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Champion changes (Urogrim)

Champion changes (Urogrim)

Sep 29, 2021, 11:1509/29/21

Well, I agree with most comments in this thread. After spending a lot of books, resources, energy, gear and most of all, time, on this champion, this nerf totally destroys Urogrims skills. He goes from top tier epic to average at best. Now I understand that sometimes there needs to be some nerfing, but this one takes it too far. So I see two solutions:

1. Compensate all users who have booked and maxed him with the spend resources

2. Tune the nerfing down to an more acceptable level.

I hope Plarium thinks this one through and listens to the community!

Sep 29, 2021, 12:0409/29/21

I'm so upset by this NERF. I finished building Urogrim yesterday. Fully booked, masteries, Level 60. Did his first run in my clan boss team and then the next day he get's nerfed. We deserve a full roll back and refund! Everything in this game cost so much. It is not fair to run a 10x and then nerf him so hard after we spent money and resources on this guy.

This is the first champion in a long time I was excited to use and play. You have no idea how depressed it made me today. Makes me sick. Can't let us have any fun and enjoyment in this game. 1 step forward 18 steps back every bloody time.

You went overboard with the nerf. Classic plarium fasion! 

Sep 29, 2021, 12:4509/29/21

I'm sorry but my faith is broken now.

Nerfs have happened to champions pre-release before. So we SHOULD be safe to assume that any champ that gets released won't be a trap if we invest time, money and resources into them.

This move is dishonest, feels overly predatory and will ensure that I never spend another pound on this game because now I have no guarantee that you won't steal my money.

Sep 29, 2021, 16:0909/29/21

I'm sorry but my faith is broken now.

Nerfs have happened to champions pre-release before. So we SHOULD be safe to assume that any champ that gets released won't be a trap if we invest time, money and resources into them.

This move is dishonest, feels overly predatory and will ensure that I never spend another pound on this game because now I have no guarantee that you won't steal my money.

This is classical Playrium !!

Sep 29, 2021, 18:1509/29/21

This is really tough on you guys who just put a ton of resources into him. We have forwarded all of this feedback to Plarium already, but please continue to provide your thoughts, and ideas for changes, and Harbby and I will continue to pass them on.

Please just inform Playrium that their arrogance and deceptiveness are well ackowledged to all of  their players now, good job!

Sep 29, 2021, 21:0009/29/21

Plarium!!!  Listen  up!!!  Your  community,  customers,  and  funding   has  spoken.  Go  back  to  the  drawing  board.  Until  you  have  a  resonable  solution  on  Urogrim,  any  nerf  is  not  allowed.  If  it  is  done,  as  you  have  proposed  in  your  weak  effort  patch,  we  delete.  We  unsubscribe  to  CC's.  And  we  will  find  something  new,  fresh,  and  fun.  Poof   

I  personally  spend  over  $2k  yearly.  Many  higher  spending  clan  members  are  with  me.  

Sep 29, 2021, 21:1709/29/21

Plarium!!!  Listen  up!!!  Your  community,  customers,  and  funding   has  spoken.  Go  back  to  the  drawing  board.  Until  you  have  a  resonable  solution  on  Urogrim,  any  nerf  is  not  allowed.  If  it  is  done,  as  you  have  proposed  in  your  weak  effort  patch,  we  delete.  We  unsubscribe  to  CC's.  And  we  will  find  something  new,  fresh,  and  fun.  Poof   

I  personally  spend  over  $2k  yearly.  Many  higher  spending  clan  members  are  with  me.  

I've spent a good deal of money on this game, but after seeing that champions can be not only nerfed but completely obliterated shortly after summoning events that include that champion, I won't be making that mistake again. 

Sep 29, 2021, 21:3209/29/21

Why does everyone keep saying there was a 10x event for Uro?  There wasn't.  

It does look like a pretty big nerf though, I predict plarium will provide compensation of exactly ................. nothing 

Sep 29, 2021, 21:3309/29/21

Looking at the fusion, i was going to take a break but Demytha looks perfect for some clan boss ideas i have

I wonder if investing in her is a mistake - i cant help feeling she will have the same fate.

