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Absolute garbage fusion

Absolute garbage fusion

Mar 8, 2021, 08:5103/08/21
Mar 8, 2021, 08:51(edited)
Player J

I told you 2 times why players would use Lyssandra over Arbiter.

- You don't listen

- You are hard headed 

- You are stubborn

Look at the below team: 


Duchess Speed Lead = 19%

Lyssandra Speed Lead = 24%

Arbiter Speed Lead = 30%

Both Lyssandra & Arbiter have faster Speed Leads vs. a Duchess.

They are not going to use Arbiter in this fight.

They are going to "Save" Arbiter Best Speed Lead for other Arena teams.

What they are going to do is run Lyssandra.

They will run Lyssandra in Immunity gear + the whole team will be in Immunity gear.

The fight will go down the following way:

1st move: Enemy Hegemon -------> AOE Block Cool Down Skills

(It will have no effect due to the whole team wearing Immunity Gear)

2nd move: Lyssandra --------------> Turn meter Fill + Increase Speed

3rd move: New Hero --------------> Increase Attack + Increase ACC

4th move: Madam Serris ----------> AOE Strip + Def Down + Atk Down

5th move: Trunda -----------------> AOE Nuke 


Look at the below team:  


Enemy Arbiter Speed Lead = 30%

Lyssandra Speed Lead = 24%

Arbiter Speed Lead = 30% 

They will be Forced to run Arbiter against the above team to have Equal Speed Lead.

They will pair Arbiter with Siphi.

The fight will go down the following way:

1st move: Siphi --------------------> Turn Meter Fill + Increase Speed

2nd move: Arbiter -----------------> Turn Meter Fill + Increase Attack 

3rd move: Madam Serris ----------> AOE Strip + Def Down + Atk Down

4th move: Trunda -----------------> AOE Nuke  


Bro, I have no idea what are you talking about ... Really. 

Maybe it's you who's being stubborn.

How is Trunda gonna survive Hegemon while the entire team is in immunity set + no revivers (Lyssandra team)?


That team is gonna fail vs any damage Hegemon (WHO ARE MUCH MORE COMMON THAN "CC" HEGEMONS IN PLAT), and what happens when they run Hegemon + fast Arbiter + Serris + Trunda or some other nuker? They'll gap your team, strip it and destroy it. 

Anyway you talk about scenarios that don't EXIST! Nobody runs HEGEMON in HIGH RESISTANCE team, where your accuracy buff would do anything! This champ would be useless, what is his purpose? 

This champ would be useful in 0.1% of the fights, and in those fights he could easily be replaced by Klodd or Pestilus to do the same thing. Attack up buff is really not needed at all. 

Mark my words - noone will be using this champ, NOONE! And I won't even mind that. Fragment champ should not be platinum viable without a super specific setup. But he is also useless everywhere else, complete trash ! That's not a legendary champ at all.

Mar 8, 2021, 08:5903/08/21

idem Gurptuk  👎

Mar 8, 2021, 09:1003/08/21

idem Gurptuk  👎

Hahaha, at least Gurptuk has some use in certain speed farm comps and his resistance aura is not the worst, I actually use him in Ice Golem for that aura alone lol. 

However, this champ is pure trash. Perhaps if they make some ridiculous new content where 1000+ accuracy and HP burns + decrease accuracy is needed to beat the boss (lol)

Mar 8, 2021, 12:0703/08/21

Bro, I have no idea what are you talking about ... Really. 

Maybe it's you who's being stubborn.

How is Trunda gonna survive Hegemon while the entire team is in immunity set + no revivers (Lyssandra team)?


That team is gonna fail vs any damage Hegemon (WHO ARE MUCH MORE COMMON THAN "CC" HEGEMONS IN PLAT), and what happens when they run Hegemon + fast Arbiter + Serris + Trunda or some other nuker? They'll gap your team, strip it and destroy it. 

Anyway you talk about scenarios that don't EXIST! Nobody runs HEGEMON in HIGH RESISTANCE team, where your accuracy buff would do anything! This champ would be useless, what is his purpose? 

This champ would be useful in 0.1% of the fights, and in those fights he could easily be replaced by Klodd or Pestilus to do the same thing. Attack up buff is really not needed at all. 

Mark my words - noone will be using this champ, NOONE! And I won't even mind that. Fragment champ should not be platinum viable without a super specific setup. But he is also useless everywhere else, complete trash ! That's not a legendary champ at all.

You said the New Hero is Absolute Garbage.

