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I disagree with the content creators again

I disagree with the content creators again

Aug 14, 2021, 17:1708/14/21

She's not an eagle/chicken? :D

I  believe  the  lore  states  that  her  mother  was  an  eagle/chicken/owl  and  her  father  was  a  fox.  

Aug 14, 2021, 17:2108/14/21

I'm excited about getting a guaranteed legendary, especially in Skinwalkers. Sheesh I need that for Faction Wars.

As far as sacreds, I can't make my terrible sacred pulls any better. So instead of approx 1/8 to 1/12 shards finally getting me a random leggo, I can get a leggo in about half to a third of the time, and I know what I'm getting.

I can grind out some energy and autos to get that 5 star food done to replace the chicken. It's nice to have, but I'll take 2-3x the leggos over an extra chicken and another chance to get yet another Delver. 

You're welcome to explain how 0.09 extra legendary champions per month equates to "2-3x".

Aug 14, 2021, 17:3008/14/21
Aug 14, 2021, 17:32(edited)

The Sacred is only a minor issue for me, especially if you can manage UNM clan boss as it seems I get tons of void and sacred shards now. However if the Lego's aren't great I would rather have a bad epic pulled from the sacred shard that I don't feel guilty using as food than a legend that isn't very good wasting away in my vault. But that is only a minor issue (as I'm FTP I rarely get legends anyways).

My main concern is the 5* chicken. That's a lot of energy loss there, I think I read somwhere that it takes
somewhere around 1500 energy to get 1 rare champ to 5* (if this is wrong and someone knows the cost please correct me). There is time loss there as well but the energy loss is my main concern. That's energy I could have saved to get more 5* fuse material. Then there is the added need to get masteries which i have read can amount to around 2000 energy per champion. Again as FTP (I have no disparagment to those who spend, that is you're perogative) I am not going to waste gems on energy or masteries especially when I only get to buy 1-2 x11 Ancient shard packs a month to allow me to pull around 30-40 ancient shards each x2 event which only nets 4-5 epic's if I'm really lucky. So now we get 1 less 5* chicken a month which is in essence worth a lot more to me than a free mediocre-slightly decent legend we get in 4 months. This may be a bit of a different story if the legend was top tier in a specific area but even then a bit debateable. (that said i don't know how good Cleo actually is supposed to be)

Lastly, by the time you get to the point where you can actually get Cleo, you could possibly have an epic/legend champion(s) that outshine her anyways making her nearly useless for anything but FW. Sure it's a free legend but just because it's a legend does not mean it's worth is anymore than a lot of epics out there especially if you need to waste books on said champion to make them viable. However if they replaced the shard for a legendary book I would be completely fine with that haha.

Aug 14, 2021, 17:3508/14/21

I  believe  the  lore  states  that  her  mother  was  an  eagle/chicken/owl  and  her  father  was  a  fox.  

I guess it was the other way round, her mom was the fox: Teumesia. 

To be serious again: I did the Ruel fusion, I think Cleopterix will synergize pretty good with him, as they both can place hex and get great benefits from that debuff. I will test them in high level dungeons when I get her. I don't have a poison exploder (like Zavia) and I don't have a Royal Guard. The waves take longer for me to fight than the bosses, some dungeons I didn't complete to 25 yet. I will give Ruel + Cleopterix a try.

Aug 14, 2021, 17:3708/14/21

I guess it was the other way round, her mom was the fox: Teumesia. 

To be serious again: I did the Ruel fusion, I think Cleopterix will synergize pretty good with him, as they both can place hex and get great benefits from that debuff. I will test them in high level dungeons when I get her. I don't have a poison exploder (like Zavia) and I don't have a Royal Guard. The waves take longer for me to fight than the bosses, some dungeons I didn't complete to 25 yet. I will give Ruel + Cleopterix a try.

Make  a  post  when  you  do!  I  would  love  to  read  it.  

Aug 14, 2021, 17:3808/14/21

Okay, so unless I am totally mistaken, we are trading 4 sacred shards for enough fragments to pull a guaranteed legendary, which is, right now, Cleopterix. 

Regularly sacred shards have a 6% chance to pull a legendary. This means, over the four sacreds, your chance to get a legendary champ is 21.925%. This math is broken down as follows 1-((1-0.06)^4). If you were to pull only during double events, your chances go up to 40%, that math is 1-((1-0.12)^4).

