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Champion changes (Urogrim)

Champion changes (Urogrim)

Sep 28, 2021, 16:5009/28/21

Champion changes (Urogrim)

This does not seem like it is an accident at all. You make great epic nearly on par with some legendaries out there. And after a everyone who has him builds him, you nerf him to the ground to become totally useless. Well atleast you guys got paid

Thanks guys.

Sorry to hijack the title of your post, changed the name to better reflect the discussion. -H

Sep 28, 2021, 16:5909/28/21

DEVESTATING. I just poured everything I had into finishing him out. Can I have my books, energy, and silver back?

Sep 28, 2021, 17:1909/28/21

I understand your frustrations, thank you for not cursing and insulting etc. I pinned this post, hopefully everyone else will use this thread instead of making new ones. 

Sep 28, 2021, 17:2309/28/21

I don't think this is a conspiracy at all. I think they messed up, and relatively quickly decided to fix it.

That being said, I do think they should provide refunds on the books used, at least, as well as offering a free ungearing option.

Sep 28, 2021, 17:4609/28/21

As a low spender that one really hurt. All the energy, books, chickens and masteries....down the drain. 

I can understand nerfing triple-hit A1, but butchering his A3 is a big nerf. I don't see Plarium nerfing other broken and OP champs but all of a sudden that one epic is a big threat to game ballance and needs to be nuked ASAP.

Maybe they will compensate with generous offer of x5 Cleopterix fragments.

Sep 28, 2021, 18:0109/28/21
Sep 28, 2021, 18:07(edited)

all my resources(shards/books/chickens/silver) , my TIME spent on gearing building, testing this champ. all down the drain

they didnt tune him down, they didnt just nerf him they OBLITERATED him.

I cant quite just express how angry and mad I am.

Edited by moderator: Swearing - H

Sep 28, 2021, 18:1809/28/21

Garbage  buffs  and  1  massive  nerf...plarium  is  a  joke

Sep 28, 2021, 18:2309/28/21

Can't say I'm surprised they did it, but it's a real rookie mistake to be in that position in the first place. Few people will mind if you give them something better than they had. The same can't be said for taking away something you've already given. Especially after people have sunk their resources into it.

Sep 28, 2021, 18:4709/28/21


well, firstly, i thought urogrim's nerf was only limited to an increased skill recharge, i was like "damn, i couldn't farm him solo in dungeons anymore, i'm gonna have to integrate an additional character to support him ".

I did not understand the confusion of all these players and then I really started to read the text carefully: I was speechless.

One less poison in a1, 2 less poison and 1 less heal in a3, it's not a nerf, it's a well-assumed massacre that can only disappoint all those who have invested in this character and who are end up with a character who has become weak.

I would just like to remind you that to farm solo in dragon 25 with Urogrim, you need end-of-game equipment and that even if you have the character in early or mid-game, you need some times and to farm very good equipment to pass it to 20, that move away a little more from the contents of the doom tower by the slowing down of farm by this epic and that for those who mounted it, they will have to start again from zero ( not really but you understand me, i talk about farming dungeon efficiently) , it's as if you tore them one and only character that served him to farm dragon, golem and clan boss equipment.

Personally, i'm not that upset ( even if I maxed urogrim yesterday) because i can understand Plarium need to complete some economics imperative ( and because i have 2 bad el kazar ), but some people will be very upset that they can't refund all the ressources on this future unuseful champ. 


Sep 28, 2021, 18:5309/28/21

I  spent  money  on  last  2x  voids  to  get  this  champion  based  on  his  stats  now  you  say  those  arent  his  skills  this  is  fraudulent  as  well  as  false  advertising  i  would  not  have  spent  if  it  was  based  on  the  up  coming  nerf  

Sep 28, 2021, 19:0409/28/21

I'm extremely mad. I just spent a lot of resources on this champion that have gone down the drain. 

I agree Urogrim needed a nerf but not this much. Basically, his entire kit was nerfed. It's ridiculous and it hurts a lot of F2P players and low spenders that got him recently and spent their hard resources on upgrading him. Things like this make people quit.

Plarium please don't go ahead with this nerf as it is. And if you really have to at least refund some of the resources to players. 

Sep 28, 2021, 19:0709/28/21

Not  just  free  to  play  spenders  what  about  those  who  spent  money  trying  to  pull  a  champ  you  get  him  and  hes  not  what  you  spent  your  money  on  im  sure  this  is  unlawful

Sep 28, 2021, 19:1209/28/21

Honestly, I will take back all my resources or just uninstall.

With the Dreadhorn being essentially broken, Urogrim is the only thing in the game that has excited me in months. I had to max a Gemcursed to pass the normal floor 90 this rotation... a champ i will use nowhere else in the game. If you're going to make broken bosses and never fix them, at least let us have something powerful. You guys knew what this champion was before you released him. No doubt you left him so people would invest in the best epic in the game, only to kill him shortly after. 

