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Tomb Lord - Are you kidding me?!

Tomb Lord - Are you kidding me?!

28 авг. 2019, 17:0228.08.19
Again, logical fallacies Glendolyn.  It would behoove you...
29 авг. 2019, 00:3529.08.19
Foking hell just let this thread die already
31 авг. 2019, 11:5931.08.19
31 авг. 2019, 12:00(отредактировано)

GoodGuyGlen said:

As much effort as the pages of writing you keep posting and no one has actually read beyond the first sentence? XD

Ah, the adult equivalent of a child sticking their finger in their ears and going "nah nah na boo boo, I can't hear you!"  What better way to dodge defeat than to ignore the other parties argument,right?

Looks like you just got made AscendantGod's bitch, lmao.  
31 авг. 2019, 12:0831.08.19

Seriously I have to concur with this thread.  Plarium seriously screwed up on Tomb Lord and they completely ignored the players.

As A-god already stated, Tomb Lord was originally intended for arena.  Proof of this is his def aura exclusively for arena.  

When I heard he was getting buffed, I was excited about having a new def/atk down champion for arena.  I thought "finally, I can use Tomb Lord!"  

With that said, I actually CAN use Tomb Lord, as I don't have Tayrel.  However, he still isn't too great for arena, mainly because he has no damage with his def down.  It's too much of a loss there.  And the change to his A3 is worthless in arena.  Shows they weren't paying attention at all when "fixing" him.

Watched some of the video about the comparison though and I have to admit, Tayrel seems to be better.  Is Tomb Lord horrible?  No.  Was he fixed?  In my opinion, no.  And the fact that the staff were so incompetent as to give him 1-turn poisons is beyond me.

31 авг. 2019, 12:1731.08.19

Player J said:

What a total laugh of a post!

“Multiple people have called you out on your ignorance.”

Who are these people you are referring too?

Everyone who has came to this thread as commented directly toward you.

They have even given several of my post upvotes. LOL

I am one of the people.  Not the one he quoted.  I do believe you are either mentally handicapped or delusionally narcissistic.

For you to act like you know all about a champion you don't even HAVE is beyond retarded.  

I've seen some of his videos.  He knows what he's doing, yet you've tried to attack him time and time again purely to protect your ego.  Get over it J-lo, you have no clue what you're talking about here.

People tend to just ignore your posts as we do in most threads we see you.  I eyeroll and scroll past your rants just like it seems most do.  

You have no clue what you're talking about here and clearly bought your way to where you are then blindly followed what others do.  Hence why you suggested A-god do what everyone else does.  Meanwhile I learned new strats from watching his vids that think outside the box.  

You could learn something here if you'd just put your ego aside.

1 сент. 2019, 04:4101.09.19

My advice to anyone running Tomb Lord is if you plan to bring him to Stage 20, unless you have absolutely amazing gear, don't worry about the 100% crit rate.  You take way too much of a loss in defense and overall survival to get it, and your healer will either have to carry him, or he will die before getting to the boss.

I *want* to like Tomb Lord, I really do.  He was the very first legendary I ever pulled.  However, I have tried four different sets of gear on him, and tried him with various combinations.  In every scenario, Tayrel proves to be FAR more useful for def down.  I now have three different videos on my page running with Tomb Lord compared to Tayrel. 

The biggest issues with Tomb Lord are:

1)  His A3 having no damage.

2)  His poisons being dependent on a crit.

3)  His lack of personal damage (only 1-turn on poisons, no damage on his A3, and his A1 hits VERY weak)

Again, he is ok if you have no other AoE def down champion, but there are quite a few champions that are FAR better to have on hand than him.  Even on FK, he isn't that great, at least not if you plan to auto-farm.
2 сент. 2019, 07:2202.09.19
2 сент. 2019, 07:34(отредактировано)

Here is a Video on YouTube showing Tomb Lord as a Beast!


Guy in video was going on and on about how bad Tomb Lord is vs. Tayrel.

Guy in video was saying how Poisons don’t matter in Arena.

Time Stamp 40:10  <—— What happened there?

I rest my case!

And the funny part is Tomb Lord Stats are weaker vs. Tayrel 

The power may be similar, but the stats at end of video on each of the heroes are not even close to being Equal.

And the Team Composition you are using is for an Offense Team with Turn Meter manipulation.

Tomb Lord was clearly built to be on a Defense Team.

Tomb Lord excels more on Defense Team.

The 42% Arena Defense Aura which is the best Arena Defense Aura in the game is just a testament to that fact.

Granted, The video did show Tomb Lord do a good job on Offense.

Tomb Lord does surprisingly well on Offense.

I will acknowledge that on Offense - Tomb Lord - Attack Down isn’t as useful as Damage output.

  • Tayrel does Def Down + Damage 
  • Tomb Lord does Def Down + Attack Down
If the goal is to kill the enemy, before they have turn, You don’t need Attack Down.

You would prefer the Damage.

The thing to keep in mind is Tomb Lord was designed more toward a back & forth type of fight.

A fight where both sides have a turn.

