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Has Plarium Ever Even Once Buffed Under-Powered Champions?

Has Plarium Ever Even Once Buffed Under-Powered Champions?

Jul 9, 2019, 21:4807/09/19
Jul 9, 2019, 21:48(edited)

I quoted the post from Gliz.

I quoted the post from Klova.

I can quote the post from Kumil next If you wish?

Or I can post a YouTube link to Incredible John videos show you his Tomb Lord?

You call me a troll for telling you Tomb Lord is good?

Is all the above people I’m quoting Trolls as well?

You really are being a Debby Downer at this point.

I honestly don’t see how you can think Tomb Lord is bad.

Nor do I see how you can call me a troll. 

I think you are just being bitter.

You don’t want to accept the fact you are wrong.

It’s fine!

I think the people of this thread know the truth!

Jul 9, 2019, 23:2307/09/19

Player J said:

I quoted the post from Gliz.

I quoted the post from Klova.

I can quote the post from Kumil next If you wish?

Or I can post a YouTube link to Incredible John videos show you his Tomb Lord?

You call me a troll for telling you Tomb Lord is good?

Is all the above people I’m quoting Trolls as well?

You really are being a Debby Downer at this point.

I honestly don’t see how you can think Tomb Lord is bad.

Nor do I see how you can call me a troll. 

I think you are just being bitter.

You don’t want to accept the fact you are wrong.

It’s fine!

I think the people of this thread know the truth!

Roflmao, Incredible John used him in silver league and has NO idea what he is doing.  The dude isn't even gold. I watched two minutes of his video and lol'd.  And John NEVER ranted and raved about Tomb Lord.  In fact, at one point of the video, he put Tomb Lord up against a group with Spirithost.  His debuff lasted for one champion's turn, his Spirithost lockdown failed, and the debuffs were removed.  The AI on the other team didn't even bother attacking Tomb Lord, as he was no threat.  John lost, so how "incredible" is that?  Might want to watch the videos if you are going to cite them. ;)

The problem is you aren't looking into the background of the information.  You are just cherry-picking what you *want* to hear.  The people who are claiming he is great are the ones lacking experience. 

No matter what you say, the fact of the matter is he is VERY easily countered by any champion that is anti-debuff, which is a TON.  No matter how much HP he has, no matter how much defense, no matter WHAT gear he has on him, if Spirithost, Bad-@ss-Kazar, or any other anti-debuff champion is in the arena (which is a LONG list of champions), Tomb Lord gets owned, UNLESS you are able to lockdown the anti-debuff champion.  However, Tomb Lord doesn't belong in a group with lockdown.  He belongs with glass cannons with speed that can fully take advantage of his debuffs.

Regardless, nothing either of us say here is going to change the fact that Plarium is modifying him.  And those other players citing silver league amateurs using him and such clearly don't know what they're talking about.  If you are as educated as you claim you are, there is NO way you are not trolling.

Just wanted to disabuse you of the whole "Incredible Amateur John" defense there.  You find someone in gold top tier that says Tomb Lord is suitable for gold because of literally one skill he has that can be useful.  Go ahead and try to find that. ;)

Jul 10, 2019, 17:5807/10/19

Case in point above.  Like I said Player J, easy win. ;)

Not a single thing I have said has been biased.  It is based on my personal experience in arena, like this win above.  Tomb Lord is a VERY easy target.

Jul 10, 2019, 22:1007/10/19
Jul 10, 2019, 22:28(edited)

God said:

Case in point above.  Like I said Player J, easy win. ;)

Not a single thing I have said has been biased.  It is based on my personal experience in arena, like this win above.  Tomb Lord is a VERY easy target.

The example you showed proves nothing!

You haven’t listen to anything I have said.

Hoax has 2 Kaels in his team which is utter trash!

The attacker in this case is (You) mostly likely using a (Speed Aura).

The defender in this case is (Hoax) is using a (Defense Aura).

The attacker will be faster because he has team buff to be faster!

The attacker team will be first to hit. 

The defending team has to withstand the hit!

Tomb Lord & Zelotah have good Defense + very good HP.

They should be able to withstand the brunt of your initial attacking waves.

Kael is an Attack type hero.

Kael has decent  Defense + poor HP.

Kael isn’t meant to take hits.

Kael will die.

You didn’t show the fight so I can only assume what happen.

My guess is your team went first and killed both Kaels.

Zelotah + Tomb were left alive, but it didn’t matter at that point.

