as well
  4. We’ll add an option to sell Artifacts in the Multi-Battle result window

That's it for now! Have a good day and happy raiding!

29 июль 2021, 12:0929.07.21
30 июль 2021, 00:3930.07.21

Sure... Why not take the few chances we have to get a sacred shard. And right after the update we get spammed with "can't miss offers" on sacred shards and rank 5 chickens, wich will be 50% off and still cost more then actualy buying a game for pc.


I  understand  your  anger  but  please  refrain  from  asking  for  sexual  favors  from  Plarium.

30 июль 2021, 01:0030.07.21

"We’ll be making changes to the 271+ Days section of the Daily Login Rewards and include guaranteed Champions to the mix. Namely, the Rank 5 Chicken and the Sacred Shard will be replaced with Champion Fragments. " Are you kidding me?


Please refrain from swearing.

30 июль 2021, 01:0730.07.21

Take away the 5* chicken and the sacred shard to get fragments for a champ which takes 4 months to get? Are you serius?? Now we miss out 4 sacreds and 4 5* chickens for that champ. REALLY Plarium? 


I understand your anger about the chicken, but please refrain from swearing. 

Personally I welcome the guaranteed legos as long as some of them end up being good. Sacreds only have a 6%-12% chance to pull one anyways.

30 июль 2021, 01:0730.07.21

I  understand  your  anger  but  please  refrain  from  asking  for  sexual  favors  from  Plarium.

Lmao, best moderator response ever

30 июль 2021, 01:1130.07.21
30 июль 2021, 01:14(отредактировано)

Wow Plarium what are you thinking ???  (you giveth and taketh away)

I love you guys but this is cray cray . . .   removing the 2 most valuable items that are very hard to come by in general  (Sacraed shards and 5 star chickens) for champion fragments that take 4 months to complete.  Please go back to the drawing board and quit the Las Vegas gambling mentalty . . .  you are not a Casino for God's sake ! 

God Speed !


30 июль 2021, 01:1430.07.21

is it possible to add an alert if there are messages in clan chat?

30 июль 2021, 01:1530.07.21

Though, 20$ says they reverse this decision and then act like we owe them for not removing them. It's a marketing decision. It has to  be.


Please refrain from swearing.

30 июль 2021, 01:1830.07.21

Seriously. I just KNOW this is going to happen, where I'm sitting on the login reward champion for FOUR MONTHS, just waiting to get the dupe over with so I can wait another FOUR MONTHS for a champion I HOPEFULLY don't already have by then. Ugh. Sooooooo wrong. 

Just add fragments to the Bazaar.


Please refrain from name calling.

30 июль 2021, 01:2130.07.21

Plarium you are getting out of control. First you talk about individual cvc rewards, and take out the blue shards from rewards pool, because you have a summon 40 event going on. We deserve those 3-4 shards we didn't get. Also where are my individual rewards? Don't change things that work. How about nerfing that damn scarab again since he is so annoying. You take the 2 things people actually want out of the monthly checkin. How about those stupid glyphs or even the materials u get from FW, take those things out they upset me everytime. We appreciate you trying to give everyone lego champions, but don't break what is already there. IF anything do like you did with ninja and have a separate login event. You know there are games that actually do that. And to top it off you tell us it will take 4 months to get the champ. You guys are really making a good game turn into a mess. You really want your player base to stay then you should really fix this asap. Don't take out the shard, don't take out the chicken, take out the fw materials and glyphs and put them in the place of the new champ. 

PS, its not like yall go changing things all the damn time anyways. add them to the advanced quest give us a reason to actually finish all 10 of them..


I understand your anger, but please refrain from name calling and swearing.

30 июль 2021, 01:2330.07.21

reply on fb: 

"The main reason why our devs decided to add Champion Fragments to the Daily Login Program is that they believe that it should give all players an opportunity to summon a guaranteed (specific) Champion like it was with High Khatun, Scyl of Drakes etc., while Sacred Shards only give a chance to summon any random Champion" 


Please refrain from name calling.

30 июль 2021, 01:3630.07.21

Add to Bazzar or special reward in Daily login, but Pla said: No. If company change money to hmm, a gift they spent a for staff. So staff will stay or leave, we guess we have fully answer ! 

30 июль 2021, 01:4130.07.21

Lmao, best moderator response ever


30 июль 2021, 01:5630.07.21
30 июль 2021, 02:08(отредактировано)

• Need a way to tell Multi-Battle to STOP at the end of the current battle and no longer repeat.

As it is now, you either ditch the battle losing energy, or try and catch the app between battles.  Player should be able to merely disable the "auto repeat" during any battle without actually ending the ongoing battle.

• Pet peeve... Change the Total Stats screen to DEFAULT to the actual stats not the help screen. 

