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Absolute garbage fusion

Absolute garbage fusion

Mar 6, 2021, 17:0503/06/21

To  make  him  legendary  they  should  make  the  increase  atk  and  increase  acc  buffs  so  that  they  cannot  be  removed,  maybe  also  include  an  increase  def  buff  too.  

then  make  it  so  the  true  fear  cannot  be  resisted  and  you  have  a  very  interesting  arena  champ.

True fear unresistable would make him too OP and just obnoxious to play against without immunity sets ... 

It would be fine in plat arena where people build those but everywhere else he'd be too annoying.

Thanks to that passive you could build him pure speed and make him cut in everytime and true fear everyone. 

Attack up is basically useless since Arbiter already has it in offensive teams and the counter speed teams aka go 2nd teams don't really run attack champs...

Mar 6, 2021, 17:0703/06/21

True fear unresistable would make him too OP and just obnoxious to play against without immunity sets ... 

It would be fine in plat arena where people build those but everywhere else he'd be too annoying.

Thanks to that passive you could build him pure speed and make him cut in everytime and true fear everyone. 

Attack up is basically useless since Arbiter already has it in offensive teams and the counter speed teams aka go 2nd teams don't really run attack champs...

With  only  a  50%  chance  to  land  it  wouldnt  be  op  at  all.  They  can  simply  make  it  a  50%  flat  chance  to  land.  Certainly  no  more  op  than  Tormin  

Mar 6, 2021, 17:5503/06/21

Your & trips suggestions do not make sense.

He wants TM boost on his A3 which would make him unusable in CB, and you want HP + Poison on his A2 to make him good in CB. 

What? Can you explain this part to me? 

This champ is straight up TRASH even with both of your suggestions.

His A3 is the main move, but there's epics out there with better move. 

A1 move = Stun

Stun isn't used on Clan Boss

A2 move = Decrease ACC + HP Burn

Decrease ACC is bad on Clan Boss

HP Burn is good on Clan Boss

A3 move = Increase Attack + Increase Accuracy + True Fear

Increase Attack is decent in Clan Boss

Increase Accuracy is good in Clan Boss

True Fear isn't used on Clan Boss

Passive = Fills Turn Meter 4% Each Buff Enemy Recieves

The Clan Boss does Increase Attack Buff to himself when his health drops below 50%.

This means the hero loses versitility to any Speed Tune Composition.

The champion will throw themselves out of Sync.

Counter Attack CB teams - Unkillable CB teams - Block damage CB teams

Those set ups require very specific speeds.

They require champions to stay in the rotation.

The Turn Meter Fill will mess up the New Hero ability to stay in the Rotation.


Once, you understand the above things.

You will realize the only Clan Boss team this hero will belong in is on a Speed Clan Boss Team.

A Clan Boss team designed to go fast and take as many turns as it can.

Most Speed Clan Boss teams run a Turn Meter Filling Champion like Apothecary.


Now that you understand the above, You can see why Me & Trips are saying what we are saying.

A2 move changed to = Poison + HP Burn

Poison is good on Clan Boss

HP Burn is good on Clan Boss

A3 move changed to = Turn Meter Filling + Increase Accuracy + True Fear

Turn Meter Filling is good in Clan Boss on a speed composition.

Increase Accuracy is good in Clan Boss on any composition.

True Fear isn't used on Clan Boss

Passive = Fills Turn Meter 4% Each Buff Enemy Recieves 

Is perfect for a Clan Boss speed Composition. 

Mar 6, 2021, 18:0103/06/21
Player J

A1 move = Stun

Stun isn't used on Clan Boss

A2 move = Decrease ACC + HP Burn

Decrease ACC is bad on Clan Boss

HP Burn is good on Clan Boss

A3 move = Increase Attack + Increase Accuracy + True Fear

Increase Attack is decent in Clan Boss

Increase Accuracy is good in Clan Boss

True Fear isn't used on Clan Boss

Passive = Fills Turn Meter 4% Each Buff Enemy Recieves

The Clan Boss does Increase Attack Buff to himself when his health drops below 50%.

This means the hero loses versitility to any Speed Tune Composition.

The champion will throw themselves out of Sync.

Counter Attack CB teams - Unkillable CB teams - Block damage CB teams

Those set ups require very specific speeds.

They require champions to stay in the rotation.

The Turn Meter Fill will mess up the New Hero ability to stay in the Rotation.


Once, you understand the above things.

You will realize the only Clan Boss team this hero will belong in is on a Speed Clan Boss Team.

A Clan Boss team designed to go fast and take as many turns as it can.