You already won the fight!

The reason why is because Zelotah + Tomb are not the Damage dealers.

They are support hero’s designed to keep the damage dealers alive.

The Damage Dealers in this situation (Kael) are not designed to take hits.

You talk a big game for someone going after Weak arena teams.

Fight someone using Tomb + Zelotah + Seeker + Rhazin ScarHide

Kael is a chump hero on defense with 900 base defense + 13k hp or something pitiful.

Try getting frisky with Rhazin sitting around 1300 defense + 18k hp.

Or even a Soulless or WarChief stacked around 1400 defense + 19k hp

This is not including Tomb Lords 42% Def Aura which should add something like 600+ Def making them start off with 2k Def before any gear is added.

Jul 10, 2019, 22:3207/10/19
Jul 10, 2019, 23:03(edited)

Cirilla said:

Hello! We have a whole list of the champions that we are going to re-balance in the upcoming patches - 1.9 and 1.10. Our game designers need to take some time to carefully review all of their skills and characteristics, run tests and, based on the results, decide what the best ways are to up the champs that have been under-performing so that they could start carrying out their initial destiny.

Any chance that we can see the list of names that have been chosen? Would be hype. 

Also please give Turvold an Aura for CB >.> The only champ that i could team him with in CB that has an Aura for All battles would be Tayrel i believe, and i haven't got him lul.

Just look at that cute face begging for a buff :( And his arm itself should be a reason for an Aura >.>

Also, this is his lore:

"Turvold’s birth is shrouded in mystery. Some suspect he was born of a union between a hermit witch and a giant, a rumour that gave him the rather appropriate nickname “Giantson”. The rest of his youth is mired in tall tales, most spun by Turvold himself. He is said to have been discovered by a Norr hunting party in the forest depths as a child and adopted by one of them. His unnatural strength and resilience ensured that in due time he became the tribe’s most respected warrior.

He is said to have single-handedly slain a terrible Wyrm that terrorized the area for over a hundred years. It is in the Wyrm’s hoard that he found a mighty greatsword, infused with the chill of Winter by the great smiths of old.

Taken by the desire to prove himself further, Turvold traveled the land as a mercenary for many decades and made a name for himself serving nobles of both Kaerok and Aravia. Though over a century old now, the blood of giants that runs through his veins keeps Turvold as mighty as he was in his youth.

Wisened by his age, he has become as cunning in battle as he is strong, now capable of exploiting the weaknesses of his enemies and delivering terrifying blows that make the ground itself quake in awe. "

The last part about being able to exploit his enemies weaknesses is true, since he does 25% weaken on A1, but only a 50% chance fully tombed, which would be awesome if it was at least 60% instead (Might be broken, feels less than 50% tbh).

The part about his sword being infused with "the chill of Winter by the great smiths of old" really makes his weapons sound extremely special, but there's nothing in game that reflects this tbh. The weapon's effect looks like lightning, the pictures all show lightning in the skills, and none of the skills have anything to do with "winter" imo. His A3 does extra dmg based on how many buffs he has active, but i'd imagine that part is related to his mysterious birth by a witch.

Anyway I love Turvold, but he feels like a basic legendary at times (no AoE, no Aura, no team Buffs, only 3 skills, no passive), he is after all a Void Legendary, which means he is extremely hard to get, so i think that should make him a little bit stronger imo. An Aura in all battle would be awesome imo, or something that makes him more viable for CB.

Jul 10, 2019, 22:5307/10/19

Player J said:

You haven’t listen to anything I have said.

Yes, I have.  It's just that your argument is invalid, and no matter how much you rant, no matter how many novels you type, you are never going to convince me nor the Plarium staff Tomb Lord isn't broken. 

Funny thing is, Plarium has insight you don't, and they know he is broken.  But, you seem so egotistical that I am sure you think you know better than them as well, lol.

Others have already tried to explain how as well, but it goes in one ear and out the other with you. 

- We explain why his skills contradict one another, you toss a red herring (see "logical fallacies" as you are full of them) out there and rant "A3"!

- We explain how a debuff that is crit-based contradicts his other skills, you say you don't care because A3!

- I tell you his hits are a joke, you say you don't care because A3!

- We argue that his poisons are nearly impossible to actually apply because of his poor damage (not to mention poison in arena is fairly worthless),  you say you don't care because A3!

- I tell you all it takes is a Spirithost or other anti-debuff champion to make him worthless, you say "I'll gear him with defense and HP!" Like wtf???