This is why Tomb Lord is better in Spider & Defense Arena Teams.

They give Tomb Lord an environment with back & forth actions from both sides.

2 сент. 2019, 12:3002.09.19
2 сент. 2019, 12:34(отредактировано)

Player J said:

Here is a Video on YouTube showing Tomb Lord as a Beast!


Guy in video was going on and on about how bad Tomb Lord is vs. Tayrel.

Guy in video was saying how Poisons don’t matter in Arena.

Time Stamp 40:10  <—— What happened there?

I rest my case!

And the funny part is Tomb Lord Stats are weaker vs. Tayrel 

The power may be similar, but the stats at end of video on each of the heroes are not even close to being Equal.

And the Team Composition you are using is for an Offense Team with Turn Meter manipulation.

Tomb Lord was clearly built to be on a Defense Team.

Tomb Lord excels more on Defense Team.

The 42% Arena Defense Aura which is the best Arena Defense Aura in the game is just a testament to that fact.

Granted, The video did show Tomb Lord do a good job on Offense.

Tomb Lord does surprisingly well on Offense.

I will acknowledge that on Offense - Tomb Lord - Attack Down isn’t as useful as Damage output.

  • Tayrel does Def Down + Damage 
  • Tomb Lord does Def Down + Attack Down
If the goal is to kill the enemy, before they have turn, You don’t need Attack Down.

You would prefer the Damage.

The thing to keep in mind is Tomb Lord was designed more toward a back & forth type of fight.

A fight where both sides have a turn.

This is why Tomb Lord is better in Spider & Defense Arena Teams.

They give Tomb Lord an environment with back & forth actions from both sides.

Defense teams DO NOT exist in gold IV J, not unless the person has ridiculously powerful gear.  Even then, that same team would be FAR stronger if they went speed.  Defense is extremely inferior to speed.  Just look at why in the videos yourself.  Defense teams ALWAYS have a huge disadvantage, as offense ALWAYS has the upper hand. 

With that said, you are essentially admitting that Tomb Lord is inferior, as he was built for an inferior type of team in arena.  Thanks for finally agreeing with me J.  It's about time you came to your senses. :)

The video above (and numerous other videos on my channel and other channels as well) show how vastly superior arena speed teams are to defense. You can see in arena how with a speed team, I take on arena teams in gold IV that have 50-80% higher team power than mine, yet take most of them down with ease.  And in a defense team, the problem would be that Tomb Lord would not have the time to get his A3 up on the enemy before they cast their strongest skills.  It would make him even worse than when he is on a speed team.  What makes you think he would do better, because of his 42% def aura?  What good is extra defense if your opponent gets first strike to tear through it?

And no idea what you're referring to at 40:10 in the video.  At 40:10, Gorgorath dies after taking an AoE hit from Bystophus.  I think you cited the wrong timestamp.  Either that or you're trolling again.  I don't even know with you anymore...

And again, the video above clearly demonstrates Tomb Lord failing when Tayrel didn't.  The timestamp of the exact battle is even noted in the video.  Stats are irrelevant on Tomb Lord in those battles, as most the time, his A3 is the main role he plays.  His main purpose is debuffing, so as long as he has the accuracy for it and doesn't get resisted, the stats make very little difference since there is no damage on the A3 anyway.  His damage is still underwhelming regardless, even when he does hit with A2 or A1, even with 100% crit.  See for yourself in the video J.  And again, as clearly stated in the video, it is quite difficult to give Tomb Lord GREAT stats on gear when you have to prioritize crit to 100%.  You have NO choice but to sacrifice speed, defense, HP, and atk to get there.  So, his gear will ALWAYS be inferior to Tayrel due to that fact.

And I have actually put a little more effort into Tomb Lord now.  His gear and stats are actually well above Tayrel's now.  He STILL can't do as good of a job as Tayrel most the time.  His need for 100% crit makes him squishy, while Tayrel being a defense champion hits like a freight train and can take amazing amounts of incoming damage at the same time.  I have tried Tomb Lord for Spider, FK, and Ice, yet in EVERY single group, Tayrel does better.  I have given Tomb Lord a fair chance, because I like that he has an AoE atk down, while Tayrel only has a single-target one.  But again, where Tomb Lord fails is his severe lack of damage.  Plus, I can't even gear him with lifesteal for dungeons, as he has such little damage, that he can only survive if he is carried by a healer.  None of my other current champions have that type of handicap.

And again, if an enemy's atk is defense or HP based, Tomb Lord's atk down offers nothing more than Tayrel, yet again, Tayrel does damage in addition to def down, which ALWAYS comes in useful. 

The biggest screw up that Plarium made when "fixing" Tomb Lord was making him require 100% crit rate.  That is what broke him the most.  So, you either get crit for 1-turn poisons and make him squishy, or you forego his poisons and up his defense and HP and just accept that his sole purpose is his A3.

I do plan to make at least 1-2 more comparison videos, as there was a 2nd video I have where Tomb Lord actually did alright in comparison.  I am doing what I can to give Tomb Lord a fair chance, but I have already explained his disadvantages inside and out, yet it goes in one ear and out the other with you.