You said no one would use the New Hero because it is Absolute Garbage.

I gave you an example of Platinum Players running the New Hero in an Arena Team.

The Arena Team I showed you + I showed everyone esle reading this thread makes perfect sense.

You said the team is going to fail because of Damage Build Hegemon's.

You said Damage Hegemon's are more common vs. Crowd Control Hegemon's.

However, The set up I showed you is using a Crowd Control Hegemon.

The Hegemon in the team I showed you is running a Stun Set.

The Damage Dealer in the team I showed you is Mountain King.

Crowd Control Hegemon's may not be as common, but players still run them.

You still need a way to beat them in Arena.


In regard to your following statement:

"what happens when they run Hegemon + fast Arbiter + Serris + Trunda or some other nuker? They'll gap your team, strip it and destroy it."

This will never happen.

The players are not putting the team in Arena Defense.

Lyssandra + New Hero + Madam Serris + Trunda all in Immunity gear.

^^^ This team will only be used in Arena Offense to Counter Slow/Tanky Hegemon + Tormin teams.

They will only fight players using Duchess Speed Aura, Lydia Resist Aura, or Siphi Resist Aura.

They will use this team as a Hard Counter - Search & Destroy type of mind set.

They will refresh list to Search team's with the above specifics + Destroy them.  

Hegemon + faster Arbiter + Serris + Trunda

^^^ They would never attack this team with there Lyssandra Immunity team.

They would skip the fight or use a different team composition entirely.

Mar 8, 2021, 13:0603/08/21

In conclusion, The New Hero isn't trash after all.

The New Hero might see play time.

The New Hero might be very helpful to players.

I believe this New Hero might be helpful to the following Players:

- Super Endgame ---> Very Helpful on Lyssandra Immunity teams

- Endgame ----------> Not Very Helpful

- Middle Game ------> Very Helpful on High Khatun teams

- Early Game ---------> Very Helpful, but they will most likely not be able to Complete Fusion.

Mar 8, 2021, 13:0703/08/21
Player J

You said the New Hero is Absolute Garbage.

You said no one would use the New Hero because it is Absolute Garbage.

I gave you an example of Platinum Players running the New Hero in an Arena Team.

The Arena Team I showed you + I showed everyone esle reading this thread makes perfect sense.

You said the team is going to fail because of Damage Build Hegemon's.

You said Damage Hegemon's are more common vs. Crowd Control Hegemon's.

However, The set up I showed you is using a Crowd Control Hegemon.

The Hegemon in the team I showed you is running a Stun Set.

The Damage Dealer in the team I showed you is Mountain King.

Crowd Control Hegemon's may not be as common, but players still run them.

You still need a way to beat them in Arena.


In regard to your following statement:

"what happens when they run Hegemon + fast Arbiter + Serris + Trunda or some other nuker? They'll gap your team, strip it and destroy it."

This will never happen.

The players are not putting the team in Arena Defense.

Lyssandra + New Hero + Madam Serris + Trunda all in Immunity gear.

^^^ This team will only be used in Arena Offense to Counter Slow/Tanky Hegemon + Tormin teams.

They will only fight players using Duchess Speed Aura, Lydia Resist Aura, or Siphi Resist Aura.

They will use this team as a Hard Counter - Search & Destroy type of mind set.

They will refresh list to Search team's with the above specifics + Destroy them.  

Hegemon + faster Arbiter + Serris + Trunda

^^^ They would never attack this team with there Lyssandra Immunity team.

They would skip the fight or use a different team composition entirely.

Again you are making up teams that don't exist lol. 

What "HIGH RESIST" team uses Mountain King as their damage dealer? 

Your whole argument is based around PLATINUM where these teams DO NOT EXIST!

Control Hegemon is already EASY TO BEAT! Everyone in immunity set already beats any control hegemon, this champion is redundant. Noone runs control Hegemon + high resist team, what would be the point? 

Noone runs Hegemon + high resist team either. 

And ABSOLUTELY noone runs a freaking mountain king as their damage dealer. Mountain King only exists in plat arena as a shield set bot due to his ridiculously high HP but even so his role is overshadowed by other champs in shield set or a Krisk. 

And if you're trying to make an argument for this champion having an use bellow Plat then anything can work in Gold 4!

Not to mention you constantly ignore the fact that all you would be running this champ instead of Klodd / Pestilius is that stupid attack up buff that is not necessary at all in Platinum.

In 0.01% case scenarios where you know for a certain enemy team is running a CC hegemon on top of a high resist team you could just run those epics for a better chance at winning since their A2 is actually useful. 