Even over a year, your chances to pull a leggo are only 78.43% with 12 sacred shards earned from daily rewards. Instead, with the change, you can get 3 guaranteed champs with fragments. That's why I say "2-3x" but perhaps I should say greater than 2-3x the chance, since it's 100% after 4 months to get one instead of 40%.

Aug 14, 2021, 17:4008/14/21

You're welcome to explain how 0.09 extra legendary champions per month equates to "2-3x".

Thank  you  for  allowing  her  to  explain,  you  can  find  her  reply  above.  

Aug 14, 2021, 17:4108/14/21

"...somewhere around 1500 energy to get 1 rare champ to 5*..."

If I did my math correctly, and assuming you only use 3* food as your baseline, then 1500 is technically accurate, though that would be the approximate total for 3 5*. The number I got was around 450 per 5* champion in a 12-3 brutal, 2x XP, 3+1 training scenario.

Aug 14, 2021, 17:4408/14/21

I guess it was the other way round, her mom was the fox: Teumesia. 

To be serious again: I did the Ruel fusion, I think Cleopterix will synergize pretty good with him, as they both can place hex and get great benefits from that debuff. I will test them in high level dungeons when I get her. I don't have a poison exploder (like Zavia) and I don't have a Royal Guard. The waves take longer for me to fight than the bosses, some dungeons I didn't complete to 25 yet. I will give Ruel + Cleopterix a try.

I did not get Ruel. I always have trouble in the summoning sections of events/tourneys for fusions and fragments. I really have to pick and choose which champ to go after, since they come up every other week. They do look good together, so, please let me know how it goes, maybe just so I can wallow in not having Ruel. lol

Aug 14, 2021, 17:4908/14/21

Okay, so unless I am totally mistaken, we are trading 4 sacred shards for enough fragments to pull a guaranteed legendary, which is, right now, Cleopterix. 

Regularly sacred shards have a 6% chance to pull a legendary. This means, over the four sacreds, your chance to get a legendary champ is 21.925%. This math is broken down as follows 1-((1-0.06)^4). If you were to pull only during double events, your chances go up to 40%, that math is 1-((1-0.12)^4).

Even over a year, your chances to pull a leggo are only 78.43% with 12 sacred shards earned from daily rewards. Instead, with the change, you can get 3 guaranteed champs with fragments. That's why I say "2-3x" but perhaps I should say greater than 2-3x the chance, since it's 100% after 4 months to get one instead of 40%.

I stand corrected, I had mixed up the chance with the epic for ancients and had 8%. So it's actually a difference of 0.13 per month, which is roughly half.

However, to get higher than that, you're assuming someone is not using it during a 2x event. That is of course their choice, and may be a valid one if there's an event going on for a particular legendary they want, or a summon rush/champion chase event. With fragments, those options are gone, leaving only the champion chase event as a possibility if you save your fragments, and represents half as many points even if you assume that you only get epics from the shard.

You're also missing out on 0.88 epics per month, which may actually be better for low spenders since they can be booked much easier, and at worst could be used as a book or a 4* chicken.

Aug 14, 2021, 17:5108/14/21

I did not get Ruel. I always have trouble in the summoning sections of events/tourneys for fusions and fragments. I really have to pick and choose which champ to go after, since they come up every other week. They do look good together, so, please let me know how it goes, maybe just so I can wallow in not having Ruel. lol

Remind me to post how it goes in 4 months. I got Ruel but have to wait for Cleopterix.

Ruel alone has some problems, as the colldowns are quite long (and I didn't book him yet), so the hex debuff expires. It's possible to set his A3 followed by the A2, and it does a ton of damage, but unbooked and without other "hexer" I have to wait forever to repeat this move.

Aug 14, 2021, 17:5808/14/21

I stand corrected, I had mixed up the chance with the epic for ancients and had 8%. So it's actually a difference of 0.13 per month, which is roughly half.

However, to get higher than that, you're assuming someone is not using it during a 2x event. That is of course their choice, and may be a valid one if there's an event going on for a particular legendary they want, or a summon rush/champion chase event. With fragments, those options are gone, leaving only the champion chase event as a possibility if you save your fragments, and represents half as many points even if you assume that you only get epics from the shard.

