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Arena Medals Bottleneck

Arena Medals Bottleneck

Feb 16, 2021, 23:2002/16/21

I'm not impressed with skullcrowns damage her stats are better than galeks but he out damages her by far he is my main nuker.  I'm guessing it's set related her gear is good.

Feb 16, 2021, 23:2402/16/21

Nah - the reason why Skullcrown is so dominanant in arena is because you can gear her in pure damage - zero speed gear, just atk/crit rate/crid dam. Her passive unkillable means the rest of your team just needs to set up the debuffs, and then she wipes them out in one shot.

Feb 17, 2021, 09:5902/17/21
Robert Lucas

I'm not impressed with skullcrowns damage her stats are better than galeks but he out damages her by far he is my main nuker.  I'm guessing it's set related her gear is good.

Her speed aura alone justifies a spot on your arena team, but she does way more than that if built right, including the masteries to have her repeatedly counter-attack. But as somebody else noted, of course you should put AOE decrease defense before SC nukes - you have a warmaiden, so use her. 

Basically your team should be SC (lead), Warmaiden, Angar and then War Mother isn't terrible as fourth but more likely you'll need a speed/turn meter booster like Apo, High Khatun, Diabolist, Seeker etc. 

Feb 17, 2021, 14:1602/17/21

agree with l9753, your team synergy is just horrible...

Feb 17, 2021, 17:1402/17/21
Feb 17, 2021, 17:19(edited)

I never said it was good just doing the best I can with the tools available to me. Silver 3 but the point of the entire post is that the arena system stinks the amount of medals per upgrade stinks and the arena missions stinks. Which I agree with on all counts. Iron brago hits like a truck even unbooked and barely any masteries. Been focusing too much on spiders den or leveling food. 

Feb 17, 2021, 17:5302/17/21
Robert Lucas

I never said it was good just doing the best I can with the tools available to me. Silver 3 but the point of the entire post is that the arena system stinks the amount of medals per upgrade stinks and the arena missions stinks. Which I agree with on all counts. Iron brago hits like a truck even unbooked and barely any masteries. Been focusing too much on spiders den or leveling food. 

Your struggles are because your arena team is horrible.  You can get to gold, if you follow the above advice.  You are not doing the best u can, you are using galek instead of skullcrown.... you are not using a speed aura.... you have no tm booster on your team, no def down debuff.... to be blunt, there is not one thing you are doing correctly with your approach to arena.  

Feb 17, 2021, 18:0802/17/21

Ok your opinion. But my galek out damages skull by a factor of three I have agnar in a shield set thus the hp aura. Iron brago does a 30k Def up hit plus two turn stun. Those bombs of war mother does crazy damage. Skull crown damage is pitiful don't have the rest of the books for her. War maiden is at 3. So until I get more books decide to spend a week leveling up food to r3 to r6 war maiden that's out. And FYI I destroy the cookie cutter teams you mentioned. The one that give me trouble are the are revive teams and the haunted teams. So my stinky team man handles the team you suggested and a lot use thar team. I destroy the kael high katun war maiden teams. So to put it bluntly its the teams that are not active dropping from Plat to silver that's my problem. And it still doesn't take away from the fact that the win vs upgrade costs are very uneven and makes it a horrible grind

Feb 17, 2021, 18:1202/17/21
Feb 17, 2021, 18:12(edited)

Let's not forget iron brago reduce buff duration by 1 on his a1.

Feb 17, 2021, 18:2102/17/21

Well, I can now win almost every battle and use every free token I get per day (so that's 24+10+5 tokens). Now the problem is just that the same way I get teams full with legendaries and +25-100% my power when I attack, presumably the matchmaking thinks it's perfectly fine for those same teams to match against me when I defend. I mean, there's literally a team with 2.1x my team power with 3 legendaries in my defense log. I'm just food to them, and there's pretty much no way for me to advance.

Is the only way to get anywhere seriously just to manipulate matchmaking? I suspect it's either player level or total power that is the deciding factor, because that's pretty much the only thing that has changed for me to make the arena experience go from bearable to masochism.

Feb 17, 2021, 22:3602/17/21

Well, I can now win almost every battle and use every free token I get per day (so that's 24+10+5 tokens). Now the problem is just that the same way I get teams full with legendaries and +25-100% my power when I attack, presumably the matchmaking thinks it's perfectly fine for those same teams to match against me when I defend. I mean, there's literally a team with 2.1x my team power with 3 legendaries in my defense log. I'm just food to them, and there's pretty much no way for me to advance.

Is the only way to get anywhere seriously just to manipulate matchmaking? I suspect it's either player level or total power that is the deciding factor, because that's pretty much the only thing that has changed for me to make the arena experience go from bearable to masochism.

