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Patch Notes (05.02.21) Update 3.21

Patch Notes (05.02.21) Update 3.21

Since the release of the Doom Tower, we've been looking for ways we need to improve or tweak it. While we're still working on the next full rotation, we have made a few changes to the current Doom Tower Bosses to help make them a little less easy to beat with gimmicks and a little more strategy-oriented.

Here's what you need to know:

- The Nether Spider will now always attack with her second skill, Brood Feast, at the beginning of the round.

- Three of the current Doom Tower Bosses – the Frost Spider, the Nether Spider, and the Magma Dragon – now all have a new passive skill. That skill is:

Almighty Strength: damage from skills that scale based on enemy MAX HP (including poison detonation abilities) cannot exceed 10% of the Boss' MAX HP when attacking the Boss.

- Two of the current Doom Tower Bosses – the Frost Spider and the Nether Spider – also have another new passive skill. Here's the skill:

Almighty Persistence: all Turn Meter reduction effects are decreased by 50% when used against the Boss.

That's everything! Go ahead and try out these changes for yourself in the new rotation of the Doom Tower. As always, please let us know what you think of these changes on our official forums or over on our Discord.

Good luck, and happy raiding!

Feb 5, 2021, 12:3202/05/21
Feb 5, 2021, 23:2302/05/21

Plarium you should have tested the DT more before releasing it...

If this was done before releasing DT  the first time then people would not have been this upset, easier to do like you did with the FW nerf instead of making it harder... 

And help fix the silver issue,  there is so many ways you can do this!!!  (the fitting room helps a little bit)  but it is not even close to whats is needed.  

Give us at least some days of free gear removal to let people switch the gear... (would be nice to do it when next patch is released together with the fitting room) 

Feb 6, 2021, 00:0002/06/21

Thanks for the tireless playtesting and development. It really shows when new content comes out. Never miss a chance to say just how much we appreciate you letting us enjoy all the updates. Perhaps if we write the board of directors and tell them what a good job your doing maybe you will get the well deserved raise that you dearly deserve. Keep up the good work and listening to the community, we really appreciate it.

Feb 6, 2021, 00:0202/06/21

I have been playing gacha games for several years now. And over the years I noticed a very specific trend among failing gachas - towards the end they start to introduce more and more very good and OP-looking champions. However, the PvE content that is being released alongside is almost always made the way that the kit of those champions cannot be utilized. 

I have seen this trend countless of times in many bad and struggling gachas. It deeply bothers me that we start to see it in RAID now as well.

The update is bad for a very specific reason: It has barely any effect on the whales that will still have no problem beating the DT, although likely a bit slower. However, it will impact all F2P, low and medium spenders as it renders two relatively accessible (although, still tough to build) strategies ineffective. 

I am not gonna lie, this feels like a slap in the face. I am definitely not happy that I wasted a good amount of chickens and books on champs that will now have a very little, if any use.

Feb 6, 2021, 01:4102/06/21

Really, why so many angry comments? Fuck this Plarium - there are tons of games in Playmarket. As for me, there is one answer to such "changes": Settings ->Applications->Delete

 Sincerelly FU! :)

Feb 6, 2021, 02:4102/06/21
Feb 6, 2021, 03:08(edited)

Bad update. It's LESS viable now. where i got to hard 70 before, now im stuck on hard 20. Thanks for wasting my time leveling up 3 armigers specifically for this crap tower because I don't have the legendary champs needed.

Feb 6, 2021, 03:2302/06/21

Who said that the bosses in the Doom tower are easy??? You want to make it harder???

That is insane!!!!

How about being like any other RPG and not charge when we remove equipment from oir champs?!?!?!

Feb 6, 2021, 04:3602/06/21
Feb 6, 2021, 04:36(edited)

Congratulations, this is so god damn awful and dishonest I couldn't keep myself from commenting.

"We have made a few changes to the current Doom Tower Bosses to help make them a little less easy to beat with gimmicks and a little more strategy-oriented."

What the HELL are you even talking about?! To Turnmeter-Control a Boss IS A STRATEGY and not a gimmick. It requires a speed tuned team that has to go pretty fast and at the same time has to bring very high Accuracy, so it even CAN control the Boss that way. Building a Team like that costs resources and time, and a lot of equipment farming, and equipment leveling, and a number of different heroes. Champs don't work by themselves, you have to level, ascend, build them, put them into the right gear so they can use their skills and then put them into the right team to activate them. 

So it is fine that we blow up the Dragon with Poisons, that we Turn Meter Control the Fire Knight and kill the Spider with MAX HP is valid as a strategy there, but in DT it turns into a gimmick? Are you kidding me?! 

The only thing you did is take options away. You force us from a number of strategies into very much more specific strategies where we NEED even more specific champions. But their specifically needed key abilities are then no gimmicks, that is STRATEGY then. Sure.

I  second this  comment.  What  joke.  And  I  am  a  big  spender.  


