"We’ll be making changes to the 271+ Days section of the Daily Login Rewards and include guaranteed Champions to the mix. Namely, the Rank 5 Chicken and the Sacred Shard will be replaced with Champion Fragments. "
I’m always trying to consider different points of view and I never had the misconception
that you [Plarium] is a company with the end goal the profit. Therefore, I justify a lot of the things that many of us tend to nag and complain about constantly. But this is totally uncalled for. I can’t imagine a company meeting where someone presents data demonstrating that decrease in the purchase of sacred shards and 5* chickens and then you decide “let’s cut them off, from the 1-month rewards”.
I’ve been playing for 1.5 years. I consider myself a low spender although sometimes I went beyond the “low” part. But I never bought shards and I never will. It’s just too stressful and not at all fun to spend 25+ € for a sacred and get a useless epic. It's a whole different issue when it comes from whatever shards I managed to gather. I get every day 2 chests from NM, 1 from UNM and 1 from Brutal. I do every
single one of the advanced quests every day. I spent my remaining energy farming and I constantly have enough food to level up at least 3 legendary champs. I don’t think I’ll miss the rewards that much and I am absolutely no impressed with any Lego you give me every 4 months unless (s)he is Lydia tier. Surely, I’m not going to start buying sacred shards or 5* chickens now. After so long in the game, I have so many good Legos that I cannot use because I’m lacking the books, that I’m not even thrilled to pull shards anymore.
this action, if you decide to go with it as planned, brings a lot of resentment to the table. Once more I feel like I’m in a relationship where I’m being mistreated. I do my part; you have my devotion and dedication, but you always seem to have a hidden agenda where you want to take even more from me and give back
even less.
This is a cheap Plarium and I deserve better.
There’s only so much disappointment that you can withstand in any relationship. And resentment is known for its trait to add up. When the limit is reached the relationship is over.
Sincerely Yours
A gamer who loves Raid-Shadow Legends but also values his dignity.