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Champion changes (Urogrim)

Champion changes (Urogrim)

Sep 29, 2021, 01:1409/29/21

if you guys felt the need to nerf uro, why not coldheart now that you have an event going for her. She is in almost every endgame team for anything but arena so obviously its a problem if uro was just a good solo farmer

Sep 29, 2021, 01:4909/29/21

if you guys felt the need to nerf uro, why not coldheart now that you have an event going for her. She is in almost every endgame team for anything but arena so obviously its a problem if uro was just a good solo farmer

Why stop there? Maneater has 2 turn team unkillable and block buffs, Serris has a full buff clear and also decreases attack and defense, Seer can wipe dt hard waves. But this void epic, that can poison and heal, he's outa control.

Sep 29, 2021, 02:0909/29/21

Why stop there? Maneater has 2 turn team unkillable and block buffs, Serris has a full buff clear and also decreases attack and defense, Seer can wipe dt hard waves. But this void epic, that can poison and heal, he's outa control.

all very good points, so i hope the devs get the point here. cold brew had a good point on his video as well with uro just being really good for developing/ mid game players. as far as end game goes, he is really a farmer. i really hope these changes arent croncrete yet and can reverse some of the harm to what is right now a great champion that can use some slight tweeking, not the massive nuke you are planning on

Sep 29, 2021, 02:1909/29/21
Sep 29, 2021, 02:32(edited)

This was not a minor tweak but rather a full evisceration.  I must insist on a full refund of all resources used to develop Urogrim.  That includes enough XP brews to cover leveling him from level 1 to 40, 1-50, and 1-60.  4-4 star chickens and 5-5 star chickens used to advance him.  A refund of all epic books used to improve his skills.  900,000 silver to cover the cost of artifact removal.  And finally all the potions required to ascend him to 6 star.

Please note that failure to meet these compensation requirements will result in [angry stuff].

Edited a bit. -Q

Sep 29, 2021, 02:3209/29/21

This was not a minor tweak but rather a full evisceration.  I must insist on a full refund of all resources used to develop Urogrim.  That includes enough XP brews to cover leveling him from level 1 to 40, 1-50, and 1-60.  4-4 star chickens and 5-5 star chickens used to advance him.  A refund of all epic books used to improve his skills.  900,000 silver to cover the cost of artifact removal.  And finally all the potions required to ascend him to 6 star.

Please note that failure to meet these compensation requirements will result in [angry stuff].

Edited a bit. -Q

Heya, just a small edit to keep ya on the forum guideline straight and narrow. I do want you to be heard though, so I've left as much as I can.

Sep 29, 2021, 02:4009/29/21

Imho, the nerf to Urogrim is not needed. He is a great poisoner  and healer but I don't think he is an op champion that needed a nerf. They already nerfed champions like Seer, Coldheart and Royal Guard by adding passives on the higher dungeon bosses to prevent enemy max hp skill going over 10% of their hp. So, poison is one of the best options to kill these bosses faster. 

With that said, I think he is still usable in dungeons. But if you are using him in clan boss, the added cooldown may be a big factor. 

Sep 29, 2021, 02:4409/29/21
Sep 29, 2021, 02:47(edited)

They  could  have  nerf  him  a  bit,  A3  2  poison  and  2  heal.  A1  double  hit.  that  would  be  ok ,  not  great  but  ok.  that  second  heal  relove  is  a  bit  far.  Now  it  will  not  be much  of   a  healer,  reliquary  tender  a  rare  will  do  as  much  heal  as  he  does  without  removing  the  debuff.  Really  me  piss  off  on  this  one,  79  void  shard  on  last  2x,  only  got  this  dude  as  good  epic  no  legend,  no  other  good  epic.  Just  finish  upgrading  him  and  they  trash  it!  damn  u  plarium.  give  us  the  book  and  chicken  back  and  shove  urogrim  where  we  all  think  he  is  going.

I'm  getting  tired  of  this  crap,  I  did  spend  sone  money  but  I  think  I  will  seek  something  else,  tired  of  this  none  sense.

Sep 29, 2021, 02:4909/29/21

Imho, the nerf to Urogrim is not needed. He is a great poisoner  and healer but I don't think he is an op champion that needed a nerf. They already nerfed champions like Seer, Coldheart and Royal Guard by adding passives on the higher dungeon bosses to prevent enemy max hp skill going over 10% of their hp. So, poison is one of the best options to kill these bosses faster. 

With that said, I think he is still usable in dungeons. But if you are using him in clan boss, the added cooldown may be a big factor. 

i get what your saying about being useable, but in this game if the champ isnt atleast good at multiple jobs or great at 1, they will almost never be build unless on a new account. this nerf take him from a great poisoner to just being ok, and from a good healer, to an average 1 or less

Sep 29, 2021, 03:4409/29/21

My biggest argument against the nerf isn't all the resources used on him or the changes that would need to be made to teams now. Don't get me wrong, these are all very valid arguments.

My argument is that it really doesn't seem necessary. Yes he's very good, but so are many other champs. Plus he's void, he's supposed to be good. Thing is though, he doesn't affect other players, unlike many of the other great champs.

He's good for dungeons, CB and DT, none of which have any affect on other players. He's not an arena champ. Really the only viable arena option with him is to pair him with someone like Zavia to blow up poisons or Seer to blow up buffs. In both cases he's not the main champ; and in both cases there are better options than him.

So what if he's good for PvE content? That doesn't affect anyone else. All it does is help newer players progress; and help end-game players reduce the time it takes to play this game (which I think everyone will agree is the biggest problem in Raid). What's wrong with that?