It's like we are all here on Earth using logic, which clearly demonstrates he is broken.  Meanwhile, you are on Pluto tossing out one red herring after another and ranting about A3, which in at least 1/4 of encounters, becomes literally completely worthless.

You are obsessed with his debuff and think everything ends because A3!  They can't stop A3.  Everything A3...

There is clearly no reasoning with you.  You are obsessed with a champion you have NEVER even played with and are clearly extremely naive in thinking you understand how he functions when it is clear as day you have no idea at all whatsoever.

But since there's no point, not wasting anymore time on this thread.  You have made it wander off onto a complete tangent with your pseudo-arguments.

I'll just leave it at "cool story bro". ;)

Jul 12, 2019, 02:0707/12/19
Jul 12, 2019, 02:10(edited)

God said:

Yes, I have.  It's just that your argument is invalid, and no matter how much you rant, no matter how many novels you type, you are never going to convince me nor the Plarium staff Tomb Lord isn't broken. 

Funny thing is, Plarium has insight you don't, and they know he is broken.  But, you seem so egotistical that I am sure you think you know better than them as well, lol.

Others have already tried to explain how as well, but it goes in one ear and out the other with you. 

- We explain why his skills contradict one another, you toss a red herring (see "logical fallacies" as you are full of them) out there and rant "A3"!

- We explain how a debuff that is crit-based contradicts his other skills, you say you don't care because A3!

- I tell you his hits are a joke, you say you don't care because A3!

- We argue that his poisons are nearly impossible to actually apply because of his poor damage (not to mention poison in arena is fairly worthless),  you say you don't care because A3!

- I tell you all it takes is a Spirithost or other anti-debuff champion to make him worthless, you say "I'll gear him with defense and HP!" Like wtf???

It's like we are all here on Earth using logic, which clearly demonstrates he is broken.  Meanwhile, you are on Pluto tossing out one red herring after another and ranting about A3, which in at least 1/4 of encounters, becomes literally completely worthless.

You are obsessed with his debuff and think everything ends because A3!  They can't stop A3.  Everything A3...

There is clearly no reasoning with you.  You are obsessed with a champion you have NEVER even played with and are clearly extremely naive in thinking you understand how he functions when it is clear as day you have no idea at all whatsoever.

But since there's no point, not wasting anymore time on this thread.  You have made it wander off onto a complete tangent with your pseudo-arguments.

I'll just leave it at "cool story bro". ;)

Yes, I see the inexperience radiating from your Post.

You might have been top 10 in the World in your other game, but this is RAID Shadow Legends.

This is an entirely different game and you don’t know what your talking about.

What you simply don’t understand is Hero’s can be designed around 1 skill or multiple skills.

Out of all the people on this forum, you should know this better than anyone!

You own “Nethril”.

Do you know Nethril is a very popular Clan Boss hero? 

Nethril has a Clan Boss reviewing rating of 4.8.

Don’t you think it is odd Nethril has a 4.8 rating?

If you actually look at Nethril Skills, you will see a total contradiction!

Nethril A3 reduces turn Meter? You can’t reduce Clan Boss Turn Meter so this skill is useless.

Nethril A2 places a stun? You can’t stun the Clan Boss so this skill is useless.

Nethril A1 does poison? The only viable skill which can effect Clan Boss.

So this hero (Nethril) who is nothing more than a total contradiction has a 4.8 Clan Boss rating when 2/3 of his skills do nothing in Clan Boss?

How do you think that is possible?

It is possible because players using Nethril never use Nethril A2 or A3 in Clan Boss.

Players using Nethril spam Nethril A1 skill the entire time in CB.

1 skill only and it is enough to make Nethril amazing in CB.

So why don’t you think about that before telling me Tomb Lords Skills contradict.

You can design a hero to do 1 skill.

As long as the hero is successful with the 1 skill, The hero has done its job.

The 1 skill you was using was Tomb Lord A3 in an Arena Burst Offense Team.

You weren’t using Tomb Lord for Damage in that set up.

You were using Tomb Lord for Def Down and you needed your Tomb Lord very fast + with accuracy.

If you want to have Tomb Lord do more Damage, you should focus on Tomb Lord A1 & A2.

You should put Attack & Crit Damage Gear on your Tomb Lord.

This will increase his Damage.

Jul 12, 2019, 04:1307/12/19
Jul 12, 2019, 04:23(edited)

Player J said:

You can design a hero to do 1 skill.