There's no need to manipulate anything. Just fight the teams you can beat. On a typical refresh, I get one or two "free" wins from people who are running solo arbiter/etc, and then I'll often get another few from teams that I just plain can beat.

Feb 17, 2021, 22:4002/17/21
Robert Lucas

Ok your opinion. But my galek out damages skull by a factor of three I have agnar in a shield set thus the hp aura. Iron brago does a 30k Def up hit plus two turn stun. Those bombs of war mother does crazy damage. Skull crown damage is pitiful don't have the rest of the books for her. War maiden is at 3. So until I get more books decide to spend a week leveling up food to r3 to r6 war maiden that's out. And FYI I destroy the cookie cutter teams you mentioned. The one that give me trouble are the are revive teams and the haunted teams. So my stinky team man handles the team you suggested and a lot use thar team. I destroy the kael high katun war maiden teams. So to put it bluntly its the teams that are not active dropping from Plat to silver that's my problem. And it still doesn't take away from the fact that the win vs upgrade costs are very uneven and makes it a horrible grind

The costs are uneven because you're trying to upgrade past the point that your rank was intended for. The system isn't designed to let you reach rank 10 when you're in silver. The whole point is to get up to gold, and the higher great hall ranks are designed to be unlocked by players who are at the top of the arena list - IE, at Gold 4.

For context - I have roughly 240 days played (two more days for Ghrush!), and presently have a total great hall level of 73. I have level 10 unlocked for two of my slots, level 7 unlocked for another three, and then the rest are spread out amongst various spots.

It's not a horrible grind. In fact, I would argue it's the *least* grindy thing in this game. If you find arena to be a horrible grind, wait until you're trying to, for example, farm FK20 for crit dam gear with the right primary/substats.

Feb 17, 2021, 23:0602/17/21
Feb 17, 2021, 23:43(edited)


This is a horrible grind. Then afterwards got to do it again I care not for arena I have everything done in this chain except arena crap. But I have to wait until it's done then redo dungeon. Etc. I'm not pushing for anything but completing this entire chain but the horrid horrid grind makes me wonder if it's worth it.  On average I'm seeing 130 to 270 teams in silver three wait 15 minutes refresh again it could take 3 refreshes to get to a team that's at my level. I'm not a fan of the great hall costs vs win ratio at all and can't wait to be done with it. That's the complaint not that I want to be on top but 400 is to much when you only get 2 to three per match depending on tier that's the crux of the matter. I'm in silver 3 

Feb 17, 2021, 23:1502/17/21

There's no need to manipulate anything. Just fight the teams you can beat. On a typical refresh, I get one or two "free" wins from people who are running solo arbiter/etc, and then I'll often get another few from teams that I just plain can beat.

Like I said, the problem isn't winning the battles that I get to pick, it's losing the battles that I don't. If I reroll and get a team my size, I break out the champagne. Yes, I do get freebies sometimes, but certainly not 1-2 per refresh. Maybe 1 per 5. But yes, I can win almost every time by carefully checking the enemy team for counters and not picking a fight so far above my weight class that there's nothing I can do.

For defense though, much like when attacking, I still get the pleasure of facing teams that are on average about 30-40% stronger with 1-2 legendaries in it, the difference being that I can't avoid those. Even if I do end up winning every single time I attack, and I'm close to doing just that, I just end up losing just as many battles when defending because they get to pick their targets just as well as I do. The difference being of course that they get to pick a fight with someone half their size.

I really don't get it. The game is clearly telling me I'm doing something wrong that I deserve to get punished for, but I have no idea what that is. So yeah, I do think figuring out what utter nonsense metric the matchmaking is based on and then exploit it is the only way to get anywhere, because it's just getting worse and worse and at this rate I won't even be able to win when attacking by this time next week.

Feb 18, 2021, 00:3902/18/21
Feb 18, 2021, 00:45(edited)

I have the exact same problem and gripe.  I have posted about it in the past but all I gety is requests to post the Champions I have and the armor I have.  I do not even know HOW to post all this info for close to 20 six star Champs, most with level 5 or 6 armor leveled up to 16.  I can field a "Team" with 110K power and get killed off in the first round by a team that shows as 46K.  Explane THAT one??  LOL one time I went in on a SINGLE 5 star L 50 legnedary with my strongest team.  My whole team was wiped out with ONE shot before I do do ANYTHING.  THAT is BULL SHIT.

