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Arena Medals Bottleneck

Arena Medals Bottleneck

Mar 16, 2021, 19:5903/16/21
Mar 16, 2021, 20:03(edited)

Really funny. In this thread people say arena matchmaking IS done by total account power - and that would be the main problem of the game, because getting better champs for your Clanboss team would increase your account power and therefore result in harder arena fights.

In this thread SevarD said the arena list depends on your level and this is supposed to be a problem - and according to G0lc0nd4 the way to solve the problem would be a matchmaking based on account power.

Mar 16, 2021, 20:3203/16/21

Level may be a factor, it's a difficult variable to control. Doesn't particularly matter, it's stupidity incarnate to base it on level or total power either way when neither has any meaningful bearing on your potential. This really isn't a difficult concept, which is why no competitive sport above the most basic level uses a system that is based on any comparable metric. Doing otherwise is not just unnecessary, but actively destructive. I'm not sure why everyone else has realized it except for players and developers of this particular game.

Mar 17, 2021, 08:2503/17/21

Level may be a factor, it's a difficult variable to control. Doesn't particularly matter, it's stupidity incarnate to base it on level or total power either way when neither has any meaningful bearing on your potential. This really isn't a difficult concept, which is why no competitive sport above the most basic level uses a system that is based on any comparable metric. Doing otherwise is not just unnecessary, but actively destructive. I'm not sure why everyone else has realized it except for players and developers of this particular game.

This.  I struggled in Bronze 3 and went almost instantly to silver 2 with only small improvements to my comp after deleting like 100 random rares I was saving for faction wars/food champs which lowered my acct power from almost 600 to like 350.  My acct level has slowly creeped up to about 500 as I have more epics now that I don't want to delete and suddenly it's hard to stay afloat in high silver 2 with most opponents being around 550–700.  I think once you're in high silver, though, there aren't many accts below 400 because I rarely see them on my alt that touched silver 2 at power level ~290.

At bronze and low silver, keeping acct power as low as possible is the second most important thing after having a speed-def down-nuke setup to farm medals.  Can't say how to progress to gold because I have a decent team but none of the arena meta guys (lilitu, gorgorab, valk, etc etc) and I just get shut out at silver 2.

(In particular, almost every team I get on refresh has lilitu or valk and they are absolute garbage to try to fight against with a shitty f2p team)

Mar 17, 2021, 16:5803/17/21

I agree this arena system is very stressful I myself have decided im going to stop spending. I cant get any medals to upgrade my great hall. If I do i win its 1 attack out of 10 attempts. A game where you lose alot more than win becomes meaning less as you cannot progress. Whats the point in playing for non progression. I am not a whale ethier but I did  spend. Im looking at taking my options else where as i am sick to death and quite frankly bored of losing to over powered teams in the arena.

Mar 17, 2021, 17:0303/17/21

I do not think matching by account power is the solution either. You have a lot mid and lower champs and have the same score as someone with really champions.

The best way I think is by team power, you should have to go against teams similar to you.

Once you make gold is smooth sailing but anything under gold is way harder. 

You would think that gold would be harder but it is not. With that being said there clearly is an issue here.

Mar 17, 2021, 17:4503/17/21

Once again I post about this problem.  I grant you I am no EX - SPURT in playing this, having only been at it for about 3 months, but something needs to be done about BRONZE ARENA.   I now have a "Progress Mission" that I have had for about 3 weeks.  "Earn 50 SILVER medallions in Arena.  FAT CHANCE.  How can anyone "Progress" when impossible tasks are placed in the mix.  I saw an earlier comment where someone complained about only finding 2 or 3 teams he could defeat in one refresh.  LOL I wish.  How about finding ONE team to take on in 3 to 4 refreshes in Bronze one.

Mar 17, 2021, 17:4703/17/21

Your  best  bet  is  just  after  reset.  