As long as the hero is successful with the 1 skill, The hero has done its job.

The 1 skill you was using was Tomb Lord A3 in an Arena Burst Offense Team.

You weren’t using Tomb Lord for Damage in that set up.

You were using Tomb Lord for Def Down and you needed your Tomb Lord very fast + with accuracy.

If you want to have Tomb Lord do more Damage, you should focus on Tomb Lord A1 & A2.

You should put Attack & Crit Damage Gear on your Tomb Lord.

This will increase his Damage.

That is the problem is that he DOESN'T tend to do his 1 skill well most the time.  There are too many champions that can counter it in a number of ways, despite you seeming to think there isn't.

And to make Tomb Lord fast enough, you'd need someone with a speed aura.  The only champions I know off the top of my head that have speed auras are support champions.  He does not belong with support champions.  If he himself had a speed aura, that would be another nice start to fixing him.

One of the easiest fixes would be to make his A3 something that cannot be resisted.  Then the aforementioned speed aura.  Then increasing his damage output.  Then changing the crit requirement for his A1 to some other criteria.  Then changing his A2 to place poisons on the main target if it doesn't kill it (and keeping its current ability to spead it if it does kill the target).  Right there, problem solved and he is viable.

And you are right, this isn't WoW or a warlock.  This game is much, MUCH simpler.  And funny I know how to work with every other champion I have, including 3 other legendaries and multiple epics, but yet me and numerous other people can't make Tomb Lord work well.  Hmm.....

And doesn't matter how much attack or crit you put on him, his damage is still horrid.  Numerous people have complained about that on both here and Reddit.  And again, Plarium is well aware of it, so you refusing to accept it is irrelevant at this point.

But cool story bro nonetheless.  Keep acting like you know what you're talking about when you haven't even ever played with him yourself, LMAO.

Jul 12, 2019, 19:5507/12/19

Yet again, another win against Tomb Lord ;)

And as you suggested in the other thread, this champion DID have Tomb Lords defense aura, which was a horrible idea.  Defense boost doesn't do much when most people do not gear defense.  I geared attack, which puts me at a disadvantage against speed auras, but best I currently have.

And as you can see here:

I didn't even worry about Tomb Lord until the end.  He only got his debuffs on ONE of my four champions, LOL.  And I don't even gear resistance AT ALL! 

While his max A3 skill is 100% chance, even without resistance, sometimes debuffs just get resisted like this.  And as you can see, he was faster and got first turn, yet I STILL took him out, even with a Reinbeast!  It's because he wasted a slot with Tomb Lord.

And honestly, how many people have enough legendary skill books to max out a legendary champion like that (for his 100% chance of A3)?  I mean be real Player J, it just doesn't tend to happen!  And even if it did, other legendaries have MUCH better skills to max out.  Both my Bystophus and my Inithwe own Tomb Lord's abilities.  Inithwe's A2 easily one-shots AND prevents resurrection. Bystophus locks down skills AND gets a bonus auto-crit AND decrease defense by 60%!  MUCH better than Tomb Lord.  No contest.  Even my epic Deathless destroys him.  She hits like a Mack truck, and god forbid you take out my other champions and leave her standing.  When someone is foolish enough to do that, she will literally one-shot an ENTIRE group with the damage her A3 does.

I am sure you will have some excuse here, but again, I have the proof and the experience, you do not Player J.  Of all champions to be excited about, Tomb Lord is not one of them.  Now Cruetraxa, THAT is someone to get excited about.  She is ridiculously OP, to the point where I won't be surprised if they nerf her later on.  I would even trade my Inithwe for her in a heartbeat, and Inithwe is amazing.

Jul 15, 2019, 00:1607/15/19
Jul 15, 2019, 00:20(edited)

God said:

Yet again, another win against Tomb Lord ;)

And as you suggested in the other thread, this champion DID have Tomb Lords defense aura, which was a horrible idea.  Defense boost doesn't do much when most people do not gear defense.  I geared attack, which puts me at a disadvantage against speed auras, but best I currently have.

And as you can see here:

I didn't even worry about Tomb Lord until the end.  He only got his debuffs on ONE of my four champions, LOL.  And I don't even gear resistance AT ALL! 

While his max A3 skill is 100% chance, even without resistance, sometimes debuffs just get resisted like this.  And as you can see, he was faster and got first turn, yet I STILL took him out, even with a Reinbeast!  It's because he wasted a slot with Tomb Lord.