Feb 18, 2021, 01:5202/18/21

I swear to God I don't know.who gets upset more when a.person posts a suggestion or a complaint other players or game designers and it always degenerate into the poster just sucks because he is low level or his roster sucks or his team sucks therefore his ideas or complaints are invalid. Hell I'm working on 3 star nightmare level 30 in doom tower and silver three with my crap roster so you may not agree but anyone who posts anything are valid regardless if you agree or not. I've learned some things in these forums and been pissed qt others for either speculating my meaning without reading the entire post chain and of course those who attacked me well just shows your maturity.  

Feb 18, 2021, 04:1002/18/21

Robert Lucas Arena team is designed poorly.

Trips & L9753 tried to help him improve, but he rejected the advice they gave him.

It seems to me like Robert Lucas is stubborn. 

I could give Robert Lucas Arena advice to help him reach Gold, but would he listen?

Robert Lucas didn't listen to Trips or L9753. 

Trips & L9753 are exceptional Arena players.

Both of them have reached Gold 4.

Both of them have been in Gold 4 for a very long time.

I doubt my Advice would have any influence over Robert Lucas.

It would go in one ear and out the other.

Instead of trying to give Robert Lucas Advice, I plan to try another approach.

I am going to explain to Robert Lucas how I plan to destroy his team.

I'm spank Robert Lucas Arena team so bad its going to look like a porno.

The below screenshot is Robert Lucas Arena team:


Stare into the face of the team that shall defeat you!


Robert Lucas is using 3 Leggos + 1 Rare.

I am using 3 Leggos + 1 Rare. 

It is an even fight.

Compare the Leader Position Champions:

I am using Arbiter which gives me 30% Speed Aura

Robert is using Galek which gives 15% Health Aura

Notice how my team has a hero who does Turn Meter Filling (Arbiter).

Notice how Robert team has no hero who does Turn Meter Filling.

The Speed Aura + Turn Meter Filling should propell my team to move before Robert team.

This means my team will be in control of the fight at the start of the battle.

I plan to keep control of the fight and never let up on Roberts team.

The lack of Turn meter filling or Speed aura is a critical vulernably in Roberts team.

Trips was the first to tell Robert to try and fix this.

Robert completely ignored/brushed off Trips advice.

Roberts unwillingness to listen will cost him!

I will exploit the weakness and use it to my advantage to take his team down on the biggest of stages.


My Arbiter will be the first to move in this battle!

My Arbiter will fill my other heroes meter bars so they are full.

My Arbiter will also increase my damage dealers Attack by 50% to maximize his Damage Output


My Elegaius will be the second to move in this battle!

My Elegaius has the ability to reduce Roberts team Turn Meter.

---> Reducing Roberts Team T.M makes it even harder for Roberts team to take a turn.

My Elegaius has the power to remove 2 buffs from the enemy.

---> If Roberts dreams of surviving rested on a Shield set, Elegaius has shattered that dream!

Elegaius will strip his team of Shields exposing his teams Green Health Bar!


My Warmaiden will be the third to move in this battle setting the stage of Victory!

My Warmaiden has the ability to reduce Roberts team defense.

---> Decrease Enemy Defense by 60% makes Roberts team more susceptible of deadly hits.

Roberts team not all 100% Defense is now more vulernable to being destroyed.


Thus, we arrive to my last Champion!

The Closer - Foli

Foli is Ranked Number 2 in the World for Best Arena AOE Damage Dealer.

Foli can do hits upwards of 100k+ Damage.

The surge of my teams synergy now rushes forward.

---> Arbiter - Increase Attack Buff by 50% to Maximize Foli Output Damage

---> Elegaius - Removing Shields to prevent you from Blunting my Foli Damage

---> Warmaiden - Decrease Defense by 60% to make you more Suseptible to my Foli Damage

My Foli unleashing his AOE Nuke called "Sealed Fate"!

And now the Final Plot Twist!

All hero's who die by the hands of Foli "Sealed Fate" skill can no longer be revived.

Foli has the power of Block Revive.

Dead Champions in Foli's presence have their Fates Sealed for the rest of the fight.

And that is how your Arena team will get utterly destroyed Robert Lucas.

You can make a lot of excuses Robert Lucas on why your team loses.

----> You can say I am a spender in this game.

----> You can say I am a strong arena player in this game.

----> You can say I have higher team power vs. your team power in this game.

At the end of the day, All the excuses you say will not matter.

Do you want to know why? Because 3 strangers you never met before came to this thread.

We all looked at your Arena team.

We all think it is poorly built.

If Trips, L9753, and me can see it, How many other people in arena can see it as well?

The difference between us vs. people in arena is very simply.

We are here to try and help you improve.

We want you to win vs. other people.

We want you to get arena medals to have a more enjoyable Raiding Experience.