You're also missing out on 0.88 epics per month, which may actually be better for low spenders since they can be booked much easier, and at worst could be used as a book or a 4* chicken.

You are certainly missing out on some epics. At the stage in the game you are pulling these though, 270+, like me, I'm not looking for a ton more epics, even as a low spender. The interesting thing about percentages is that if you're pulling sacreds, you never reach a point where it's guaranteed. 

So 12 sacred shards, representing a year, pulled at 2x boosted rates, gives you a 78% cumulative chance to pull a leggo. That's a 1-((1-0.12)^12). If we move up to 24 sacreds, representing 2 years of rewards after day 270, we still only have a 95% cumulative chance to pull a leggo.

To each their own prefence of course, I just personally prefer the guarantee over the 40% chance (that's with the boost).

Aug 14, 2021, 17:5908/14/21

"...somewhere around 1500 energy to get 1 rare champ to 5*..."

If I did my math correctly, and assuming you only use 3* food as your baseline, then 1500 is technically accurate, though that would be the approximate total for 3 5*. The number I got was around 450 per 5* champion in a 12-3 brutal, 2x XP, 3+1 training scenario.

Thank you for that. So basically we get a loss of 6000 energy give or take and 4 sacred shards for a garunteed legendary champ. Setting the 4 sacreds aside as that isn't a huge deal once you start doing UNM CB the loss in Chickens is pretty big. Even if they gave extra energy once a month (which aren't they giving some) it would be around 300-400 a month thats still over a 1000 energy loss a month. Not worth it imo as again you may get those specific legends from ancient shards (however unlikely) or get a more useful Epic/Legend within that timeframe.

Aug 14, 2021, 18:0908/14/21

You are certainly missing out on some epics. At the stage in the game you are pulling these though, 270+, like me, I'm not looking for a ton more epics, even as a low spender. The interesting thing about percentages is that if you're pulling sacreds, you never reach a point where it's guaranteed. 

So 12 sacred shards, representing a year, pulled at 2x boosted rates, gives you a 78% cumulative chance to pull a leggo. That's a 1-((1-0.12)^12). If we move up to 24 sacreds, representing 2 years of rewards after day 270, we still only have a 95% cumulative chance to pull a leggo.

To each their own prefence of course, I just personally prefer the guarantee over the 40% chance (that's with the boost).

I am about a year into the game and there are tons of epics I still want. Plus those epics that you don't want/need can be used as food also. That's less energy you have to spend upgrading a new champ to 6*. The chances to get a lego isn't garunteed even within a year and this way we get 4 garunteed legends which is nice but some people will pull them from Ancient shards and have dupes, some will have better champs than these and then they sit in the vault collecting dust because if they are like me they won't use a lego as fuse food even if they aren't very useful to them.

I don't have a problem with the loss of a sacred so much as the 5* chicken. That is around 6000 energy loss for 1 free legend. But as you said, to each their own. I'll take it as it is and hope that they give us ways to get 5* chickens outside of tournaments and events (as FTP I pretty much never complete all the rewards or make top 10).

Aug 14, 2021, 18:2108/14/21

I am about a year into the game and there are tons of epics I still want. Plus those epics that you don't want/need can be used as food also. That's less energy you have to spend upgrading a new champ to 6*. The chances to get a lego isn't garunteed even within a year and this way we get 4 garunteed legends which is nice but some people will pull them from Ancient shards and have dupes, some will have better champs than these and then they sit in the vault collecting dust because if they are like me they won't use a lego as fuse food even if they aren't very useful to them.

I don't have a problem with the loss of a sacred so much as the 5* chicken. That is around 6000 energy loss for 1 free legend. But as you said, to each their own. I'll take it as it is and hope that they give us ways to get 5* chickens outside of tournaments and events (as FTP I pretty much never complete all the rewards or make top 10).

ways to get 5 star chickens  outside  of tourneys and events ?

Did you forget the free 5 star chicken every month from advanced quests? 

Aug 14, 2021, 18:2408/14/21

Okay, so unless I am totally mistaken, we are trading 4 sacred shards for enough fragments to pull a guaranteed legendary, which is, right now, Cleopterix. 

Regularly sacred shards have a 6% chance to pull a legendary. This means, over the four sacreds, your chance to get a legendary champ is 21.925%. This math is broken down as follows 1-((1-0.06)^4). If you were to pull only during double events, your chances go up to 40%, that math is 1-((1-0.12)^4).

