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Arena Medals Bottleneck

Arena Medals Bottleneck

Feb 16, 2021, 05:5402/16/21

Arena Medals Bottleneck

You need to fix the arena!!! I'm not a 'whale' nor am I F2P. I WILL spend where I deem it's warranted. Like many other players similar to myself, I'm trying to work towards obtaining my Arbiter but your current structure is making it almost impossible. Every refresh I'm up against teams that are impossible for someone at my level to defeat. I'm lucky to get 1 or 2 wins per refresh. Currently, I need 1900 medals to progress towards my Arbiter and at that rate I could be looking at an easy 10 to 12 months. The 'whales' already have it ALL. Allow some of us 'strugglers' to at least have a chance before we lose interest and leave.

Feb 16, 2021, 09:5102/16/21

If it's too hard to fix the Arena matching system then fix the Great Hall. Make the medal requirements more realistic.

Feb 16, 2021, 21:4802/16/21
Feb 16, 2021, 21:49(edited)

Yep the arena in the mission section is killing the game for me as well. 2 medals per match and you need thousand plus of them is just horrid.

Their thinking is they're supplementing content with arena but I don't think they play their own game. Lots to do as is level character equip characters masteries rank up food etc etc. 

Forcing us to do arena on top of all that is killing their game and the don't see it.  I feel that they're proud of their game and rightly so but currently arena sucks they great hall upgrade costs suck and you don't want it too easy but not too hard or time consuming either 

Feb 16, 2021, 21:5102/16/21

Final thought is if I pull arbiter from shards then I will stop doing the missions the rewards aren't worth the arena missions headache 

Feb 16, 2021, 22:0102/16/21

Arena is basically one of those things where you're either getting the medals easily, or it's a terrible chore.

I'm able to remain in the 3200+ range, and so I very often get refreshes with teams that are basically just single arbiter/etc... IE easy wins. I also very often get teams that are the standard OTK kit (Warmaiden/Kael/etc...), and against those I can very easily win by just putting a full DEF team in.

If you're having trouble climbing arena ranks, I'd suggest you focus efforts on one of two things:

1) Get your own OTK team. A cookie-cutter one would be Khatun lead, with Warmaiden/Spirithost/Kael as your remainder. Put Khatun in full speed gear - you want her to be at least 250, ideally higher. Put speed and acc gear on Warmaiden, and speed gear on Spirithost. Kael does need to be speedy as well, but he doesn't need to be quite as high. Then just find teams which don't have a speed lead champ, and you should be able to climb.

2) Get your own full DEF team. This one's a bit harder to cookie-cutter, since out of the box you don't get much for free. If you've played enough to have Ghrush, he works well. Ditto for Rhazin if you've got him. Other good candidates are Sepulcher Sentinel, Skullcrusher, Brago, Ignatius - really any DEF champ with good abilities. Gear them up with DEF and RES gear. Your plan is basically to resist the debuffs from Warmaiden/etc, and survive the nuke from Kael/etc.

Feb 16, 2021, 22:2202/16/21
Feb 16, 2021, 22:24(edited)

Very good advice but getting 1 or 2 medals per match just to rank 4 a hall upgrade that's either 400 fights or 200 fights. 15 minute refreshes.

With everything else in the game it's too much and not fun at all currently at silver 3 and I spend more time than I want doing arena and its not a fun part of the game for me. I can't wait until I can just do my 5 daily fights and say f off arena if I don't quit this game beforehand 

Feb 16, 2021, 22:3402/16/21

At the highest rank, you get four gold medals per win. You can easily get 40-50 per day.

It does suck at lower ranks - your goal should be to get a team that can let you rise to the highest rank, and then just coast from there.

Feb 16, 2021, 22:3402/16/21

Got  to  say  i  am  in  with  this,  getting  tge  medals  from  arena  is  a  bit  of  a  chore  once  to  get  to  level  6  i  can  tell  you.  Two  refills  per  day  at  4  medals  a  match  if  you  win  means  its  just  gonna  take  an  age  to  max  my  great  hall,  i'll  probably  never  do  it.  This  game  is  just  superb  in  its  complexity  and  diversity  but  the  grind  in  some  areas  puts  people  off  from  playing  into  late  game.  My  thoughts  are  Plarium  are  only  concerned  with  the  whales  and  the  new  starters  that  are  only  too  happy  to  spend  money.  If  they  would  just  be  a  little  more  reasonable  with  the  grind  i  think  more  people  would  spend  and  they  would  gave  a  much  larger  happier  player  base  that  would  likely  keep  playing  for  years  to  come.  