Most Speed Clan Boss teams run a Turn Meter Filling Champion like Apothecary.


Now that you understand the above, You can see why Me & Trips are saying what we are saying.

A2 move changed to = Poison + HP Burn

Poison is good on Clan Boss

HP Burn is good on Clan Boss

A3 move changed to = Turn Meter Filling + Increase Accuracy + True Fear

Turn Meter Filling is good in Clan Boss on a speed composition.

Increase Accuracy is good in Clan Boss on any composition.

True Fear isn't used on Clan Boss

Passive = Fills Turn Meter 4% Each Buff Enemy Recieves 

Is perfect for a Clan Boss speed Composition. 

Based  on  his current  skill  set  its  doubtful  they  intended  him  to  be  used  for  clan boss.  In  fact  we  already  have  too  many  clan  boss  champs.  He's  an  arena  champ  and  i  think  he  should  stay  that  way...  he  does  need  a  buff  though.

Mar 6, 2021, 18:0303/06/21

secondly  his  passive  is  practically  usless  in  clan  boss,  as  the  clan  boss  doesnt  buff hardly  at  all.

Mar 6, 2021, 18:2403/06/21

Yeah good luck doing that to teams with immunity sets and high resistance... Massive gamble for a subpar champ, you are gambling on so many things it's simply not worth to take him instead of someone else. 

He is meant to counter speed teams but his whole kit is based around going first and making use of increasing accuracy to strip buffs / immunity sets ... 

The way to fix him is to make him increase TM instead of Attack and make him a viable speed buffer for arena instead of this joke which he is now, and give him an actual non-laughable A2 (make it aoe instead of 2 hits with TM decrease instead of the garbage he has right now) 

"The way to fix him is to make him increase TM instead of Attack and make him a viable speed buffer for arena  "

Isn't that exactly what I suggested?  I think we are in agreement, I think this minor change is all that is needed.  Combined with the fear/true fear ability, I think would be a great champ. The inc attack is basically redundant unless you are using on a team with HK.

Mar 6, 2021, 21:4803/06/21

Fusion is alwasy garbage, there are few notable exceptions. besides if you like to collect heroes , you will always be disappointed, it is better to learn to leverage your heroes by maxing them out sensibly

Mar 7, 2021, 09:1703/07/21

"The way to fix him is to make him increase TM instead of Attack and make him a viable speed buffer for arena  "

Isn't that exactly what I suggested?  I think we are in agreement, I think this minor change is all that is needed.  Combined with the fear/true fear ability, I think would be a great champ. The inc attack is basically redundant unless you are using on a team with HK.

Yes it is your idea and I like it, but it's not enough.

His A2 needs to not be the most worthless A2 out of all legendary supports. Right now it's laughable and only good in Frozen Spider DT boss who is not hard to beat to begin with. 

Yes, increase attack is worthless and pigeonholes you into building attack based team or else it's worthless and other Epics I listed serve an even better purpose (they already do but yeah..).

Mar 7, 2021, 11:1603/07/21
Mar 7, 2021, 11:17(edited)

I talked with End Game Players on discord.

They believe the new hero will be good for Arena, Tag Arena, & Potientally Faction Wars.

Mar 7, 2021, 12:0903/07/21
Mar 7, 2021, 12:10(edited)

If I will use this guy, he will be in my "go second" team in arena / 3v3. He will be good against those team who uses attack buff

Mar 7, 2021, 12:5703/07/21
Player J

I talked with End Game Players on discord.

They believe the new hero will be good for Arena, Tag Arena, & Potientally Faction Wars.

Those players must be on Plarium payroll, or bad themselves with deep pockets.

Show them Klodd, Pestilius and that Dwarf rare with same skills and ask them again how is this champ going to be good 

Mar 7, 2021, 15:0603/07/21

Whilst  i  dont  agree  that  he  is  complete  garbage  i  do  think  he  wont  stand  up  to a  few  epics.  He  is  far  from  legendary  and  needs  a  buff.  Just  another  book  sink  for  the  p2w  to  hand  over  cash  to  plarium.  Not  that  booking  this  guy  will  help  you  win.  As  he  stands  he  is  a  vault  champ  and  not  worth  putting  resources  in  to.  

My  verdict:  A  bit  better  than  pyxniel  but  not  much.  Needs  a  buff.  Hard  pass.  

Mar 7, 2021, 17:5303/07/21

Those players must be on Plarium payroll, or bad themselves with deep pockets.

Show them Klodd, Pestilius and that Dwarf rare with same skills and ask them again how is this champ going to be good 

The people I talked with are Platinum & Gold 4 Arena players.

