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Tomb Lord - Are you kidding me?!

Tomb Lord - Are you kidding me?!

21 сент. 2019, 23:3221.09.19
21 сент. 2019, 23:37(отредактировано)

ThrobbingCerk said:

What "videos" do you have showing defense builds beating EQUAL POWER LEVEL speed builds in arena?  Where are these "videos"?  A-god already called you out on the fact that the only video we have seen you post is one where speed teams were BEATING the defense team.  

And again like he said, you're cherry-picking to try to make yourself right rather than observing the facts.  I actually looked up the definition of "cherry picking" after he mentioned it as far as a logical fallacy.  It's amazing how much you do it J-lo.  You are also doing something called "projecting."  You are extremely ignorant of the reality around you.  Meanwhile you project that ignorance on others.  It's not the rest of the world who is ignorant J-lo.  Wake up Neo.  The Matrix isn't real. ;)

You still don’t get it!

“Power” is based off points.

Resistance has been shown to give you more “Power” points vs. Attack or Speed.

This means if both teams are equally matched the team running Defense + Resistance will have higher power vs. teams running Attack + Speed.

For example:

You have 100 Attack + 100 Speed.

Your opponent trades 100 Attack for 100 Defense.

Your opponent trades 100 Speed for 100 Resistance.

Both players have a total of 200 Assessments Points.

They are distributing them evenly among 2 different attributes.

So now you have 2 players:

Player 1 - 100 Attack + 100 Speed

Player 2 - 100 Defense + 100 Resist

They are equal in terms of strength, but not in terms of power!

The reason why is because of how the game measures power.

So I will give you another example.

Let’s say 1 Attack = 1 point

Let’s say 1 Defense = 1 point

Let’s say 1 Speed = 1 point

Let’s say 1 Resistance = 5 points

When you do the addition for both players respectively

Player 1 will have 200 total power (100 points for his attack + 100 points for his speed)

Player 2 will have 600 total power (100 points for his defense + 500 points for his resistance)

Player 2 seems stronger, but in fact they are of equal strength!

The “Assessment Points” are even.

The “Power” measurements for those Assessment Points are different.

Player 1 has a very real chance of beating Player 2 because there strength is even.

This is why you see people saying power doesn’t matter in Arena!

It is because the game weighs certain things higher vs. other things.

In particular, Resist has been shown to give higher power amounts.

So when you tell me to show you a video of Attacking Players Fighting Defense Players with the “EQUAL POWER LEVEL”


This is why A-Gods video is horse shugar

A-God Attack/Speed Team had 110k Power Fighting vs. Defense/Resist Teams with around 110k Power.

The fight is a mismatch.

For the fight to be even, A-God should be Fighting vs. teams with like 180k power.

22 сент. 2019, 05:1522.09.19

You shouldn't be surprised, really.

They almost never buff anything in any significant way. They are so afraid of making any champion stronger, it's hilarious.