The people in arena don't want to help you improve.

They want you to remain as a weak link. 

They want to farm you for easy points.

They don't care about your Raiding Experience.

In fact, They hope you quit.

They will bragg to there friends on how they made you quit.

It is the ultimate power trip for them.


The last thing I want to say is Fruit for Thought.

L9753 & Trips gave you advice on using Skullcrown.

You said you didn't want to use Skullcrown because your Galek was doing more damage.

Your Galek is level 60 + fully ascended + geared.

Your Skullcrown is level 50 + not ascended + not geared.

It makes sense why your Galek does more damage right now in the short term.

You haven't given your Skullcrown any attention.

What I wanted to do is share with you is Video.

This is one of my favorite Skullcrown Videos.

 It can show you what Skullcrown is capable of when you get her the time of day. 

Feb 18, 2021, 06:0102/18/21

Well I managed to get as high as Bronze 4 but am now being killed in evey match.  I am now almost down to level 2.  The last match was with a team of all L 40 and 50 against my L 60 with a power of over 90.  I was killed before I could fire a single shot.  I do not know if some people have CHEATS and just sit in bronze to discourage anyone from keeping with the game but it sure seems that way.  I have spent over $1,000.00 buying Chickens, Leveling up armor and buying L6 Armor, but can get NO WHERE in Bronze Arena.  YES - I DO change my teams to try to have advantage in Color attributes, so that is NOT the problem.  I intend to keep trying for another week, but if I cannot figure out how to advance I will go back to World of Warships.

Feb 18, 2021, 06:5202/18/21

yeah.. people say this is a pay2win game, spend thousands of dollars and still can't win out of bronze. And there is one guy that say Galek out damages one of the best nuker in the game.

Moral lesson, stop spending. Just use Galek.

Feb 18, 2021, 09:3302/18/21

Thank you for all the great comments and advice but I'm farming 12-3 in 10 seconds and fighting NMCB. I don't have the luxury of switching gear all the time to put CB and Dragon 20 champs into Arena for medal farming. I even tried "Ash's System" of ignoring Team Power strength and going after opponents based on lower Player Power but with little success. Working at obtaining Arbiter was my next step in game progression because after 262 days Plarium have seen fit not to grace me with a 'nuker' champion, so I'm sort of stuck atm. I'm already finding myself losing more and more interest because auto-ing Dragon 20 for 30 runs is not what I call engaging game play because I'm stuck everywhere else in the game.

Feb 18, 2021, 11:3302/18/21
Robert Lucas

Ok your opinion. But my galek out damages skull by a factor of three I have agnar in a shield set thus the hp aura. Iron brago does a 30k Def up hit plus two turn stun. Those bombs of war mother does crazy damage. Skull crown damage is pitiful don't have the rest of the books for her. War maiden is at 3. So until I get more books decide to spend a week leveling up food to r3 to r6 war maiden that's out. And FYI I destroy the cookie cutter teams you mentioned. The one that give me trouble are the are revive teams and the haunted teams. So my stinky team man handles the team you suggested and a lot use thar team. I destroy the kael high katun war maiden teams. So to put it bluntly its the teams that are not active dropping from Plat to silver that's my problem. And it still doesn't take away from the fact that the win vs upgrade costs are very uneven and makes it a horrible grind

While I don't think too highly of Warmaiden (just wrote a reply in another thread pointing that out, lol), the thing is that an AOE decrease defense option is a game-changer in dungeons, doom tower,... as well as arena. However, I overlooked that you have a Robar! Forget Warmaiden, but consider using Robar instead, for dungeons as well as arena. War Mother's bombs won't be affected, but nukes from either Galek or Skullcrown will do a lot more damage that way. 

Considering your comment about doing well against basic speed nukes, I guess that would be because your Angar's shield set is big enough that you don't usually lose anyone in the opponent's initial nuke, even if all of them go before your first champion? It's fair enough if you want to go down the 'survive speed nuke and go second' route instead of the speed nuke meta, indeed Skullcrown doesn't fit that well into that plan, but Galek doesn't either. For teams designed to go second, you'd really want a resistance aura ideally, or a defense one - and you'd want a champion who offers more survivability, rather than a cookie-cutter nuker with a weak HP aura like Galek. Sandlashed Survivor perhaps - good def aura, passive protecting against speed nukes, useful AOE hit that extends your own buffs and reduces enemy ones. Also a champ who can work in many places, not just arena. 

But do keep in mind that you do actually have the champions to pull off a speed nuke as well, with Skullcrown, Robar and a turn meter booster - Golden Reaper works, then Angar probably still as fourth. Which also has the advantage of being mostly void, so working against most affinities.  

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