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Update Highlights 4.50

Update Highlights 4.50

Hey, everyone!

A new Raid Update is nearing release, so here we have a recap of the things that will be included. Most importantly, the first batch of new Clan Features will go live, including Clan Levels, Clan Quests, Clan Benefits, and even a Clan Shop! We know that’s something you guys wanted for a while, and we’re happy to deliver. Read on to find out more!

Clan Improvements

As of Update 4.50, every Clan in Raid: Shadow Legends will have a Clan Level. These Clan Levels can go from 1 to 20 and will be essential in determining Clan Benefits and some other bonuses available to the Clan in question.

Increasing Clan Levels requires Clan Experience (or Clan XP), which in turn can be earned by:

  • Completing Clan Quests
  • Completing Clan Achievements
  • Participating in Clan vs Clan Tournaments

Other means of earning Clan XP will appear in the future, but that’s what we have for 4.50! 

Clan Quests

Clan Quests are special missions that the Clan gets every week. Each player can only take 3 Clan Quests per week, but there is no specific order in which they have to be completed. It’s important to remember that once a Clan Member has claimed one of the Quests, it will be assigned to them, and no one else will be able to take it until the reset - so be sure only to take Clan Quests you know you can and will complete. Ideally, talk with your Clan to coordinate to achieve the best results.

The number of available Clan Quests depends on the Clan Level, but they will always be broken down evenly into three difficulties: Basic, Expert, Elite (available from Clan Level 5). This way, even new players will be able to help their Clan grow. Just be sure to complete your chosen Quests before the weekly reset because progress doesn’t carry over.

Each player will receive Clan Gold for completing their quests, which they’ll need to purchase items in the Clan Shop. Furthermore, once 30 Clan Quests are completed (counted across the entire Clan), the Clan will get a certain amount of Clan Experience. 

Clan Benefits

All Benefits are tied to the Clan Level - the higher it is, the more bonuses you and your Clanmates get to enjoy. Here’s a list of Clan Benefits that will be available:

  • The number of available Clan Quests will increase with the Clan Level
  • More Silver obtained by completing Campaign Stages (stacks with the Raid Card bonus)
  • More Multi-Battle Attempts (also stacks with those granted by the Raid Card)
  • Additional slots in the Clan Shop

Clan Shop

Clan Shop will feature several slots with various valuable items that you’ll be able to purchase for Clan Gold. As mentioned above, your Clan will unlock more slots as it levels up, which in turn will give you access to even better items. 

Each slot in the Clan Shop will have a pool of items that can appear there - you’ll be able to view that pool at a tap. The Shop resets once per week, simultaneously with the Clan Quests, and the items will cycle at random. Keep in mind that all Clans will get the same set of Clan Shop items after the reset so that no one will get a luck-based advantage.

Each item in the Clan Shop will have a purchase limit, meaning that you can only buy it a set number of times before the Clan Shop resets. This limit is individual to each player and carries over even if that player changes Clans. 

We’ll release a dedicated video to explain this new feature, so keep an eye out for in-game news when that happens if you want to see a more detailed breakdown! 

Daily Login Rewards Changes

We’ll be making changes to the 271+ Days section of the Daily Login Rewards and include guaranteed Champions to the mix. Namely, the Rank 5 Chicken and the Sacred Shard will be replaced with Champion Fragments. The first Champion you’ll see is Cleopterix - a Skinwalkers Legendary - who will make a great addition to your collection. It will take 4 months to gather enough Fragments for the Summon, and once you’ve done that, another Champion will take Cleopterix’s place in the Daily Login Rewards.

Balance and Miscellaneous

Several Arena-related Progress Missions will be adjusted and made a bit easier

  1. [Decrease Crit DMG] debuff will be adjusted. Instead of a flat decrease, it will lower the target’s Stat by 25% (a quarter). For example, Champions with a 200% Crit DMG will be lowered to 150% Crit DMG instead of 175% as it was before
  2. Additional 100 slots in the Champion Collection will be available to be unlocked
  3. Inbox will get 100 additional slots as well
  4. We’ll add an option to sell Artifacts in the Multi-Battle result window

That's it for now! Have a good day and happy raiding!

29 июль 2021, 12:0929.07.21
1 авг. 2021, 03:4401.08.21

"  ... the Rank 5 Chicken and the Sacred Shard will be replaced with Champion Fragments. "


This is NOT a f2p game regardless of what Plarium and the  Creators on YouTube may say.

This game is simply a money grab. Plarium doesn't care about your feedback, only devising additional methods to increase their revenu stream; otherwise they would have fixed the dup issue by now.

The best thing to do, to have your voices heard, is leave 1 star ratings on the Apple and Google stores.


Agree !

1 авг. 2021, 05:1701.08.21
2 авг. 2021, 13:04(отредактировано)

Really, your worst idea so far to remove the items with the highest value from the login rewards. Do you want to punish your most faithful players? Because 4 months is ridiculously long to obtain a legendary champion some people may already own. Be fair Plarium and let us have our 5* chicken and sacred shard, as it used to be. You will benefit in the long term by not pushing your players to quit the game. I own 4 accounts in Raid and play since the autumn 2019, my pseudo name is obviously for my main account. 