Your whole argument is so nonsensical I'm surprised I'm still here trying to argue with you. 

ENTIRE team needs to be in immunity set - this alone is a feat most players do not and cannot accomplish with a great success. 

YOU MUST HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE of enemy Hegemon build. 

YOU MUST HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE of enemy resistance stat. (Ok this one is fairly easy but still)

YOU MUST USE THIS CHAMP instead of someone much more useful like a reviver with block debuffs / debuff remove.

YOU MUST SPECIFICALLY use this champion in those scenarios that do not exist, and even if they did they'd already be easy to beat since there's a reason they're so uncommon. 

You've proven absolutely nothing besides that this champ can beat some random Gold 4 team with zero synergy. Any champ in this game can do that. 

Mar 8, 2021, 13:2003/08/21

Again you are making up teams that don't exist lol. 

What "HIGH RESIST" team uses Mountain King as their damage dealer? 

Your whole argument is based around PLATINUM where these teams DO NOT EXIST!

Control Hegemon is already EASY TO BEAT! Everyone in immunity set already beats any control hegemon, this champion is redundant. Noone runs control Hegemon + high resist team, what would be the point? 

Noone runs Hegemon + high resist team either. 

And ABSOLUTELY noone runs a freaking mountain king as their damage dealer. Mountain King only exists in plat arena as a shield set bot due to his ridiculously high HP but even so his role is overshadowed by other champs in shield set or a Krisk. 

And if you're trying to make an argument for this champion having an use bellow Plat then anything can work in Gold 4!

Not to mention you constantly ignore the fact that all you would be running this champ instead of Klodd / Pestilius is that stupid attack up buff that is not necessary at all in Platinum.

In 0.01% case scenarios where you know for a certain enemy team is running a CC hegemon on top of a high resist team you could just run those epics for a better chance at winning since their A2 is actually useful. 

Your whole argument is so nonsensical I'm surprised I'm still here trying to argue with you. 

ENTIRE team needs to be in immunity set - this alone is a feat most players do not and cannot accomplish with a great success. 

YOU MUST HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE of enemy Hegemon build. 

YOU MUST HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE of enemy resistance stat. (Ok this one is fairly easy but still)

YOU MUST USE THIS CHAMP instead of someone much more useful like a reviver with block debuffs / debuff remove.

YOU MUST SPECIFICALLY use this champion in those scenarios that do not exist, and even if they did they'd already be easy to beat since there's a reason they're so uncommon. 

You've proven absolutely nothing besides that this champ can beat some random Gold 4 team with zero synergy. Any champ in this game can do that. 

Dude - Must I explain everything to you?

Mountain King will be the Damage Dealer in a Shield set.  

Do you think a Mountain King with 100K+ HP in a Shield set can't 1 shot a Trunda?

The Total HP is so high any hit on a squishy champion will be Fatal.

Mar 8, 2021, 13:2703/08/21
Player J

Dude - Must I explain everything to you?

Mountain King will be the Damage Dealer in a Shield set.  

Do you think a Mountain King with 100K+ HP in a Shield set can't 1 shot a Trunda?

The Total HP is so high any hit on a squishy champion will be Fatal.

Hahahaha lol

Mountain King with a shield set is NOT a damage dealer wtf?

He is built in PURE hp with 0 speed.

And if their magical Mountain King with 500 + resist , 100k + hp, 100% crit, 250% crit damage, 230+ speed (lol this is getting absurd) in a SHIELD set gets a turn to kill my Trunda, I'll just revive her hahaha

I'm actually laughing in real life , thanks man. 

Mar 8, 2021, 13:5003/08/21

Hahahaha lol

Mountain King with a shield set is NOT a damage dealer wtf?

He is built in PURE hp with 0 speed.

And if their magical Mountain King with 500 + resist , 100k + hp, 100% crit, 250% crit damage, 230+ speed (lol this is getting absurd) in a SHIELD set gets a turn to kill my Trunda, I'll just revive her hahaha

I'm actually laughing in real life , thanks man. 

You can laugh all you want.

It doesn't change the fact I am right. 

You can't revive your Trunda.

Your Revive Champion will be Stun/Block Cool Down Skills due to the CC Hegemon.

And even by some Miracle your Revive Champion bypasses CC Hegemon.

The Lydia would block your attempt to Revive.


Your whole team is going to get 1 shot by the Mountain King which you say isn't a Damage Dealer. 

