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Has Plarium Ever Even Once Buffed Under-Powered Champions?

Has Plarium Ever Even Once Buffed Under-Powered Champions?

Jul 21, 2019, 18:4207/21/19

Player J said:

ThrobbingCerk said:

Player J said:

  • You don’t know how best to Gear Tomb Lord.

I find it so ironic that you make this claim, meanwhile YOU are the only one who doesn't know how to gear him!  In one post, you ranted about putting a ton of accuracy on him (which makes his hits do virtually nothing as a result).  Then in another post, you talked about loading him up with defense and HP (which causes his debuffs to land even less than they already do).  You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about dude. 

You have your head so far up your own @rse you can't see past your own sh*t.  I mean seriously dude, re-read your own ramblings on here and you'll see you contradict yourself over and over.

  • I never said to put tons of Accuracy GEAR on him.

I said to put tons of Accuracy on him.

Accuracy can be acquired through SubStats - Banner - Great Hall.

  • I gave 1 potential set up for Tomb Lord using Defense + HP gear.

Putting Defense + HP gear on Tomb Lord

- Will make Tomb Lord a Tank.

Adding Sub-stats which give:

  • Hp %
  • Atk %
  • Def %
  • Speed
  • Accuracy 

You can ideally only have 4 sub-stats.

Depending on what your primary stat is.

You can fill in the gaps with what you are missing.

- Will make Tomb Lord land debuffs + do decent amount of damage.

So, yeah

You don’t know what your talking about.

ROFLMAO, Tomb Lord CAN'T do a "decent amount of damage" no matter what gear you put on him.

It's like comparing Bellower and Banshee.  Two AoE champions with an A1 that is AoE.  You can put the same set of gear on both of them, and watch Bellower do about double the damage (literally) compared to Banshee.  She is just trash, and there is no way to make her as good as Bellower, as all things even, Bellower does about twice as much damage, and her debuffs are no better than his.

That's what you seem to keep NOT realizing here.  It's like anything you don't want to hear goes in one ear and out the other.  And to make it worse, you give others REALLY bad advice here on the forums when you clearly have no clue what you're talking about.

I really still can't tell (just like God already said) if you are just a troll or you really are so ignorant as to think you are giving people good advice.  Either way, I'd suggest you ease back man, just ease back.  Observe other players more and stop suggesting so much.  You could learn a LOT by doing so.
Jul 21, 2019, 20:0207/21/19
Jul 21, 2019, 20:04(edited)

ThrobbingCerk said:

ROFLMAO, Tomb Lord CAN'T do a "decent amount of damage" no matter what gear you put on him.

It's like comparing Bellower and Banshee....

It looks like I found God’s Baby Brother.

Comparing Attack Type heroes Damage vs. Support Type heroes Damage.

Have I not explained it enough?


Tomb Lord does decent damage compared to other support heroes doing a similar function.

In some cases, Tomb Lord does more damage vs. other support heroes.

Jul 22, 2019, 05:2707/22/19

Player J said:

Tomb Lord does decent damage compared to other support heroes doing a similar function.

No, he isn't, which is why Plarium is fixing him.  But trolls will be trolls...

Jul 22, 2019, 22:3307/22/19

ThrobbingCerk said:

No, he isn't, which is why Plarium is fixing him.  But trolls will be trolls...

You have no idea what Plarium is planning to do to Tomb Lord.

For all you know, Plarium idea of fixing Tomb Lord may result in making Tomb Lord worse.

We have seen how Plarium has fixed other heroes in the past.

None of your comments against me have disproved anything I have said.

Tomb Lord A3 is still utterly amazing.

Tomb Lord Aura is still utterly amazing.

Tomb Lord is useful because he has amazing skills. Period!

Cry all you want to about how Tomb Lord is bad.

We have seen good players use Tomb Lord.

I wish I had a Tomb Lord.

Jul 25, 2019, 22:3507/25/19
Jul 25, 2019, 22:35(edited)

Have to chime in here: I've been playing since beta, always in Gold 4 and while tomb lord is niche you find him in very specialised teams. 

These teams look like that: 

Lead: Kymar/ Lyssandra


Gorgorab/Apothecary/ Seeker

Tomb Lord

Speedboost goes first, then tomb lord (maybe with a speed of 260+) and places his really devastating debuff (acc 200+)then follows the nuker and the battle is over. 

At first glance that seems to be the standard Tayrel/Rae combo but tomb lord is even better since he enables your team to get a second turn by also hindering the opponents attack.