And honestly, how many people have enough legendary skill books to max out a legendary champion like that (for his 100% chance of A3)?  I mean be real Player J, it just doesn't tend to happen!  And even if it did, other legendaries have MUCH better skills to max out.  Both my Bystophus and my Inithwe own Tomb Lord's abilities.  Inithwe's A2 easily one-shots AND prevents resurrection. Bystophus locks down skills AND gets a bonus auto-crit AND decrease defense by 60%!  MUCH better than Tomb Lord.  No contest.  Even my epic Deathless destroys him.  She hits like a Mack truck, and god forbid you take out my other champions and leave her standing.  When someone is foolish enough to do that, she will literally one-shot an ENTIRE group with the damage her A3 does.

I am sure you will have some excuse here, but again, I have the proof and the experience, you do not Player J.  Of all champions to be excited about, Tomb Lord is not one of them.  Now Cruetraxa, THAT is someone to get excited about.  She is ridiculously OP, to the point where I won't be surprised if they nerf her later on.  I would even trade my Inithwe for her in a heartbeat, and Inithwe is amazing.

Your own pictures are my proof!

The team you battle against were using heroes all lvl 50.

The team you used to defeat them was team full of 60 + lvl 52 hero.

Wait, until the team, you faced is full lvl 60 like you.

You can’t even beat his Tomb Lord at lvl 50 with max leveled toon’s. LOL

Look at you struggling to win in the fight.

1 of your heroes are dead.

Your Bystophus is also on verge of dying.

Jul 15, 2019, 01:2407/15/19

Player J said:

Your own pictures are my proof!

The team you battle against were using heroes all lvl 50.

The team you used to defeat them was team full of 60 + lvl 52 hero.

Wait, until the team, you faced is full lvl 60 like you.

You can’t even beat his Tomb Lord at lvl 50 with max leveled toon’s. LOL

Look at you struggling to win in the fight.

1 of your heroes are dead.

Your Bystophus is also on verge of dying.

The fact that you think hero lvl is that big of a factor speaks in and of itself.

And yea, really "struggling" there with him having a flake of life with 3 of mine up, even though they had first strike.  No wm or gs on mine yet.  No 6 star gear, mostly 4-5 star.  But yea, whatever excuse you can come up with, lol.

Again, cool story bro.
Jul 15, 2019, 21:4507/15/19

Player J, you are about as bright as a 2 watt light bulb, lol. 

God is right, you are not.  I have to agree though that you seem like a troll.  I don't see how anyone can be that stupid.  You use circular reasoning like you are mentally challenged.
Jul 15, 2019, 21:4807/15/19
Jul 15, 2019, 21:49(edited)
To add... Tomb Lord is the only legendary champion I have currently.  He sucks.  Even with a ton of acc, he still misses his debuffs a lot of the time.  And the def down debuff doesn't seem to make much difference.  I'm assuming because God was right that people gear HP, not def.  Not 100% sure, because I'm still fairly new.  However, even as a newbie, I know Tomb Lord is trash in his current state.  His skills make no damn sense, and I don't get why his debuffs can be resisted.  I would trade Tomb Lord for a decent rare in his current state. :P
Jul 15, 2019, 22:1207/15/19
Jul 15, 2019, 22:21(edited)

ThrobbingCerk said:

To add... Tomb Lord is the only legendary champion I have currently.  He sucks.  Even with a ton of acc, he still misses his debuffs a lot of the time.  And the def down debuff doesn't seem to make much difference.  I'm assuming because God was right that people gear HP, not def.  Not 100% sure, because I'm still fairly new.  However, even as a newbie, I know Tomb Lord is trash in his current state.  His skills make no damn sense, and I don't get why his debuffs can be resisted.  I would trade Tomb Lord for a decent rare in his current state. :P

You are new.

  • You don’t know how the Accuracy mechanic’s work.
  • You don’t know how the Resist mechanic’s work.
  • You don’t know how best to Gear Tomb Lord.
  • You don’t know how best to use Tomb Lord.

How could you possibly know Tomb Lord is trash when you clearly by your own admission don’t know a lot of things.

Tomb Lord is a good hero.

If the game wants to buff Tomb Lord, It will simply make him even better.
Jul 15, 2019, 22:2107/15/19

God said:

The fact that you think hero lvl is that big of a factor speaks in and of itself.