Feb 6, 2021, 05:3202/06/21

Thanks alot for really killing any chance of beating Doom Tower. Seriously I have been waiting for a good reason to quit ths game and maybe you just gave me one. I will certainly not spend anymore money on this game. As if Doom Tower was not hard enough already

Feb 6, 2021, 05:4802/06/21

 Since the new update to Doom Tower, where I once was able to get to the 4th Boss, I now cannot get pass the 2nd Boss. This update didn't do anything good in the least little bit.  It's no wonder why I even think of playing Doom Tower, just so I have to wait 4 weeks before it resets, so i can make it to the special levels, just to get pieces to unlock a new Champion to use in the portal. Y'all messed up big this time.   On another note, when it comes for a boost in the portal to summon new Champions, make it where, when it is applied to Rare shards they boost it to where you only get Rare or Epics. When the boost is activated on Void Shards, you only get Epic or Legendary and when the boost is activated for Sacred Shards, you only get Legendaries.  And for the Love of God, when it comes to the boosts being activated, please stop making it where we keep getting duplicates of champions tha tg we already have.  A further note when opening up the Index to see how many Champions you have for a specific Faction, can you make it where the Tally actually shows the correct amount of Champions for that Faction. I haven't looked at all of the Factions to get a full Tally, but I did look at 2 of my Factions that have at least 1/2 of the Champions in that Faction, the numbers are off by at least 2 in each Faction, the ones that are Highlighted showing which Champions I actually have the count is off. I will be going back to the index later and writing down which Factions, actually have the correct Tally and which ones do not.  Thank You.

Feb 6, 2021, 08:3302/06/21

O so you found the handbook on the rule to beat the bosses?  And in that handbook there is specific guidelines on what to do and you cant go ofroad?

Anny chance you can share the book on what i can (must use to payrium)

Or is your handbook your wallet?

I'm what you would call a low spender (around 10 eurs every 4-5 months). I cant beat the hard doom tower yet (stuck on lvl 112), but i'm not upset about it. I like comming out with my own strats, and dont follow like headless chickens what the content creators with their ultra-mega-end lvl gear do. 

I know my roster, i know the skills of my champs and i use them. 

Feb 6, 2021, 08:5902/06/21

Who was the braindead idiot that came up with the idea that doomtower normal needed to be tweeked and made harder?? As it is now it´s a totally pointless piece of shit u added that I won´t waste any time playing until I have heroes all maxed and legend

Feb 6, 2021, 09:0402/06/21

I thinks Plarium win content money in year.

Feb 6, 2021, 11:0502/06/21

So it looks like it's cleanser, reviver, healer and two single target nukes and just wait it out - I'm currently 55 minutes in using Siphi, Raglin, Doompriest, Roshcard and Tayrel (I'm levelling Faceless purely for this boss to replace Tayrel).

It's not a gimmick, not sure if it's strategy, one thing I do know is that it's BORING AS F*CK

Feb 6, 2021, 11:1702/06/21

So it looks like it's cleanser, reviver, healer and two single target nukes and just wait it out - I'm currently 55 minutes in using Siphi, Raglin, Doompriest, Roshcard and Tayrel (I'm levelling Faceless purely for this boss to replace Tayrel).

It's not a gimmick, not sure if it's strategy, one thing I do know is that it's BORING AS F*CK

In old team I can win neither with manual, but after update if I have raglin I can win neither and beat all boss, if I don't nothing change.

Feb 6, 2021, 11:3402/06/21

Nice, I was thinking about quitting raid. now I don't even have to think about it anymore.

like I said before, if u pay u play. if u don't then u don't!

good luck to u guys. 

peace out

Feb 6, 2021, 12:1602/06/21

plarium that patch was really laughable  ....

Feb 6, 2021, 12:2602/06/21

Thats it! im done with this BS! Im out!

Feb 6, 2021, 15:1202/06/21

Thanks for the update on DT i use to be able to kill at least 4 of the bosses i cannot even get past floor two because of the changes i have spent a lot of money in this game to try to get decent characters which were not forth comming this game is gettin like eve online if you do not spent massive amounts of money you have not much chance off getting anywhere

Feb 6, 2021, 15:3902/06/21

Really  poor  development  decision,    plarium  have  been  watching  too  many  whales  on  youtube.    What  about  the  silver,  books  and  gems  spent  in  the  last  two  months  to  do  doom  tower  that  are  now  wasted.    Class  101  in  how  to,  alienate  your  customer  base.

Feb 6, 2021, 16:0402/06/21

This  is  really  bad  in  devaluing  what  many  players  invested  in  the  last  2  months.  They  should  at  least  communicate  these  changes  well  in  advance,  and  they  should  have  left  the  normal  dt  alone.  I  changed  my  5  star  reviews  to  1  star,  maybe  if  enough  people  does  that  they  will  get  the  idea.