I mean, how many are really needing that help screen after seeing it once or twice? Yet they see it every time they want to check stats.

Long term.. 

I'd appriciate a  4th column in the Champions and Tavern screens. So, the champ list is wider but also shorter. Would remove considerable swiping. 

Auto-battle.. if any level of the Campaign, Dungeons, Keeps, Faction Wars, has been completed 10 times all getting 3 stars... enable "auto-battle" (Since multi-battle is the new terminology for "repeat") . Auto-battle would be a single button on the battle team lineup screen letting you skip the entire battle and just register a win. One button, instant win, rather than sitting through all the animations knowing you're going to win anyway.


As for the removing the scared and chicked from log ins.. please don't 

Replace MANY of the less vauable items for frags if that's the way you want to go.. I mean I could do without the silver... or brews.. or soul/blood stones.. .. remember past 271 players are getting towards end game where the pimary things they need are chickens and shards.. not frags....

And if these new frags follow suit for all the other daily log in champs.. the champ is going to drop within a week of compelteing the frags anyway.... I had at least 1 of every champ drop from daily logins before they actually dropped. 

30 июль 2021, 02:3430.07.21

Like a TON of other players on here..LEAVE the two BEST daily login rewards 5 star chicken/Sacred shard alone ESPECIALLY when you took the easy AND lazy way out giving the SAME things every month vs the unique Epic/Legendary champions you gave monthly before that.. IF you want us chasing a fragment character take out the TINY amount of silver/crafting materials & give fragments for PAST fragment characters FIRST.. You know there are plenty of players that are 5-15 fragments away from a character and NO WAY to complete them EXCEPT the rare times you list them for WAY OVERPRICED fragment bundles.. You can EASILY change the patch changing that TERRIBLE idea before next week.

30 июль 2021, 02:3830.07.21

Every time...every time you (Plarium) want to announce something good...you package it with something really bad. There should be a positive response to your announced changes, but all players can see is that you're taking away the 2 best login rewards in the month for day 271+ players. 

Its really simple. If you ran the game FOR players, the players will look after you, and provide your income. But, you choose to run the game for shareholders/accountants/executives and the final outcome is obvious. Players will either go free-to-play or leave for another game, and you'll be left with no income. It's not too late to change your policies, but it may be too late quite soon.

30 июль 2021, 04:1130.07.21

So...about this daily login  rewards  change...yea  after the update  I'm leaving the  game.

30 июль 2021, 04:2230.07.21

I am so close to the scared shard and it is going to be taken away from me. 

30 июль 2021, 04:3230.07.21

So ...  "" is this an out season april fools ? "" 

 3 quests , that can be picked by anyone in clan , just to troll and do nothing ? 

REMOVING THAT 1 SACRED AND THE CHICKEN , after 270 days of playin ?? remove the silver , what about that ! or the brews ! or charms ! 

trully the most p2w game ever created ! 

30 июль 2021, 04:4230.07.21

Uhm... it sure doesn't sound great to miss out on sacred shard. But many commenting seem to miss that there is going to be a Clan shop, where at least Rank 5 Chicken was seen in the video, for 3,000 clan coins. 

So it may be perhaps worth to wonder first how many clan coins can be had from doing them 3 clan quests per week, on elite, and whether that perhaps means possibly more than 1 sacred shard per month through there? 

And if that is the case, then there is an argument that such is great for the active players, particularly the ones who may have time for playing only on weekend or so, even if it means missing out on sacred shard as daily login.

30 июль 2021, 04:5130.07.21
30 июль 2021, 06:06(отредактировано)

Uhm... it sure doesn't sound great to miss out on sacred shard. But many commenting seem to miss that there is going to be a Clan shop, where at least Rank 5 Chicken was seen in the video, for 3,000 clan coins. 

So it may be perhaps worth to wonder first how many clan coins can be had from doing them 3 clan quests per week, on elite, and whether that perhaps means possibly more than 1 sacred shard per month through there? 

And if that is the case, then there is an argument that such is great for the active players, particularly the ones who may have time for playing only on weekend or so, even if it means missing out on sacred shard as daily login.

lookin at the stuff in bazaar , - 30k gold bars for sacred/ 20k for chicken . i expect something simillar ,thats gonna take a new player over 2years to grind / thats if theres even gonna be a sacred there . and i take u to my post now  - from 30 ppl , ull have ppl that are takin quests and wont play  - 3quests that can be taken A WEEK !!! and the rest of ppl will leave , cause noone wants to be pushed to farm whats left . just like its happening to my clan already , 7ppl left in 2 days . 

why not keep the 270days rewards as they are , or even increase them to 2 sacreds/3 chickens (since there is a huge pool of heroes anyway atm )  , and make all clan quests available/opened for ALL to contribute ? if the goal is reached , everyone in clan gets rewards !