You have extreme selective bias and cognitive dissonance J.  You filter out what you DON'T want to see or hear, and selectively pick what you DO want to hear.  You completely glossed over the arena battle where Tomb Lord failed and Tayrel came through, yet made up a time at 40:10 where Tomb Lord did something useful (which at 40:10 doesn't exist, so you may have hallucinated).

Either way, there is more to come, as I am still experimenting with Tomb Lord.  The thing I dislike most about him though is that I need to run with a healer in dungeons with him, and when I do it with Steelskull as my healer, Tomb Lord soaks up his A2 single-target heals.  This is one of the multiple issues Tomb Lord brings into encounters, as since that A2 also removes debuffs, Steelskull literally has to carry Tomb Lord through the battles to ensure he survives.  You'll see what I mean more so in future videos now that I have a more optimal Stage 20 farming team.

Only experimenting with dungeons though.  I already know without any doubt that Tomb Lord is FAR inferior to Tayrel in arena.  If you eventually get Tomb Lord and want to play with him in silver defense teams, go for it.  I'll be farming gold IV with Tayrel in speed teams. ;)

4 сент. 2019, 04:0404.09.19
4 сент. 2019, 04:11(отредактировано)

AscendGod, your understanding of Arena isn’t very good.

You still have a lot to learn in Arena.

You only recently acquired Gold 4 Status in Arena.

You have been in Arena Gold 4 for about three weeks or less.

I have been in Arena Gold 4 for months with 3 lvl 50 heroes Rare’s + 1 lvl 60 Epic.

Your YouTube Videos have the Time Stamps of when you got to Arena Gold 4.

You have had 4 lvl 60 heroes for the longest time.

You never reached Gold 4 with them because your team composition was bad.

Your team composition was wrong for very long time.

Here is your YouTube video showing your team composition:


  • Nethril
  • Inithwe
  • Deathless
  • Bystophus 

The above heroes are the level 60 heroes you have had for longest time.

You have dozens of Arena battles with them.

You couldn’t progress further in your YouTube Arena Videos because previously you couldn’t beat Speed Aura teams.

You spent several Videos specifically saying you will ignore doing battles with Speed Aura’s team.

You ignored them because you knew you couldn’t beat them.

I told you in the past you needed to change your set up around.

Eventually, you either listened to me or found out yourself that your team needs to change.

You did finally make changes with a Team Strategy Composition Arena Guide.

Here is your YouTube video showing your team composition after the changes:


  • High Khatun 
  • Nethril
  • Inithwe
  • Bystophus 

Your own video says your composition isn’t ideal.

Now your Lecturing me how Defense teams in Arena Gold 4 don’t exist!

Now your Lecturing me how Defense teams in Arena are inferior to Speed teams.

Despite all your words - What you are saying isn’t true!

Speed Teams are the Arena Meta.

Defense Teams are the Arena Anti-Meta.

Defense Teams were specially designed as a hard counter to Speed Teams.

The game has a rock - paper - scissor mechanic.

Most people are familiar with this mechanic in how it effects Affinities.

However, the game has another rock - paper - scissor mechanic in the form of hero type match ups.

Speed > Attack > Defense > Speed

Speed encompasses Support Types - Speed Aura’s

Attack encompasses Attack Types - Attack, Critical Rate, & Accuracy Aura’s

Defense encompasses Defense & HP Types - Defense, HP, & Resistance Aura’s

Here is a YouTube video by Stew Gaming showing how devastating a Tanky Team is:



Stew was doing a review on Zargala.

Than got stomped by Tanky team in arena towards end of the part 1 video.

Than wanted to get revenge on part 2 video.

Despite all his efforts he didn’t have the necessary heroes which could help counter the guys team.

Stew Gaming in video says the team he is fighting against has good gear, but they really don’t.

The team power is 115k.

A good gear team will boost the team power into the 150-200k team power range.

A good gear team + good great halls skills will boost a team into the 250k+ team power range.

And yes 250k+ team powers do exist in Arena.

Screenshots have been shown in the Raid Shadows Legends Official Arena Discord Server.

4 сент. 2019, 12:5004.09.19

Player J said:

AscendGod, your understanding of Arena isn’t very good.

You still have a lot to learn in Arena.

You only recently acquired Gold 4 Status in Arena.

You have been in Arena Gold 4 for about three weeks or less.

I have been in Arena Gold 4 for months with 3 lvl 50 heroes Rare’s + 1 lvl 60 Epic.

Your YouTube Videos have the Time Stamps of when you got to Arena Gold 4.

You have had 4 lvl 60 heroes for the longest time.

You never reached Gold 4 with them because your team composition was bad.

Your team composition was wrong for very long time.

Here is your YouTube video showing your team composition:


  • Nethril
  • Inithwe
  • Deathless
  • Bystophus 

The above heroes are the level 60 heroes you have had for longest time.

You have dozens of Arena battles with them.

You couldn’t progress further in your YouTube Arena Videos because previously you couldn’t beat Speed Aura teams.