Sep 29, 2021, 03:5609/29/21
Sep 29, 2021, 04:08(edited)

1 year wait for these buffs? You guys just wasted a big oportunity to regain some respect from the community. But nope, you just decided to keep your negative streak going. Congratz!

Sep 29, 2021, 05:1009/29/21

just very dissappointing plarium

Sep 29, 2021, 05:4709/29/21

This was not a minor tweak but rather a full evisceration.  I must insist on a full refund of all resources used to develop Urogrim.  That includes enough XP brews to cover leveling him from level 1 to 40, 1-50, and 1-60.  4-4 star chickens and 5-5 star chickens used to advance him.  A refund of all epic books used to improve his skills.  900,000 silver to cover the cost of artifact removal.  And finally all the potions required to ascend him to 6 star.

Please note that failure to meet these compensation requirements will result in [angry stuff].

Edited a bit. -Q

You forget all the energy spent on his masteries

Sep 29, 2021, 06:2509/29/21

Why stop there? Maneater has 2 turn team unkillable and block buffs, Serris has a full buff clear and also decreases attack and defense, Seer can wipe dt hard waves. But this void epic, that can poison and heal, he's outa control.

I don't see seer soloing any 25 dungeon in less than 2 minutes anytime soon, Maybe you want to share your seer build, that does that?

You need to build your team to be a Coldheart Boss delivery service and a Coldheart protection service. Sure, Coldheart is everywhere but she needs support.

Maneater on it's own is useless. Maybe you want to share your build of a solo maneater taking UNM max chest?

You need very specific champions and specific gear to make the maneater do it's thing. That's a lot of ressources, far more than booking, gearing and ascending a single champ...

Yes, urogrim was out of control.

Sep 29, 2021, 06:3509/29/21

I have been playing this game for more than a year, but recently started playing seriously. This game really needs a balance on crucial subjects (like silver greedy on upgrades & shifting gears, several one-shot champions who are too overpowered, the only speed that matters in most of the game other than most attributes in gears. and get rid of flat status on Gauntlets and chests) instead of nerfing a great champion. Those who got Urogrim, have maxed it by this time.  A total nerfs without adjusting other abilities is not cool for those who invested in him. Even spending 100's of dollars it's hard to get legos that can help the accounts to grow. Voids legos are really a dream even to get great epics from that affinity. After this nerf, this champion will not be as useful as he serves now, and need to find another legendary champion who can replace his role to the team. Plarium should rethink before they do such pitiful decisions against their valuable players (P2P & F2P).

Sep 29, 2021, 08:0409/29/21

You wills till be able to solo farm dragon 25. You might need some regear and some masteries rework.

If you haven't the right gear,well - oh he horror-you might need a tag team and can only farm with 3 food instead 4. Of cuorse tag teaming dragon 25 is completely worthless, you can use Uro as a food champ...

Sep 29, 2021, 08:4809/29/21

I really struggle sometimes to understand what goes on in Plarium's headquarters.  There's "we need to make some adjustments to the game to improve costs", and then there's "we will make some changes that we must know 100% everyone will hate".  Like, there isn't even a half step.  It's straight to the worst possible option.  This seems to be a trend these past couple of months.

Sep 29, 2021, 08:5909/29/21

Totally agree with that observation - I haven't got Urogrim, but I have got Tomb Lord and sad to say Pyxanel both have got 'buffed' - whoever thought these 'buffs' make them viable for anything in the game is probably the same deluded person who is 'in charge' of nerfs - maybe some work placement teenager with no idea at all

Sep 29, 2021, 10:2309/29/21

I'm free to play and last weekend used 13 epic books, gems for masteries and a crap-ton of silver and energy to max out my Urogrim.. got to enjoy his full power for a few days and now I got this news. Talk about a real dick move, I understand that he might be a bit overtuned.. but removing 62% of his a3 healing and above 40% of his overall poisons is just down-right nasty. That's not what a nerf is, that's literally putting him in affinity rare territory with an epic level aura at this point. Literally gutted so hard. The fact that his a3 also gets an extra turn cd fucks up speed-tunes for clan boss as well, not only do I get less heals in general, I can't extend them properly due to the cooldown change.

A refund of resources would be lovely when a nerf of this level happens.. I however don't expect much since there's been plenty of anti-consumer changes lately, and this one was the worst yet. This champ should've been changed before release or had at least a month worth of announcement to such a nerf, as well some kind of testing done on top of refunds for people who spent tons of resources into a champ that might as well be a vault guardian after the change.

Sep 29, 2021, 10:3209/29/21

There's a pretty key difference between Brogni and Urogrim. Brogni is legendary.

The only equivalently powerful epic champ I can think of is Seer, and to be totally honest, she's pretty OP as well. I consider myself a late-game player, and the fact that I am actively hoping to get Seer *instead* of pretty much any void lego is a sign of how strong she is.

I understand what you are saying, i want a serris more than most legos and it is quite frustrating that i cant seem to get one.

My point is simply that they probably had feedback that this champ was over the top even before release and they should test more.

When you give people a great champ then nerf it, they are bound to be upset- the answer is to balance carefully in the first place

Honestly? i am amazed at how many utterly useless epics and legos there are, and often you can tell the ones that have been added just to dilute the pool because plarium dont even bother to use a unique model - they just use an existing model and change the hair color or something

Sep 29, 2021, 11:1309/29/21

the nerf is just way too big ... make the a1 a double hitter and change one thing about the a3 (not 3) ....either take away  one poison, or one heal, or make it a 4 turn CD.... if you implement all the changes as planned, i demand a full refund of my ressources...

or a completely simple solution....just paint him golden and make him a lego and leave him just as he is....everyone who got him and booked him as an epic got  lucky.....everyone else will be excited to get him as a legendary ... ist just that the chances are smaller....