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Patch Notes (05.02.21) Update 3.21

Patch Notes (05.02.21) Update 3.21

Since the release of the Doom Tower, we've been looking for ways we need to improve or tweak it. While we're still working on the next full rotation, we have made a few changes to the current Doom Tower Bosses to help make them a little less easy to beat with gimmicks and a little more strategy-oriented.

Here's what you need to know:

- The Nether Spider will now always attack with her second skill, Brood Feast, at the beginning of the round.

- Three of the current Doom Tower Bosses – the Frost Spider, the Nether Spider, and the Magma Dragon – now all have a new passive skill. That skill is:

Almighty Strength: damage from skills that scale based on enemy MAX HP (including poison detonation abilities) cannot exceed 10% of the Boss' MAX HP when attacking the Boss.

- Two of the current Doom Tower Bosses – the Frost Spider and the Nether Spider – also have another new passive skill. Here's the skill:

Almighty Persistence: all Turn Meter reduction effects are decreased by 50% when used against the Boss.

That's everything! Go ahead and try out these changes for yourself in the new rotation of the Doom Tower. As always, please let us know what you think of these changes on our official forums or over on our Discord.

Good luck, and happy raiding!

Feb 5, 2021, 12:3202/05/21
Feb 5, 2021, 17:0802/05/21

and fix your buggy comment box 

Feb 5, 2021, 17:2402/05/21

Please bomb them with one star ratings on all platforms. We only get change when the shareholders feel pressured and peoples jobs are at risk. PREDATORY business practices in the gaming community will no longer be tolerated. Get fucked 

Feb 5, 2021, 17:2602/05/21

WTF PLarium???? did you even test it??

Feb 5, 2021, 17:2802/05/21

This is a joke and doesn't help players. It weakens champions like armiger and dark elhain to name 2 very good champs that are fun to use. It also makes Doom tower much harder. I was stuck at boss 50 on hard anyway and now plaruim are saying buy more champions to progress even tho shards are luck based. This is the worst update in the year I have been playing. Its a greedy anti player update and a shame because I actually liked DT. Add in the price of silver on artifacts and DT becomes a whale only event zzzz 

Feb 5, 2021, 17:3302/05/21

So  the  players  who  were  finding  this  content  easy  will  continue  to  find  the  content  easy  but  the  rest  of  us  this  is  a  big  road  block.  

I  have  6  6*  champs  and  was  slowly  working  through  normal  but  got  stuck.  Two  of  my  champs,  coldheart  And  amigar  now  useless.

im  really  disappointed with  this.

Feb 5, 2021, 17:3602/05/21

Raid update on my Birthday! Thank you for making me realize the pile of money I've spent is a complete waste.... absolutely disappointing. Loved this game but it is going in the direction of more greed from developers. Less attention to the player base. Remember the player base is who made you filthy rich! You just said FU people who pays my bills... so FU RIGHT BACK. Hope you enjoy your loss of players. ..... look guys $99 for a couple shards is outrageous! I hope this game dies in a swimming pool of vomit. Have a great day developing this trash! 

Feb 5, 2021, 18:0002/05/21
Feb 5, 2021, 18:37(edited)

Simply incredible WTF is wrong with you Plarium

Nerving the real players just bechose op players can beat the doom tower in 5sec with seer... and bosses are already way to hard investing in easy rare camp that where able to do the job now your changing the game!!!! FUCK YOU.

Instead of solving simple problems like silver cost  reducing the cost above lv12 to halv or doubling the chane on the upgrade and the problem is solved 

No you have to fucking mess with the normal players that have now invested in rare and uncommr-eb champs to beat DT normal first time around got to lv116  

Waves are to hard 2siphi  Pfff Pay to win SEER nukers

FUCK YOU Plarium greedy as fuck

100x Dislike

Feb 5, 2021, 18:2502/05/21

I  m  not  affected  by  this  update    i  dont    plsy  DT  as  i t  is  ridiculousy  hard  for  a  mid-  level  player  such  as  myself    I  have  plenty  of  champs  but  not  enough  silver  to  equipt  them  with  level  16  gear      I  am  earning  some  6  *  gear,  Finally     DT  is  too  frustrating  for  me     I  go  through  a  mil  in  silver  just  trying  to  get  1  piece  of  gear  to  level  16    And  99%  of  the  time  i  fail  to  upgrade  the  piece  all  the  way

Heck,    i  hear  about  "relentless"   gear,  but  i  have  never  seen  a  piece  or  really  know  what  it  does      I  have  to  learn  to  crawl  befire  i  can  run      Maybe   One  day   I'll   give  a  crap  about  Doom  Tower 

Feb 5, 2021, 18:4202/05/21

Была башня практически не проходимой, сделали еще непроходимее, уга поработали над улучшением, ничего не скажешь

Feb 5, 2021, 19:2102/05/21

The most disgusting update ever! Normal difficulty is difficult for many players, and you make it even harder! Those who donate to the game, they generally do not care about these changes, heroes for all sorts of occasions and your manners will be found. But ordinary players who do not have millions to spend on the game, do you think of them? I'm not rich, but I can sometimes afford to buy some kind of offer, and from such updates the desire to donate is less and less! Because everything that I have done before becomes useless in the passage of your CHANGED content !!!