Feb 16, 2021, 22:3802/16/21

It's really a shame, because the concept of being able to test my team against a variety of enemy teams really appeals to me, but between the speed meta and the fact that I'm regularly matched up against teams twice my power level that just brute force their way through mine regardless of synergy really sort of kills it for me. I did manage to get up to S1 with a pretty crap team, and I got 100+ silver medals out of it, but it's really more a matter of getting lucky with enemy teams and finding some poor person with a team as crap as mine inbetween the hordes of legendaries that people apparently spent a lot of money getting.

I'm more and more convinced that they should just scrap the competitive concept and only let you fight bot teams of appropriate power levels and see how high you can climb. The matchmaking they are using is clearly not working, unless they intend for me to face teams with 100k+ power levels in B1.

Feb 16, 2021, 22:4202/16/21

The problem is that more powerful but inactive teams regularly filter down to the lower ranks. They did attempt to fix the problem, but it didn't really work.

Your best bet is to just get out of the lower ranks. I know it sounds contradictory, but it is way easier to farm medals in Gold 4 than it is in Silver 1.

With one of the two team ideas I mentioned earlier, you should be able to slowly climb your way up.

Feb 16, 2021, 22:4202/16/21
Feb 16, 2021, 22:43(edited)

Again very good advice but my teams are subject to (what loot box companies hide behind) RNG I'm quite proud that I've 3 stared completed brutal 1/3 nightmare with my crappy champions. As deep as I've gotten in dungeons floor 30 of doom tower. But the arena missions and the arena itself kills this game for me. 

Feb 16, 2021, 22:5502/16/21

Arena shouldn't be your priority early on. Your number one priority should be to get 12-3 or 12-6 brutal on farm mode, so that you can easily level up other champs. Once you've done that, your next priority should be to get a CB team that can handle at least Hard, but ideally Brutal. That will give you plenty of free gear every day, as well as the occasional shards and books.

In terms of which champs to gear up - you want to get a fully geared, booked, and ascended champ for farming the 12-3/12-6, and then the next goal should be to do the same for five other champs for your CB team.

Feb 16, 2021, 22:5902/16/21

Arena  absolutely  be  a  priority  throughout  the  whole  of  the  game,  the  great  hall  bonuses  are  crucial  to  progression.  

Feb 16, 2021, 23:0102/16/21
Feb 16, 2021, 23:02(edited)


All of brutal on farm.

Feb 16, 2021, 23:0302/16/21
Feb 16, 2021, 23:03(edited)


Working nightmare. 

Feb 16, 2021, 23:0302/16/21

If you've got brutal 12-3/12-6 on farm, and you have at least top chest on CB brutal, you should have no trouble at all gearing up an arena team that can take you into gold. the champs and gear required for that are not too difficult to obtain. especially if you go with the OTK route, all of them are farmable.

Feb 16, 2021, 23:0502/16/21
Feb 16, 2021, 23:05(edited)

Champions are based on RNG I don't have Kael I don't have very many good champions that are arena viable. I do what I can with what I pull.

Feb 16, 2021, 23:0702/16/21


These are my absolute best 

Feb 16, 2021, 23:1102/16/21

Well, I'm getting High Khatun in about an hour. Just need to speed up Serris (or slow down Athel) to get the debuff before the nuke. We'll see what happens after that, but the teams I'm seeing can probably just power through even that.

Feb 16, 2021, 23:1102/16/21

You have Skullcrown, who can basically carry you to gold on her own. Basically - get her to 60 and swap out Galek from your team and you should be good to go.

Feb 16, 2021, 23:1202/16/21

Well, I'm getting High Khatun in about an hour. Just need to speed up Serris (or slow down Athel) to get the debuff before the nuke. We'll see what happens after that, but the teams I'm seeing can probably just power through even that.

DEF down goes a long way towards getting through ... well, basically anything. I find that even my full DEF teams occasionally lose, and it's always because the enemy lands their DEF down / weaken debuffs.

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