You spent several Videos specifically saying you will ignore doing battles with Speed Aura’s team.

You ignored them because you knew you couldn’t beat them.

I told you in the past you needed to change your set up around.

Eventually, you either listened to me or found out yourself that your team needs to change.

You did finally make changes with a Team Strategy Composition Arena Guide.

Here is your YouTube video showing your team composition after the changes:


  • High Khatun 
  • Nethril
  • Inithwe
  • Bystophus 

Your own video says your composition isn’t ideal.

Now your Lecturing me how Defense teams in Arena Gold 4 don’t exist!

Now your Lecturing me how Defense teams in Arena are inferior to Speed teams.

Despite all your words - What you are saying isn’t true!

Speed Teams are the Arena Meta.

Defense Teams are the Arena Anti-Meta.

Defense Teams were specially designed as a hard counter to Speed Teams.

The game has a rock - paper - scissor mechanic.

Most people are familiar with this mechanic in how it effects Affinities.

However, the game has another rock - paper - scissor mechanic in the form of hero type match ups.

Speed > Attack > Defense > Speed

Speed encompasses Support Types - Speed Aura’s

Attack encompasses Attack Types - Attack, Critical Rate, & Accuracy Aura’s

Defense encompasses Defense & HP Types - Defense, HP, & Resistance Aura’s

Here is a YouTube video by Stew Gaming showing how devastating a Tanky Team is:



Stew was doing a review on Zargala.

Than got stomped by Tanky team in arena towards end of the part 1 video.

Than wanted to get revenge on part 2 video.

Despite all his efforts he didn’t have the necessary heroes which could help counter the guys team.

Stew Gaming in video says the team he is fighting against has good gear, but they really don’t.

The team power is 115k.

A good gear team will boost the team power into the 150-200k team power range.

A good gear team + good great halls skills will boost a team into the 250k+ team power range.

And yes 250k+ team powers do exist in Arena.

Screenshots have been shown in the Raid Shadows Legends Official Arena Discord Server.

This is you again applying yet ANOTHER logical fallacy called cherry-picking.  You only see what you *want* to see.

I wasn't playing with a speed team back then ONLY because I didn't have a champion with a speed aura for arena!  Once I finally got a counter champion for clan boss, I immediately set up Khatun for arena.  At that point, I went from high silver and low gold, to gold IV almost immediately.  And literally the only change I made was putting a speed aura with Khatun in there.  That should suffice as evidence in and of itself.

Stop living your delusion and actually take a good, hard look at the list of gold IV teams.  Go ahead, I can wait...

In gold IV, at least 80% of the teams have a speed aura.  Why?  Because it is the superior choice!  The ONLY groups you will find running a defense aura or other inferior aura is groups that have a ridiculously high power level, meaning their gear is compensating for their poor choice in auras.

But, I again feel you're trolling here, as I looked at one of the videos above, and the player in those videos was running with a speed aura. 

You go ahead and cite an instance in gold IV where two relatively EQUAL team powers were pitted up against each other, with COMPARABLE champions, and one has a speed aura and the other has a defense aura, and you go ahead and show me even ONE single instance where that defense team wins?  You won't, you simply won't.

You are again living in your delusions J.  Just because someone only recently started doing something and you've been there longer by NO means states you "know more."  The fact that you have tried to sell someone who OWNS Tomb Lord that you know how to play with Tomb Lord and they don't even though you don't even HAVE Tomb Lord demonstrates your ignorance.

No matter how much evidence is presented to you, you will continue to believe your own delusions, continue to cherry pick what you WANT to believe, and you are simply never going to get it.

Just keep copying what everyone else does J.  Just keep believing Tomb Lord is amazing.  I don't care.  I'm done trying to teach someone who clearly doesn't want to be taught.  You want to run a defense aura in gold IV, be my guest.  It's your losses, not mine, LOL.  I win 99% of all battles with teams that do not have speed auras, and I already have countless videos of arena battles proving that.  But, you could have a mountain of evidence thrown at you, yet you will STILL believe what you WANT to believe when it comes to cognitive dissonance and cherry picking your "evidence."
4 сент. 2019, 13:0904.09.19
4 сент. 2019, 13:11(отредактировано)

A-god, you're getting trolled man.  No way someone could possibly be in gold IV and be that ignorant.  Unless you have some absolutely amazing gear and amazing defense champions no one does something that stupid as to run with a defense group in arena.

Like you already said PlayJ doesn't even HAVE Tomb Lord yet thinks he knows how to play with him!  That in and of itself should be plenty more than enough to know to walk away.

PlayJ reminds me of a saying I heard a while back:

"Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon...

No matter how good you are, the bird is going to sh*t on the board

And strut around like it won anyway."

You already proved your point A-god with the video showing Tayrel owning Tomb Lord.  You did what you could.  There's obviously no hope here.  You can't make someone see something when they refuse to open their eyes.

4 сент. 2019, 22:0604.09.19

ThrobbingCerk said:

A-god, you're getting trolled man.  No way someone could possibly be in gold IV and be that ignorant.  Unless you have some absolutely amazing gear and amazing defense champions no one does something that stupid as to run with a defense group in arena.