Mar 17, 2021, 17:4803/17/21

Once again I post about this problem.  I grant you I am no EX - SPURT in playing this, having only been at it for about 3 months, but something needs to be done about BRONZE ARENA.   I now have a "Progress Mission" that I have had for about 3 weeks.  "Earn 50 SILVER medallions in Arena.  FAT CHANCE.  How can anyone "Progress" when impossible tasks are placed in the mix.  I saw an earlier comment where someone complained about only finding 2 or 3 teams he could defeat in one refresh.  LOL I wish.  How about finding ONE team to take on in 3 to 4 refreshes in Bronze one.

I  know  it  sucks,  i've  been  there.  Just  after  reset,  be  ready  with  tokens  and  refreshes.  Thats  how  i  did  it.

Mar 18, 2021, 06:3203/18/21

No one is mentioning that something changed this last update. I could best 40-50% of my gold IV line-up before, now I am lucky if I can beat 1 of my opponents in gold III. I am not the only one, my clan mates all have same issue. What was acceptable gold IV teams are not winning in gold II. Did we miss that arena was changed in patch notes?

Mar 18, 2021, 07:4803/18/21

No one is mentioning that something changed this last update. I could best 40-50% of my gold IV line-up before, now I am lucky if I can beat 1 of my opponents in gold III. I am not the only one, my clan mates all have same issue. What was acceptable gold IV teams are not winning in gold II. Did we miss that arena was changed in patch notes?

it's the same one chose for my clan 

Mar 18, 2021, 12:5203/18/21

It is impossible to win the arena since last update: there are opponents with 3 Lvl 60 Legendary champs in Bronze I. This is ridiculous! In addition, for the "Fortgeschrittenen" missions, 5 (five!) keys need to be spent. That's ridiculous, too! Do you game designers want people to spend money on your game? This new update is definitely not inspring me to spend any money on it, taking the other comments into account. I'd rather leave it altogether. Improve, please.

Mar 18, 2021, 14:5203/18/21

Arena matchmaking is STILL broken. Why are Plarium being so obtuse? Becuase we spend money on refreshes, that's why. 

They seem to not listen or just don't care. 

The arena missions and profgression milestones need to be adjusted because arena is not what it was when the game dropped.

I'm fighting teams with twice my team power in silver 4 and my team isn't a slouch.

We should be matched my arena points for fair matches.

And it feels like Palrium removed the Arena fix they attempted a coiuple months ago. 

I'm not getting any easy matches anymore. 

As more players enter the game each tier will become harder and harder and must be adjujsted.

But Plarium doesn't spend any effort on fixing the game. Only on how they can create more spending events.

This is killing the game and you're losing mney Plarium. Why can't you see this?

Mar 19, 2021, 02:1503/19/21
Mar 19, 2021, 02:15(edited)

The Arena has recently been adjusted for the worse (3/18/21).  I used to be able to work through basic teams to use up all of my arena tokens, but not any more.  I calculated what I need to fill all Great Hall slots to level 10 and it's over 79,000 .  That's for a FTP player that's been playing this game for 2 years!  At about 40 medals per day (the rate has slowed down immensely lately), I would need multiple YEARS to complete them.  That's for 2% gains at each .  Ridiculous. Plarium needs to recalibrate the Great Hall since many whales and high level players filled the GH months and months ago, when arena was a heck of a lot easier. 

Mar 19, 2021, 06:1403/19/21

Really funny. In this thread people say arena matchmaking IS done by total account power - and that would be the main problem of the game, because getting better champs for your Clanboss team would increase your account power and therefore result in harder arena fights.

In this thread SevarD said the arena list depends on your level and this is supposed to be a problem - and according to G0lc0nd4 the way to solve the problem would be a matchmaking based on account power.

Within my ignorance, is it possible to get something better out of a matchmaking system which takes into account win-loss rates along with power levels? If you've spent a small fortune to get End Champs, and pump them up to the max, you should be able to steamroll your way onto more "lucky" rolls. 

Not that I hate them, or anything. I'm happy with what I have, but I do empathize with guys wanting to do Arena competitively, and be given a fighting chance. At least with people who win/lose the same with their same level. 

What are the chances of teams with end champs, 6-stars Leggo gear, 6-star ascension with all abbs tomed-up showing up in a group of dudes who can only defeat guys with similar rates and levels than them?

