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Champion changes (Urogrim)

Champion changes (Urogrim)

Sep 30, 2021, 03:0809/30/21

Will do!  Also, all the feedback in this thread is going to Plarium. 

Thank you, I don't say this entirely sarcastically. A majority of the time these content creators with access to the test server find the ways champions can be used and possibly broken within the first day. What's the point of the test server if they're just rushing out champions untested and creating this much unrest later? All the test server is for at this point is to show off and it can easily be implemented better. 

Sep 30, 2021, 03:1509/30/21
Sep 30, 2021, 03:16(edited)

Thank you, I don't say this entirely sarcastically. A majority of the time these content creators with access to the test server find the ways champions can be used and possibly broken within the first day. What's the point of the test server if they're just rushing out champions untested and creating this much unrest later? All the test server is for at this point is to show off and it can easily be implemented better. 

I don't know what you'd have to be sarcastic about, at least in my case. I am reading every post. And we have already been forwarding all of this feedback to Plarium, as I try to all feedback in the forums. 

Actually, I don't work for Plarium, and I'm just a player like the rest of everyone in this thread. I just want to play the best version of the game I can, and getting all of our feedback to the people who make the game is important to me.

Sep 30, 2021, 04:0409/30/21

Could you forward the idea of actually testing champions in all content before announcing them? It took just a few hours after his release on the test server to see how good he was why didn't they address it then?

I'll tell you why. They do intentionally make some very good epic champions to entice no-spenders or low-spenders to go for them, as the odds for legos are too slim for some to bother. getting someone to spend the first time is harder then getting him to spend a second time. hence we have top/op epics

(void epics are very good for that as getting void shards without paying isnt easy)

It worked and people spent but appearently he was bit TOO good for Plarium so now they nerfed him.

Scummy but its the Plarium way

Sep 30, 2021, 07:4109/30/21

its unfair trading practice to sell a product not fit for the purpose. it was false and deceptive to list urogrim;s abilities; then alter them immediately after purchase.

Get over yourself, you didn't buy the champion... you bought the shards; what comes from them is random so your statement is utter nonsense!

Sep 30, 2021, 07:4709/30/21

I think the issue for many is that they will have spent cash developing this champ, and plarium pricing- well they are not cheap.

Perhaps when nerfing a champ they should give the options to reset that champ and recover books at least.

Yes i know that will never happen.

Sep 30, 2021, 08:0509/30/21

Don't be silly, you still have the same champion; it's just been rebalanced. Is this the first game you've played? Buffs and nerfs happen, get over it.

Sep 30, 2021, 08:0809/30/21
Trevor Wilson

I think the issue for many is that they will have spent cash developing this champ, and plarium pricing- well they are not cheap.

Perhaps when nerfing a champ they should give the options to reset that champ and recover books at least.

Yes i know that will never happen.

you are right! We don't want him anymore if Playrium nerfs him. Compensate us with a certain amount of void shards, books, resource to show your responsibility for this. How could you fall your reckless mistake on customers' shoulders and expect we can get it over? It's not the business whatever you say but player base.

Sep 30, 2021, 08:1609/30/21

Don't be silly, you still have the same champion; it's just been rebalanced. Is this the first game you've played? Buffs and nerfs happen, get over it.

It's not silly, it's what it is. If I know Playrium will nerf him, I wouldn't invest my resource on him in the very first place. You can't feel the pain we have because either you don't have him or you never fight what you are suposed to have. I have played many games but I never see a company like this. They should never release him as an OP champ then nerf him to the ground. What's their test server for? No staff has ever run him on the test server like bunch of content creators do? Refund the resource is the basic manner for players so let's see what Playrium will do for it.

Sep 30, 2021, 08:2709/30/21

They've done it before they'll do it again, there was the same outcry when Steel Bowyer and PainKiller were nerfed, all the energy, silver, books put in - exactly the same as now and do you know what they did then - nothing, and do you know what they'll do now - nothing, unless this time they destroyed him so they can say ok, this is the new nerf, (which will have been their original nerf) but as it's not as bad as they are going to do will feel like a win and the fuss will die down

Sep 30, 2021, 08:4109/30/21

They've done it before they'll do it again, there was the same outcry when Steel Bowyer and PainKiller were nerfed, all the energy, silver, books put in - exactly the same as now and do you know what they did then - nothing, and do you know what they'll do now - nothing, unless this time they destroyed him so they can say ok, this is the new nerf, (which will have been their original nerf) but as it's not as bad as they are going to do will feel like a win and the fuss will die down

I was not playing this game when they nerfed Steel and Painkiller so I don't know their attitude to this. Thanks for sharing your experience with me. I just want them and new players know how suck they are and why players are getting out of this game day by day.