Like you already said PlayJ doesn't even HAVE Tomb Lord yet thinks he knows how to play with him!  That in and of itself should be plenty more than enough to know to walk away.

PlayJ reminds me of a saying I heard a while back:

"Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon...

No matter how good you are, the bird is going to sh*t on the board

And strut around like it won anyway."

You already proved your point A-god with the video showing Tayrel owning Tomb Lord.  You did what you could.  There's obviously no hope here.  You can't make someone see something when they refuse to open their eyes.

Well, I do still plan to try Tomb Lord in multiple encounters.  Yes, for arena, I know Tomb Lord is trash, no matter how much J babbles about me not knowing what I'm talking about because he has allegedly been there longer.  His lack of common sense and severe selective bias shows his judgement is not sound.  No one in their right mind would act like they know how to use a champion they don't even own, while that person does own it, lol.

I maxed out Tomb Lord's masteries, because if anything, I plan to use him for Faction Wars.  I will still be making more comparison videos of him to Tayrel in dungeons.  Overall, I am STILL trying to give Tomb Lord a chance.  Regardless, I already know he will NEVER compare to Tayrel.  Tayrel is amazing and doesn't need a healer to carry him.  With Tomb Lord needing 100% crit and not doing enough damage to run with lifesteal gear, he will ALWAYS be dependent on a healer to keep him alive.

One of the many reasons I love Faction Wars - yes, there's going to be a god-awful grind to max numerous champions for it.  However, it lets me blow the dust off the champions in my vault and finally put them to use, whereas before, they were inferior and I couldn't.  Great to see how they did Faction Wars.  First thing I feel they did right in a very, very long time.
6 сент. 2019, 02:0106.09.19
6 сент. 2019, 02:03(отредактировано)

AscendantGod said:

Well, I do still plan to try Tomb Lord in multiple encounters.  Yes, for arena, I know Tomb Lord is trash, no matter how much J babbles about me not knowing what I'm talking about because he has allegedly been there longer.  His lack of common sense and severe selective bias shows his judgement is not sound.  No one in their right mind would act like they know how to use a champion they don't even own, while that person does own it, lol.

Do you really believe in the things you say?

You are so naive.

It’s like you live your life with blinders on.

You don’t open your mind.

The world is a big place.

Filled with people, around the world, who are extraordinary.

Some people are gifted.

They can solve & understand things the average person can’t.

Do you think it is impossible for a person to know about a Champion with out owning it?

3+ Billion people in the World.

My teammate owns Martyr.

My teammate says Martyr is amazing.

I don’t own Martyr.

Yet, I say Martyr is amazing too.

Do you really think I can’t understand what makes Martyr amazing with out owning Martyr?

Open your Mind!

Oooooo I know what your going to say!

Player J is cherry picking again.

What you fail to realize is if I was to point out all the mistakes you make in your essay long posts.

I would have a Cherry Tree Orchard with a wall of text.

You say so many crazy statements.

I don’t enjoy spending all my time pointing out the errors in your statements.

So I only touch on a few.

6 сент. 2019, 04:2006.09.19
6 сент. 2019, 04:25(отредактировано)

Player J said:

AscendantGod said:

Well, I do still plan to try Tomb Lord in multiple encounters.  Yes, for arena, I know Tomb Lord is trash, no matter how much J babbles about me not knowing what I'm talking about because he has allegedly been there longer.  His lack of common sense and severe selective bias shows his judgement is not sound.  No one in their right mind would act like they know how to use a champion they don't even own, while that person does own it, lol.

Do you really believe in the things you say?

You are so naive.

It’s like you live your life with blinders on.

You don’t open your mind.

The world is a big place.

Filled with people, around the world, who are extraordinary.

Some people are gifted.

They can solve & understand things the average person can’t.

Do you think it is impossible for a person to know about a Champion with out owning it?

3+ Billion people in the World.

My teammate owns Martyr.

My teammate says Martyr is amazing.

I don’t own Martyr.

Yet, I say Martyr is amazing too.

Do you really think I can’t understand what makes Martyr amazing with out owning Martyr?

Open your Mind!

Oooooo I know what your going to say!

Player J is cherry picking again.

What you fail to realize is if I was to point out all the mistakes you make in your essay long posts.

I would have a Cherry Tree Orchard with a wall of text.

You say so many crazy statements.

I don’t enjoy spending all my time pointing out the errors in your statements.

So I only touch on a few.

More blathering, more trolling, absolutely no evidence, when I have a mountain of it in my videos. ;)

What are you hoping to prove here?  It's like all you care about is trying to convince others you're right, even when you have more than enough evidence to clearly see you're wrong. 

I already know the truth myself.  I have played with Tomb Lord countless times now in every dungeon, in arena, and now in Faction Wars.  Like I have said multiple times, he is alright at this point, but still not quite up to par with a "great" legendary.  No matter how much you blather about him, it's not going to make him any better, LOL.