1 авг. 2021, 09:1501.08.21
1 авг. 2021, 09:19(отредактировано)

rarely comment here , but now i have to say, that is the worst thing Plarium do to their loyal players, some players ran away from other gamew cuz money greed, they come to plarium play raid and spend money for a cool game, but if a game wants only take and not giving away will make players run away again like oter game DID.

whoever make this idea should get fired cuz his idea make all the loyal f2p or p2w players raged. 

most players f2p or p2w has Alts accounts which active doing daily to make the game active and high ranking game. now you take those reward and replace with 4 months for1 legend, a lots of alts will quit and dont bother to logg, what will lead the game if 50% alts didnt logg anymore?

i did quit my 12 years playing the game *Fiesta online* after seeing Raid reward after 271+days after long time break and playing 3 accounts which 1 paying and 2 for free. but after this change i dont see the point Raid is different to other games. maybe take a break from raid and come back to Fiesta online then

1 авг. 2021, 12:0201.08.21

of course you get rid of the two things i actually need

1 авг. 2021, 13:0501.08.21

Please do not remove the 5 star chicken or the sacred shard for champion fragments. 

1 авг. 2021, 13:3501.08.21

Do  you  work  for  plaryum?

Yes, the basic principle of the clan is cooperation, not competition

1 авг. 2021, 13:3901.08.21
2 авг. 2021, 14:15(отредактировано)

"We’ll be making changes to the 271+ Days section of the Daily Login Rewards and include guaranteed Champions to the mix. Namely, the Rank 5 Chicken and the Sacred Shard will be replaced with Champion Fragments. " 

 I’m always trying to consider different points of view and I never had the misconception
that you [Plarium] is a company with the end goal the profit. Therefore, I justify a lot of the things that many of us tend to nag and complain about constantly. But this is totally uncalled for. I can’t imagine a company meeting where someone presents data demonstrating that decrease in the purchase of sacred shards and 5* chickens and then you decide “let’s cut them off, from the 1-month rewards”.  

I’ve been playing for 1.5 years. I consider myself a low spender although sometimes I went beyond the “low” part. But I never bought shards and I never will. It’s just too stressful and not at all fun to spend 25+ € for a sacred and get a useless  epic. It's a whole different issue when it comes from whatever shards I managed to gather. I get every day 2 chests from NM, 1 from UNM and 1 from Brutal. I do every
single one of the advanced quests every day. I spent my remaining energy farming and I constantly have enough food to level up at least 3 legendary champs.  I don’t think I’ll miss the rewards that much and I am absolutely no impressed with any Lego you give me every 4 months unless (s)he is Lydia tier. Surely, I’m not going to start buying sacred shards or 5* chickens now. After so long in the game, I have so many good Legos that I cannot use because I’m lacking the books, that I’m not even thrilled to pull shards anymore.   

this action, if you decide to go with it as planned, brings a lot of resentment to the table. Once more I feel like I’m in a relationship where I’m being mistreated. I do my part; you have my devotion and dedication, but you always seem to have a hidden agenda where you want to take even more from me and give back
even less.  

This is a cheap Plarium and I deserve better. 

There’s only so much disappointment that you can withstand in any relationship. And resentment is known for its trait to add up. When the limit is reached the relationship is over.     

Sincerely Yours

A gamer who loves Raid-Shadow Legends but also values his dignity. 

1 авг. 2021, 16:1601.08.21
2 авг. 2021, 03:46(отредактировано)

with all these negative feedback on the login reward removal of 5 star chicken and sacred shard. I don't need to say much more. But if devs decide to go ahead with that change I will be searching for a another game that devs actually listen to it's players. Because that is like you guys saying we don't care what you think.

1 авг. 2021, 17:1201.08.21

You deprive players of receiving sacred shards in a game way, this is a bad, very bad trend that will lead to the inability to receive shards, and players will simply leave the game. 👎

Return the opportunity to receive sacred shards and chicken!

1 авг. 2021, 21:4901.08.21

Do not replace the 5* chicken and sacred shard for champion fragments. 

1 авг. 2021, 23:1601.08.21

Absolutely new player here. I loved that with alot of grind and dedication involved a f2p player could still get somewhere and challenge with the end game players who have paid etc. obviously not on equal grounds completely but enough to keep the interest going to work for that grind. I was looking at all the rewards still coming up for myself and loved the fact that at least once a month I would get a sacred and 5star chicken, because I don't earn a salary thats paid in dollar US, in fact 1 of those dollars is equivalent to 15 of mine... and well, I can't afford to spend more than 10 dollars willy nilly even for something I enjoy because unfortunately like you, and the reason you are doing this, I need to eat. But if you take this into consideration not just me but everyone in the community, if you aren't willing to give the chicken and sacred once a month to a dedicated community base at least when you provide those special offers or add them to the shop at least make them affordable to your entire community, because even those f2p people similar to myself, will still drop some benjamins here and there because they love the game so much. Just a thought, but if you want to become a "Blizzard" causing a snowstorm and not caring for its community just for the money, well then, unfortunately, you will lose out alot more than what you bargained for. Be like a GGG who are dedicated f2p game creators rather, as they manage and live and pay staff well just because they care about the community and everything they earn is from player base making optional purchases that are cosmetic only and have no effect on becoming an end game player. Not sorry for this long post, I really do enjoy this game, its aesthetically pleasing, the idea behind it is awesome so GG Wp