Sep 30, 2021, 08:5309/30/21

It's not silly, it's what it is. If I know Playrium will nerf him, I wouldn't invest my resource on him in the very first place. You can't feel the pain we have because either you don't have him or you never fight what you are suposed to have. I have played many games but I never see a company like this. They should never release him as an OP champ then nerf him to the ground. What's their test server for? No staff has ever run him on the test server like bunch of content creators do? Refund the resource is the basic manner for players so let's see what Playrium will do for it.

Guys- that game is about investing resources in champs .

Suddenly all of you invested just chickens and USD in growing this champ.

just some simple things :

- Urogrim was way to OP for the game  ; an epic to solo 25lv boss in less than 2 minutes . i understand why was funny for u and why u dont want to be nerfed. But seriously pls tell me another epic able to do that . or legendary even?

- was no 10x event on Urogrim; was an 2x event on Void shards. To go on 2x event for some specific champ is .... let say stupid at least . U go for double chance of getting Seer, Maneater, Madame seris, Krisk, Warlord maybe.... So how Plarium trick u on that when is no direct conection between Urogrim and 2x event?? 

- growing a champion : u can easily grow a champ with energy . And we all use energy and books ( not only when we speak about Urogrim) but for all other champs. If Plarium will give back spent resorces every time when they nerf a champ... probably I will have to get like tones of energy/books for all nerfed champs during last almost 3 years.

- Plarium didnt change behaviour in time; they did the same things over and over again. Unfortunatelly we saw the shit only when is affecting us .

Sep 30, 2021, 10:0409/30/21
Sep 30, 2021, 10:26(edited)

Guys- that game is about investing resources in champs .

Suddenly all of you invested just chickens and USD in growing this champ.

just some simple things :

- Urogrim was way to OP for the game  ; an epic to solo 25lv boss in less than 2 minutes . i understand why was funny for u and why u dont want to be nerfed. But seriously pls tell me another epic able to do that . or legendary even?

- was no 10x event on Urogrim; was an 2x event on Void shards. To go on 2x event for some specific champ is .... let say stupid at least . U go for double chance of getting Seer, Maneater, Madame seris, Krisk, Warlord maybe.... So how Plarium trick u on that when is no direct conection between Urogrim and 2x event?? 

- growing a champion : u can easily grow a champ with energy . And we all use energy and books ( not only when we speak about Urogrim) but for all other champs. If Plarium will give back spent resorces every time when they nerf a champ... probably I will have to get like tones of energy/books for all nerfed champs during last almost 3 years.

- Plarium didnt change behaviour in time; they did the same things over and over again. Unfortunatelly we saw the shit only when is affecting us .

It was my best chance to get him and other op epics from 2x Void event otherwise why they held the event for players to take risk of getting the dupe champs and still go for it. I was lucky pulling him from 2x void event so I have to get it over now due to my good luck? How about nerf your favorate epic to the ground and comfort you that please be a grown man and get it over? 

Sep 30, 2021, 11:0609/30/21
Sep 30, 2021, 11:07(edited)

Urogrim is overpowered, I can understand that they nerf him. An epic should not be able to solo a lvl 25 dungeon.

But a nerf that would prevent him of soloing a 25 dungeon would be enough. They don't have to go beyond that and transform a top tier void epic into a useless vault-guard. Taking away one heal and increasing the cooldown of his A3 would be enough. His A1 is much weaker than Frozen Banshee's A1 after the nerf. But as we know Plarium, I guess the problem of a rare being a better poisoner than a void epic will be "fixed" by a nerf to Frozen Banshee in the future. 

In addition to that, players have to reskill the champ, as everybody uses Giantslayer now on Urogrim with a triple hit A1, that is not going to work anymore.

Making a overpowered champion a little bit weaker is not the same as totally destroying the champ! I can't solo the Dragon with Urogrim anyway, I don't have the gear for that. But he is in my Dragon team (Urogrim, Scyl, Chani, Uugo, Yoshi for stage 20). I'm not sure if I will use him after the nerf, if they make it the way it's announced. A double hit with 50% chance for poison on the A1 is not really what I'm looking for to speed up the fight.