The first thing I have ever seen come out of you that is actually correct - yes, Martyr is amazing.  So is Nethril, so is Roshcard, so is Hegemon.  You will NOT find many people clearing Stage 20 dungeons saying the same thing about Tomb Lord.  For me, Draco and Tayrel are both far superior to him, and the evidence is in the videos.  No matter how much you delude yourself that I'm "doing something wrong with him," this game is far simpler to most of us than it is to you.  We simply see things that your delusions prevent you from seeing.  We are open minded and realistic - you are deluded and manipulate your reality around you to feed your narcissistic supply.  It is textbook, yet quite extreme with you.  You really do need help man, seriously.  Talk to a psychologist, even just once.  It would behoove you J.

It's ironic that you talk about being open minded, yet your selective bias and cognitive dissonance causes you to live in a world of delusions. You live in a bubble, but have deluded yourself into thinking you have insight and the rest of the universe doesn't while you exist in that bubble.  It's quite mind-boggling the extent of your delusions.  And multiple people around you have tried to tell you in multiple threads, but yet somehow, you continue to delude yourself that the rest of the world is wrong and you are right.  Meanwhile, you continue to cherry pick the select few people trying to say Tomb Lord is good.  No one ever said he is "amazing."  SOME people have said he is good now that he was modified, and I already said he was *slightly* improved in some ways.  However, NOT for arena, and if you think A3 was fixed for arena, then I know very well you're lying when you claim you're in gold IV.

You even admitted in another thread that in order to get Foli, it took you "careful calculation and planning," like it was some arduous task.  You simply don't have the mental capacity to grasp the fact that for some of us, things like that were quite easy, and took absolutely no "calculation" to simply farm for champions, max them out, and fuse them.  Some of the daily tasks you find so challenging J are not so challenging to others.  You just won't ever be able to comprehend that.  Either that or you choose not to in order to feed your narcissism.

You are taking a VERY simple app that is quite easy to master and acting like it is rocket science, lmao. 

There is absolutely NOTHING you can point out being wrong in my latest videos of Tomb Lord vs Tayrel.  Tomb Lord falls short.  End of story.  His gear was BETTER and his resulting power level was BETTER.  But, you continue to live in your own delusional world, which allows you to continue your narcissism and delusions of grandeur.  You can't see what is right in front of your nose.  You have seen it firsthand, yet your ignorance and lack of comprehension blinds you.  It is sad actually.  I have never seen someone so delusional, while simultaneously so narcissistic that they find ways to convince themselves they are not.

But regardless, why you still trolling here?  This thread is dead.  Tomb Lord was changed, they probably won't ever do so again, he is "ok" as far as legendaries go, but far from "great."  End... of... story.

I do love that for Faction Wars, I have a reason to use him now.  Having been my very first legendary, I always hoped I would be able to put him to use, and now I can.  It's just that Faction Wars is the ONLY place he belongs in my roster.

I really wonder if you DO end up getting him one day, and you see firsthand how he isn't as good as Tayrel or Dracomorph, how you will continue your narcissistic delusions then.  I'm thinking you will probably blame it on the team composition rather than Tomb Lord, that the rest of your champions simply don't know how to "work with" him.  I really wonder how deep your delusions will go to prevent you from admitting you're wrong...

6 сент. 2019, 17:4806.09.19
6 сент. 2019, 19:01(отредактировано)

Allow me to try to help you by shedding some additional light on your personal ignorance and bias J...

You *want* to like Tomb Lord, so your judgement is compromised as a result.  You are filtering what you perceive in order to suit your bias.  Your narcissism is further exacerbating that problem, as you have a desperate need for constant self-affirmation that completely clouds your judgement to the point of delusions.

Now with me, you are under the mistaken impression I simply don't like Tomb Lord.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  As I have said multiple times now, Tomb Lord was the first legendary I ever pulled.  I was beyond enthralled when I pulled him.  I maxed his level asap, tossed some of my best gear I had on him at the time, and put him to use.  However, he was extremely disappointing compared to my then rares and epics I was playing with.

The difference here J is that I was a physics major.  I know how to detach myself from "desired results" and observe from an unbiased standpoint.  I am well-versed in the scientific method and approach, and have applied the same strategies that won me multiple academic awards in college, to my experimentation with Tomb Lord.  And if you doubt that, the video of my commencement speech (and the announcement of all the academic awards during my introduction) serves as proof. 

And despite how challenging menial tasks are to you J, this game isn't astroparticle physics.  I know because that was my sub-field of study.  I know the phrase is typically "it's not rocket science," but rocket science is a walk in the park compared to astroparticle.  I know because you have to study aspects of rocket science along the way to astroparticle.  It's concepts you simply can't grasp J.  To you, it would drive your cognitive dissonance so crazy that you'd probably have a mental breakdown.

Not tooting my own horn.  Actually, the opposite.  My point is that my *opinion* on Tomb Lord doesn't matter.  What truly matters is his viability.  I would be doing watchers of my videos a disservice if I took the type of biased approach you do to topics J.  I have done my best to remain a neutral observer with Tomb Lord, despite my personal favoritism of him based on my own experience.