They have thought about 2 different Arena & Tag Arena set ups for the New Fusion.

Way 1:

They said they think the hero could have potiental on a Speed Nuking Immunity team.

Lyssandra ---> New Hero ---> Madam Serris ---> Astralon

All of the heroes will be in Immunity gear.

The set up would be designed to Counter Hegemon & Tormin Tank teams. 

Way 2:

The Alternative set up they plan to use the new hero in is a Go 2nd Team.

They didn't give any examples of a Go 2nd team.

However, they think the Go 2nd Team will have to use an Attack Base hero as Damage Dealer.

- Candraphon

- Rotos

- Skullcrown


They think the hero might be designed the way he is for Faction Crypts.

It is only speculation at this time - We don't know


The hero's you keep talking about are not the same to the New hero.

Klodd ------> He does Increase ACC + Increase SPD

Pestilius ----> He does Increase ACC + Increase C.DMG

Kurzad -----> He does Increase ACC + AOE Decrease DEF

New Hero --> He does Increase ACC + Increase ATK + True Fears

It's not the Same Job as the Epics + Rares.

They are looking beyond the Increase ACC.

Mar 7, 2021, 19:3803/07/21
Player J

The people I talked with are Platinum & Gold 4 Arena players.

They have thought about 2 different Arena & Tag Arena set ups for the New Fusion.

Way 1:

They said they think the hero could have potiental on a Speed Nuking Immunity team.

Lyssandra ---> New Hero ---> Madam Serris ---> Astralon

All of the heroes will be in Immunity gear.

The set up would be designed to Counter Hegemon & Tormin Tank teams. 

Way 2:

The Alternative set up they plan to use the new hero in is a Go 2nd Team.

They didn't give any examples of a Go 2nd team.

However, they think the Go 2nd Team will have to use an Attack Base hero as Damage Dealer.

- Candraphon

- Rotos

- Skullcrown


They think the hero might be designed the way he is for Faction Crypts.

It is only speculation at this time - We don't know


The hero's you keep talking about are not the same to the New hero.

Klodd ------> He does Increase ACC + Increase SPD

Pestilius ----> He does Increase ACC + Increase C.DMG

Kurzad -----> He does Increase ACC + AOE Decrease DEF

New Hero --> He does Increase ACC + Increase ATK + True Fears

It's not the Same Job as the Epics + Rares.

They are looking beyond the Increase ACC.

I am a platinum player and I assure you noone uses Lyssandra as their speed lead. 

You can't run Lyssandra and rely on her TM decrease as you would have to build absurd speed AND high accuracy, and then you run against Arbiter who usually has more speed due to her better leadership.

Arbiter is used 99% of the time in arena and she provides ATTACK up already. Lyssandra is only used as a secondary speed buffer / tm decrease. 

True fear is useless as it's not 100%, it requires you to build a hilarious amount of accuracy to put it , and then you have to go through immunity sets - so you can completely ignore that. 

Go 2nd team usually doesn't go against high resistance teams, high resistance teams are the go 2nd teams. 

Mar 7, 2021, 19:5803/07/21

glad i burnt all my shards over the 2x even if i only pulled 1 dupe lego from the a total of 80 odd shards for the weekend in maulie i was lucky enough to pull some solid epics including urala the mourner she looks mint 

ill def skip the fusion champ and get my new aquisitions up 

thanks for the post made my decision to drop shards last weekend worth it for me anyway lol 

Mar 7, 2021, 20:0303/07/21

glad i burnt all my shards over the 2x even if i only pulled 1 dupe lego from the a total of 80 odd shards for the weekend in maulie i was lucky enough to pull some solid epics including urala the mourner she looks mint 

ill def skip the fusion champ and get my new aquisitions up 

thanks for the post made my decision to drop shards last weekend worth it for me anyway lol 

I still suggest you go for this fusion as he is a new faction leggo and will be useful in faction wars + it's a fragment fusion so those are usually easy to obtain while doing normal gameplay stuff. 

Mar 7, 2021, 20:0703/07/21

I still suggest you go for this fusion as he is a new faction leggo and will be useful in faction wars + it's a fragment fusion so those are usually easy to obtain while doing normal gameplay stuff. 

true im at the cross roads where i have so many 50s built and at stages 18 or 19 in most of the FW satges that i need to identify which champs i have thatll help get me over the line and finish those remaining FW stages 

think top of my head have 2 or 3 finished couple not even close to finishing due to poor champ pool for those couple of factions but the others im pretty confident couple built out and finished masteries should be able to finish off

im finding the power and silver grind a killer get a heap of power put half of it into masteries rest into food farming and the odd dungeon

Mar 7, 2021, 20:1103/07/21

I am a platinum player and I assure you noone uses Lyssandra as their speed lead. 