Of Course, Everyone knows Mountain King is the Damage Dealer.

M.King can be a Damage Dealer in a Shield Set which is why he is so awesome!

M.King doesn't need C.Rate

M.King doesn't need C.Damage

100K+ HP on your Squishy little team which has had its health reduced by a CC Hegemon.

Your health will probably be at 75% full due to CC Hegemon.

You think Mountain King needs 100% C.Rate + 250% C.Damage to finish you off?


Your Fragile little team is already close to death. 

A fart from M.King will be enough to finish you off.



Otherwise, you are doomed.

I can already tell you need this new hero on your roster!

Mar 8, 2021, 14:1403/08/21
Player J

You can laugh all you want.

It doesn't change the fact I am right. 

You can't revive your Trunda.

Your Revive Champion will be Stun/Block Cool Down Skills due to the CC Hegemon.

And even by some Miracle your Revive Champion bypasses CC Hegemon.

The Lydia would block your attempt to Revive.


Your whole team is going to get 1 shot by the Mountain King which you say isn't a Damage Dealer. 

Of Course, Everyone knows Mountain King is the Damage Dealer.

M.King can be a Damage Dealer in a Shield Set which is why he is so awesome!

M.King doesn't need C.Rate

M.King doesn't need C.Damage

100K+ HP on your Squishy little team which has had its health reduced by a CC Hegemon.

Your health will probably be at 75% full due to CC Hegemon.

You think Mountain King needs 100% C.Rate + 250% C.Damage to finish you off?


Your Fragile little team is already close to death. 

A fart from M.King will be enough to finish you off.



Otherwise, you are doomed.

I can already tell you need this new hero on your roster!

I can't revive my Trunda due to my reviver being cced?

But you requiored my entire team in Immunity set for Yoshi to work , why wouldn't I have my reviver in Immunity set in another team? 

Oh no no no this is getting better. 

Oh because of Lydia? Well good thing that weak ass team will get 1 SHOT by my Trunda after Serris strips them 

They don't even have Serris to strip my buffs WHILE running a slow team (lol). 

MK can't nuke anyone through my own Lydia strengthen buff. If I see MK I'll bring Candraphon or someone to veil my Trunda or someone with a shield set (geez so many options) to completely neuter that useless single target champ who's probably gonna get half the turns my own nuker does.

Wow you really didn't think this through did you? 

Okay let's play-pretend that this team is good and viable and I "NEED" accuracy boost to Serris to deal with it, why wouldn't I just bring Klodd Beastfeeder again or Pestilus again? 

Just answer me that simple question man

Mar 8, 2021, 14:2403/08/21

Why would you put your Arbiter in Immunity gear?

It's such a horrible thing to do.

Do you have 2 Arbiters or something?

No one puts there Arbiter in Immunity gear, unless they have 2 Arbiters.

What your saying doesn't exist.

Mar 8, 2021, 14:3703/08/21
Player J

Why would you put your Arbiter in Immunity gear?

It's such a horrible thing to do.

Do you have 2 Arbiters or something?

No one puts there Arbiter in Immunity gear, unless they have 2 Arbiters.

What your saying doesn't exist.

Yes two arbiters, but for the sake of this argument

I can bring in 600 resistance seeker.

Or I can bring Immunity set seeker. 

And Klodd. 

Or I can just bring any single target nuker to kill Dutchess + meta aoe nuker to deal with this team through their shield sets leaving only MK alive and then just kill him next turn.

Now your Hegemon has a chance to trigger my Seeker passive giving my team EXTRA survivability on top of everything else. 

Mar 9, 2021, 00:5603/09/21

Hey there

I do think it's a bit early to say if this upcoming fragment summon will be good or not since every review up to now is just based on how he looks on paper.

It'll need testing and tweaking once he is released and people could play around with him, maybe he will unleash his full potential even more once certain champs are released or more content will want you to use him.


Would you say enough time has lapsed for us to say Pyxniel was and still is an absolutely garbage, useless, P.O.S. champ that none of us can believe made it through your internal testing? Pretty confident every content creator I saw a video on called out how bad Pyxniel was/is a month before that fusion too. This ham sandwich is no different. He won't get used and he only serves to water down the pool of champions to make it harder to get one of the few that is worthwhile. This guy is hot garbage.

There is no way you at Plarium should be introducing another faction without balancing the others first. Skinwalkers still only have 27 overall champions, Sacred Order has 65. 7 of your current factions have less than 40 champions. Champion imbalance is all over the map, yet you continue to spread your inadequate resources thinner and thinner.