You simply can't see this.  You lack the education.  Your ego won't let you see it.  You are living in a delusional world where you *think* you know more than everyone else around you to suit your narcissistic supply.  But in reality, you are blind to 95% of the world around you and live in complete ignorance and delusions.

You are probably one of those credulous types that believe in conspiracies like the whole alleged 9/11 conspiracy of it being an "inside job," right?  You see what no one else does as far as that too, right?  And the government is hiding aliens, and the Earth is flat, and it's all a conspiracy that everyone else but you and a small handful of people see, right? 

I was a little like you as well when I was a teenager.  I am assuming you are somewhere in that age range too, and your whale status in the game is thanks to mom and dad.  So, I get where you're at.  I'm just looking at you from the outside of your bubble J, when you seem to think that bubble of yours is the entire universe.  There is SO much more that you simply can't see now, but you are young and naive and as such think you have all the answers, when in fact, you have virtually none of them yet. 

I do truly hope you're a teenager, because at least then, it simply shows you have growing up to do.  If you are an adult still living this fantasy land, then I truly feel even more sorry for you, and that would even further demonstrate a desperate need for you to seek professional help.

I'm trying to wake you up out of your little dream-world J, that's all I'm trying to do here. 

Again, with Faction Wars, now Tomb Lord WILL serve a great purpose, as in Knight Revenants, he is going to absolutely shine in most battles.

I even gave him a 10 out of 10 screams for Faction Wars in my champion spotlight of him: 


8 сент. 2019, 21:4408.09.19

Player J said:

You still have a lot to learn in Arena.

You claim defense teams are good in arena, yet you try to claim that HE is the one who has "a lot to learn"?  Clueless!

Here is Tomb Lord (with a defense team) getting destroyed:


The slaughter starts around the 7m mark.

And then he even did a SECOND one against a quite powerful group with Tomb Lord as lead yet again:


That slaughter starts around the 4m mark.

Anyone thinking a defense team belongs in gold IV is retarded.  Given the same gear and same champions, ANY composition would do FAR FAR FAR better in a speed group.

Tomb Lord is ok in dungeons but still sucks in arena, especially when you are using him for a defense team.  Not only does A-God's videos prove it, but countless others and my own personal experience as well.

11 сент. 2019, 05:1411.09.19
11 сент. 2019, 05:21(отредактировано)

I have already shown video evidence of Defense Teams being very good in Gold 4 Arena.

The video’s AscendGod showcased demonstrate both Speed & Defense Aura’s exist in Gold 4.

I never said Speed Aura’s are bad.

I just said Speed Aura’s are not the only successful Aura in Arena.

AscendGod did several refreshes.

Most players used Speed, but there were several Defense + Health Aura’s.

You say they are bad, but they are in Gold 4 along side you.

Furthermore, you fail to see the truth.

Your High Khatun has Speed Aura 19% + 265 Speed is what you have said.

What happens if you fight vs. an enemy with High Khatun with 300 Speed.

They will go first.

They will most likely 1 shot you in single move.

The fight will last 30 seconds.

What will you do?

Will you accept your defeat?

You have a lot to learn about Arena.

1 Day you will realize that your High Khatun Speed team will never be faster than Lord Shazar Speed Team.

And when that day comes you will either tuck tail and run or construct a strategy to fight vs. them knowing they will go first.

And that is why Defense & Health Aura Teams exists.

It is because you can’t be faster, but you still want to win.

12 сент. 2019, 00:0212.09.19

Player J said:

I have already shown video evidence of Defense Teams being very good in Gold 4 Arena.

The video’s AscendGod showcased demonstrate both Speed & Defense Aura’s exist in Gold 4.

I never said Speed Aura’s are bad.

I just said Speed Aura’s are not the only successful Aura in Arena.

AscendGod did several refreshes.

Most players used Speed, but there were several Defense + Health Aura’s.

You say they are bad, but they are in Gold 4 along side you.

Furthermore, you fail to see the truth.

Your High Khatun has Speed Aura 19% + 265 Speed is what you have said.

What happens if you fight vs. an enemy with High Khatun with 300 Speed.

They will go first.

They will most likely 1 shot you in single move.

The fight will last 30 seconds.

What will you do?

Will you accept your defeat?

You have a lot to learn about Arena.

1 Day you will realize that your High Khatun Speed team will never be faster than Lord Shazar Speed Team.

And when that day comes you will either tuck tail and run or construct a strategy to fight vs. them knowing they will go first.

And that is why Defense & Health Aura Teams exists.

It is because you can’t be faster, but you still want to win.

The thing is, I am not the one who has anything to learn here J.  Your ego just won't let you learn from the situation, so you can't see it.

The videos do show a FEW defense and HP teams in gold IV, yet EVERY single time when I take them, what happens?  You are again cherry-picking what you *want* to see, rather than the reality.  And you also might want to consider the fact that those I am fighting are their defense groups.  I seriously doubt they actually got to gold IV with those defense teams as their offensive groups.