All in all, tomb lord on his own is a very disappointing legend but can shine in a team with the right synergy. He is an absolute expert legend that needs a very full roster of other extremely good champs to work, but then he is a strong addition to such a specialised team.

Jul 26, 2019, 06:5707/26/19

addmeister said:

Have to chime in here: I've been playing since beta, always in Gold 4 and while tomb lord is niche you find him in very specialised teams. 

These teams look like that: 

Lead: Kymar/ Lyssandra


Gorgorab/Apothecary/ Seeker

Tomb Lord

Speedboost goes first, then tomb lord (maybe with a speed of 260+) and places his really devastating debuff (acc 200+)then follows the nuker and the battle is over. 

At first glance that seems to be the standard Tayrel/Rae combo but tomb lord is even better since he enables your team to get a second turn by also hindering the opponents attack.

All in all, tomb lord on his own is a very disappointing legend but can shine in a team with the right synergy. He is an absolute expert legend that needs a very full roster of other extremely good champs to work, but then he is a strong addition to such a specialised team.

Finally someone who knows his stuff. Both sides of this thread's point of view on Tomb Lord are absolutely hilarious since they dedicated so much typing to such an obvious topic with so little actual experience playing with or against Tomb Lord in high tier matches where people understand his place hahaha. 

It's such a niche hero, he's absolutely bad in most things but you can make him work well in a certain situation vs a certain team. 

He deserves a buff. There is just no way around it.

Jul 26, 2019, 14:2807/26/19

LendiLendi said:

Finally someone who knows his stuff. Both sides of this thread's point of view on Tomb Lord are absolutely hilarious since they dedicated so much typing to such an obvious topic with so little actual experience playing with or against Tomb Lord in high tier matches where people understand his place hahaha. 

It's such a niche hero, he's absolutely bad in most things but you can make him work well in a certain situation vs a certain team. 

He deserves a buff. There is just no way around it.

You are ignorant!

You haven’t read a single thing on this thread.

If you had, you would of never said your stupid statement above.

The player by the forum name “God” owns Tomb Lord.

I am in Gold Tier Arena, I face against teams running Tomb Lord.

We both have experience with Tomb Lord from two very different perspectives.

The issue is “God” is less knowledgeable about Arena.

She isn’t in Gold Tier Arena.

She hasn’t built Tomb Lord Properly.

Tomb Lord has never been super niche.

Tomb Lord has Attack Down - Defense Down - TM Manipulation all in 1 skill.

The hero is viable in any game location needing the above Debuffs which is practical everywhere except Campaign.

The above Debuffs are the best Debuffs in the game which always come in handy.

Thus, Tomb Lord always comes in handy.

As far as what Addmeister has said, It isn’t anything special.

The team composition Addmesiter is describing is 1 of several Meta Arena set ups.

The specific set up Addmesiter is talking about is a high powered burst set up which can be often used in Arena Offense or Arena Defense.

It revolves around the following composition:

Leader: Speed Aura

1st move: Turn Meter Filler + Increase Attacker

2nd move: Decrease Enemy Defense

3rd move: Remove Enemy Buffs

4th move: Massive AOE Damager

Example set up:

Leader: Prince Kymar

1st move: Seeker

2nd move: Tomb Lord

3rd move: Prince Kymar

4th move: Rae

The issue is the above set up is very good on Arena Offense, but falls short on Arena Defense.

The AI doesn’t like using Prince Kymar Remove Enemy Buffs move on auto.

The AI likes to use the Seal of Magic skill which resets cool downs + Increase Turn Meter.

It isn’t the optimal move, but the team is still very good.

In addition, Addmesiter didn’t mention any Lord Shazar Teams.

You will see a lot of Lord Shazar teams.

Tomb Lord can fit into dozens of those teams as well.

The heroes are being used to preform a specific function.

As long as the hero achieves the function, The hero is good hero.

Tomb Lord Properly Built can achieve all his functions like a Boss.

The hero has never been a bad hero.

The game wants to buff Tomb Lord.

It’s a stupid call.

The game should be buffing bad hero’s.

You want to know what a bad hero looks like?

Look at Shammrock!

What Niche Gold 4 Arena team uses Shammrock? 


It doesn’t exist!

He is never used any where.

Open your eyes!

Shammrock is nothing more than 5 Star Food.

And you idiots want to buff a hero being used in Gold 4 Arena.

What tier would Shammrock be used in Bronze?

He wouldn’t be used in Bronze either I bet.

I, once, saw a War Mother in Silver 1.

A Bomb Team with War Mother in Silver.

Even War Mother out ranks Shammrock.