It's theft. 

Sep 28, 2021, 19:2309/28/21
Sep 28, 2021, 19:49(edited)

This is beyond acceptable. Most people wouldn't agrue that he needed some fixing, but you've completely nuetralized a champ. I think the best course of action now would be to actually "fix" him not remove him from every active roster. More than half of my clan are real life friends and none of us are rich. I know our small spending wouldn't make a blip on Plarium's radar, but we will all be moving onto one of the many other mobile options if this is not addressed. If the rebalance goes through as planned, every used book and chicken should be refunded.

Sep 28, 2021, 19:4009/28/21

I'll keep it civil too, but I want my books back, I want my 4* and 5* chickens back, and I want the gems back I used to build him and level him. You can take Urugrim back to a level 1 4 star. I wasted so much and changed priorities just because of this champion. This is not a balancing effort, this is straight turning an OP great champion into mediocre. I would not have invested in him with the changes about to be rolled out. The A3 changes make him pretty useless aside from FW now, in comparison to other options on my account. I thought the sacred and chicken removal on daily log ons were the worst move in the past couple months. This tops it. I very well may be finally done. 

Sep 28, 2021, 20:0409/28/21
Sep 28, 2021, 20:05(edited)

i personally think when a nerf comes out you should have the option to remove books chickens and reset champ to base, the $$$ etc put into a champ who then ends up lame and vaulted def kick in the guts to the players who invest in them. 

Sep 28, 2021, 20:1709/28/21

This is really tough on you guys who just put a ton of resources into him. We have forwarded all of this feedback to Plarium already, but please continue to provide your thoughts, and ideas for changes, and Harbby and I will continue to pass them on.

Sep 28, 2021, 20:2609/28/21

Honestly, I will take back all my resources or just uninstall.

With the Dreadhorn being essentially broken, Urogrim is the only thing in the game that has excited me in months. I had to max a Gemcursed to pass the normal floor 90 this rotation... a champ i will use nowhere else in the game. If you're going to make broken bosses and never fix them, at least let us have something powerful. You guys knew what this champion was before you released him. No doubt you left him so people would invest in the best epic in the game, only to kill him shortly after. 

It's theft. 

i too had to actually max out my samar a champ that had no place in the game in current form prior to dreadhorn now that ive wiped normal and stuck at hard floor 10 as i dont want to rebuild him with the speed etc needed hes going back to the vault to gather dust and doom tower cycle ill wait til its finished before pushing again.

i understand doom tower is end game content but dreadhorn unless u have duchess - crimsolm helm - and few other clutch champs down right nasty lol - i enjoy the challenge but at this point in time i have other areas id rather concentrate on than defeat after defeat and not really getting anywhere on hard.

Sep 28, 2021, 20:3109/28/21
Sep 28, 2021, 20:33(edited)

i too had to actually max out my samar a champ that had no place in the game in current form prior to dreadhorn now that ive wiped normal and stuck at hard floor 10 as i dont want to rebuild him with the speed etc needed hes going back to the vault to gather dust and doom tower cycle ill wait til its finished before pushing again.

i understand doom tower is end game content but dreadhorn unless u have duchess - crimsolm helm - and few other clutch champs down right nasty lol - i enjoy the challenge but at this point in time i have other areas id rather concentrate on than defeat after defeat and not really getting anywhere on hard.

I have Duchess and Tower and DT Hard was STILL just kicking my butt., as I don't have any of those big heals champs. I hope Crimson Helm can help me finish, cause I just built her, and DT Hard is, as you said it "down right nasty".

Sep 28, 2021, 20:3409/28/21

i too had to actually max out my samar a champ that had no place in the game in current form prior to dreadhorn now that ive wiped normal and stuck at hard floor 10 as i dont want to rebuild him with the speed etc needed hes going back to the vault to gather dust and doom tower cycle ill wait til its finished before pushing again.

i understand doom tower is end game content but dreadhorn unless u have duchess - crimsolm helm - and few other clutch champs down right nasty lol - i enjoy the challenge but at this point in time i have other areas id rather concentrate on than defeat after defeat and not really getting anywhere on hard.

I'm in the same boat. Building Samar for hard 10...

Sep 28, 2021, 20:3609/28/21
Sep 28, 2021, 20:36(edited)

seriously, if you nerf the a1 maybe....or on the a3 either the CD or the number of buffs... but like this, urogrim became pretty much useless ... he's still a void epic...we all invested into this guy and would never had with this mediocre kit now.... you develop and play test everything.... fix stuff like this before you release it.... everything gets buffed... but to everyone who got lucky in the last weeks.... we have a big middle finger and we are going to nerf this one guy completely......this is just not fair and you either  need to undo this nerf or give us a possibily for a complete ressource refund.... this is by far the most massive nerf of a single champ, completely crippling him.... this cannot go unadressed and needs to be a massive topic for the developers.

and by the way urogrim is not nearly as broken, as a seer for example...