2 авг. 2021, 02:5402.08.21

I am just at my 4th month of games, despite that I have hardly any legendary in my team despite the hours of games to my credit and the different shine to use from nothing. What prompts me to hold on and play is the presence of the 5 Star Chicken and the Holy Shard in the last Daily Reward session and I think many of us do.

2 авг. 2021, 07:5302.08.21

Daily Login Rewards Changes

We’ll be making changes to the 271+ Days section of the Daily Login Rewards and include guaranteed Champions to the mix. Namely, the Rank 5 Chicken and the Sacred Shard will be replaced with Champion Fragments. The first Champion you’ll see is Cleopterix - a Skinwalkers Legendary - who will make a great addition to your collection. It will take 4 months to gather enough Fragments for the Summon, and once you’ve done that, another Champion will take Cleopterix’s place in the Daily Login Rewards. 

Could you clarify the last portion of the statement above? Another champion, as in always a legendary, or another champion as in an epic or legendary? 

2 авг. 2021, 10:1202.08.21

5/8/2021 Pla remove scared and chicken 5 star success. Rest in peace, we will remember you, and remember worst ideal from some one want to remove scared and chicken 5 star !

2 авг. 2021, 11:1302.08.21
2 авг. 2021, 11:17(отредактировано)

Hang on a tick.   The previous rewards (up to 270)  included 2 sacreds, 1 void, 3 ancients and a whole void legendary champ  (and other crap).  Your change is to "reward" the players who have been loyal to the game for the longest  time,  zero sacreds, 1 void, 1 ancient and 1/4 of a lego?  You could leave the chicken and the sacred and give us the champ shards and it would still be a significant downgrade.  Plarium please!

2 авг. 2021, 13:0702.08.21

Hang on a tick.   The previous rewards (up to 270)  included 2 sacreds, 1 void, 3 ancients and a whole void legendary champ  (and other crap).  Your change is to "reward" the players who have been loyal to the game for the longest  time,  zero sacreds, 1 void, 1 ancient and 1/4 of a lego?  You could leave the chicken and the sacred and give us the champ shards and it would still be a significant downgrade.  Plarium please!

Exactly. I Totally agree with you, Plarium penalized the long time regular players that's insane! I can't express my amazement...

2 авг. 2021, 15:0902.08.21
2 авг. 2021, 15:12(отредактировано)

My gold shard and my chicken, NOOOO, leave them in their place please.

The clan improvements look great, but it is not clear who gets clan gold after a player complets the quest he has taken. Only that player gets the gold or all players from the clan?

2 авг. 2021, 16:4802.08.21

Hey, guys! Thank you for the feedback, and I'm grateful for such a passionate attitude to the game! Though our points may sometimes diverge, it is encouraging to know that there are so many people out there who are genuinely concerned about the gameplay and the in-game economy.

I will make sure your feedback reaches the developers.

I understand your disappointment. But we really want to know your opinion on other features we're about to introduce to the game, namely - Clan improvements. What do you think of those?

The Clan Features that your updating seem decent. But i believe there should be a shorter set time period for the clamied clan quest item. IE if you claim something you should get 24 hours to complete it or it goes back to being open. Not claimed and wait a week for the reset. Also if you complete it then you should be able to move forwad and choose another. If you dont complete the item within the time then you can try somethign else but you loose a spot due to not completing it. 

IE  you have say three to choose from... Choose #1 - you have 24 hours. #1 complete ... choose another that isnt completed. 

         #1 failed to complete within time frame, you lose that spot, if you complete the other 2 you can choose another two quests to do. 

Then at the end of the week that unlocks and you can again choose up to 3 spots. 

REGARDLESS TO THE CLAN CHANGES, the biggest overall change is to the login bonus. For those of us who arent free to play we look forward to those freebee's for those who are, this is a massive loss to them. Litteraly a guaranteed legendary whose ok to weak, doesnt compare to getting say a Julinana or a Godseeker anri or a Jareg or a skull chrusher. or whatever other duplicate LEGO you summon. 

Can you possibly look at a Lego duplicate montering system. I dont need a 7th altan... didnt need the 2nd but w/e

2 авг. 2021, 17:2002.08.21

Thanks for a reason to Quit. 

2 авг. 2021, 18:0602.08.21

Just wanted to congratulate you guys on uniting your playerbase against you. That's pretty hilarious. Remove the two most valuable items for junk shards. 😂😂😂