Mar 19, 2021, 11:4303/19/21

Plesase fix the arena nobady can pass the missions in the hunt of arbiter.i refresh 5 times and no chance off beat those.Why it's so hard th change,your new players gonna  flee the game.😢 

Mar 19, 2021, 20:5803/19/21

Everytime a player refreshes we see a list of around 10 players. The list should be longer. For example Plarium should give us the opportunity to choose from a list of 20 players at one time. that might help solve some issues

Mar 20, 2021, 00:3703/20/21

I don't know how many of you have actually played the game as a new player, but climbing out of Bronze is really difficult right now.  Now I'm super early game (day 25), but I've been stuck on my current mission for over 3 weeks now (Reach Silver 1).  I run diabolist, spirit host,  warmaiden, and Kael with Kael at 60 with full masteries.  Their speeds are between 181 and  177.  I can climb up to Bronze 4 by picking my battles.  Pretty much all the teams I start facing are twice my weight.  At some point in Bronze 4 though I either cannot get through the enemy champs or every option I go against is also a speed comp and I'm obviously still early game.

Now, it wouldn't matter to me at all if I had a mission that took me a lot longer in the game to get to except the VERY NEXT MISSION is something that I completed days before I got to the Silver 1 mission:  Clear the Catacombs of Narbuk on Hard.  I was through brutal in the first week.  I get that I'm probably facing dead accounts but it is frustrating as hell to have my missions gated by something currently impossible while I'm clearing content that the game developers believe to be of a similar developmental point easily.  I mean, to get through Bronze 3 I was frequently attacking teams with 4 level 60s and you can get through the brutal campaign with a team of level 50s.  It isn't even close to a comparable level of difficulty.

Seriously, for all of you claiming that it just requires changing up your team, please explain to me why the NEXT MISSION after Reach Silver 1 is something that is infinitely easier than reaching Silver 1?  Tank down to bronze and look at the teams there and tell me that Bronze 3 or Bronze 4 teams are of a similar difficulty level to clearing the Catacombs of Narbuk on Hard.  There is zero comparison right now.  I don't mind not being able to advance in the Arena until I level up my account but I do mind the missions being gated behind what the arena probalby was a year ago when the developers have obviously not looked at what the arena is today.

Man I hear you clearly.  I now have the "Progress Mission" of "Earn 50 Silver or Gold Medallions".  I DID manage to get the the Silver 1 mission by constatnly refreshing with gems to get teams I could beat.  After that I got knocked back into Bronze and have been unabel to advance above B-3. 

Mar 20, 2021, 00:5203/20/21

The Arena has recently been adjusted for the worse (3/18/21).  I used to be able to work through basic teams to use up all of my arena tokens, but not any more.  I calculated what I need to fill all Great Hall slots to level 10 and it's over 79,000 .  That's for a FTP player that's been playing this game for 2 years!  At about 40 medals per day (the rate has slowed down immensely lately), I would need multiple YEARS to complete them.  That's for 2% gains at each .  Ridiculous. Plarium needs to recalibrate the Great Hall since many whales and high level players filled the GH months and months ago, when arena was a heck of a lot easier. 

I know from wence you come.  One thing I would suggest is to eliminate inactive defense teams from arena.  IMHO it would be simple to place them in a hold area that would automaticly release them as soon as their owner logs back on.  I have been trying for 3 months to reach Silver but am at the moment back in Bronze one.

Mar 20, 2021, 03:3603/20/21

It's interesting that so many of us share the same frustration and anger but Plarium refuse to act to rectify the problem. I've come to the conclusion that (as usual) Plarium have catered to their Whale population by allowing them to feed on us plankton (FTP/Casual players), so they can decimate our fledgling teams thus feeling all powerful and believe their huge financial outlays for everything in the game was justified.

Mar 20, 2021, 08:5003/20/21

Everytime a player refreshes we see a list of around 10 players. The list should be longer. For example Plarium should give us the opportunity to choose from a list of 20 players at one time. that might help solve some issues


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