Sep 29, 2021, 21:5109/29/21

Really no investment in getting the epics, events generally easy enough.  I almost never claim/build any new champs right away. Better to stay a couple months behind 

Sep 29, 2021, 21:5809/29/21

Hey Plarium,

I'm kind of sad, since i read that you are going to nerf Urogrim. And that for multiple reasons.

First of all and most important: He is just great fun as he is right now. It's simply a pleasure watching him work and beating the scales out of the dragon. If you are realy going to nerf him the way you announced, he well be nothing more than yet another vaultlord. 

Secondly, and i'm sure you that, you are upsetting your players. People spend time, effort, resources  and often even money to get a champ, build it and max it out. When you nerf a champ like this, you do lower the value of what people indirectly bought and worked for. If someone bought voidshards to get Urogrim, he will definitly think twice before buying shards next time. In the long you're destroying the trust of your customers.

Yes, i admit: Urogrim is very strong. But it's not like he's tearing apart  the pvp balance or something like that. Maybe he is too strong for an Epic and here is my suggestion how to deal with it:

Instead of upsetting everyone with that big Urogrim nerf, how about trying something new and unique in the raid history: Promote Urogrim to a legendary! Wait, i know what you're thinking: "Where's the money in that!?". Fair point, so therefor he loses all his books and all owners will have to rebook him with legendary tomes...and im sure your marketing department will just have the right offer. I think that would be a Win-Win Situation and i realy hope you guys will consider something else than just an anoying nerf. 

Best Regards 

(Coppy from my own thread, since i didnt see that is one already)

Sep 29, 2021, 23:0509/29/21

Sad to see a fun champ getting nerfed to the ground. He was fun. I honestly dont understand the nerf.

He is void epic. To me they should be very close in strength to normal legendary and he was very compareable to BEK. BEK was better overall but sligthly slower in soloing dragon.

Only logical reason I can see for his nerf is doomtower content but even there I dont see he brakes the game or does anything BEK cant do.

Sep 29, 2021, 23:4709/29/21

Although I have only been playing the game for a short time, I was lucky enough to receive a Urogrim. And since he is one of my favorites, I would be very upset about a nerf. If the change to this champion really comes, some customers will certainly stop investing money in your products. Myself included.

Sep 30, 2021, 00:0109/30/21

its unfair trading practice to sell a product not fit for the purpose. it was false and deceptive to list urogrim;s abilities; then alter them immediately after purchase.

Sep 30, 2021, 00:0809/30/21

Seems like a bait and switch on this one. Tricked us who got lucky enough to pull him. Now he's getting nerfed down to being mediocre. Havent spent much on this game but this just made up my mind for future purchases like battle pass season 2.

Sep 30, 2021, 00:1309/30/21

O9Honestly, it's not like void shards are easy to come by, and the epic drop rate from them is the same as ancient shards. You price them similarly to sacred shards. These Champs SHOULD be good. 

The fact that people have been purchasing extra voids to try and pull this champ and they finally got him, and maxed him, just to have this drastic nerf seems a bit awful for a company to do. 

Then onto the nerf itself. Every aspect that makes him good is getting a hard nerf to the point where he seems like he won't be useful anymore.

You are nerfing his A3 by increasing turn neater on it, decreasing healing and decreasing damage. Talk about overdoing it. Not to mention his A1s nerf. 

This champ needs to stay as is, or at the very least the balancing team needs to REALLY consider that this is too much and how much it will upset the player base. 

Sep 30, 2021, 00:2109/30/21

Please just inform Playrium that their arrogance and deceptiveness are well ackowledged to all of  their players now, good job!

The only way to make this right is to leave him as is or just make him a leggo at this point. 

Otherwise the player base who have spent their time and money upgrading him will have a right to question plarium as a company in my opinion. 

Sep 30, 2021, 02:5709/30/21

This is really tough on you guys who just put a ton of resources into him. We have forwarded all of this feedback to Plarium already, but please continue to provide your thoughts, and ideas for changes, and Harbby and I will continue to pass them on.

Could you forward the idea of actually testing champions in all content before announcing them? It took just a few hours after his release on the test server to see how good he was why didn't they address it then?

Sep 30, 2021, 02:5809/30/21

Could you forward the idea of actually testing champions in all content before announcing them? It took just a few hours after his release on the test server to see how good he was why didn't they address it then?

Will do!  Also, all the feedback in this thread is going to Plarium.