Mar 10, 2021, 13:2103/10/21

Funny as you didn't even know he is going to be a fragment summon not a fusion event, soo you can choose not to get the fragments. 

Mar 10, 2021, 14:0503/10/21
Mar 10, 2021, 14:06(edited)

Lots  of  really  valid  points  here  about  arena  and  the  new  champ  but  the  one  and  only  question  that  needs  to  be  answered  is:

Does  this  champ  stand  a  chance  of  changing  the  current  arena  Meta?

The  answer  is  no,  any  high  end  plat  player  is  going  to  gave  enough  champs  in  their  roster  that  they  simply  wont  need  this  new  guy.  Perhaps  a  few  whales  will  build  him  out  and  some  others  if  they  have  no  better  options  but  the  chances  of  seeing  this  new  champ  in  the  top  50  plat  arena  teams  in  very  low.  There  are  simply  better  options!  Thats  said  he  could  be  used  and  geared  properly  he  could  be  useful,   but,  for  better  than  90%  of  the  player  base  he  will  be  a  waste  of  resources  as  he  currently  stands.  

Mar 10, 2021, 14:4603/10/21

Lots  of  really  valid  points  here  about  arena  and  the  new  champ  but  the  one  and  only  question  that  needs  to  be  answered  is:

Does  this  champ  stand  a  chance  of  changing  the  current  arena  Meta?

The  answer  is  no,  any  high  end  plat  player  is  going  to  gave  enough  champs  in  their  roster  that  they  simply  wont  need  this  new  guy.  Perhaps  a  few  whales  will  build  him  out  and  some  others  if  they  have  no  better  options  but  the  chances  of  seeing  this  new  champ  in  the  top  50  plat  arena  teams  in  very  low.  There  are  simply  better  options!  Thats  said  he  could  be  used  and  geared  properly  he  could  be  useful,   but,  for  better  than  90%  of  the  player  base  he  will  be  a  waste  of  resources  as  he  currently  stands.  

I think you kind of contradict yourself here.  I will absolutely get this champ, I may be in the minority but I really like this champ more and more as I look at him.  My suggested buff may actually make the champ too good, idk it's a little early to tell since hasn't been released yet...

For end-game/top of plat maybe not, but who cares about the 50 people that have everyone... seriously no champ they release in a fragment/fusion event will slot right in for them.   I am guessing Airmaxx & Joinme fall into the end-game classification where I would consider myself and PlayerJ in late-game.  The champ I think will help anyone below end-game in doomtower and tag arena, probably the two most important areas post-arbiter.  Classic arena was neutered, and the number of viable CB champs introduced are too many to count.  Anyone at 4+ months could have a free drexthar, significantly diminishing the spider20 barrier.

Obviously the big question (for most), is how good with and without books...

Mar 10, 2021, 15:2003/10/21

No  contradiction,  all  champs  can  be  used.  My  point  is  that  for  the  f2p  or  low  spenders  he  is  not  an  option  or  at  least  not  a  great  one.  Fusion  and  fragment  champs  are  not  free  to  get..  they  take  time  and  resources  that  can  be  better  spent  elsewhere.  Fusion/Fragment  champs  should  be  exciting,  take  Kreela  for  example,  abolsute  game  changer  for  most  accounts.  This  guy...  just  not  worth  it.  

Mar 10, 2021, 15:2803/10/21

I think he's gonna be pretty interesting tbh. Bye to RES teams in arena, and very useful in both spider on DT

Mar 10, 2021, 15:4703/10/21

No  contradiction,  all  champs  can  be  used.  My  point  is  that  for  the  f2p  or  low  spenders  he  is  not  an  option  or  at  least  not  a  great  one.  Fusion  and  fragment  champs  are  not  free  to  get..  they  take  time  and  resources  that  can  be  better  spent  elsewhere.  Fusion/Fragment  champs  should  be  exciting,  take  Kreela  for  example,  abolsute  game  changer  for  most  accounts.  This  guy...  just  not  worth  it.  

Interesting, how is Kreela a gamechanger?  I don't use at all.  I think Kantra was the best fusion.

Mar 10, 2021, 16:2303/10/21

Ok,  so  take  a  look  at  her:

High  base  stats

Shield  on  a1

Stun  and  ally  attack  on  a2  

increase  crit  rate  and  atk  on  a3

Hits  hard

Viable  in  all  content.  Runs  in  high  end  UNM  clan  boss  teams.  one  of  the  few  and  best  offensive  support  champs.