Sep 30, 2021, 11:5009/30/21

It was my best chance to get him and other op epics from 2x Void event otherwise why they held the event for players to take risk of getting the dupe champs and still go for it. I was lucky pulling him from 2x void event so I have to get it over now due to my good luck? How about nerf your favorate epic to the ground and comfort you that please be a grown man and get it over? 

Pls be sure that Plarium nerfed my prefered Lego ( not epic) - Rotos that use to be Arena beast . I didnt like it but  ...

Also during time the nerfed lots of other nice champions ... didnt like it but ...

Going on 2x and beeing lucky to get Urogrim does not mean that Plarium trick or push you to spend for Urogrim ( as many people complain). Was your decision ! You were lucky, got him , use him and now he was nerfed . Too much nerfed if u ask me but... that is a different discussion.

Growing Urogrim with chickens is just a player decision; of course that you can do it on normal way ( using energy and farming as normal people do) so again asking those chichen back is just ...

I understand that is not easy to give up on situation where single champ could solo 25 lv instance but this is Plarium life - u could accept this or give up to the game or stop spending .

Sep 30, 2021, 12:2609/30/21
Sep 30, 2021, 12:31(edited)

Pls be sure that Plarium nerfed my prefered Lego ( not epic) - Rotos that use to be Arena beast . I didnt like it but  ...

Also during time the nerfed lots of other nice champions ... didnt like it but ...

Going on 2x and beeing lucky to get Urogrim does not mean that Plarium trick or push you to spend for Urogrim ( as many people complain). Was your decision ! You were lucky, got him , use him and now he was nerfed . Too much nerfed if u ask me but... that is a different discussion.

Growing Urogrim with chickens is just a player decision; of course that you can do it on normal way ( using energy and farming as normal people do) so again asking those chichen back is just ...

I understand that is not easy to give up on situation where single champ could solo 25 lv instance but this is Plarium life - u could accept this or give up to the game or stop spending .

I was also there for the nerf of Rotos and I also have him unfortunately, but I was fine with that because he was a ridiculous OP PVP champ. As for Urogrim, he is just a PVE champ. That's why I'm so pissed off. However, I will take your advice to stop spending any penny on this joke game.

Sep 30, 2021, 13:3709/30/21

I was stopping spending some time ago ; decided that make no sense to spend money to buy shards for example with 0,5% chances of getting a Lego ( with very big chances to be a dupe or a poor one).

The pool is so big now that are very few chances to get a decent champions ( look on videos with guys that are opening 700+ blue shards and what they get or from 150-200 sacred shards).

And even if u get a decent champion there are big chances that Plarium will nerfed him soon or they will bring some other champion that make yours a bad joke.

I realize that I can't change that so stop spending and moved to F2P way and I am more relax now :)

And my personal opinion is that only when people will stop spending like hell for nothing only then Plarium will start thinking on players!

Sep 30, 2021, 16:2309/30/21

The problem is, plarium had ALL the time to nerf it before it was going to be released. cause they had a LOT of feedback by creators on test server. They decided to let it go anyway, so the people who dropped it build it up and use him (wich is really amazing he feel like a top tier lego). Now we are not talking about a small company, plarium is a millionare company and we cannot accept such HUGE mistakes. The only fair thing they should do is take back urogrim to lvl 1, refund us ALL the resources we inves on him, (chikens, skill books, brews, and ascension materials) then give us the opportunity to REROLL him for another random void epic, if we want to keep him we can.    Yes plarium my advices are free tnx me later.

Sep 30, 2021, 16:5209/30/21

I like how my post saying I won't spend anymore gets deleted off this thread... the thread we are supposed to be posting on. It was a legit reply to the people saying to not spend if I don't like the changes. 

Sep 30, 2021, 17:0909/30/21

Im not happy with the nerf as well, especially after investing around 30k silver, all books, and masteries... he still will be a great champ and can probably solo some areas. Just need to push stats and speed 

Sep 30, 2021, 18:0409/30/21

After this type of nerf, what other nerfs can we expect, I think I am done with this game after seeing this type of crap. This game has only stolen my time and money, and keeps putting the carrot in front of the horse; but this time you just took the legs off my horse. Peace out, I think I am going to wait for another developer to make a game like this... that doesn't screw you!