Feb 5, 2021, 19:2702/05/21

I dont know why all that angry comments.  For me the changes are totally fine, actually i dont think it will really change anything for players who have beaten the bosses the way they were supposed to be beaten.

Good work plarium!

Feb 5, 2021, 19:4002/05/21

All you did was make it hard for your mid/low endgame players to clear normal. You made it harder without fixing anything. Still need to built more champs and silver is getting ridiculous moving gear. The streamer who get free stuff and your whales won't care, but the rest of of will feel this. Bad decision again. Thanks for not using lube again 

Feb 5, 2021, 19:4202/05/21

I dont know why all that angry comments.  For me the changes are totally fine, actually i dont think it will really change anything for players who have beaten the bosses the way they were supposed to be beaten.

Good work plarium!

O so you found the handbook on the rule to beat the bosses?  And in that handbook there is specific guidelines on what to do and you cant go ofroad?

Anny chance you can share the book on what i can (must use to payrium)

Or is your handbook your wallet?

Feb 5, 2021, 20:0402/05/21

Congratulations, this is so god damn awful and dishonest I couldn't keep myself from commenting.

"We have made a few changes to the current Doom Tower Bosses to help make them a little less easy to beat with gimmicks and a little more strategy-oriented."

What the HELL are you even talking about?! To Turnmeter-Control a Boss IS A STRATEGY and not a gimmick. It requires a speed tuned team that has to go pretty fast and at the same time has to bring very high Accuracy, so it even CAN control the Boss that way. Building a Team like that costs resources and time, and a lot of equipment farming, and equipment leveling, and a number of different heroes. Champs don't work by themselves, you have to level, ascend, build them, put them into the right gear so they can use their skills and then put them into the right team to activate them. 

So it is fine that we blow up the Dragon with Poisons, that we Turn Meter Control the Fire Knight and kill the Spider with MAX HP is valid as a strategy there, but in DT it turns into a gimmick? Are you kidding me?! 

The only thing you did is take options away. You force us from a number of strategies into very much more specific strategies where we NEED even more specific champions. But their specifically needed key abilities are then no gimmicks, that is STRATEGY then. Sure.

Feb 5, 2021, 21:4302/05/21

You seriously  think  that  the  best  way  to  make  the  DT  better  is  to  make  sure  the  average  player  cannot  complete  it.  Can  you  please  pull  your  heads  out  of  your  asses  and  continue to  make the  game  more  enjoyable,  not  harder  for  the  masses.  

Feb 5, 2021, 22:0402/05/21

I  honestly  thought  you  guys  turned  over  a  new  leaf  with  the  latest  couple  of  updates  and  allowed  myself  to  start  spending  reasonable  amounts  in  this  game  to  support  it.  I  just  canceled  my  monthly  raid  card  and  deleted  this  game.  You've  started  repeating  the  same  things  that  made  darth  microtransactions  quit  months  ago.  

Screw  your  whaletower,  you  clearly  dont  understand  why  most  players  play  mobile  games.  It's  suppose  to  be  light  fun.  After  over  280  days  playing  this  game,  I  still  couldn't  beat  normal  doomtower  before  this  update.  Your  game  is  such  a  chore  you  should  be  paying  us  to  complete  this  work.

Feb 5, 2021, 22:0802/05/21

Honestly, I don't think the devs know what they're doing. In my opinion they watched the videos of some contente creators and thought that it is very easy to complete the DT. But they forgot all the player base and all FTP when making these changes. It was already difficult and now it got worse. What's more, when we build a team with high resistance, high acc, turn meter control, poisoner or HP Burn, this requires strategy. It is not luck. Gradually it will become content that players will prefer to avoid just like the FW has been for a long time. Just let us have our fun in peace.

Feb 5, 2021, 22:3702/05/21

This game is clearly made for content creators with their "perks". Time for a new game.

Feb 5, 2021, 23:2102/05/21

You kidding?... Want to know what players think of this "news?...

I've spent two month to overcome 40 stage of DT,  and now it looks like I will need  two more months to get further than 10 stage. Great job. Perhaps no-lifers will be pleased.

Thank you for clearing my doubts and I don't have to waste time on any nonsense that comes to mind of your marketers. Happy donations and farewell!