Even over a year, your chances to pull a leggo are only 78.43% with 12 sacred shards earned from daily rewards. Instead, with the change, you can get 3 guaranteed champs with fragments. That's why I say "2-3x" but perhaps I should say greater than 2-3x the chance, since it's 100% after 4 months to get one instead of 40%.

Your calculation is total and utter crap.

It is true, that you will get a lego only with a barely 80% chance if you pul lduring 2x during the year. Which is not the point at all.

even 24 epics, how many points do you lose when not havin them during a rush event? With plarium convinientlymaking fusions harder while taking away ressources...

You also conviniently forget, that therte are many very good epics in this game.

24 chances to get a either an usable epic/legoendary or 4 trasnh tier elgos. I knw what I would pick...

You shoul;d be honest here. There is no chance, that your employer will put in any champ, that would advance any account in any area of the game.

Aug 14, 2021, 18:2908/14/21

ways to get 5 star chickens  outside  of tourneys and events ?

Did you forget the free 5 star chicken every month from advanced quests? 

Correct but we were already getting that before this change so that was 2 a month we were getting and now it's only 1 a month were getting. Still a loss of 1500 energy. I meant some other, new way of getting one, and I am not counting CVC or Clan quest rewards becaues unless you are in a REALLY good clan you can't get that much out of those (our clan is still tier 1 and just unlocked UNM a month ago). I could (and may soonish) leave the clan I am in but I'm in it with a friend and we aren't active enough (due to work) to participate in Mid-tier clans that do decently well in CVC, and I assume those that could would probably not have problems with energy anyways. Plus again, CVC came out before these changes were announced so we were getting these rewards already.

Aug 14, 2021, 18:3008/14/21

Your calculation is total and utter crap.

It is true, that you will get a lego only with a barely 80% chance if you pul lduring 2x during the year. Which is not the point at all.

even 24 epics, how many points do you lose when not havin them during a rush event? With plarium convinientlymaking fusions harder while taking away ressources...

You also conviniently forget, that therte are many very good epics in this game.

24 chances to get a either an usable epic/legoendary or 4 trasnh tier elgos. I knw what I would pick...

You shoul;d be honest here. There is no chance, that your employer will put in any champ, that would advance any account in any area of the game.

and who is  not being  honest now. very one sided here with your view

as you have 0 info on any of the future Legends to come thru daily logins frags in the future. Your claim that Plarium never offers a free legend  of value states you believe all legends from logins previous to this were garbage

I am sure anyone  in their right mind would disagree with such a statement

Aug 14, 2021, 18:3108/14/21

Correct but we were already getting that before this change so that was 2 a month we were getting and now it's only 1 a month were getting. Still a loss of 1500 energy. I meant some other, new way of getting one, and I am not counting CVC or Clan quest rewards becaues unless you are in a REALLY good clan you can't get that much out of those (our clan is still tier 1 and just unlocked UNM a month ago). I could (and may soonish) leave the clan I am in but I'm in it with a friend and we aren't active enough (due to work) to participate in Mid-tier clans that do decently well in CVC, and I assume those that could would probably not have problems with energy anyways. Plus again, CVC came out before these changes were announced so we were getting these rewards already.

DT ?

Aug 14, 2021, 18:3508/14/21

Your calculation is total and utter crap.

It is true, that you will get a lego only with a barely 80% chance if you pul lduring 2x during the year. Which is not the point at all.

even 24 epics, how many points do you lose when not havin them during a rush event? With plarium convinientlymaking fusions harder while taking away ressources...

You also conviniently forget, that therte are many very good epics in this game.

24 chances to get a either an usable epic/legoendary or 4 trasnh tier elgos. I knw what I would pick...

You shoul;d be honest here. There is no chance, that your employer will put in any champ, that would advance any account in any area of the game.

I agree with you for the most part. However they have given us useful Lego's before so I doubt they will only give us useless champs. Scyl is fantastic and Ninja isn't too bad either. Rhazin is pretty great too, though thats a bit of a hard argument for "free" as there is a lot of work and rares you need there.

Also you are missing an added point. If you pull a dupe epic, thats a book (if the original isn't booked) or fuse material. Getting a 3* champ to 4* takes a lot of energy and that saves energy for other things.

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