And yea, really "struggling" there with him having a flake of life with 3 of mine up, even though they had first strike.  No wm or gs on mine yet.  No 6 star gear, mostly 4-5 star.  But yea, whatever excuse you can come up with, lol.

Again, cool story bro.

Jul 15, 2019, 23:3207/15/19

Player J said:

ThrobbingCerk said:

To add... Tomb Lord is the only legendary champion I have currently.  He sucks.  Even with a ton of acc, he still misses his debuffs a lot of the time.  And the def down debuff doesn't seem to make much difference.  I'm assuming because God was right that people gear HP, not def.  Not 100% sure, because I'm still fairly new.  However, even as a newbie, I know Tomb Lord is trash in his current state.  His skills make no damn sense, and I don't get why his debuffs can be resisted.  I would trade Tomb Lord for a decent rare in his current state. :P

You are new.

  • You don’t know how the Accuracy mechanic’s work.
  • You don’t know how the Resist mechanic’s work.
  • You don’t know how best to Gear Tomb Lord.
  • You don’t know how best to use Tomb Lord.

How could you possibly know Tomb Lord is trash when you clearly by your own admission don’t know a lot of things.

Tomb Lord is a good hero.

If the game wants to buff Tomb Lord, It will simply make him even better.

All I see is "blah blah blah, excuse excuse excuse. I think I know more than everyone else does and anyone who disagrees with me is wrong."

You're an elitist wanna-be that is too stupid to realize they're stupid, LMAO.  Even I as a new player know Tomb Lord is useless.  Spent hours doing my research on all of this on YouTube, reading through the forums, etc.

This isn't rocket science Player J.  I'd know, I'm a nuclear physics major in grad school.  You are too ignorant to realize you're ignorant J.  That is why you have always underachieved.  Stop trying to talk down to others and learn your place in life. ;)

Funny how even as God said, I have no problems gearing and using EVERY other champion of mine that is viable EXCEPT Tomb Lord.  Plarium knows he is broken, God knows he is broken, all other gold tier champions know he is broken (which you are CLEARLY not), and pretty much anyone who has played the game more than a month or so knows he is broken.  Everyone but you Player J.

But go ahead and keep running around chasing your own tail thinking you're getting somewhere, LMAO.
Jul 15, 2019, 23:3507/15/19
Jul 15, 2019, 23:37(edited)

Player J said:

  • You don’t know how best to Gear Tomb Lord.

I find it so ironic that you make this claim, meanwhile YOU are the only one who doesn't know how to gear him!  In one post, you ranted about putting a ton of accuracy on him (which makes his hits do virtually nothing as a result).  Then in another post, you talked about loading him up with defense and HP (which causes his debuffs to land even less than they already do).  You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about dude. 

You have your head so far up your own @rse you can't see past your own sh*t.  I mean seriously dude, re-read your own ramblings on here and you'll see you contradict yourself over and over.

Jul 16, 2019, 08:0607/16/19

I've been targetting teams with Tomb Lord thanks to this thread.

Was not disappointed.
Jul 16, 2019, 08:5007/16/19
Where can i see that list ?
Jul 16, 2019, 22:1707/16/19
Jul 16, 2019, 22:26(edited)

ThrobbingCerk said:

Player J said:

  • You don’t know how best to Gear Tomb Lord.

I find it so ironic that you make this claim, meanwhile YOU are the only one who doesn't know how to gear him!  In one post, you ranted about putting a ton of accuracy on him (which makes his hits do virtually nothing as a result).  Then in another post, you talked about loading him up with defense and HP (which causes his debuffs to land even less than they already do).  You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about dude. 

You have your head so far up your own @rse you can't see past your own sh*t.  I mean seriously dude, re-read your own ramblings on here and you'll see you contradict yourself over and over.

  • I never said to put tons of Accuracy GEAR on him.

I said to put tons of Accuracy on him.

Accuracy can be acquired through SubStats - Banner - Great Hall.

  • I gave 1 potential set up for Tomb Lord using Defense + HP gear.

Putting Defense + HP gear on Tomb Lord

- Will make Tomb Lord a Tank.

Adding Sub-stats which give:

  • Hp %
  • Atk %
  • Def %
  • Speed
  • Accuracy 

You can ideally only have 4 sub-stats.

Depending on what your primary stat is.

You can fill in the gaps with what you are missing.

- Will make Tomb Lord land debuffs + do decent amount of damage.

So, yeah

You don’t know what your talking about.