Fact of the matter is, even when they have gear that makes their team power substantially higher than mine, they get slaughtered.  Every... single... time.

Regardless, I know you have already made up your mind, and no matter how much evidence is presented to you, your ego won't let you see it.  People who are sensible can see the evidence for themselves and make their own conclusions. 

And as far as the speed, no, I do not always lose.  It depends.  If they are 100% glass cannons on their team and they go first, yes, sometimes they will win.  However, notice from the videos my Martyr and Tayrel are not glass cannons, as they are also geared for clan boss.  As such, I can handle not always going first.  In addition, someone simply having an extra 10% speed on their aura does not automatically mean they will be faster.  I could gear her with MUCH more speed, but I don't want to give up clan boss gear and dungeon gear on her since I don't need to.  I already win at least 98% of all battles in arena, so I am fine with that for now.

And if you have found a team in arena that you use for offense that can handle gold IV, I'd love to see it?  The only video you showed before showed speed teams slaughtering everything else.  The time stamp you noted showed that as well.  I pointed this out, but you failed to correct it.

And I already acknowledged in multiple videos, *IF* someone had extremely powerful defense champions and AMAZING gear, yes, they can go with a defense team.  But, they will ALWAYS be at a disadvantage, because you can't defend against everything.  Do you gear resistance, or defense?  You can't do both, or else my accuracy champions like Martyr and Nethril will tear right through it.  Meanwhile, speed has no weakness except for someone else with more speed.  However, if you don't go with glass cannons, you can handle that most the time.

Just put your ego aside for a bit and watched unbiasedly.  You could learn a lot J.

12 сент. 2019, 23:2412.09.19

Player J said:

I have already shown video evidence of Defense Teams being very good in Gold 4 Arena.

The video’s AscendGod showcased demonstrate both Speed & Defense Aura’s exist in Gold 4.

I never said Speed Aura’s are bad.

I just said Speed Aura’s are not the only successful Aura in Arena.

AscendGod did several refreshes.

Most players used Speed, but there were several Defense + Health Aura’s.

You say they are bad, but they are in Gold 4 along side you.

Furthermore, you fail to see the truth.

Your High Khatun has Speed Aura 19% + 265 Speed is what you have said.

What happens if you fight vs. an enemy with High Khatun with 300 Speed.

They will go first.

They will most likely 1 shot you in single move.

The fight will last 30 seconds.

What will you do?

Will you accept your defeat?

You have a lot to learn about Arena.

1 Day you will realize that your High Khatun Speed team will never be faster than Lord Shazar Speed Team.

And when that day comes you will either tuck tail and run or construct a strategy to fight vs. them knowing they will go first.

And that is why Defense & Health Aura Teams exists.

It is because you can’t be faster, but you still want to win.

What "videos" do you have showing defense builds beating EQUAL POWER LEVEL speed builds in arena?  Where are these "videos"?  A-god already called you out on the fact that the only video we have seen you post is one where speed teams were BEATING the defense team.  

And again like he said, you're cherry-picking to try to make yourself right rather than observing the facts.  I actually looked up the definition of "cherry picking" after he mentioned it as far as a logical fallacy.  It's amazing how much you do it J-lo.  You are also doing something called "projecting."  You are extremely ignorant of the reality around you.  Meanwhile you project that ignorance on others.  It's not the rest of the world who is ignorant J-lo.  Wake up Neo.  The Matrix isn't real. ;)

19 сент. 2019, 19:2319.09.19

AscendantGod said:

"Plarium ignored every single issue we brought up with Tomb Lord as to why he is broken, and instead completely changed things to STILL have him be worthless, just in a different way.  Can’t say it’s a surprise.  No idea why I ever thought anything different would’ve happened. Another example of Plarium ignoring its players."

On the good side the DEVS are still fixing & patching. Though, admittedly, limiting it to 4v4 or 5v5 without any cooperation making it ANY real multiplayer... I dislike MP games and arena, and still know plenty of games doing it better. Some teamwork with bonuses to EXP and silver, like they had them in 'Shadow Bound from r2games' would be cute.

They made 'dungeon maps' playable solo, or in teamwork, plus boss-fights, which needed teamwork. 

And given  that clans are a: useless beyond bonus loot and b: ignoring that all clans belong to one of the 4 major factions... It is, as if the one expert for roleplaying & strategy was kicked from the team of DEVS? 

My ideas include special maps, upon which factions (and their clans) can fight each other for clear benefits. Like conquer the mage tower yields a 5% bonus to research, or controlling the mine yields extra red gems. That way players would have a sense of belonging.

Tombs, do you mean vaults? Again nothing, but repetition of the known. For me the game works, as I daydream, contemplate, and meditate on what ideas I would make of it with my pen & paper fantasy roleplaying group, or a miniature skirmish.

My own best undead were Skellag and Dhampir, maybe Sorceress. Those are easy to get (3rd map in campaign, random shard draw, or market purchase) and up to 4 star, or maybe 5 star with some expensive equipment, they can be wonderful blasters. Skellag level 25 (with the freeze) made already a minor difference in fighting the clan-boss-demon.