You can't run Lyssandra and rely on her TM decrease as you would have to build absurd speed AND high accuracy, and then you run against Arbiter who usually has more speed due to her better leadership.

Arbiter is used 99% of the time in arena and she provides ATTACK up already. Lyssandra is only used as a secondary speed buffer / tm decrease. 

True fear is useless as it's not 100%, it requires you to build a hilarious amount of accuracy to put it , and then you have to go through immunity sets - so you can completely ignore that. 

Go 2nd team usually doesn't go against high resistance teams, high resistance teams are the go 2nd teams. 

You didn't read anything I said.

They are not using Lyssandra Speed Lead vs. Arbiter Speed Lead.

They are using Lyssandra Speed Lead vs. Duchess Speed Lead or Resistance Lead.

Mar 7, 2021, 20:2903/07/21
Mar 7, 2021, 20:30(edited)
Player J

You didn't read anything I said.

They are not using Lyssandra Speed Lead vs. Arbiter Speed Lead.

They are using Lyssandra Speed Lead vs. Duchess Speed Lead or Resistance Lead.

No, you are not understand what I'm saying.

Why would you want to use Lyssandra over Arbiter?

You can use Arbiter + Klodd instead of fully booking a subpar legendary champ.

Not only is that better combination cause Arbiter is superior lead and Klodd is providing everything Lyss + Yoshi would, but you also can rely on Klodd being more than a 1 trick pony with his useful A2 shield. 

You propose everyone swap their speed lead to Lyss and fully book Yoshi to do same thing Arbiter + Klodd can already do - but noone uses them for a reason. You are still wasting a champion slot for an accuracy buff for your Serris. That's it. 

Accuracy is way more readily available in this game than resistance already through masteries + superior gear forge set. High resistance teams are not a massive issue as proven by the fact that noone uses Klodd the Beastfeeder in arena. 

Mar 8, 2021, 01:2403/08/21
Mar 8, 2021, 01:26(edited)

No, you are not understand what I'm saying.

Why would you want to use Lyssandra over Arbiter?

You can use Arbiter + Klodd instead of fully booking a subpar legendary champ.

Not only is that better combination cause Arbiter is superior lead and Klodd is providing everything Lyss + Yoshi would, but you also can rely on Klodd being more than a 1 trick pony with his useful A2 shield. 

You propose everyone swap their speed lead to Lyss and fully book Yoshi to do same thing Arbiter + Klodd can already do - but noone uses them for a reason. You are still wasting a champion slot for an accuracy buff for your Serris. That's it. 

Accuracy is way more readily available in this game than resistance already through masteries + superior gear forge set. High resistance teams are not a massive issue as proven by the fact that noone uses Klodd the Beastfeeder in arena. 

I told you 2 times why players would use Lyssandra over Arbiter.

- You don't listen

- You are hard headed 

- You are stubborn

Look at the below team: 


Duchess Speed Lead = 19%

Lyssandra Speed Lead = 24%

Arbiter Speed Lead = 30%

Both Lyssandra & Arbiter have faster Speed Leads vs. a Duchess.

They are not going to use Arbiter in this fight.

They are going to "Save" Arbiter Best Speed Lead for other Arena teams.

What they are going to do is run Lyssandra.

They will run Lyssandra in Immunity gear + the whole team will be in Immunity gear.

The fight will go down the following way:

1st move: Enemy Hegemon -------> AOE Block Cool Down Skills

(It will have no effect due to the whole team wearing Immunity Gear)

2nd move: Lyssandra --------------> Turn meter Fill + Increase Speed

3rd move: New Hero --------------> Increase Attack + Increase ACC

4th move: Madam Serris ----------> AOE Strip + Def Down + Atk Down

5th move: Trunda -----------------> AOE Nuke 


Look at the below team:  


Enemy Arbiter Speed Lead = 30%

Lyssandra Speed Lead = 24%

Arbiter Speed Lead = 30% 

They will be Forced to run Arbiter against the above team to have Equal Speed Lead.

They will pair Arbiter with Siphi.

The fight will go down the following way:

1st move: Siphi --------------------> Turn Meter Fill + Increase Speed

2nd move: Arbiter -----------------> Turn Meter Fill + Increase Attack 

3rd move: Madam Serris ----------> AOE Strip + Def Down + Atk Down

4th move: Trunda -----------------> AOE Nuke